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Is there an actually maintained RSS aggregator tool like Planet?
in reply to Ross Burton

everyone is writing their own, these days; GNOME is switching to an organic, locally sourced, artisanal implementation:…

#curl 8.9.1 is here

28 bugfixes, including a low severity CVE - seven days since the previous release.…

See you at 08:00 UTC for the live-stream


I finally started to fill data in to #OpenStreetMap.
At first I just looked at how several features are already tagged, then slowly started to correct wrong data and then add missing details.
I use #StreetComplete app to add details on walk travels,
#OsmAnd app to add POIs and of course the iD web editor for larger edits.
I am especially impressed by the iD editor. It's so helpfull with clever use of autocomplete and linking to #OSM wiki...
The best reward is 3D view becoming more realistic...
in reply to Štěpán Škorpil :skorpil_cz:

Did you know that you can use the StreetComplete things or stores overlay to add POIs? This saves you having to switch. For even more options, there's also SCEE!
A more advanced version of StreetComplete where you can edit the raw tags of an object for example and plenty of more quests.

Hello everyone in the iAccessibility Community here on Mastodon. We’ve been working on a better implementation of the forums for the community. bbPress does not provide a very accessible experience, so we have decided to build a Discourse instance, and link it to Wordpress. The iA Forums Beta is now up and running at, and you can login and try it out with your login. Try it out, and let us know your thoughts. (1/2)

TIL A boy dying of an incurable illness wanted to meet Luke Skywalker (in character). His mental state devolved to the point where he did not realise Luke was fictional. Mark Hamill agreed to dress up in character and meet the boy. He spent hours answering questions.…
#til #todayilearned…

ty vole hodinkám zajebalo, bezdôvodne sa reštartovali a teraz skončili v nejakom "fastboot móde"
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

naposledy co jsem svoje chytré hodinky restartoval, už jsem je nespároval... Aplikace je přestala podporovat 😁
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Jo, moje se taky nabili... Už jen jsem je nikdy s telefonem zpátky nesychronizoval 😂
in reply to SuspiciousDuck jinak to teda vypadá jako supr screenshot z nějakého supr scifi filmu 😅
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

@theron29 pokiaľ to budem nabíjať sa tam niečo bude sťahovať.. mal som vás rád potom jů
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Na hodinkách som urobil továrko tak som zvedavý čo budú robiť, nechce sa mi ich meniť už som si na ne zvykol a zatiaľ ako tak sú ok.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Opäť sa začali reštartovať pri nabíjaní, teraz iba klasický reštart. Neviem čo im je..
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Asi skončia, a nemám v pláne si teraz kupovať nové, tie som chcel až s S25U. naah
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Ty vole ale... main/power button v zapnutom stave nejde, ide keď ich zapnúť. Displej robí také divné veci že je občas celý biely a svieti, potom sa po ňom objavujú také biele svetlé pruhy, po chvíli to prejde. Pri nabíjaní sa občas reštartujú (naposledy sa to nestalo). Displej akoby sa posunul o 0.5mm dole a hore je taká čmuha.

Možno je to tým že sa snimi sprchujem a že som snimi xy krát o niečo treskol.

Hezky napsané:…

Gnihihi. Microshit doing Microshit Things. Schaun mer mal, ob ich mich heute überhaupt auffe Maloche einloggen kann, sonst Freibad 🤷
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Vision Ireland Welcomes the New Free Travel Scheme Extension Announced by Minister Heather Humphreys T.D…

Za 9 dní mi začíná dovolená!
Těšíte se? Já úplně nejvíc!

Letní návštěva dětí je spojena s vařením guláše. V podstatě už se jedná o obřad.



The article unfortunately leaves out most of the points we made in the thread.

GrapheneOS supports hardware-based attestation and it's entirely possible for Google to allow it as part of the Play Integrity API. They choose to ban using GrapheneOS.

in reply to GrapheneOS

Google can either permit GrapheneOS in the Play Integrity API in the near future via the approach documented at… or we'll be taking legal action against them and their partners. We've started the process of talking to regulators and they're interested.
in reply to GrapheneOS

We're not going to give Google veto power over what we're allowed to do in GrapheneOS. We comply with CTS and CDD except when it limits our ability to provide our users with privacy and security. Google wants to be in charge of which privacy/security features can be added. Nope.

