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Svalovicu mám ako kkt, ináč som si zaplatil "iontový nápoj počas tréningu" a síce včera to bolo prvý krát ever ale mám pocit že to je poznať.

"I can't remember all those pronouns"

Says the generation who spent the majority of their lives memorizing a unique 7 digit number for every friend, family member, and favorite take-out place that they knew.

If you're not into Tiktok and shorts, but like your longform content, if you happen to like oldschool Rhodes and Wurli sounds from the 80's, you might like this overview I did of a recently-released product. I think it has some of the more unique sounds in the genre, and is very customisable which I demonstrate in the first 20 or so minutes. The last hour is spent going through my favourite sounds in the library, so yeah, this is a long one...
#InspiredBySound - Impact Soundworks Altera Keys (NKS Overview & Favourites)

Question for those who own the Bible Courier: what TTS engine does it use? I have to admit that I'm intrigued by this device but I haven't yet seen it. Its price of $100 is just high enough that I'm not quite sure I want to order it but I am thinking about it ..

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to David Goldfield

I’m not personally familiar with this product. But students in the passive owned something like this it’s usually an audio recording that’s broken up by Bible books, chapters, and verses in such a way that you can easily navigate to them using buttons. There is an awesome Amazon echo app called the Bible app skill though that works pretty good and has several different narrated Bibles. as an alternative.
in reply to David Goldfield

I don't know what the TTS engine is, but it's a great device. There are so many versions you can get. Plus, it gives you the ability to navigate between book, chapter and even verse. You can also make bookmarks. I highly recommend it.

#dobréRáno vespolek...

Jedu do práce. Venku se rozpršelo. Bude líp než včera.

A gem by @pluralistic from a couple of months ago:

"Geometry hates Tesla, and physics hates Starlink. Reality has a leftist bias. The future is fiber, and public transit. These are both vastly preferable, more efficient, safer, more reliable and more plausible than satellite and private vehicles. Their only disadvantage is that they fail to give an easily gulled, thin-skinned compulsive liar more power over billions of people. That's a disadvantage I can live with."…

Did you catch the "20 Minute Tech Tips" episode with Elizabeth Whitaker when she demonstrated some powerful tips for searching in Gmail? Listen to the episode now: freedomscientifictraining.libs…

#FreedomScientificTraining #JAWS #20MinuteTechTips

Question about BT Speak for the blind hive mind. I have it set to expect literary Braille. I’ve tried the US Braille table and the UEB Braille table and still can only write in computer Braille in the editor. When prompted for file names, it accepts contracted Braille but not when writing a document. What am I missing?
in reply to Audrey Farnum

Hi. If you want to write on the BT Speak using contracted Braille, ensure that the file has either a .brl or a .brf extension. Also, if you haven't already done so, feel free to follow and flag @BlazieTech in any of your BT Speak posts to ensure they'll see it. #BTSpeak
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to David Goldfield

@DavidGoldfield @BlazieTech Ah, yes. That’s the problem. Now that you mention it, I suddenly remember reading that. It apparently didn’tt stick in my brain. Thank you.
in reply to Audrey Farnum

Hi! When creating a file, add .brl to the end of the file name. Then you ccan enter in contracted braille in the editor. Hope this helps!

:ssb: Programming language brawl! Which one would win? #Poll #Polls

  • PHP (55%, 5 votes)
  • Objective-C (0%, 0 votes)
  • C# (33%, 3 votes)
  • D (11%, 1 vote)
9 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

At my local grocery store there is a car with the plate "RIPGAS".

16GB is not enough:

`Aug 03 21:27:44 rocinante systemd[2028]: libpod-0bb8d32ee22f54493ec2e32aa957e4bafed1181a2fcdbdb906c7f8baedf7b664.scope: A process of this unit has been killed by the OOM killer.`

Trying to test my raw decoding...

