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in reply to Andre Louis

he should switch to windows 11 and be annoyed by widgets, weird stuff, xdd.
they just make windows worse and worse.
in reply to pax

@pax Nope. Not happening. I already had to force 10 under my ruling and compliance instead of the other way around, not doing it again.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

#FreeSoftwareAdvent for today: Hammerspoon. Another macOS tool that makes the platform usable.

Script the OS, add hotkeys, all from Lua, a not wholly unpleasant programming language. One thing that it desperately needs is good documentation, and if I had a few weeks of uninterrupted time and no responsibility, I'd write said documentation. Otherwise, you need to do a lot of googling to find blog posts and code samples because the API docs are a bit mystical.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Encouraging to see the dream of #AccessKit ( becoming a reality. I just finished the first iteration of macOS support for text edit controls, and the work I did in egui, which I had tested with the AccessKit Windows adapter, only required a one-line fix to be fully functional on macOS. And even that change wasn't exactly Mac-specific, just something that didn't happen to be needed on Windows. Also, integrations in other GUI toolkits are in the works. #accessibility

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in reply to グレェ「grey」

@byterhymer I need to update the README. The macOS adapter is merged and published on (as accesskit_macos)

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Any curious #Android users around? I just pushed the first early-bird code of my little sync tool to

Can be used to sync some data (documents & co, not intended for system stuff) without needing any app on-device. Uses rsync & adbfs (some details in the readme). You define per-directory whether it shall sync from or to the device. Supports bidirectional as well, but use that with care as it's rather hacky-wacky.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to Ivan E. Gubkin

@IvanGubkin Enjoy! Should something act "funny", issues are open. Took me quite a little to figure some things, and some hacks to get them right (like, timestamps and such). Just roughly tested, so there will be some quirks for sure.
in reply to Ivan E. Gubkin

@IvanGubkin I especially wanted to avoid having to set up some apps on multiple devices. And yes, I had thought of that (and some other tools). But why if it works without? If a daily sync suffices, at night most devices are feeding on the USB cable anyway 🤪
Unknown parent

IzzyOnDroid ✅
@xander2m No. You define *what to sync* (in the JSON file), and it then syncs *when you run the script*. So it's either a manual task, or you can set it up via cron (which is what the -q switch is for, to keep the output quite and let only errors through, should there be any9.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

The accessibility for the blind advent calendar: day 13 - Sweden - expand the content warning to open the window for today
Today's one might be familiar to some of you as this has received a bit of media attention bacccccccccccccccccback in 2016 when Sweden hosted the Eurovision Song Contest.
To celebrate another win, for the time of the contest's duration, the audible traffic lights at some of Stockholm's locations have been revamped to play Loreen with "Euphoria" (winner of the 2012 ESC) when the lights are red, then when they turn green, they ticked to the beat of Mans Zelmerlow's "Heroes", the song that brought the contest back to Sweden in 2015. What a fun twist on an accessibility feature!…
#Accessibility #Blind #AdventCalendar #Sweden #Eurovision #ESC #UrbanEnvironment #Music #SoundDesign

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in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

The accessibility for the blind advent calendar: day 13 - Sweden - expand the content warning to open the window for today
fyi you really don't need to tell us how to open the content warning 'show more' button ;-) the content warning itself is sufficient.
in reply to Michael T Babcock

The accessibility for the blind advent calendar: day 13 - Sweden - expand the content warning to open the window for today
@mikebabcock Thanks for the heads up. I know most users are aware of this - I meant it more as a gimmick that makes it look more like an actual calendar.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