NVDA 2024.3 Beta 5 is now available for download and testing! Read the full details and download from…
Changes from Beta 4:
- Fixed bug editing links in text editors in Mozilla Firefox
- Fixed crash in Chrome when exiting NVDA or closing Chrome windows
- Fixed bug in resetting config to factory defaults
- Updates to translations
#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Accessibility

David Goldfield reshared this.

CW ableism (Pink News whistleblowing)

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There’s a cornucopia of insight and analysis about #AI in my timeline. Alongside the profoundly important critiques, members of the #BlindCommunity will also be aware of its game-changing role in image description. I want to find funding for a podcast exploring this. I think the wealthiest candidates with the most to gain, good PR for AI that is, would be OpenAI and Anthropic. Can anyone suggest an in to someone I might tap to find sponsorship for this idea?

in reply to Trending Stocks 📈

Is there any chance we can encourage you to trend #NVIDIA when that's the company you mean, please? I know what their NASDAQ handle is, but #NVDA is much more widely known as the name of the screen reader we make and the #NVDA hashtag is very widely used for the screen reader. It will save both our communities polluting each other's feeds. If you'd like to find out more about the screen reader, our website is - Thank you!

I find it interesting that on every instance I've visited under one's Mastodon profile when adding profile or header picture #ScreenReader says "Profile picture: No file chosen

Header picture: No file chosen" even after one has been added. I wish this could be made to verbalize with more accuracy. And yes I did try employing #PictureSmart to confirm whether or not my image was actually there.

in reply to Robin Frost Has Moved

Just looking at our own profile, there is a "Browse" button with "No file selected" next to it - although like you, we do already have a profile picture. I think if I activate that "browse" button and choose a picture, it will THEN tell me the image I've selected - although having it display when you already have a profile picture is a little confusing - that is the case for sighted users as well, although a sighted user can more easily SEE that there is an image there.

`toolbox list` just killed all my open sessions. I love software.

And now I have a mile long error (warning) message about he it can't read keys in some file.

Does anyone know how I can still use the emoticons pannel in windows with #Nvda and global extentions plugin. When I have it maximizing that windows it doesn't read.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to ElementalEcho

Did you manage to get an answer to this? It sounds like the add-on is breaking the emoticons panel? In that case, the best option is reach out to the author of the plugin directly. I'm not familiar with it, but hopefully it includes information about the author. Do let us know how you go.

A man walked into a bar with a full-grown ostrich right behind him.

The server asked for their orders. The man said, “I’ll have a hamburger, fries, and a beer.” Then he turned to the ostrich, “What about you?” “I’ll have the same,” said the ostrich.

A short time later, the server returned with their order. “That’ll be $50.75,” she said. The man reached into his pocket and pulled out the exact change.

The next day, the man and the ostrich returned. The man said, “I’ll have a hamburger, fries, and a beer.” The ostrich said, “I’ll have the same.”

Again, the man reached into his pocket and paid with the exact change.

On the third day, they walked in again.

“The usual?” asked the server. “No, it’s Friday, so I’ll have a steak, baked potato, and a shot of tequila,” said the man.

“Same,” said the ostrich.

Soon, the server brought the order and said, “That’ll be $112.50.”

Once again, the man pulled the exact change out of his pocket and placed it on the table.

The server couldn’t contain her curiosity any longer. “Excuse me, sir. How do you always come up with the exact change?”

“Well,” said the man, “Several years ago, I was cleaning the attic and found an old lamp. When I rubbed it, a Genie popped out and offered me two wishes.

My first wish was that whenever I had to pay for anything, I’d just put my hand in my pocket and the right amount of money would always be there.”

“Wow,” said the server. “Most people would wish for a million dollars or something, but you’ll always have as much money as you need!”