Oh my...

out of list out of list out of list out of list out of list out of list complementary landmark heading level 2 Sidebar

I'm starting to wonder if EA does any sort of code review at all before pushing out Sims 4 packs.
in reply to Chris 🌱 :verified_purple:

I've been playing The Sims again for a little over a week now and I've already found multiple glaringly obvious bugs
in reply to Chris 🌱 :verified_purple:

The thing that bugs me the most is that these aren't side features - these are legitimately core parts of these expansion packs that don't work correctly

I was like “LOL gnome feels the same about Lunduke as I do!” and then they were dicks about it - upholding gnome’s reputation also, I suppose.

So what if some new member posts a link to Lunduke article not knowing about some unwritten rule… and they get banned? Yeah that’s rubbish. Write your rule down somewhere FFS. This will scare off new or unaware users.

Hell, until recently I wasn’t even aware that others disliked the guy as much as I do. The most info I got on him being disliked came from his own articles, which was amusingly helpful. :neocat_laugh:

#gnome #lunduke

in reply to L-Theanine

you assume I am a machine that cannot discern intent, and can't obviously distinguish between somebody that posts a link to a known fash because they don't know any better, and somebody that posts a link as a way to be an asshole and rage farm.

Aaaand… Welcome to the RB family, AlternativeUnlockXposed! Thanks to the efforts by its author, the app now builds reproducible:…

So with the next sync, expect the new release to show up with the green shield for RB :awesome:

#reproducibleBuilds #IzzyOnDroid

Thank you for coming to this year's #SolsticeSchool! As usual:

Shoutouts to the presenters for their talks!! Thank you for your time and sharing your knowledge! An archive of materials will become available here:…

& thank you also to moderators for helping out!!

Huh. Speed limits on Ontario hwys changed. I mean, folk were already doing 120 if no cops around, so 110 no big deal, so far anyway. When it registers, will 120 turn to 130? Not great for pollution, but we have an idiot PM who isn't big into science or environment.…

in reply to Carolyn

I was like WTF the other day on the 417. I didn't realize it was that recent.
in reply to Hubert Figuière

@hub Yeah, my fellow was on the 401 today, driving farther east than usual, and was really surprised. A few weeks makes a difference.

hey dont tell people "holy shit your phone is old you should get a new one, the security issues!!!!"

do you really think i am happy that my phone that ive only had for six years doesnt get security updates despite working fine?

do you think i can afford to replace it?

"well then you should get a dumb phone and use your laptop for other things"

are you fucking kidding me? really? 1) my laptop is even older, it's 17", and takes like 5 minutes to start up, im not carrying that everywhere and 2) MOST THINGS DONT HAVE FUNCTIONAL WEBSITES ANYMORE

and really, do you think i should have to afford to replace it?

there is no reason my Pixel 3, which runs apps PERFECTLY FINE, should be abandoned to the ages. it's also one of the few Pixel models that cant even be given a new OS, since no one has worked out all the model-specific issues with it.

there is no reason i shouldnt still be getting updates, and no reason i shouldnt be able to easily switch to GrapheneOS or something else.

stop calling me a bad user for being 1) poor and 2) unwilling to give in to manipulative capitalist planned obsolesence. yell at the people making these decisions. my phone is intact after six years. im proud of that and i will use this until it goes spicy pillow.

PS give us back battery replacing, SD cards, and headphone jacks

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A Brief tour of the End, an accessible fiction podcast directory.

This is a brief tour of The End database, for fiction podcasts, with Apple's screen reader on iOS. I walk through some pages of the website that show how clean markup can make a website very easy to navigate for everyone, not just screen reader users.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

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in reply to Latte macchiato :blobcoffee: :ablobcat_longlong:

well there's gradle but it takes some time to get used to and has some weird quirks especially when working in a multi-project build (a root project with multiple subprojects which can also have subprojects and so on). I hope that at some point a good build system for Java comes along, but that's unlikely (unfortunately).

