Accessibility in the Fediverse (and Mastodon) · Eric Eggert
Many people think about moving or at least establishing a presence in the so-called Fediverse. The Fediverse is (and this is probably a very shortened and incorrect) a collection of distributed web applications that can talk to each other.Eric Eggert
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nmcli-examples(7) manual lists other interesting uses of nmcli
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Have you ever been impatiently waiting, until your phone reads through all the information in all sorts of languages about the manufacturer, compounds, source, distributor and finally gets to the name and flavor of the chocolate you're holding in your hand?
I had. And some kinds of goodies are just like fabricated for this, say bottles. I don't even know where the title is in the first place, the fact that the OCR software can have problems with the curvy surface doesn't help much either, when the bottle is full the recognition may be hard to do in air as I struggle to keep it still in one hand, and even if I finally get to the desired info, hoping I would hear also say the bottle's volume is hyperoptimistic at best.
Thus, I developed RScan. Simply point your device to the product, and in few seconds, you will hear the brand, name, type and sometimes also the related metric information like volume, weight etc.
How does it work? RScan is a barcode reader for Android, that is looking for barcodes - an identification mark that every commercial product needs to have. When it finds one, it automatically looks it up on DuckDuckGo, and using a special algorithm, tries to figure out which search result would be most useful for the user.
Designed for speed and convenience, from my experience, it correctly identifies 90% of products and thanks to swift operation, can be used to quickly sort through whole groups of goodies you need to classify.
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This screen contains a list of suggestions, which are basically DuckDuckGo search results for that barcode.
Double tapping on any of them will fill out the field on the bottom of the screen with that result, it saves typing or copying.
For purposes of debugging the automatic suggestion algorithm, the list of the suggestions present on this screen is a good aid because these are basically the options the automated recognition is choosing from, so we can see if the algorithm has made a good choice or not.
Totupoint is an in-door navigation system created by Jan Szuster, a blind engineer from Warsaw. It revolves around Bluetooth beacons placed at key points in a building or at a points of interests such as bus stops, administrative buildings or other venues that are key infrastructure. Those can be discovered through the Totupoint mobile app or an additional module attached to the user's white cane. As soon as you find yourself within the range of a beacon, it is triggered and plays the assigned recording so that you exactly know where it is located. You can repeat the message as many times as you need to locate the point you're looking for or in case of the mobile app read the attached information such as opening hours or address and phone number of the place you're at.
The system also supports tiny interactive HTML apps that can be operated from within the app so it can be adapted to turn on the traffic lights or request line number on public transport. Many successful installations happen at an increasing number of venues in Poland. You can learn more and see the complete list of active locations at:
In other news: as soon as Apple flicks the verification switch, I will have something to share that potentially all of you might find useful so watch this space.
#Accessibility #Blind #AdventCalendar #Poland #UrbanEnvironment
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If you maintain an open source project, even as a solo developer, I highly recommend writing descriptive commit messages. These messages help others understand what changes you're making and why you're making them, and will help you in the future if you return to a codebase after a long time.
I find myself not wanting to contribute to projects that don't have good commit messages, as it's harder for me to get a grasp on the codebase.
If you don't know how to write a good commit message, this guide is a good start:…
Peter Vágner reshared this.
@andyholmes I usually don't squash commits if they aren't just fixes for previous commits. So if I have the following commits:
- Change set A
- Tweaks to change set A
- Fix for crash in set A
- Change set B
I'd only keep:
- Change set A
- Change set B
at the end (as a very simplified example)…
Taylor Swift vs. Nine Inch Nails - Shake It Off (The Perfect Drug)
DL: http://facebook....YouTube
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The navigational center of the Czech Union of the Blind assists their customers in many ways:
- by delivering help through the user's smartphone's camera via Skype;
- by looking up information on public transport routes and general information on places of interest;
- best of all: by researching routes that the user would like to take bearing in mind everything that is of importance when travelling independently with a white cane or/and a guide dog, including possible hazards or characteristic waypoints and landmarks.
