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"This is the tale of how we'll keep reaching out to help for all time" is such a lovely line.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Оказывется, уведомления о куках можно отключить в uBlock Origin в секции настроек Filter lists.

#uBlockOrigin #ublock

in reply to Mirai Kumiko

И принимать их автоматически? Или просто окошки всплывать не будут?

Re-learning how to use #edbrowse, and I am very much glad I'm doing so. The possibilities for automation are endless, and I actually like browsing the internet this way.
in reply to Patrick W

I'm a big ed fan, but never actually looked into using this.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo Its well worth giving a try. and for starters.
in reply to Patrick W

Cool, I like it too, althoug it still doesn't support a few kinds of websites, particularly web apps such as MS Outlook.

I find it interesting that the only terms Apple's image recognition model is blackklisting (as opposed to replacing with watered down versions) are all kinds of firearms, people with their skin color explicitly described, and American flags.

Any other country's flags are completely OK, but American flags are a no-no.

This very much feels like a political statement on Apple's part to me.

For those with a Mac, you can download the model in Voice Over Utility (the "Voice Over recognition section). THe configuration file is at /System/Library/AssetsV2/com_apple_MobileAsset_ImageCaptionModel/53d7bfd1009473aea8a86155f67a2c70905e9dae.asset/AssetData/ImageCaptionModel/runtime_parameters.json

in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

Im quite disgusted that people are hating on the entire American flag now. So the symbol of our country is now just garbage because a couple of people used it to spread hate?

Good morning. I'm getting ready to work on an undercover mission. The mission is to get back under the covers and go back to sleep.

reshared this

Of course, priority from the right doesn't count for #cyclists.😠

I see car on the left, seems slowing down.
I take care of my right to give priority if something is coming from there.
There is a bad view to the right because of a parking van so it takes me more time to see if I can continue freely.
When I look back I suddenly see a car just in front of me.
Braking intensively...😱

in reply to Archos :distros_arch: :matrix:

Já fakt nechápu proč jsou na pana Babiše fšichni tak zlý ?!?

Dyk nikomu nic neudělal!!!

Pražákům neudělal Applestore,
Sáblíkové neudělal stadion,
Kosteleckým uzeninám neudělal dobrou pověst ...
atd ...

Looks like Apple are using standard prompt engineering for a bunch of their Apple Intelligence features, and someone on Reddit found the prompts. Some notes here:…
in reply to Simon Willison

What I find interesting is how gramatically incorrect the prompts are.

See e.g. "a set of question and its answer are provided" instead of "a set of questions and its answers are provided", or "by modify the draft response" instead of "by modifying the draft response".

I guess this is done to reduce token count.

I also find it interesting that they're using the term CSEAI as one of the possible categories. This heavily suggests fine-tuning (or just LoRa) to me, as the term isn't very popular, and even mainstream, large AI models struggle with defining what it means (likely "child sexual abuse and exploitation").

in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

There's also an interesting "AI safety" configuration, albeit for a far, far older model, at /System/Library/AssetsV2/com_apple_MobileAsset_ImageCaptionModel/53d7bfd1009473aea8a86155f67a2c70905e9dae.asset/AssetData/ImageCaptionModel/runtime_parameters.json

This is not specific to the newest beta.

Divná sezóna a mnou to nebude.

edit: a to nehovorím iba ja.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Anyone have information on accessibly installing Ubuntu server as a VM? I assume there is a way to redirect output to a serial port but am not sure what happens after that. I've been fully Debian for a while and didn't realize this was an issue, but nothing I can find suggests Speakup is available during installation, which is disappointing. #Linux #Ubuntu #Accessibility
in reply to Simon Jaeger

there's a way to build custom ISO's with speakup if you want an easier time of it.
in reply to aaron

@fireborn Wow, I wonder how. That would be ideal. I think if I can make it work over serial I'll be fine but still definitely interested in learning what I can about all the common distros

