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Peter Vágner reshared this.

According to the commit for on meta-llama Github repo, we're getting the updates: llama-3.1-405b, llama-3.1-70b, llama-3.1-8b. #LLM #ML #AI…
#AI #ML #llm

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Gajim 1.9.2 has been released 🚀

This release brings an important OMEMO encryption fix, native notifications on Windows, usability improvements, and many bugfixes. Thank you for all your contributions!

#xmpp #gajim #chat…

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in reply to Gajim

Uploaded #Gajim 1.9.2-1 to #Debian unstable (sid), expect it in testing (#trixie) in some days. No #backport to stable (#bookworm) planned, but 1.8.4-1~bpo12+1 is not too bad.


This entry was edited (6 days ago)

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Please vote for an implementation of VJOURNAL in Thunderbird. 👇 This would REALLY improve the ecosystem and usability of open protocols! Currently there is almost no software on the desktop to sync your notes and journals with a CalDAV server and TB could fill a huge gap here.…

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

20 minutes after launch, the Unihertz Jelly Max campaign is fully funded. This is a 5-inch 5G phone with a 4000 MAh battery, 66 watt charging, 5G, Android 14.…

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Now that the storm has passed — I can share an update on screen reader support under Wayland.

As part of STF; GNOME has been working since the end of last year on resolving the matter.

The main issue is that we currently lack a way to “snoop on” or “grab” key events from the compositor.

We now have a draft protocol and implementation in Orca and Mutter thanks to @matt

We are doing our best to get it ready for GNOME 47.

#GNOME #a11y #Linux #freedesktop #Wayland

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

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in reply to Sonny

I guess this will also be useful for other applications, like Input-Leap / Barrier or Workrave?
@matt @fedora

Peter Vágner reshared this.

For any enthusiasts of legacy assistive tech, it seems the first source code of the Talks Screen Reader for Nokia 9110 Communicator has been published by one of the original devs. Unbelievable to think that it all started off as a bunch of prerecorded messages supplemented by the ability to spell anything it doesn't have ready letter by letter and plugging in external synthesizers and Braille displays via the serial port:…
#Accessibility #Blind #RetroTech #ScreenReader
in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

The LG “screenreader” for webOS is just prerecorded TTS prompts AFAIK.
in reply to Drew Mochak

@drew That would explain why Netflix is completely inaccessible on those devices, then.

Though I think I remember it reading channel names, so perhaps not?

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Usually people talk about Linux terminal commands used in those hacker-man movies. So here we present you "Termux terminal session" used in an American comedy show.

Also a CW for anyone who's going to watch the entire video: there is some blood involved at around 2:50

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to Termux

pkg install tmux 😄

It's very strange seeing Husk not stammer and mumble his lines, I wonder how many sessions and edits in post it took to make him sound so fluent.

in reply to Termux

Had to sit through the melon husk cringe just for a glimpse of Termux, was worth it!

Peter Vágner reshared this.

It was an honour and pleasure to have been asked to address the National Federation of the Blind’s DeafBlind Division on Friday. I gave an address about living the life we want as blind people who wear hearing aids.
If you are blind and wear hearing aids, or have an interest in this topic, I hope you find the text of interest. #NFB24
in reply to Jonathan Mosen

thanks a lot for this; many valuable information for me to discuss with my audiologist next time, including perhaps changing manufacturer.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Na svoje projekty hledam vyvojarskou pomoc (React + TypeScript) a rad dam prilezitost lidem pred prvni praci, kteri muzou benefitovat i z meho mentoringu.…

Budu moc rad boostovani tu. Ale hlavne za osobni sireni mezi juniory a velka pomoc by bylo i sdileni na LinkedInu, kde je precijen vetsi sance, ze se nejake zacatecnictvo najde.…

#prace #developer #it #react #typescript

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Running commands of your servers or bots from Libervia CLI.