The accessibility for the blind advent calendar: day 12 - Poland - expand the content warning to open the window for today!
Somehow we made it through the first half of this calendar. Thank you for all of your interactions and encouragement. It's very motivating to see how far these little posts can reach.
So I realized that all the time I have been doing this calendar, I haven't mentioned Poland, where I come from, once. Shame on me! Let's try to make it right.
Inpost is the pioneer as the provider of parcel locker technology in Poland. It's quite common to order something and, instead of requesting that the package is delivered directly to your door, have it dropped at one of the lockers which are often located quite centrally, at a post office or another place of significance in a given city, town or village.
Inpost have come up with quite a clever way of allowing blind people to open these lockers and find the right door. Not only is the app itself accessible so you can track your delivery all the way through but once your order arrives, all you have to do is go to the place where your locker is located, open the door for your parcel from within the app and read the instruction telling you which door is yours E.G. third up, sixth to the left of the touch screen. The system has become so useful for the general public that in order to become more sustainable, Inpost have begun installing screenless lockers so that everything has to be done with the app. This way, it is also possible to send a package somewhere without the need to stick a physical label on it. Other accessibility accommodations include the "easy access zone" as per the link below.…
What are you ordering this Christmas and how is it delivered to you?
#Accessibility #Blind #AdventCalendar #Poland #Shopping

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Zažívám nesmírnou radost naše distribuce CachyOS se ukázala na Phoronixu a to i s vyšším výkonem pro gaming.

Na začátku roku 2021 jsme začali jako menší partička kamošů - Já, Ptr, Hamad a pár uživatelů s tím, že cheme Arch Linux více optimalizovaný pro nová CPU a přinést gamingu na linuxu svěží vzduch.

Zda se povedlo, to posoudí každý sám. To je teprve začátek, máme další nápady, jak zlepšovat optimalizace. Co je nejlepší, lze je aplikovat na vanilla Arch Linux.​

Peter Vágner reshared this.

@app Hey, could we please get an ability to set our post language up on submission? Sometimes I would want to post something in Polish, Russian or Chinese but it will always show as a post in English which will spam people's timelines with some uncomprehensible garbage (for them), a beautiful language (for me). I understand Tweesecake doesn't mean to be a full-on Mastodon client but that should be one more API query param. TC users, I kindly ask you to boost.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

The accessibility for the blind advent calendar: day 10 - Luxembourg - expand the content warning to open the window for today
Today's is more of a handy implementation rather than best practice example per se. Still, I haven't seen it anywhere else and I find it a socially mindful design.
You know the talking info boards at public transport stops, right? The ones that you press a button on and it reads the next few lines that will depart even when all you really need is the next one? I'm pleased to tell you that Luxembourg is doing it differently:
The spoken information is given only as long as you hold down the button that activates it so it is a kind of walkie-talkie that does the talkie part instead of you. This way, you can hold it down, listen to the next train or two arriving then release the button and be done with it. Not a perfect design as it excludes those with limited dexterity but it is a start.
Sadly, the information is given only in French which goes to show that accessibility should also include those who can't speak the country's language. This is in Luxembourg which boasts three official ones so most of the native population has grown multilingual from the start. Unfortunately, I have seen these info boards only at some train stations in the Luxembourg city - would be amazing to see the availability expand.
Again, no links and also sadly no recordings so have some more interesting facts instead:
1. Luxembourg is the first European country to make the public transport completely free of charge to everyone. Bear this in mind if you ever come to visit.
2. The city of Luxembourg has been awarded the European Commission's Accessible City Award of 2021.
#Accessibility #Blind #Adventcalendar #Luxembourg #PublicTransport

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

The accessibility for the blind advent calendar: Day 9 - Belgium - expand the content warning to open the window for the day.
Back in 2018 I spent a month in Brussels. It was the first time I lived in a capital city so it was quite a stressful experience: not much time, a couple of routes to learn, pretty loud and congested streets and trash bags put directly on the pavements - an easy target to hit with a white cane. I enjoyed it though and one takeaway I've got is how easy to read the tactile plans at the Brussels central station are.
Normally, I have difficulties relating what I touch on a tactile plan of a building to the real world. That station made a heavily simplified version of the experience by placing a pole at each crossroad of the tactile floor marking, with a simplified tactile plan at the top telling you where each of the forks of the floorline would take you. It looked a lot like the four navigation keys and the confirmation key on a classic mobile. Each of the arrows ended with a Braille description of the destination in both French and Dutch. This was a great help.
Also QDos to the sound designers who created the jingle for the Brussels public transport company. It's a pretty dancey beat of five notes played on a synthesizer which would make a nice text tone. Find it at the end of the company's promo video below:…
#Accessibility #Blind #AdventCalendar #Belgium #PublicTransport