I'm really struggling to find my balance lately. Lots of things I should be enjoying: parts of my work are very fulfilling.
my wife and I have lots of evening and weekend time together, if not quite to ourselves.
My daughter and I have lots of films to watch.
I have new books to read.
The olympics are on.
I am looking forward to moving my book reviews from Goodreads to my own site, with more control.

yet the doldrums persist. I am finding it unaccountably difficult to enthuse about anything. I feel like any enjoyment I may experience gets so far and gutters out into apathy and a desire just to go back to bed and sleep until I feel better, which obviously won't work.

i've always had fairly robust mental health but this malaise is very worrying to me.

in reply to Sean Randall

Lots of good advice here on this thread already, so just want to say I get it and the confusion you’re experiencing! It’s so important to talk about these things and it’s great you’ve talked about it here. Wishing you better days ahead and hope this phase you’re in passes soon. When I get similar feelings I write it all down and sometimes that can help to work through a few things, especially reading it through again the next day or a week later and finding my thinking has changed. Also hope you get a break from work soon
in reply to Sean Randall

Maybe try a stream of consciousness writing exercise. Just start writing about how you're feeling and you'd be surprised what comes pouring out. It might help you at least get a handle on what is bugging you, so you can work on it.

If writing isn't your thing, talk to someone who has no investment in your feelings. That is not someone who is trying to save your feelings, but someone who can listen non judgmentally. Happy to help if I can (I'm a trained Me tal Health First Aider)

One of my favorite #YouTube channels is #BrilliantClassics. They release lots of classical, or, better said, academic music from all the times. There is some… interesting user who comes into comments and under each video they write one word: "Beethoven". No matter what music is in the video, it's just… Beethoven.
I feel it became a local meme already, so now if I see some modern-shmodern nonsense without any melody and harmony, I'll also write something like "Beethoven", just because 😂

Weil es Leute nicht lernen wollen:
Es heißt: "Behinderte".

Fühlt sich schlecht an? Tja. Behindert werden ist halt nervig. Wenn du es schöner haben willst: Baue Barrieren ab; nicht in den Köpfen; nicht auf dem Papier. In Echt.

Diese ganzen neuen, schönen und verwirrenden Worte für Behinderungen: Das ist schwere Sprache.
Ich kenne wirklich einige Behinderte, die schaffen das nicht mehr. Hört auf damit, verdammt!

Mir bricht da auch das Herz, wenn Menschen mit Behinderungen selbst sowas nutzen.

Good morning all, first day of the working week, working from home all this week. Hope you all have a super day.
in reply to Derry Lawlor

I'm on day 2 and struggling to stay awake, not even 10 o'clock yet! Horribly muggy night's sleep here too: it rained, but didn't break the hot humid cycle.

Morning everyone. This afternoon I am taking L to a nearby hotel, the Celtic Manor. We went to the Savoy Hotel in London last year for a few days and very much enjoyed it.
Due to illness L cannot travel too far at the moment, so I thought this was a good option. We have a suite booked there.
The suite has a bedroom, dining area and living room.
The hotel has 6 restaurants and 5 bars. Plenty to eat and drink there I am thinking.
We're starting out with afternoon tea.
It should be a great mini break.

in reply to The Cube!

wow. I've not heard bowling like that with eloquence since I had a windows 95 machine.

Dammit. Meant to call Computers for the Blind and see if their win 11 lappies still come with only 16 gb RAM. Pretty sure they do, but it'd be nice if they didn't.
in reply to aaron

@fireborn Yeah, we'll we'll see how much it is next week. I'm not ruling out the 8. I did, however, only set the GFM for 4300, so there's that. -t

That's the world as Sutekh would leave it: a desolate planet circling a dead sun.

— The Doctor, in “The Pyramids of Mars”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

#Bahn fahren in #Oberfranken.
Fühle mich 40 Jahre in die DDR zurückversetzt:
Schranke für Reisende wird per Hand bedient, Signale per Seil gesteuert.
in reply to FediVerseExplorer

Dazu der furchtbahre Neigetechnikzug von Bombardier:
#Barrierefreiheit Fehlanzeige, Lautstärke und Dröhnen kaum zu ertragen.
Die Strecke an sich und die Landschaft ist malerisch.