In this video, I show how to use the Libervia CLI to run ad-hoc commands, a powerful feature of XMPP that allows you to execute custom commands on your server or client. I'll demonstrate how to list available commands, run a command to get the server uptime, and send an announcement to all users. This tutorial is a great way to learn more about the Libervia CLI and how to use it to automate tasks and interact with your XMPP ecosystem.
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

My sister asked her partner if he knew what a menstrual cup was.

He asked if it was a sports competition.

Anyway I just died of laughter.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

The Fedora Accessibility Working Group presented to our highest decision-making committee on the state of accessibility in our distro. It's packed with information, context, and perspective for where we are today and how we can change things for the better.

If you would like to contribute after learning more about this priority, please join the matrix room!


Accessibility WG Matrix room:…

#Fedora #Accessibility #a11y #Linux

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in reply to Fedora Project

A long time ago when Fedora was RH based I use to use the distro with Speakup before a gui for Xwindows was developed. I haven't used it on my personal machine since but have used it on remote servers. Can this distro be installed by a blind individual with out help?

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Paperless-ngx is an open-source document management system that transforms your physical documents into a searchable online archive

You can either scan or upload various document formats into Paperless-ngx.

It will organise and index your scanned documents with tags, correspondents, types, and more. Your data is stored locally on your server and is never transmitted or shared ...continues


#archiving #documents #opensource #technology

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

supposedly the #android 15 betas allow for BT-HID #braille displays to connect without having to use USB. Has anyone gotten this to work? I just tried it with a Mantis q40 and while the device is detected, when trying to connect it just says " failed to connect to [bluetooth_name_here], try again", so this does not quite appear ready for prime time. Makes sense given its a beta, just curious if its a pebcac issue

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Today, thanks to @BTyson I learned that you can open blutooth file transfer by typing FSquirt in the run dialog.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Wine 🍷 is now 31 years old!! Gets finer every year ❤️
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

If anyone is interested in following the progress I'm making on fixing accessibility issues in #OPNSense, follow this issue on github:…

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in reply to Jason Fayre

@Jason Fayre That's perfect timing. One of the sites where I'm working as a sysadmin have just received their new opensense based gateway. Next week I'll start learning the platform.
in reply to Peter Vágner

@pvagner Very cool! They have already excepted a few of my poll requests. I’m not sure when these changes will make it into the official packages, but should be soon.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Finally some good news this week! #Fractal 8.beta is here 🎉

Details at…

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Just in case anyone was wondering whether Windows console flooding breaking their screen reader is unique to NVDA, it isn't. Looks like a UIAutomationCore bug. Colour me unsurprised. If you have Python installed, try this with Narrator. Open a command prompt, enter this command and watch the world burn:
py -c "print('hi\n' * 100000)"
Narrator just won't interact with anything after that in any other application. UIA just goes bye-bye.
So much for the UIA CoalesceEvents and ConnectionRecoveryBehavior settings.
Absolutely ridiculous. History would suggest that this will just never get fixed.

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in reply to Brandon Tyson

@BTyson It doesn't seem to be sufficient to prevent this particular extreme flood from breaking things. I suspect this breakage is purely within UIACore, given that it also happens with Narrator.
in reply to Jamie Teh

MS should really look into this since it's a potential attack vector. Anyone malicious could easily add a bit of code that sends a huge mass of text through the terminal, instantly frying the accessibility system that many programs rely on. UIA is essentially being DDoS'd.
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Xin chao and Dumelang! That's how you say Hello in Vietnamese and Setswana. RHVoice Text-to-Speech engine for Android was updated today, adding two new languages: Vietnamese 🇻🇳 and Setswana 🇧🇼. Take a look at our list of languages with available TTS engines on Android… #Android #TTS

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to Zvonimir Stanecic

@asael Kudos to all the RHVoice developers! We can hardly wait for the Croatian language to be added.
in reply to Accessible Android

I also joined the group. If somebody will ever have a problem with RHVoice or wants to collaborate on a new english voice, i am here to help!

Accessible Android reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

I asked the barman what the wifi password was.

He said “First you need to buy a drink”.

I bought a beer, and asked again.