It comes as no surprise that the service is available throughout the entire country. Pricewise, it works in two models: it is possible to buy packages of single uses of the service starting at less than six dollars for ten single uses; or a periodic subscribtion starting at around 13 dollars for three months.…
#Accessibility #Blind #AdventCalendar #CzechRepublic #Mobility #PublicTransport
Aplikace a služby využitelné při sebeobsluze a samostatném pohybu zrakově postižených - Pélion
V textu si povíme o aplikaci, která existuje již pár let, ale i tak se stává, že o ní někdo slyší úplně poprvé. Je to aplikace Be My Eyes.Linda Albrechtová (Pélion - Vzdělávací portál pro zrakově postižené)
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Blik is a Polish payment system that is based on six-digit codes entered as a confirmation of payment on the website where you want to make a transaction. The way this is used is the following:
1. You open the app of your bank on your phone and press the Blik button. Sometimes banks will place this feature under the app's shortcuts so starting straight from the homescreen or through a shortcut you yourself created is definitely possible.
2. A six-digit code is generated and it is read out to you. You can remember or copy it and from that moment you've got 120 seconds to finish the transaction.
3. You enter the code on the website or in the app where you're trying to complete a transaction.
4. You return to your banking app to confirm the amount to be paid through the biometric authorization method of your choice or a PIN code. In my banking app the time limit is counted down with each second being marked with a chaptic feedback of my iPhone.
Note: meanwhile regular payment terminals already support Blik and more and more shop assistants know how to activate it so the phrase "Poproszę Blikiem" ("By Blik, please") is more commonly heard.
Another component of the system are the P2P micropayments to a mobile phone where it is enough to enter the other party's phone number to make or request a payment straight from the banking app.
I believe similar systems function in other countries but are mostly QR-code based and require a separate app. I find this way much handier. Also, it is universal across all major Polish banks.
#Accessibility #Blind #AdventCalendar #Shopping #Banking #Mobile #Poland
How to use BLIK
BLIK in a blink of an eye! Pay for your purchases, wherever you are, in a few moments, with BLIK`s fast and secure payments!
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Peter Vágner reshared this.
Alan Walker, Emma Steinbakken - Not You (Forgiven Hardstyle Remix) [Free Release]
#euphoric #hardstyle #rawkick...:..::..::: .Upload.Info. :::..::..:....Artist: Alan Walker, Emma Steinbakken.Title: Not You (Forgiven Hardstyle Remix).Labe...YouTube
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Server reports, that Twitter does not allow to post links to large mastodon servers like or Already existing posts are marked as harmful.
Oh wow, what a speech freedom Elon, good job... 👏😁
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(switching to personal account:)
Elonjet is for sure not really ethical and I wouldn't like to see it tracking private jets of some ordinary people ;)
But banning anyone else then the accout itself doesn't make sense to me from his position.
Rozšiřujeme tým interních administrátorů! Hledáme kolegu se zkušenostmi s Linuxem a síťováním. Pozice je vhodná pro absolventy. Více informací na webu #karieraCZNIC:… #prace #job
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Well, on the front of the machine, there is a dedicated customer service number embossed in Braille where you can call and tell the representative where you would like to go. They are able to remotely operate the machine, find your connection, choose the right ticket options for you and bring you to the payment screen. Once the payment is complete, the ticket comes out as usual. Kind of makes me wonder: if the railway staff are able to access these machines remotely, why isn't this possibility open to those who might need it for accessibility reasons?
I am not sure whether this works in other Austrian cities, I haven't also heard of this implementation in any other place.
Unfortunately, I have never had a chance to use this so no recordings or first-hand experiences this time.
#Accessibility #Blind #AdventCalendar #Railway #Transport #Trains #Austria #Innsbruck
Peter Vágner reshared this.
There were many devices invented to make Minitel accessible to the blind, although the system itself wasn't designed with this target group in mind. Mostly, they were external speech synthesizers like in the case of Lectel:…
or the Valentine text-to-speech card for the Apple II:…
The history of the Eurobraille company, the makers of the popular Esys, Esytime and B.Note Braille displays, starts also with a speech synthesizer for the Minitel terminals.