"Google illegally maintains monopoly over internet search, judge rules"…

I wish I knew why iOS occasionally stopped reporting notifications and required a restart. I miss the days of being able to relaunch springboard by pressing power 5 times, eeven if it was a bug.
in reply to Andre Louis

When a bug has been a bug for that long, it becomes a feature.

Unknown parent

daniel:// stenberg://
@3AM also waiting for cowasher and codisher in the footsteps of copilot
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://


I migrated to GitLab recently. They might be a bunch of [insert expletive here] as well. But I have HAD IT with Microsoft!

For this one project I needed Powerpoint. Had to buy Office and did. Bothered me, because I use @libreoffice on a daily basis, and they never charge me anything. Just donated twice the amount I had to pay MS, because it's worth it. Sometimes we just forget to do the right thing on a more regular basis, and we need reminders like this.

Buenos días desde la Administración Pública.

Bastante tranquila la cosa ahora que estamos en agosto.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I bet you did not expect to be still working on that little project 24 years later :-)


1 #million views! Today is a momentous day for the #WHY2025 #MCH2022 #SHA2017 Youtube account.

The video of a talk called "Non-Euclidean Doom: what happens to a game when pi is not 3.14159…" reached 1 million views on Youtube a few minutes ago.

The video is of course also on and has reached almost a hundred thousand views there.

The recommended way to watch the video is…, but if you want proof of the milestone, check out

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to WHY2025 Productiehuis

The reason for this massive success is probably a post on news-ycombinator-com in May of 2024 and after the initial rise of viewers the algorithm took over and it became a self perpetuating thing. When there's enough interest, we might dig in the statistics to see if our theory is correct.
in reply to WHY2025 Productiehuis

If you're thinking of going to, the recurring Dutch hacker camp (@why2025camp), please sign up for one (or more!) volunteering shifts.

We would really appreciate it if you signed up for one of our AV shifts. Producing these videos takes a lot of effort from our volunteers and we can never have too many shifts assigned to a volunteer ahead of time.

budík do gymu to už dlho nebolo ale tak šiel som spať o desiatej takže pohoda #dobréRáno
in reply to Tytkoslovakia

no jasné... krátkodobý, strednodobý a na oko aj dlhodobý :kekw:
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

SDR: The Next Level of Shortwave Radio Listening…

Tamas G reshared this.

in reply to David Goldfield

I'd love to get into SDRs, but the windows software that controls the devices is rather inaccessible, at least from what I've tried. And the one piece of software that's relatively good, HDSDR hasn't had updates in some time.

Google si nezákonně udržuje monopol na poli vyhledávání, uvedl americký soud
#zpravy #rss
in reply to Lucinek

Můžete zkusit i je open-source metavyhledávač, který respektuje vaše soukromí a poskytuje výsledky z různých zdrojů, aniž by sledoval vaši aktivitu.
🛡️💻Žádné sledování uživatelů
Výsledky z více než 70 různých vyhledávačů
Je bez reklam
in reply to Archos :distros_arch: :matrix:

@Lucinek já můžu doporučit Kagi. Jediná alternativa Google, u které nemám pocit, že dostávám horší službu. Používám to čtvrt roku a vůbec nemám potřebu občas přepnout do Google.

Je placený, což je za mě lepší cesta než reklamy.

Gosh, love this MacBook Air M2 but MacBook M1 Pro beats it hands down for ML/AI stuff. Well, yeah, MBA M2 processors are efficiency cores after all.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Wow, whatever happened to facebook pages, it has hundreds of Blockquotes with just the word Facebook on it after each post, I'm amused and horrified at the same time.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Tamas G

I'm essentially a Facebook newb and just about pulled my hair out when I saw this. It even is like that on the mobile site, which for a while was touted to be easier to use for those of us with malfunctioning eyeballs.

Silicon Valley Parents Are Sending Kindergarten Kids To AI-Focused Summer Camps…