“That’s right. Whether it’s a gallon of milk or a Rolls Royce, the exact amount of money is always there,” said the man.

The server asked, “But, sir, what’s with the ostrich?” The man sighed, paused, and replied, “My second wish was for a tall chick with long legs who agrees with everything I say.”

As you may have heard, the Kids Online Safety Act, or KOSA as it's more commonly known, just passed the US Senate by a vote of 91-3; only one Democrat, Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) voted against it. The bill was co-written and sponsored by Marsha Blackburn (Nazi Party-TN), one of the most virulently anti-queer fascists in American government, and endorsed by The Heritage Foundation (the very same nazis who brought you Project 2025.) As an American trans woman facing down a real-as-fuck, increasingly mainstream fascist pogrom against trans people, I'm furious at this betrayal by Senate Dems, and more than a little afraid for my future online, or otherwise.

Despite its protested benevolent intentions, this is a foundationally fascist bill that would give the FTC (controlled by whoever happens to be President) and State Attorney Generals (including hardcore nazis like Ken Paxton in Texas) the ability to force online platforms to censor any content they *think* might cause minors "anxiety" or "distress." What exactly is content fascists think might cause "distress" or "anxiety" in young people? Well, given the vague wording of the bill, it's hard to say, but the "conservatives" who support it have repeatedly made clear that they consider information about sex education, sexual abuse/assault, anti-racist literature, history they don't like, information about contraception, and information about queer, particularly trans people, simply existing, to be "distressing" and "damaging" to children, so it's not that hard to guess. Blackburn herself has given interviews where she admits the fascist right intend to use the bill to "protect" young people from "the transgender" and "gender ideology." The Heritage Foundation and various other fascist think tanks who support the bill have also indicated the same. While the far right insists the purpose of the bill is to protect children from harm and pornography, that reasoning falls a little flat when you realize they've openly stated that just knowing trans and queer people exist is "harmful to children" and "pornographic" or "sexualizing" in nature.

Furthermore, the prosecution of an anti-queer agenda, and an ongoing anti-trans pogrom aren't the only horrifying problems with this bill. While the Act is ostensibly designed to protect young people, and its sponsors swear up and down it won't lead to age-gating and violations of privacy for everyday adult users of online platforms, it does require those platforms to know which users are, and aren't, minors; which is going to be pretty much impossible without demanding identification or some form of identifying age-verification process. One can easily imagine numerous ways this poorly-thought out censorship regime can go completely sideways. For example, if "red-state" fascists want to unmask you on large online platforms, all they're going to have to do is flag you as a potential minor, which in turn will force you to essentially identify yourself to prove otherwise or lose access.

Liberal proponents of the bill, and disingenuous fascists trying to hide their already-admitted intentions, have of course insisted that KOSA contains safeguards that will prevent it from acting as a fascist censorship law on large internet platforms. This argument is however clearly divorced from reality when you examine the intentions and standard operations of those platforms. No Big Tech company will wait around to get sued by nazi American parent groups and fascist State Attorney generals, and they sure as fuck aren't going to spend the resources necessary to resolve this on a case by case basis when they can just pre-emptively ban anything myopic wingers might find objectionable and call it a day; especially since that will cost less and reactionary Tech Bros who own big online platforms don't really want to host queer content, resources for sexual abuse victims, or anti-racist content in the first place. Half the folks running these companies already donate to Trump and wholly support the Christian Nationalist agenda Project 2025 is designed to further.

Of course passing the Senate doesn't make KOSA a law yet, but given that fascist Republicans prosecuting a Christian Nationalist agenda hold a slim majority in Congress, and President Biden has already endorsed the bill, I'm not feeling very optimistic it won't be soon. And while I'm certainly outraged at nazis who intend to use this bill to prosecute a fundie fascist agenda designed to pogrom trans people and chase their political opponents out of public life, I must admit I reserve a special ire for Senate Dems empowering that agenda in exchange for warm feelings of "bipartisan co-operation" and the purely hypothetical support of white suburban nazis who call themselves parents. It's pretty hard for me to believe you folks oppose Project 2025, when you're already helping the fascists pass laws that support it and Trump hasn't even been elected President, yet.