As I found out, however, most of France's blind community at that time did not have access to this kind of technology and Minitel only became accessible on a global scale in the 90's when regular PC's did but then it was almost the time of the Internet so it never gained the same momentum as it did with the society at large. Pity as this could have been an opportunity to push the inclusion of blind and partially sighted people to whole new levels.
Always design with accessibility from the start!
#Accessibility #Blind #AdventCalendar #France #Internet #Minitel #Videotex #RetroTech
Les ordinateurs ont la parole
Un Salon vient d'être consacré aux machines parlantes et aux innovations techniques destinées aux aveugles. Le matériel existe, pas encore le marché !CHRISTIAN TORTEL (Le Monde)
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they just make windows worse and worse.
#FreeSoftwareAdvent for today: Hammerspoon. Another macOS tool that makes the platform usable.
Script the OS, add hotkeys, all from Lua, a not wholly unpleasant programming language. One thing that it desperately needs is good documentation, and if I had a few weeks of uninterrupted time and no responsibility, I'd write said documentation. Otherwise, you need to do a lot of googling to find blog posts and code samples because the API docs are a bit mystical.
Staggeringly powerful macOS desktop automation with Lua. Making the runtime,
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GitHub - AccessKit/accesskit: UI accessibility infrastructure across platforms and programming languages
UI accessibility infrastructure across platforms and programming languages - GitHub - AccessKit/accesskit: UI accessibility infrastructure across platforms and programming languagesGitHub
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Any curious #Android users around? I just pushed the first early-bird code of my little sync tool to
Can be used to sync some data (documents & co, not intended for system stuff) without needing any app on-device. Uses rsync & adbfs (some details in the readme). You define per-directory whether it shall sync from or to the device. Supports bidirectional as well, but use that with care as it's rather hacky-wacky.
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Peter Vágner reshared this.
To celebrate another win, for the time of the contest's duration, the audible traffic lights at some of Stockholm's locations have been revamped to play Loreen with "Euphoria" (winner of the 2012 ESC) when the lights are red, then when they turn green, they ticked to the beat of Mans Zelmerlow's "Heroes", the song that brought the contest back to Sweden in 2015. What a fun twist on an accessibility feature!…
#Accessibility #Blind #AdventCalendar #Sweden #Eurovision #ESC #UrbanEnvironment #Music #SoundDesign
Music Traffic Lights Stockholm Eurovision Song Contest 2016 (Take 1)
This was take 1 - I decided to re-record this a second time.YouTube
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So I realized that all the time I have been doing this calendar, I haven't mentioned Poland, where I come from, once. Shame on me! Let's try to make it right.
Inpost is the pioneer as the provider of parcel locker technology in Poland. It's quite common to order something and, instead of requesting that the package is delivered directly to your door, have it dropped at one of the lockers which are often located quite centrally, at a post office or another place of significance in a given city, town or village.
Inpost have come up with quite a clever way of allowing blind people to open these lockers and find the right door. Not only is the app itself accessible so you can track your delivery all the way through but once your order arrives, all you have to do is go to the place where your locker is located, open the door for your parcel from within the app and read the instruction telling you which door is yours E.G. third up, sixth to the left of the touch screen. The system has become so useful for the general public that in order to become more sustainable, Inpost have begun installing screenless lockers so that everything has to be done with the app. This way, it is also possible to send a package somewhere without the need to stick a physical label on it. Other accessibility accommodations include the "easy access zone" as per the link below.…
What are you ordering this Christmas and how is it delivered to you?
#Accessibility #Blind #AdventCalendar #Poland #Shopping
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Zažívám nesmírnou radost naše distribuce CachyOS se ukázala na Phoronixu a to i s vyšším výkonem pro gaming.
Na začátku roku 2021 jsme začali jako menší partička kamošů - Já, Ptr, Hamad a pár uživatelů s tím, že cheme Arch Linux více optimalizovaný pro nová CPU a přinést gamingu na linuxu svěží vzduch.
