People want to know a lot of stuff - but not too much or else it's overwhelming!
People want to know unique details - but not too many or else they'll seem like a nerd!
People want to know what everyone else already knows - but still know things that others don't!
People want to know secrets - but not ones so important that they can't brag about knowing them.
People want to know all the gossip - but not so much that they appear shallow.
People want to be smart - but not have to learn.
Sometimes I wish for an aria-shortlabel attribute but then I know people would misuse it badly.
(The idea is to have a long label – rotate the image anti-clockwise – on first focus and a shorter label – anti-clockwise rotation – in subsequent instances. Sometimes it’s just hard to front-load information.)
for longer descriptions with markup (support is still very flakey but I imagine some level of support should exist by 2026 or 2027), aria-description
for longer labels, and aria-label
for regular concise labels. Adding a fourth option will probably make things too confusing; you’re right that people would misuse it.
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Aus dem Ermittlungsergebnis ist öffentlich nur bekanntgeworden, dass der Angeklagte aus Unachtsamkeit den tödlichen Unfall verursacht haben soll. Daher der Strafbefehl wegen fahrlässiger Tötung. Kein Mord, auch kein Totschlag und vor allem kein Vorsatz. (1/x)
EDIT: Now updated with ISO 639-1 codes!
Do you speak Croatian (hr), Breton (br), or Scottish Gaelic( gd)?
All three of those languages have slipped under 70% translation for Thunderbird for Android! Normally this would mean removing them from the app. But we're hoping we can rally some translators to help complete these languages - or at least get them over 70% translated!
#OpenSource #Localization #Community
To learn more or get started, go to our Hosted Weblate!…
Bubu reshared this.
Completing the Gàidhlig translation of Thunderbird email client on Android would be a great community project. A small amount of Scottish government funding/support would help too.
@Ralfeek bourbon je z 51% z kukurice, chmel je podobný marihuane a nie sme tučný aj keď pijeme pivo preto lebo sa snažíme chodiť čo najviac pešo.
Bravčové mäso je o ničom sme sa zhodli tiež a že čas neskutočne letí a polemizovali koľko je optimálne sa dožiť. Jeho dedo sa dožil 97 a pred 16timi rokmi prišiel o manželku pri nehode (pri akej neviem). A tak no...
I know I've way to less backups, if this drive would fuck up, I'd be kinda lost as well, but I don't just want to copy every folder into another location by hand. And also I don't want to have tons of copys of old data on other drives I might not even use anymore. I need to sync the data somehow, so that if I delete something in the main location, it also gets deleted in the backup location because obviously I'm no longer using it. So why keeping tons of old copies. Basically I would just need to sync some folders somewhere perioticly. How do you guys organise your backups?
Ich finde es wirklich schade, auf wieviel Widerstand Menschen mit Behinderungen stoßen, wenn sie darauf hinweisen, dass etwas nicht barrierefrei ist.
Klar, niemand wird gern kritisiert, aber wir werden nie weiterkommen, wenn alle die nicht-barriefreien Bilder, Videos, Räumlichkeiten etc. einfach wortlos akzeptieren.
Unter linken Personen/Gruppen (bei anderen kenne ich mich ehrlich gesagt nicht aus) gibt es leider einige, die dann gleich ziemlich beleidigt reagieren. Vor allem, wenn sie das Gefühl haben, schon etwas für Menschen mit Behinderung zu tun, sind manche da ziemlich pikiert, als hätte die betroffene Gruppe einfach nur still & dankbar zu sein und keinesfalls mit kritischem Feedback daherzukommen.
"Google's latest flagship smartphone raises concerns about user privacy and security. It frequently transmits private user data to the tech giant before any app is installed. Moreover, the Cybernews research team has discovered that it potentially has remote management capabilities without user awareness or approval."
Dětské kolo Specialized 24
Mám tady po nejstarším Specialized kolo na prodej. Velikost rámu 13.5 a velikost kol 24. #Praha 6 Břevnov osobka.
Visí v kolárně a už jsem na něj normálně zapomněl 🙈
Jsme druzí majitelé a mladík na něm moc nejezdil. Jen je píchlé, špinavé a zřemě potřebuje nové brzdy.
Za 3k by to šlo? 🤔
A vážně si v EU myslí, že tohle něčemu pomůže?
Vše poběží dál, jen do EU se budou dodávat ty dražší suroviny, které budou mít jakýsi certifikát, který možná něco dokazuje a možná také ne. Jen další z hřebíčků do konkurenceschopnosti Evropy. 🙁
Lanzamos la propuesta de organizar una conferencia internacional por la paz, con todas las fuerzas de la izquierda, para oponernos al escenario de conflicto global temerario al que nos arrastra la OTAN, Israel y los EEUU.
🚩 Máxima movilización ante la guerra.
Heute ist Welttag für menschenwürdige Arbeit!
Lohngerechtigkeit und sichere Arbeit sind nur zwei von vielen Zielen, für die wir als Gewerkschafter*innen jeden Tag und gemeinsam mit Euch kämpfen.
#WDDW24 #Arbeitsrecht #DGB #Gewerkschaft
🤍 Appeal to the Browser Goddesses 🤍
Can we please make it a thing where 32GB of RAM isn't an insufficient amount for day to day web browser usage? Getting an OOM core dump for that reason is inexcusable.
- Should the Zoom browser app really need 2GB on a single tab when it's already downscaling a 1080p feed to 320p on an enterprise account?
- Should Amazon's website really need 1GB per tab just to view the cart or a ~800Mb for a single simple product page?
- Please remind me how an MKdocs fully static page with a single 400k image and no datatables or fancy JS somehow require 242Mb?
- Or perhaps shed some light on the requirement where Google's main page with a single search form somehow needs ~500Mb
There are no "good reasons" for these inefficiencies. We don't suddenly have better search fields or compressed jpegs now vs a decade ago with 1/10th of the system resources.
#developer #webdev #linux #browsers #chrome #firefox #ensh11n
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in reply to Shannon Prickett • • •