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Items tagged with: History

10. června 1942 došlo k vyhlazení Lidic německými nacisty... Nutno si to stále dokola připomínat, aby se historie neopakovala. 🕯️……

#czech #history #ww2

#TIL that in 1929, JM Barrie, the author of Peter Pan, gifted his work's copyright to the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children.

"Through this gift, Peter Pan’s magic made an unprecedented leap from the realm of fiction into reality and the hospital began to receive royalties every time a production of the play was on, as well as from the sale of Peter Pan books and other products."…

#history #literature #books #bookstodon #PeterPan #philanthropy

The famous #graduation song is a send-off fit for a king! It was originally written for the coronation of King Edward VII in 1901, but evolved to be used during ceremonies for accomplished graduates.

The interesting #history:…

#Music #Histodons @histodons

17 May is Día das Letras Galegas (Galician Literature Day).

#OnThisDay, 17 May 1863, María Rosalía Rita de Castro's poetry is published. It’s the first publication by a single author in Galician for 400 years. The public holiday was introduced to celebrate the centenary of Rosalia de Castro's work.

#WomenInHistory #OTD #History #WomensHistory #Galicia #LiteraryWomen #FlashbackFriday

Very early #OnThisDay, 6 May 1944, Marguerite 'Peggy' Knight parachutes into occupied France to be a courier for the Special Operations Executive. The British SOE supported the French resistance.

Knight fought her way out of an attempted capture, and returned to the UK in September 1944.

#WomenInHistory #OTD #History #WomensHistory #WorldWar2 #Histodons

The more I learn about #history of the Soviet Union, the more I realize just how much my native #Ukraine was actively stifled, prevented from developing and innovating, and forced into this image of a backwards and hopeless nation.

Our people have always been so phenomenal, talented, ambitious, kind, and creative. But they’ve been punished, scared, and intimidated into a terrible subservient existence for so many decades and centuries.

I love Ukraine, but god history is unfair.

#OnThisDay, 19 Apr 1967, Katherine Switzer becomes the first woman to complete the Boston Marathon as a registered runner, despite the organiser physically trying to stop her.

She ran it again in 2017, 50 years later.

#WomenInHistory #OTD #History #AmericanHistory

#Netanyahu is a moron and a thug, Iranian zealots are even greater morons and thugs, Putin is the greatest moron and thug. All of this was totally necessary, but unfortunately thanks to a few douche bags with small brains and small dicks, the world is now again closer to a major war like many times before ...

#war #peace #iran #putin #israel #StandWithUkraine #democracy #history

I still adore this screenshot.

Also, some interesting @thunderbird trivia: In 2004, internet access wasn't nearly as widespread as it is now, so Mozilla offered to send installation CD-ROMs to users for $5.95.

#WindowsXP #Firefox #Thunderbird #History

So apparently the term "patch" in software development comes from punched paper tape.

"Small corrections to the programmed sequence could be done by patching over portions of the paper tape and re-punching the holes in that section."…

#til #computers #development #language #history

“Vote NO on Woman Suffrage” 🙄

Not ancient #history, but just a century ago.

Source: State Archives of North Carolina

#OnThisDay, 7 Jan 1939, French physicist Marguerite Perey discovers element 87, which she later names francium. It was the last element to be discovered naturally.

Perey was a student of Marie Curie, and was nominated five times for the Nobel Prize but never received it.

#WomenInHistory #WomenInSTEM #ScienceHistory #History #Histodons

Happy to share my new article, "Letters from the Ottoman Empire: Migration from the Caucasus and Russia's Pan-Islamic Panic," published by Slavic Review.

For years, I have been searching for Muslim refugees' letters exchanged between the #Ottoman and Russian empires in the 1850s–1914. I was lucky to find quite a few: in archives in Tbilisi, Baku, Moscow, Vladikavkaz, and Makhachkala and private collections in #Jordan and Dagestan. The article explores the secret transborder #letter exchange of Caucasus Muslims and reactions by #Russia.

I argue that Muslims' letters from the Ottoman Empire fueled the Russian government's paranoia about Pan-Islamism that purportedly threatened Russia's colonial project in the #Caucasus. The Pan-Islamic panic shaped Russia's migration policies and colonial governance, including bans on Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca, emigration, and return migration.

#histodon #histodons #history #MiddleEast #Turkey

Gun control is a contentious issue in the United States. Its origins are complex, tied to a history of racial tension, political power dynamics, & competing interpretations of the Second Amendment. One significant chapter in this history is the emergence of the Black Panther Party and their role in the gun control debate.


