Access-Ability Summer Showcase Returning for 2025

The showcase will be airing on Friday 6th June 2025 at 4pm UK, 11am Eastern, 8am Pacific.

Here's all this year's info!



At Your Fingertips: Braille Then and Now – The Braille Doodle With Adds - Unmute…

This link has been taken down from the NASA site by someone who probably told themselves as a kid that they would have stood up to the Nazis in the 1930s:… Here's the story that Musk and Trump and their goons are so afraid to let you read…

If you speak any of the following languages and would be willing to record a translation of

"All Licensed Amateurs are welcome on this repeater"

I would love to replace the machine translated text to speech message with a recording of your lovely voice.

Vietnamese, Arabic, Bengali, Ukrainian, Chinese, Filipino, French, German, Hindi, Korean, Nepali, Portuguese, Spanish, Swahili, Urdu

DM me if you're willing, and I'll can give you an email address to send the recording to!


In which Apple tries to be helpful and just gets in my way

Sensitive content

Here's another one from the "I wonder why MAME emulates this" department. Weight Talker, a talking scale from 1985. We purchased one in 1986. It has five memory positions so you can track how much you have gained or lost for up to five people, a guest button for weighing someone or something without affecting any of the memories, can weigh in pounds or kilograms, memory can be disabled, and when it shuts off it can either say "Have a nice day" or "Goodbye," user selectable. It can also speak in either English or German, though this option isn't configurable on the one we had. In MAME, the weight to be measured is implemented using an analog dial which you use left and right arrows to adjust. Here, I play with it for less than a minute. I have it configured to think its batteries (7 AA cells on the older model or two nine-volt batteries on the newer model) are low.

I do not owe anyone my #disability positivity. I am not a walking advocacy campaign, but a human being living the rollercoaster that is #disabled life, that is life itself.

I will have good days and bad, most will be mixed, all will come with challenges. I cannot demand the standards of myself that the wider non-disabled world asks of me, but I can be more gracious in my assessment of my abilities.

I will complain without solutions, celebrate with enthusiasm tinged with frustration, choose the parts of myself I share sometimes with care and sometimes without.

You will deal with it, or not; it makes very little difference, other than when it makes all the difference.

Hi, my name is Kayla - I'm a geek, cybersecurity professional, gamer, in love with sci-fi, fantasy, cosplay and community social events. I'm also a queer woman, so of course my account is LGBTQ+ safe and I do not tolerate anti-LGBT rhetoric.

What to expect here - nothing fancy, I just want to be in touch with larger cybersecurity and geek community (because they're usually the same) here on Fediverse. Mainly posts full of cat pictures, memes and rants about Linux and tech stuff in general.

This is my english-only account, if you speak czech, you can head also to @kayla_eilhart 🙂

#introduction 🐱

Sábado 8F, plataforma Galiza sen gas realiza acción protesta na Térmica d Sabón, Arteixo, para oposición á utilización d gas
Gas fósil, ou gas natural, é 2a fonte enerxía + usada n Galiza, só atrás do petróleo. Supón 20% da enerxía primaria empregada, superando achega d vento e auga
Gas non é alternativa a outras fontes enerxía fósil pq contribúe á crise climática, xera dependencia externa, aumenta pobreza enerxética, agranda a débeda ecolóxica co Sur e fortalece o poder do oligopolio enerxético

"Tightening every bolt" my talk about #curl security at FOSDEM 2025, on video:…

Also on YouTube:

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

I've started posting on LinkedIn all the unconstitutional shit Trump and Musk are doing to undermine the security and integrity of our government. Mainly because that crowd needs to hear it most. It's incredible how many people in the infosec space are still defending the actions of DOGE and its dear leader(s). And they're not all crypto bros and AI peddlers; we're talking about people in some pretty important roles, tech-wise.

But at least when they reply with the inevitable "stay in your lane" or "I used to like you when you stayed out of politics," they are on record as complicit and totally okay with what is going on.

The thing that was bad about "client side scanning" wasn't the client side content classification, it was the co-opting of the device to send "maybe crime" reports to third parties.

There are plenty of interesting and maybe valuable applications of actual client side scanning of content though I don't trust any of them to be done by companies who align themselves with authoritarians and bigots...

"if you oppose "DEI," you should have to use the full phrase instead of the letters. Be brave and say, "I oppose diversity, equity, and inclusion."

Bonus points if you admit which part of that you don't like. Making it an acronym transforms it into a thought-terminating cliche.

From now on, be proud of your (shit)
opinions, but be specific.
Let everyone know if it's diversity
you don't like, or if it's equity, or
if it's being inclusive."

hinterlandempire (IG)

Warning to canadian #Amateur#Radio Operators: If you're a #ham in #Canada, Mark Bramwell,, operator of the website, has placed the entire Industry Canada database of ham callsigns on his website, in a way publicly indexable by Google. While this data can be downloaded and searched at Industry Canada's website, at, and via RAC (Radio Amateurs of Canada), none of those websites make your full name and address available to #Google's search index. They all require a login or prevent indexing. However, while Foxhollow claims it needs verification, the website owner has done nothing to prevent Google from crawling his website. For example, searching for "VA3SEP" in quotes reveals my full address as results 2 and 3, as Google is allowed to crawl this page without verification. Unfortunately, Bramwell has decided not to offer any public means of contacting him on his website.

"A group of robocallers impersonating FCC employees made the amateur mistake of trying to scam actual commission employees last year. They likely had no idea they had inadvertently dialed the very regulators responsible for cracking down on them": FINALLY! FCC Gets Tough on Robocall Fraud…

reshared this

#AndroidAppRain at today with 12 updated (6 RB) and 1 added apps:

* traced it: Quick notes with time & amounts 🛡️

at 1 module was updated and 1 new module was added:

* OpenEUICC: provide eSIM support on Android devices that do not support eSIM

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repository :awesome:


Grazie alla collaborazione tra Devol, Open For Future Italia, Ufficio Zero e Feddit ha preso vita un mercatino decentralizzato, open source e federato. Il progetto nasce con l’idea di ridare valore agli oggetti inutilizzati, contrastando la cultura dello spreco. Fateci un salto! 🛍️ ♻️


#ZeroSprechi #Mercatino #Scambio #Rigenerati #Ambiente #Sostenibilita #Flohmarkt

Investors worry about EU satellite operators Eutelsat and SES amid soaring debt and rise of Starlink, which now has 6,000+ satellites and serves ~130 countries (Euan Healy/Financial Times)……

I created a .desktop file for an #app that comes as an executable binary (without an icon) and added a custom icon to it.
In the #gnome app grid, both the app and my #icon show up as desired, but not in the #dock, where the generic executable binary icon still shows up.
Do I need to clear some kind of cache to make this work?
PD: Rebooting did not help and some commands (e.g. ’update-icon-caches /usr/share/icons/*’) shared around the internet didn't either. 🤔

Are you interested in joining the XMPP Standards Foundation as a member?

Well, now is the right time to do it!

Please apply until February 16th, 2025, 00:00 UTC!

#XSF #XMPP #IETF #Standard #Protocol #Decentralizion #Federation…

This entry was edited (1 month ago)