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Accessibility for the blind advent calendar: day 8 - Austria (Part 1) - expand the content warning to open the window for today
For almost one year and a half I had the pleasure of living in Innsbruck, the charming Austrian city which is the capital of the Alpine region of Tirol which is very popular with tourists. While my stay there was heavily marked by the Covid situation, lockdowns and a really difficult start to building a stable social life, it presented me with some highlights of interest to us so here are they:
- A tiny version of the Czech remotes system, at that time capable of triggering the audible traffic lights, currently also the talking public transport info boards;
- an exceptional training of the public transport drivers who always stopped the bus right in front of you as long as you stood at the designated, tactile spot; opened the door and told you the bus/tram line they were driving;
- a tactile line going across what seemed to be all of the city's market square which made for a nice walk through the city center;
- the general feeling of safety that encouraged me to take long walks and explore the city by myself;
- the amazing community around my former workplace, Freirad, the social, community-driven radio station that focused on giving voice to those who wouldn't find it in the mainstream media. This meant tons of content from marginalized groups, a wealth of diverse cultural, music and linguistic spectrum and plenty of social initiatives on air. Of course, blind and partially sighted radio hosts were more than welcome and I was happy to be a part of this journey, organizing workshops for prospective hosts with visual impairments, including a really fun group of kids and spreading the word about the importance of accessibility which was always well-received. My former show on Freirad aired for the last time today so it's a bit of a chapter closing.
#Accessibility #Blind #Austria #BuildEnvironment #PublicTransport #Radio #AdventCalendar

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

Accessibility for the blind advent calendar: Day 8 - Austria (Part 2)
As there were no links today, have a binaural audio postcard from Amras, a village that became a part of Innsbruck itself some hundret years ago. The recording was taken in the lovely park near the Schloss Amras castle which is located somewhat uphill and makes for a good basic hike for starters. Recording made using the Ambeo Smart headset hooked up to an iPod touch 7th Gen.
The recording is a 1:26 long collage of several clips taken in the park.
Clip 1: Birds chirping with some cars driving past in the background (the park was located directly over a highway);
Clip 2: The call of a group of peacocks mixed with footsteps and somewhat strong wind blowing into the mikes;
Clip 3: A waterfall flowing to my right and footsteps over a wooden bridge;
Clip 4: Moving further past the waterfall so that it's moving in the stereo spectrum and a white cane hitting the wooden bridge;
Clip 5: Another perspective of the waterfall;
Clip 6: Clearly can't get enough of waterfalls;
Clip 7: The last sounds of a waterfall, peacocks and the white cane;
I recommend listening in headphones for the best spacial experience.
#Accessibility #Blind #Austria #AudioRecording #BinauralRecording #FieldRecording #Nature #AdventCalendar

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

People who use the #accessibility stack on Linux, do you use anything other than Orca?

I'm trying to map out unused code paths in at-spi2-core, and so far I'm considering orca/dogtail, but I'm sure I'm missing something.

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in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt ah, yeah, thanks for reminding me - it's at

I don't know how well-maintained it is; the last commits to the code are from a year ago...

Peter Vágner reshared this.

The #Accessibility for the #Blind advent calendar: day 7 - Australia and New Zealand - expand the content warning to open the window and discover the interesting fact for the day
A lot of countries employ voting templates to allow blind votees to cast a ballot in local or state elections. It's the same in Poland and in my experience it has been pretty much prone to mistakes such as the ballot paper slipping a fraction underneath the template. This is why I was happy to learn that Australia and New Zealand employed the "voting by phone" system. Blind citizens of these countries are one of the groups elligible to vote by phone. In order to do that, one calls the central voting committee to register, is assigned unique credentials that allow the person taking the vote to identify the elligibility in an anonymous way. On the day of voting, the elligible person calls another number where only the previously agreed credentials are taken from them, the ballot paper is read and the vote is cast by telling the committee representative. Sounds simple and flawless but perhaps there are some security flaws I am not aware of that made it not a more globally adopted solution. Thoughts?…
#Accessibility #Blind #AdventCalendar #Australia #NewZealand #Voting #Phone

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in reply to Paweł Masarczyk Paweł Masarczyk reshared this.