He said “First you need to buy a drink, all lower case, no spaces”.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

I'm still working my way through the official Rust book. Honestly, it's great. Not only does it explain Rust without dumbing things down too much, but it's very accessible. Code isn't in one of those widgets that repeats each line or forces line numbers on me, and what images there are have extremely thorough alt text. I'm very impressed.

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in reply to Alex Hall

@kaveinthran I worked through it to learn Bevy and I have to say more: It also explains programming concepts extremely well.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

heads up. the June 2024 OSARA keymap improvements has landed in the latest osara snapshot. This is just a gentle reminder to update when the prompt appears. Here's an overview of the changes for Windows and Mac.…

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

I have no idea where I read about the PWAs for Firefox extention, but damn if it isn't helpful. Now I don't need so many tabs. This makes using the BTSpeak as an only computer so much easier. Blog post coming soon.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to Haily Merry

@arqeria It allows you to install Web apps using Firefox as the backend like you can do in Google Chrome or chrome based browsers with the install button that shows up in the menu so that you don't have all the extra browser clutter and such

Peter Vágner reshared this.

As a blind person, I find it quite sad that the most common use of Unicode Braille these days is to make terminal apps *less* accessible to the people Braille was originally intended for.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to David Cantrell 🏏

or, well, anything else I haven't thought of that would make the accessibility problem go away without getting rid of the useful display for sighted people?
in reply to David Cantrell 🏏

@DrHyde Terminals are actually surprisingly backwards in terms of accessibility. Where modern GUI environments have a way to indicate such semantic information to a screen reader, terminals don't really. If the spinner contains a progress indication (like percent done), I would at least put that at the beginning of the line to make it slightly more readable. Otherwise, there's nothing you can really do.

We need something like the ARIA specification, but for terminals.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

So what's the new default SBC that is community friendly, work out of the box and can be purchased easily?

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Zvonimir Stanecic reshared this.

Pred pár dňami sme vďaka @Zvonimir Stanecic a ďalším dobrovoľníkom zverejnili prvý slovenský ženský hlas pre #rhvoice. Hlas dostal aj pekné netradičné meno Jasietka. K dispozícii sú hlasy pre #Windows #nvdasr #android aj #linux . Aktualizácie sa zároveň dočkala aj celková podpora pre slovenčinu, vrátane už skôr zverejneného slovenského hlasu Ondro. Ak potrebujete #tts #textToSpeech k čítaču obrazovky, na čítanie kníh, inštrukcie pre GPS navigáciu, pozrite si prosím podrobnosti na jednoduchom webe.

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Mira 🤞🇧🇬🇭🇺 reshared this.

Quite number of things have happened since I have mentioned my occassional usage of #emacS:
* @Termux is trying to update its compatibility with recent #android versions returning into the Google play in the process.
* speechd-el the app that acts as a built-in screen reader for emacs got some polishing and fixes recently.
* Touch and speech have recently released an update to Corvus, suite of assistive apps for #android that also feature great liblouis powered braille keyboard that can emulate alt, ctrl and shift keys allowing me to use emacs keybindings on the braille touch keyboard.
* I'm on holiday these days and I can benefit from having a screenreader accessible linux terminal with powerfull tools inside my pocket.

So here is a short article I wrote on the matter last week…

in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

@Piciok Thanks for sharing the instructions. Now the voice output of Emacs also works on my Android smartphone. Together with the mobile Braille keyboard metabraille, this is very practical.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to Oskar

@Oskar @Paweł Masarczyk Do you guys have more details about @Projekt Define Is it really this hardware mobile phone case with braille keyboard included? I know all the documentation is available online for the do it yourself project, but is there someone who is making these units?…
in reply to Peter Vágner

@define @Piciok Metabraille is a mobile Braille-Keyboard. You can connect it via Bluetooth to a Smartphone or a Computer. We are developing and producing them.
in reply to Oskar

@Oskar @Projekt Define @Paweł Masarczyk Can you please try to describe how it looks like? Is it built into the smartphone case? Is there a place to order it from? What's the price for an individual user? Does it use liblouis for the back translation from braille? I don't seem to be able to find out these details on the website or should I be looking at something else?
in reply to Peter Vágner