Zda se povedlo, to posoudí každý sám. To je teprve začátek, máme další nápady, jak zlepšovat optimalizace. Co je nejlepší, lze je aplikovat na vanilla Arch Linux.
Peter Vágner reshared this.
You know the talking info boards at public transport stops, right? The ones that you press a button on and it reads the next few lines that will depart even when all you really need is the next one? I'm pleased to tell you that Luxembourg is doing it differently:
The spoken information is given only as long as you hold down the button that activates it so it is a kind of walkie-talkie that does the talkie part instead of you. This way, you can hold it down, listen to the next train or two arriving then release the button and be done with it. Not a perfect design as it excludes those with limited dexterity but it is a start.
Sadly, the information is given only in French which goes to show that accessibility should also include those who can't speak the country's language. This is in Luxembourg which boasts three official ones so most of the native population has grown multilingual from the start. Unfortunately, I have seen these info boards only at some train stations in the Luxembourg city - would be amazing to see the availability expand.
Again, no links and also sadly no recordings so have some more interesting facts instead:
1. Luxembourg is the first European country to make the public transport completely free of charge to everyone. Bear this in mind if you ever come to visit.
2. The city of Luxembourg has been awarded the European Commission's Accessible City Award of 2021.
#Accessibility #Blind #Adventcalendar #Luxembourg #PublicTransport
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Normally, I have difficulties relating what I touch on a tactile plan of a building to the real world. That station made a heavily simplified version of the experience by placing a pole at each crossroad of the tactile floor marking, with a simplified tactile plan at the top telling you where each of the forks of the floorline would take you. It looked a lot like the four navigation keys and the confirmation key on a classic mobile. Each of the arrows ended with a Braille description of the destination in both French and Dutch. This was a great help.
Also QDos to the sound designers who created the jingle for the Brussels public transport company. It's a pretty dancey beat of five notes played on a synthesizer which would make a nice text tone. Find it at the end of the company's promo video below:…
#Accessibility #Blind #AdventCalendar #Belgium #PublicTransport
Go Easy MIVB
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- A tiny version of the Czech remotes system, at that time capable of triggering the audible traffic lights, currently also the talking public transport info boards;
- an exceptional training of the public transport drivers who always stopped the bus right in front of you as long as you stood at the designated, tactile spot; opened the door and told you the bus/tram line they were driving;
- a tactile line going across what seemed to be all of the city's market square which made for a nice walk through the city center;
- the general feeling of safety that encouraged me to take long walks and explore the city by myself;
- the amazing community around my former workplace, Freirad, the social, community-driven radio station that focused on giving voice to those who wouldn't find it in the mainstream media. This meant tons of content from marginalized groups, a wealth of diverse cultural, music and linguistic spectrum and plenty of social initiatives on air. Of course, blind and partially sighted radio hosts were more than welcome and I was happy to be a part of this journey, organizing workshops for prospective hosts with visual impairments, including a really fun group of kids and spreading the word about the importance of accessibility which was always well-received. My former show on Freirad aired for the last time today so it's a bit of a chapter closing.
#Accessibility #Blind #Austria #BuildEnvironment #PublicTransport #Radio #AdventCalendar
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The recording is a 1:26 long collage of several clips taken in the park.
Clip 1: Birds chirping with some cars driving past in the background (the park was located directly over a highway);
Clip 2: The call of a group of peacocks mixed with footsteps and somewhat strong wind blowing into the mikes;
Clip 3: A waterfall flowing to my right and footsteps over a wooden bridge;
Clip 4: Moving further past the waterfall so that it's moving in the stereo spectrum and a white cane hitting the wooden bridge;
Clip 5: Another perspective of the waterfall;
Clip 6: Clearly can't get enough of waterfalls;
Clip 7: The last sounds of a waterfall, peacocks and the white cane;
I recommend listening in headphones for the best spacial experience.