The #Accessibility for the #Blind advent calendar: day 7 - Australia and New Zealand - expand the content warning to open the window and discover the interesting fact for the day
Our municipality in Ontario did this for our local elections, actually. It was quite nice.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Did you know Monopoly was invented by a woman named Elizabeth Magie in 1903?

Originally ‘The Landlord’s Game,’ it was designed as a protest against the big monopolists like Carnegie & Rockefeller.

But it was Charles Darrow, an unemployed salesman, who eventually sold it to Parker Brothers after playing a version.

Parker Brothers credited Monopoly with saving their company. Magie died in 1948 without recognition. Darrow became very wealthy & his legend lives on. #history #women #HistoryRemix

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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Send umí bezpečné sdílení souborů bez registrace. Poté je sám odstraní



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Peter Vágner reshared this.

The #Accessibility for the #Blind advent calendar: Day 6 - France with potential global impact - expand the content warning to open the window and discover the interesting fact for the day.
The 6th of December is traditionally the day when Santa comes and brings small gifts to children in Poland and several other countries (not to be confused with the 24th of December which is also when gifts, bigger ones, are distributed). Obviously somebody's got to pay for all these nice things so how to do it in an accessible way?
I thought of including Handsome, a French fintech dedicated to serving customers with visual impairments, as a part of this calendar, as it offers an accessible voice payment card; a dedicated concierge service, insurance in case of damage to assistive devices or stranding with no immediate mobility options. They can be found at:
Imagine my shock this morning when I discovered that through cooperation with the Tales Group, Handsome's voice card has become global so it's a matter of time before banks start introducing it.
The card is equipped with a Bluetooth LE chip, connects to the customer's smartphone either through their banking app or a specially designed one; then, once its inserted into the terminal, it delivers all of the status messages to the app E.G. the amount to be paid or the current state of the payment process. This way it is possible to avoid being scammed on the amount and we can make sure all is well with our transaction.
I'm curious if any banks are going to introduce this any time soon.…
#Accessibility #Blind #France #Banking #AdventCalendar

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

I know that the below post might sound random but here goes.
The Unicode braille block starts from U+2800. The U+2800 character himself is a so called “blank braille pattern” which translates to a space sign in most cases. Stuff get more interesting if you want to make a braille pattern. In computer braille (8 dots) there are 256 possible patterns, it sounds like a byte, right? Right! Cause if you want to make a braille pattern, you just at a byte to the base character U+2800 as we already discussed. The bits in this byte are encoded in column order, so that 11100000 is the letter L, and 1101000 is letter F. The exception to this rule are of course dots 7 and 8. They have been added later and so putting them between dot 3 would break the compatibility with existing software. So, to reassume the encoding order is as follows (from bit 0 of the byte)
Dot 1
Dot 2
Dot 3
Dot 4
Dot 5
Dot 6
Dot 7
Dot 8
Tell me guys if you like such #programming and/or #accessibility posts from me.

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in reply to Eva

@Eva Thank you for asking. I am always very happy to explain. Good you were interested.
in reply to Arkadiusz Świętnicki 🇨🇳 I HAVE MOVED

I looked up how the braille characters were encoded in Unicode one day thinking "Surely they were smart enough to do this," and finding out that they did warmed my little programmer's heart.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Something that has worked really well for librsvg - and now I'm happy to have for at-spi2-core as well - is a development guide for the internals. Not a library manual, but an internals guide.

It's available at…

I want to make it a good reference for the implementation details of #accessibility - for how the system is built, the roadmap and the cleanups we're doing, how to make toolkits accessible, that sort of thing.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

The #Accessibility for the #Blind advent calendar: day 5 - Italy - expand the content warning to open the window and discover the interesting fact for the day.
Is it possible to have audiodescription on TV if the broadcasting mode is analogue and the ability to employ several language audio tracks does not exist yet? Italy has had the solution, at least a decade ago still, where audiodescription for the movies aired by RAI, the Italian national broadcaster, would have the descriptive track delivered on a designated FM radio frequency. A blind person wishing to watch such a movie would turn on their TV to the right channel and then tune a radio receiver to the right frequency to enjoy both the original movie track and the audiodescription in sync. As it turns out from the paper below, keeping both in sync is difficult.
By the device of anecdotal evidence I know that a similar system existed in Slovenia.
Another thing that was available in Italy, and I haven't heard of it anywhere else before, are accessible audio menus on DVD's.…
#Accessibility #Blind #Audiodescription #Italy #Slovenia #Radio #AdventCalendar

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to Paweł Masarczyk Paweł Masarczyk reshared this.