@define @Piciok Metabraille is built like a house with a roof. 8 buttons in the front and two buttons on the roof instead of windows. You hold the house with both hands between your palms and type with the fingers on the front and with your thumbs on the roof. It is like holding a keyboard upside down in the air with your palms and typing on the backside. 12 cm long, 10 cm width, 2.6 cm depth. it is a standalone device, not built in the smartphone case.
in reply to Peter Vágner

@define @Piciok Metabraille does not use liblouis. The translation happens in the device. Liblouis is not ported to the microcrontroller and not used.
in reply to Oskar

@define @Piciok unified english braille is not supported yet. we support german braille for the moment. but we will implement unified english braille.
in reply to Oskar

@Oskar @Projekt Define @Paweł Masarczyk Hmmm, while adopting we'll have to implement different braille codes. e.g. For some serious typing I'd like to have slovak braille code. Newertheless it sounds very interesting. With this keyboard can you fully operate your smartphone?
in reply to Peter Vágner

@define @Piciok We want to implement all European languages step by step. Metabraille is a full keyboard replacement. You can fully operate your smartphone with this keyboard.
in reply to Peter Vágner

@define @Piciok metabraille is optimized to be assembled by people with visual impairments or blindness. the assembly kit costs about 180 Euro
in reply to Peter Vágner

On iOS we have ISH which is an awesome piece of software. Its a full emulator of Linux kernel. Emulator, not a VM. Reading through its code is an adventure full of twists and turns, but very rewarding if you like such things.

Mira 🤞🇧🇬🇭🇺 reshared this.

Dear !Friendica Support I'm sometimes reading my #friendica timeline from the @Tusky app on #android.
I am having an issue that some parts of the timeline are not loaded into the @Tusky app at all.
I have figured out when replies are added into a thread, the post is being repositioned in the list of posts returned by the #Mastodon compatible API. @Tusky is not fetching older posts when the one that has already been requested is found while syncing new posts. That is causing gaps in my timeline I can read on the phone.
It really sounds complicated. Do you understand what's my issue?
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

Peter Vágner reshared this.

The blind community has been hit hard with loss this week. RIP to Austin Pinto with so very much energy and knowledge he put into the Accessible Android community, Brandon Cole, a true super hero in the blind gamer community, and Penny Duffy, an awesome advocate and friend to parents of blind children. Families and friends are definitely on my heart.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

I'm in tears as I hear the news of Brandon Cole's passing. SuperBlindMan is a name synonymous with gaming, determination, and a fight for equality in an industry that until recently, has kept accessibility on the back burner. I'll forever miss his humor, his energy, his commitment to showing the world that games are for all players. I'm so blessed to have gotten to know him, however briefly in the digital sphere.
My heart goes out to his family, his loved ones, and the many lives he touched with his kindness and advocacy. We may not be able to fight every boss level, but Brandon has shown us that the game doesn't stop when people expect us to sit on the sidelines. I cherish his passion and contributions to society. He will always be loved, always missed.
His legacy will linger in the hearts of his family, friends and colleagues. It is up to the ones left behind to realize his mission and continue to spread the joy of gaming to all, despite their level of ability. Rest in peace, Brandon Cole. You will never be forgotten.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Tagged a new U-Boot release for some #Qualcomm phones, now supporting the OnePlus 8T (kebab), since it's what I've been using to do upstream development.

Still a bit of a pain to get started with since you need to modify your GPT to mark a partition as the ESP, you can do this using gdisk from an existing @postmarketOS installation.

Once that's done, you can build a postmarketOS image for qualcomm-sdm845 or postmarketos-trailblazer (passing --split to pmbootstrap install), flash the boot image to your elected ESP and the rootfs to userdata, and then enjoy your EFI'd phone :D

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to caleb Chris 🌱 :verified_purple: reshared this.

Speaking of kebab, initial support for the OnePlus 8T sent upstream! Including display and touch screen drivers which I'm really happy are in a somewhat upstreamable state.…

Need to figure out the firmware situation in pmaports, but otherwise once these patches land it'll be one of the first devices supported exclusively by the postmarketos-trailblazer device with Linux next!