¿Alguien de aquí juega o quiere aprender a jugar al ajedrez? Me gustaría hacer una comunidad de mastodon.ajedrez

I'd like to clarify the origin of the accusations against #ImaneKhelif because I don't think most people realize where they came from. The vitriolic mix of of misogynist, transphobic and racist insults against the Algerian athlete started days before the match, largely on Italian papers belonging to far-right politicians and businessmen. Here's a few examples from late July (English translation of the titles is in the alt text). 1/8
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in reply to Gabriele Svelto

This stuff was quickly picked up on Twitter/X by Italian far-right and Russian disinformation networks that amplified their content and eventually reached Elon Musk. Musk felt obliged to share them even more widely. Italian right-wing parties have had long ties to Putin's regime, so it's completely unsurprising to see them spread the same disinformation. 5/8
in reply to Gabriele Svelto

Which brings us to the reason why this stuff was brought up in the first place: Italy's far-right government is running into trouble, being completely incapable of running the country, and has been isolated within the EU, even managed to fight against other European right-wing parties. This fall they'll probably have to enact large budget cuts which will be deeply unpopular, so they're trying to change the public discourse to *anything* that is not governance. 6/8

The employee who helped me at the shoe store today was amazing. She tapped where I was supposed to put my foot to give me a sound as a reference. She had me feel where on a shoe she was talking about when explaining things like toe box shape differences. She offered to get my guide dog water, but never once petted or talked to him. You get the idea. It's rare to have someone adapt to a visually impaired customer that seamlessly. I just emailed the store so the employee and her manager know it.

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The fact that it's the 21st century and some (most) countries still don't have automatic voter registration is so weird to me.

Monal 6.4.2 (Build 964, PR #1182) released.

- Add setting to configure if file transfers should show up in Files App
- Add setting to send images as original
- Improve Onboarding texts
- Fix flickering of intro screens
- Improve handling of xmpp: URIs
- Several other bugfixes

#Monal #ios #macos #xmpp #im #chat #messaging

Has anyone found a barcode scanning app that yields even close to as much information as the ID galaxy mate did? I sold my galaxy several years ago when I was in a pretty financially tight situation, and have missed it ever since.

every single cent the EU seizes from bigtech in penalties should be redirected to fund @NGIZero

anyone with me?

in case you haven't heard yet: EU is planning wild budget cuts in the area of open source funding in their HORIZON program. This directly affects NGI big time.

dear @EUCommission , please continue funding NGI . If you don't there will be less and less tech and people left that are willing to develop and run europe's vision of a free and democratic internet.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

I wish mosquitos sucked fat instead of blood.

Gentle reminder: Your physical and mental health matter because you matter. Take care of them and they'll take care of you.✨✨✨✨

You, gauche: Did the dog poo?

Me, refined: The dog availed himself of all encouraged affordances on his walk.

wild how nature can be like this but if you try to do it in a game everyone says it's bugged

Siento que hoy hice un montón de mandados en la bici; llego a la casa y me doy cuenta que todos consistieron en traer cosas de comer.

In case you missed it, the #GUADEC 2024 talk about #GNOMECalendar has now been published as a standalone video on the #GNOME channel!…

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Thanks to the people that make my life easier, so #kudos to:
- @Tutanota for email
- @Vivaldi for browsing
- @joplinapp for notes
- @kde for everything KDE!
- @netcup for hosting
- @alpinelinux for an awesome distro
- @bitwarden for password keeping
- for VPS and S3
- for blogging

And of course @Tusky for the app and @trumpet for ensuring everything is running smoothly 🥰

Some are also #foss others are nice people / #infrastructure providers

Woopsiedaisy, looks like @Tusky completely messed up my notifications. I have three accounts registered. This is my primary, but I have two others. The notifications for the other two are fine, but the ones for this account have suddenly gone haywire, showing me some older notifications from one of the other accounts (and raising errors whether I try to interact with them)
in reply to Oblomov

Sorry for the issue, it is a known bug expected to be corrected soon
in reply to Tusky

thanks. I found it had already been reported on GH and the workaround proposed there to filter all notifications out and then restore the selection worked for me, so as bugs go this isn't even that bad ;-)

Thanks a lot for all your excellent work.