The #Accessibility for the #Blind advent calendar: day 5 - Italy - expand the content warning to open the window and discover the interesting fact for the day.
The UK has some DVDs with accessible menus, although I don't know how many. Doctor Who box-sets are the only examples I've personally used.
in reply to James Scholes

The #Accessibility for the #Blind advent calendar: day 5 - Italy - expand the content warning to open the window and discover the interesting fact for the day.
@jscholes I would be curious to know what software is used to generate that. I can imagine this being useful even for private projects. An accessible DVD of the wedding video sounds like the best gift for blind newlyweds.
in reply to James Scholes

The #Accessibility for the #Blind advent calendar: day 5 - Italy - expand the content warning to open the window and discover the interesting fact for the day.
@jscholes I’ve seen these here (Poland) too. The way DVDs work, every item in the menu is a separate scene, showing an almost the same static picture, except with a different highlighted item. Pressing the arrow keys just moves you between such scenes. There’s nothing stopping you from putting an extra “play sound” instruction there, with the appropriate sample.

Paweł Masarczyk reshared this.

in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

The #Accessibility for the #Blind advent calendar: day 5 - Italy - expand the content warning to open the window and discover the interesting fact for the day.
@miki @jscholes Still, having an easy-to-use software for this would be a great way to make smaller projects like this a reality.
in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

The #Accessibility for the #Blind advent calendar: day 5 - Italy - expand the content warning to open the window and discover the interesting fact for the day.
I’ve heard of a similar system employed somewhere in the US, but I haven’t been able to find specifics. Considering that they used to have free or flat-rate local calls, and considering how low the latency was in the days of analog TVs and phone systems, it definitely seems believable.

Paweł Masarczyk reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

The #accessibility for the #Blind advent calendar, day 4: Slovakia - expand the content warning to open the window and discover the interesting fact for the day
Today's window comes a little later than usual but as there's still the 4th of December somewhere in the world, I hope it's forgiven.
Inspired by a conversation I had with @adela, I decided to dedicate this one to the central purchase receipts storage system in Slovakia.
The Slovak government runs a central point where all of the receipts issued by merchands and service providers are registered. Upon issuing, a receipt is assigned a unique number in that system which then is printed onto the slip of paper given to the customer. What you can then do is, using a dedicated app for this purpose, load that receipt onto your phone by entering that number or scanning the QR code printed onto your receipt in order to have all the details of your purchase presented on your smartphone. This is a great way for blind individuals to check whether their transaction has been dutyfully conducted or to help in obtaining the necessary data to maintain your spending tracking record, so even though this solution was not conceived with blind people in mind, it is a valuable enhancement towards a more independent life.…
#Accessibility #Blind #AdventCalendar #Slovakia #Shopping

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

The #Accessibility for the #Blind advent calendar: day 3 - The Czech Republic - expand the content warning to discover the interesting fact for the day
To mark the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, today's window opens up to one of my favourite treasure troves of good practices regarding accessibility for the blind - the Czech Republic which I am currently only one hour of a car drive away from.
Did you know that by 2004 Czech Republic was the second European country right behind Sweden with the widest network of audible traffic lights? Not only that but they already started installing tactile floor markings and my favourite invention, the remote controls for the build environment.
The Czech remote control is a tiny box with six buttons that each blind individual can purchase. Using this aid, a blind person navigating through a Czech city can check any public transport schedule available at any stop, confirm the line of the bus or tram that just came, alert the driver to their presence so that they can let them in or out of the vehicle, navigate around the Prague underground, trigger audible traffic lights to be switched on and locate some of the key buildings such as the Blind Union's HQ's.
Although many cities of Europe have meanwhile tried to implement a similar system, the Czech Republic is the only country I know of that offers such a wide range of services in the entire country this way. I was very impressed the first time I tested this and I love coming back to our southern neighbours. Ahoj a zdravim vas s Polska!
Below, an article of the Czech radio broadcaster back from 2004 explaining the accommodations along with audio samples in Real Audio, if you can still play that.…
#Accessibility #Blind #UrbanEnvironment #BuildEnvironment #CzechRepublic #AdventCalendar

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to Paweł Masarczyk Paweł Masarczyk reshared this.