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Peter Vágner reshared this.

I'm so fucking floored right now. A true legend is gone. He fought tooth and nail for gamers in the blind community the world over, inspiring so many developers to make their games accessible to all. Fly high, Super Blindman.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

I just wrote a little #NVDASR app module for Phone Link to:
1. Allow shift+tabbing to the message list without the app crashing, since Microsoft apparently can't be bothered fixing this rather severe bug.
2. Allow alt+1 to focus the Conversations list when the Messages view is already active instead of just doing nothing.
I can't really be bothered submitting it as a proper add-on or a core app module, but if anyone wants it, let me know and I can throw it up somewhere.

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in reply to Jamie Teh

Maybe it would be good for the windows app esentials addon?
in reply to Drew Mochak

@drew Maybe. It probably should go in core, but it feels a bit weird because I'm hacking around a very silly bug that Microsoft will probably eventually fix. Then again, maybe they won't.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@drew Mostly, I just don't have the patience or inclination right now to go through code review and polish the code - type annotations, etc. - when it works just fine for me.
in reply to Jamie Teh

Does phone link get updated often? I haven’t used it much though I hear it is quite useful. IDK man, I am still mad at them for “new outlook” being such a pile of garbage. I have to use it for work and it is a massive hit to my productivity. I am not confident the app teams are looking at stuff like that. I suppose I should be more forgiving though, , their track record in general is quite good.
in reply to Drew Mochak

@drew I do get update notifications every now and then, one within the last month or so, but I'm not really sure how often. I did submit feedback for the crash a while back and it's been crickets thus far.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Update on Newton, the Wayland-native accessibility project

There's incredibly good news for people who use accessibility tools on Linux, but who were facing serious, gamebreaking problems when trying to use Wayland. Matt Campbell, of the GNOME accessibility team, has been hard at work on an entirely new accessibility architecture for modern free desktops, and he's got some impre…


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Peter Vágner reshared this.

If you wondered (for some reason), #KeePass, my password manager of choice for many years, has an #accessibility help page now:…. Dominik Reichl is a great developer!

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

This could be useful to some people.
No support, only for info.

As background, I was needing to schedule a task regularly so as to work with the StationPlaylist Track Tool via command line parameters.
The Track Tool is very useful to process files for use on a radio station. If you don't use StationPlaylist, still keep reading.

First I tried the Windows Task Scheduler. Everything worked, except that the computer would freeze while the task (which is fairly intensive) was taking place.
Then I tried System Scheduler:…

Not only does it work perfectly, but it has very accessible dialogs and list view controls, plenty of shortcut keys, and more. I was very pleased at the way it works.

Of course you can schedule a task to undertake the kind of activity I was wanting to do. The list of tasks not only shows the title but when it was last run, something essential for what I was trying to achieve as I needed to monitor it.

You can also create periodic reminders or scheduled text notes. Those reminders can be snoozed for a period of time before the alert arrives again.
The tasks can be run manually or via the schedule. Manual was also very useful for my testing.
You can create desktop shortcuts for tasks if you did want to run them manually and regularly.

Not that I tried this, but you can also get it to action a series of keystrokes if needed when an application is focused. That was well outside the scope of what I was wanting to do.

Definitely worth giving it a try if you would like to. There is a free and paid version.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Gajim 1.9.1 has been released 🎉

This release introduces a menu button, adds improvements for Security Labels, and fixes some bugs. Thank you for all your contributions!

#gajim #xmpp #chat…

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

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in reply to Gajim

When I send a file through a bot with the [xep_0363'].upload_file function, the link to GAJIM does not arrive, in the version before 1.9 it works fine.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Well, we actually did it. My friend (not on Mastodon) and I finally! released our first album, Love Loss Lament. I'm pretty stoked.
Apple Music:…

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in reply to Kara Goldfinch

@KaraLG84 Haha sorry to interrupt your breakfast with a real punch in the feels. A bit rude of me really.