#Accessibility #Blind #Austria #AudioRecording #BinauralRecording #FieldRecording #Nature #AdventCalendar
Peter Vágner reshared this.
People who use the #accessibility stack on Linux, do you use anything other than Orca?
I'm trying to map out unused code paths in at-spi2-core, and so far I'm considering orca/dogtail, but I'm sure I'm missing something.
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@matt ah, yeah, thanks for reminding me - it's at
I don't know how well-maintained it is; the last commits to the code are from a year ago...…
#Accessibility #Blind #AdventCalendar #Australia #NewZealand #Voting #Phone
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Did you know Monopoly was invented by a woman named Elizabeth Magie in 1903?
Originally ‘The Landlord’s Game,’ it was designed as a protest against the big monopolists like Carnegie & Rockefeller.
But it was Charles Darrow, an unemployed salesman, who eventually sold it to Parker Brothers after playing a version.
Parker Brothers credited Monopoly with saving their company. Magie died in 1948 without recognition. Darrow became very wealthy & his legend lives on. #history #women #HistoryRemix
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Send umí bezpečné sdílení souborů bez registrace. Poté je sám odstraní
Send umí bezpečné sdílení souborů bez registrace. Poté je sám odstraní
Pamatujete ještě na službu Firefox Send? Jednalo se o moc hezky zpracovanou službu pro bezpečné sdílení souborAdolf Pupík (
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I thought of including Handsome, a French fintech dedicated to serving customers with visual impairments, as a part of this calendar, as it offers an accessible voice payment card; a dedicated concierge service, insurance in case of damage to assistive devices or stranding with no immediate mobility options. They can be found at:
Imagine my shock this morning when I discovered that through cooperation with the Tales Group, Handsome's voice card has become global so it's a matter of time before banks start introducing it.
The card is equipped with a Bluetooth LE chip, connects to the customer's smartphone either through their banking app or a specially designed one; then, once its inserted into the terminal, it delivers all of the status messages to the app E.G. the amount to be paid or the current state of the payment process. This way it is possible to avoid being scammed on the amount and we can make sure all is well with our transaction.
I'm curious if any banks are going to introduce this any time soon.…
#Accessibility #Blind #France #Banking #AdventCalendar
Thales Gemalto Voice Payment Card
Discover how visually impaired people can make each payment transaction more secured and trusted.Thales Group
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The Unicode braille block starts from U+2800. The U+2800 character himself is a so called “blank braille pattern” which translates to a space sign in most cases. Stuff get more interesting if you want to make a braille pattern. In computer braille (8 dots) there are 256 possible patterns, it sounds like a byte, right? Right! Cause if you want to make a braille pattern, you just at a byte to the base character U+2800 as we already discussed. The bits in this byte are encoded in column order, so that 11100000 is the letter L, and 1101000 is letter F. The exception to this rule are of course dots 7 and 8. They have been added later and so putting them between dot 3 would break the compatibility with existing software. So, to reassume the encoding order is as follows (from bit 0 of the byte)
Dot 1
Dot 2
Dot 3
Dot 4
Dot 5
Dot 6
Dot 7
Dot 8
Tell me guys if you like such #programming and/or #accessibility posts from me.
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Something that has worked really well for librsvg - and now I'm happy to have for at-spi2-core as well - is a development guide for the internals. Not a library manual, but an internals guide.
It's available at…
I want to make it a good reference for the implementation details of #accessibility - for how the system is built, the roadmap and the cleanups we're doing, how to make toolkits accessible, that sort of thing.
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By the device of anecdotal evidence I know that a similar system existed in Slovenia.
Another thing that was available in Italy, and I haven't heard of it anywhere else before, are accessible audio menus on DVD's.…
#Accessibility #Blind #Audiodescription #Italy #Slovenia #Radio #AdventCalendar
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Paweł Masarczyk reshared this.
oh yes (sickos mode)
in reply to Emmanuele Bassi • • •Emmanuele Bassi
in reply to oh yes (sickos mode) • • •full church organ: real shit
in reply to Emmanuele Bassi • • •