The #Accessibility for the #Blind advent calendar: day 3 - The Czech Republic - expand the content warning to discover the interesting fact for the day
@Paweł Masarczyk Oh btw almost 20 years later some cities e.g. Prešov or areas (Banskobystrický samosprávny kraj) are trying to pursue these remote controls for their public transport services too. Majority of our country coverage is still ahead of us.
in reply to Peter Vágner

The #Accessibility for the #Blind advent calendar: day 3 - The Czech Republic - expand the content warning to discover the interesting fact for the day
@pvagner That sounds great. Some Austrian cities are trying too. One city in Poland did pilot that. Sadly these remotes do not talk to each other and it's an effort that is pretty much scattered all over the place.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

#Accessibility for the #Blind advent calendar: day 2 #Switzerland - open the content warning to discover the interesting fact for the day
When I was 9 or so, I discovered that one of the cineplex complexes in Poland operated a phone line with an IVR system that would let you explore the entire schedule of currently running movies. This was my first means of accessing information independently and on-demand. I was the movies expert in our house at that time and with movies like "Shrek", "Matrix", "Starwars" and "Harry Potter" coming out this was the time to be alive. I dreamt then that we will be able to access all of the info we want through a telephone. Turns out that's what #Switzerland is doing right now.
Voicenet is the service of the Swiss Union of the Blind, where you can call in and receive all the information you need to access culture, shopping, receive advice, benefit from the organization's services etc.
Some things you can find there:
- the current supermarket prospects with all of the weekly discounts and special offers read by volunteers;
- TV and radio schedule, including information on movies with audiodescription aired throughout the week;
- traffic and construction works;
- rail schedules;
- signing up for the Union's events;
- a voice forum where users can ask for advice and exchange information;
All of that provided by volunteers and an editorial team in three languages: German, French and Italian with the ability to navigate through content E.G. jumping from beverages to dairy products with the phone's keypad.
I realize that things like the NFB Newsline exist but it seems that, as Switzerland is a much smaller country, it is easier to offer much more local information.
#Accessibility #Blind #Phone #languages #Switzerland #German #French #Italian #AdventCalendar

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in reply to Paweł Masarczyk Paweł Masarczyk reshared this.

#Accessibility for the #Blind advent calendar: day 2 #Switzerland - open the content warning to discover the interesting fact for the day
Good for them. We've had a service like that since 1994, and despite the growth of the Internet since then, it still serves an important purpose.
in reply to Jonathan Mosen

#Accessibility for the #Blind advent calendar: day 2 #Switzerland - open the content warning to discover the interesting fact for the day
@JonathanMosen Interesting! Is there anywhere I could read more about it? I also like the idea of voting by telephone that New Zealand and Australia have: so brilliant in its simplicity, yet so few countries embraced it.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

The accessibility for the #blind advent calendar - day 1: 🗾 Open the content warning to discover the interesting fact for the day
In #Japan, the concept of accessible phones has been known since the early 00's and has its own term, "Raku Raku Phones" and means simplified phones. Those are adapted for the needs of elderly users and those who don't feel as familiar with modern technology so a lot of concepts are, well, simplified. This is especially important given that the 00's saw the emergence of Japanese mobile phones with capacities comparable to today's smartphones. Sending emails, taking photos, mobile payments, music recognition and downloads; even TV watched on a phone were all there by 2005 and formed an important part of how the Japanese society accessed information. This is why the Raku Raku phones manufactured jointly by Fujitsu and NTT Docomo, the leading Japanese mobile carrier, were so important. Fujitsu called to the corporate social responsibility of other companies to follow suit and also formed the basis for accessibility guidelines for I-Mode, the gateway to all of Japan's mobile internet services. Apparently, 80% of Japan's blind population used these phones as they were equipped with a screen reader and allowed accessing I-Mode this way.…
#accessibility #blind #Japan #adventcalendar #mobile #phones