#KOSA #Facism #USPol #TransRights

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

What fun stuff should I run on my new server?

I'm interested in learning about new useful terminal-based programs for #debian #linux! New ideas of stuff I'm interested in running include stuff like uptime monitoring for various things and anything else fun or useful I could run in a #homelab.

Heck, even some information about fun projects and what you currently host would be interesting to learn from.

I have plenty of storage and such around. The new server is an older Dell Poweredge T330, which should more than sadisfy me for a while.

If these programs could be entirely managed from a terminal rather than web UIs and such, that'd be awesome! I find they are much easier for me to use, anyway.

Please boost for reach if you wish.


This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Patrick W

Hi, so do you have a Dell computer? I'm thinking of getting one within a few months. Is it a latitude? I'm interested in knowing how comfortable is the keyboard, audio quality, etc., since I'm blind too.

Now that Google is hiding breaking and recent news articles in Québec, how are you keeping up with recent news and fact checking?

(Please only answer if you in fact use search engines to keep up with recent news and do fact checking.)

The Unintended Consequences Linux’s Wayland Adoption Will Have on BSD…

We’re excited to announce Donna Posont as winner of the Dr. Jacob Bolotin Award presented at #NFB24. She said, “It’s not about the birds, it’s about sharing with blind people and helping them gain the confidence they need to travel the trails of life.”

Read more about the Dr. Jacob Bolotin Awards on our website:

in reply to Cleverson

@clv0 the problem you’ll have is that every time you change an option, it is likely to speak the whole screen again. So it won’t be nearly as fast as a sighted person can do it, but you may be able to do it if you’re really stuck.
in reply to Jonathan Mosen

@JonathanMosen Ah OK. So someone should probably take an AI and customize it for the context of a musical keyboard, something like this.

Important thread by @jasonhickel about the inequality of the distribution of labour, the disproportionate extraction of value from the global south that facilitates the Imperial Mode of Living in the North.

Hickel is one of the leading scholars behind the #degrowth movement and his work is often enlightening.

This thread is no different.…

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

browser plugin to embed $EDITOR in a page instead of the standard text entry field.
in reply to Seirdy

oh, but my browser is one big security concern, the entire config system and UI is so heavily modular and extensible that there's a million very easy ways to write some config code that does key logging

it's for power users and people who won't just randomly paste shit in their config file, so it's a trade off for that extra extensibility

im not entirely familiar with why Tridactyl is bad for security tho

in reply to Kiru

@KiruPoruno Injecting scripts into every page with an unsafe CSP weakens the CSP of every site it runs on.

uspol, KOSA

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To celebrate the 34th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, discover four creative museum experiences that enhance accessibility for all visitors

it's been a minute since I used pulumi but this is definitely making me want to check it out again…
in reply to Glyph

As of a few weeks ago, a bunch of their higher-level AWS stuff was still JS-only.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt I have done a whole deployment (to azure, natch) with it before and it was pretty good. The ability to build my *own* abstractions that could share infra with the codebase being deployed was a lot more valuable than ready-built high level stuff, to me at least

We've signed an open letter to the European Commission in support for @EC_NGI

Their funding has enabled us and many other FLOSS projects to develop and maintain great software, from which everybody benefits.

However, their own funding is probably cut next year, which would have a big negative impact to FLOSS projects.

Read more at:…

reshared this

Apple says its AI models were trained on Google's custom chips…

A thing that's fun about Montreal is literally whenever you walk into a business establishment the counter/customer service person says the exact words "Bonjour! Hi!" and watches your face carefully to see which word you react to. It's like a discovery protocol
in reply to mcc

also start the conversation in one language and finish it in the other.

Inspired by someone's TweeseCake sessions getting fried a few weeks ago, I just threw together this little tool to help back up and restore TweeseCake session data. It runs inside a terminal and has no progress bars because I can't code, but hey, it works. Also, TweeseCake in portable mode isn't supported for now, only installed TweeseCake.…