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in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

The accessibility for the #blind advent calendar - day 1: 🗾 Open the content warning to discover the interesting fact for the day
learning so much history. Thank you!
in reply to was B (this is my old account)

The accessibility for the #blind advent calendar - day 1: 🗾 Open the content warning to discover the interesting fact for the day
@b_cavello Glad to be of service! Feel free to explore my other posts for the next days as I hope not to run out of content. Hopefully something that actually still works will surface in these.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Have you also noticed that features (as well as extensions) to render RSS/Atom feeds directly in the browser have slowly disappeared - at least from Chromium-based browsers?

There was a time where almost every website would sport a link rel="alternate" pointing to a feed. And, if they did, most of the browsers used to show the feed icon directly in the URL bar, and browsers used to render feed URLs as HTML (it used to be quite spartan, but it was surely better than dumping some XML).

Those features have been taken away over time. The feed icon built-in in the browser is gone (you can get it back with some 3rd-party extensions). And, when opening a feed URL, the browser dumps directly the XML.

Of course I can imagine why this has happened (especially in the case of Chromium-based browsers), but I won't give up easily on my feeds, no matter how much effort my browser puts in it.

So in the past couple of days I've worked on a small browser extension that can render RSS feeds directly in the browser in a pretty format. That's ideal for people like me that like to explore feeds, but don't want to go through the hassle of adding them to another client or service just to see what's inside.

The extension is still WIP and I haven't tested yet on Firefox - any feedback is more than welcome.…

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Wow, after 25 years of Unix experience, I learned that you can filter output in #less.

Press ampersand (&) and enter a regex to show only lines matching the regex.

Press ampersand (&) and then exclamation mark (!) to apply an inverse filter.


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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Our In-Process blog is out! This week, we have news on a FOSS grant from Salesforce, upcoming API breaking changes for developers, new resources for Ukrainians, making an impact in Botswana AND a bunch of tips for getting the most out of Mastodon!
Read it all here:…

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

We just published a new blog post detailing our adventures with streamlining authentication in #XMPP!

It turns out you don't *always* have to choose between improved security or better performance. Why not both?! 🌈 🦄

Check it out at


Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

The next time someone tells you that browsers could maybe automatically fix accessibility issues for us, remember that some folks are trying to override the Firefox *feature* that makes scrolling content areas keyboard accessible:…

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

My level of pissoffedness with Windows is slowly creeping toward the "switch back to Linux" thresholds.

Defender reports threats that don't appear in its list of recent actions. If I trigger a scan, threats sometimes appear when I'm watching, but they vanish before I can navigate to them and learn more. If I trigger another, I'm told no new threats were found, implying the existence of non-new threats. I cleaned Defender's history of recent actions as suggested on a few threads I found, no change. Threats are still detected but not shown.

I scanned with Malware Bytes. No threats found.

And now backups fail because Windows claims they contain a virus or unwanted software. I can't even back up my own damn system. Thanks daddy Microsoft, I'm sure you know best and I'm just dumb.

And no, I don't download bunches of random things and click all the links. I browse behind multiple layers of ad/malware-blocking, including a Wireguard VPN with locally-run AdGuard DNS further hardened with custom blocklists. No it isn't foolproof, but I also don't think I'm being a fool.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to Nolan Darilek

I'm often pissed with windows even tho I don't use because I like to help people and time to time I find they're using windows with or without WSL and both cases yields to weird results.

Here's a common WSL one: if you `npm install` using VSCode Remote WSL you make permissions on node_modules funky so next `npm install something` might give you tons of EACCESS. Solution: close VSCode and `npm i` using just a console on WSL

in reply to Lubien

Eww, haven't hit that one yet. But yeah, the number of times I've encountered something that breaks until I close VS Code and a lock somewhere gets released is also frustrating. Dueling rustcs are my biggest culprit right now. If it wasn't for the accessibility, I'd be back on Linux with a few dusty Windows VMs.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

So there's a way to get the Steam app to play nice with screen readers.

Go to your desktop and highlight your Steam icon. Open your applications menu, go to properties and add -gamepadui to the end of the string. Make sure there's a space between the quote marker and the dash or it won't work.

You might have to login again, but this throws the app into a beta of the Steam Deck UI which fuck me sideways is very NVDA friendly. There's some bugs here and there, but this is lightyears better than what we had to deal with before.

#SteamAccessibility #Steam #Gaming

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in reply to bgt lover

@bgtlover @devinprater also, well may possibly be a bit of an overstatement. There are still some things that do not read properly for sure.
in reply to Talon

@talon Hey I have a question, can the possible choices for polls be increased to more than 4? Currently I can't add more than 4 on this instance, I have seen more choices once so I know it should be possible.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

What's your favorite Teams feature? I will start with mine: the Quit menu item. Works great!

Peter Vágner reshared this.

✨ Tady něco nového ode mě v #czech! 🎉

Koukněte na zbrusu nový webový komiks "Contra Chrome":


Podtitul: O tom, jak se prohlížeč Googlu stal hrozbou pro #soukromí a #demokracie

Těšit se můžete na Shoshanu Zuboff nebo veganské piraně :)

Dozvíte se všechno, co jste kdy chtěli vědět o #Chrome, ale báli jste se zeptat!

Čtěte a stahujte zdarma - doufáme, že se Vám to bude líbit! 😊

A pokud ano, prosíme o co největší šíření! :boost_ok:

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Pro zajímavost: máme oficiálně potvrzeno, že účet @danusenerudova je skutečně oficiálním účtem kandidátky na prezidentku Danuše Nerudové.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

A Linux audio driver walks into a bar

Bartender: "what would you like?"

pulseaudio[18814]: No object for name "alsa_output.pci-0000_04_00.1.hdmi-stereo"

Bartender: "I can't hear you?"

pulseaudio[18814]: core-util.c: Failed to connect to system bus: Did not receive a reply

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Peter Vágner reshared this.


I found a vulnerability that allowed me to unlock any Pixel phone without knowing the passcode. This may be my most impactful bug so far.

Google fixed the issue in the November 5, 2022 security patch. Update your devices!…


Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Mastodon server tuning

@flaki asked me for this, so here's a short guide on scaling Mastodon *down*:…

Note that I'm not a Ruby/Sidekiq expert and probably don't know what I'm talking about. But these tips worked for me.

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in reply to Nolan Lawson

Mastodon server tuning
You know what, I like the ending paragraph. Mastodon is not essential software. It's OK for it to be unreachable sometimes. If someone gets angry at not being able to always and immediately access their instance, maybe they should take a deep breath. There is so much more to life than social media.
I almost even feel like this is a hot take and I'm a little bit worried about posting it. But I still feel it's true.
Thanks for the guide!
in reply to Talon

Mastodon server tuning
@talon my favorite part and something i need to remember more as an admin
in reply to Darius Kazemi

Mastodon server tuning
@darius I often see people telling me to use some dynamically scaling cloud infrastructure for personal projects because "you need to be able to handle the load spikes".
But I think it can be quite easy to handle those spikes. Simply waiting until they go away is a valid option, too.
in reply to Talon

Mastodon server tuning
@talon You've summed up my thoughts too. It's good to take a step away sometimes.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

I compiled (small) list of Czech journalist on Fediverse -…

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

In the next episode of my #podcast, Mosen at Large, I'm devoting an hour to Mastodon from a #blindness perspective. As well as discussing some important cultural issues, I'll provide an audio demonstration of using the #web interface and the Metatext #iOS client with a #ScreenReader. A transcript will be available too, for maximum #accessibility. It will be available everywhere you get podcasts. More details here.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

We are welcoming Zap to #GNOMECircle! Zap can play and organize sounds for your next live stream, or you could listen to the integrated bark sound if you are still morning its removal from GNOME Shell 🐶

Zap is maintained by @rmnvgr…

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