Print Archive:


#BlackMastodon #History

Image: Black Panther Party by Alfredo Rostgaard (1943-2004)

46 years ago today
Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols is the only relevant studio album by the English punk rock band The Sex Pistols, which was released on October 28, 1977 on Virgin Records in the UK and on November 11, 1977 on Warner Bros. in the USA.

#punk #punkrock #history #punkrockhistory #otd

#ByzantineEmpire #Byzantine #history #OpenAccess #AcademicPublishing #AcademicJournals

'Dumbarton Oaks Papers, which has been a leading academic journal in the field of Byzantine Studies since 1941, has unveiled a new website where all of its issues are open-access and available to read for free.'…

For #PortfolioDay I am sharing one of my favourite collections called "Neglected Elegance"

These #lostplaces have now become a time capsule, capturing the essence of decades passed. Art Nouveau casinos and Art Deco theatres hidden behind closed doors. Forgotten Neo-Classical styled Italian villas with beautiful frescoed ceilings lay waiting to be discovered again. French chateaus, shrouded in dust.

Full #portfolio -…

#photography #abandoned #history #architecture

In 1920, Mamie Smith became the FIRST Black American to record a Blues song. "Crazy Blues” ushered in a new era of "race records.” Previously, white singers copied Black vocal styles in blues recordings, while Black entertainers like Ma Rainey, Ethel Waters, & Bessie Smith were confined to the "Chitlin Circuit." Mamie Smith’s success paved the way for black blues & jazz musicians to thrive.

1/ #BlackMastodon #Histodons #History #music

TIL there were guide dogs in medieval Europe!

This image from a 13th century French manuscript in the British Library shows a blind man being lead by a dog.

Hooray for Dr Krista Milna, who researches this topic and has just been awarded a grant to do more!

#GuideDogs #Dogs #Disability #Medieval #History

The Sakya Monastery in tibet has a library comprising some 84,000 books. Most are Buddhist scriptures, but there are works of literature, history, philosophy, astronomy, mathematics, agriculture, and art. They date back centuries.

In 2011 they began to digitize the library. All books are indexed and about 20% have been fully digitized.


#Books #Library #Monastery #Tibet #History #Knowledge #Monks #Buddhism #Sakya

Joseph Laroche was the only black person of the Titanic’s 2,223 passengers & crew. On April 10, 1912, he joined the ship with his family at Grande Rade harbor, France. Despite enjoying the ship's lavish offerings & dining 1st class, the family faced scorn b/c of their interracial marriage. He went down with the ship. Later, White Star Line apologized for the racism of its crew towards non-white passengers.

#BlackMastodon #History #histodons #Titanic

"The Illusion of Moral Decline"

I'm appreciating this study by Adam Mastroianni today. The next time someone waxes poetic about "the good old days" and how people were so much kinder and more virtuous in the past, I think I'll send them this link. 😁…

#morality #science #history

76 years young 🔥🍾💥

Happy Birthday to James Newell Osterberg aka Iggy Pop, designated the "Godfather of Punk, born on this day in 1947, Muskegon, Michigan

Photo by Rob Baker Ashton

#punk #punks #punkrock #iggypop #history #punkrockhistory #otd

Every year I do an activity on the fugitive slave law & civil disobedience. We talk about whether protest is worthwhile and when, if ever, it's ok to break the law to stand for moral principles.

In past years, most students were pretty cynical & said protest wasn't helpful; they wouldn't risk their own safety and security for civil disobedience. Today, numerous students said that the risk to the country of not protesting for what is right was greater than the personal risk of getting arrested.

What has changed, beyond the random mix of students? My best guess is that the frequency of protests, esp by young people, has an influence, as does the very real sense in their generation that there are serious and urgent problems in the world. That said, when I asked how many of them had ever engaged in protest or civil disobedience, only 3/23 had.

The full lesson is on my website:…

#histodons #history #teaching #ethics

The incredibly rare original ADR-take of the entire Wilhelm Scream recording session has been found!

Here’s some history about the Wilhelm Scream:…

#SoundEffects #SoundRecording #WilhelmScream #History #Movies #Audio

L7, Babes in Toyland, Bikini Kill and Lunachicks.

Thanks to the punk rock god for these bands.

What is your favorite female punk rock band?

For me, L7 will always be number 1

#punk #punks #punkrock #womenofpunk #history #punkrockhistory

Happy Birthday to Walter Rodney, who was born #OTD in Guyana in 1942! After becoming a professor in Jamaica, he was barred from the country for his communist views, a decision which caused riots in his support. He later taught and lectured around the world, especially in Tanzania. His book “How Europe Underdeveloped Africa” made him a towering figure in anti-colonial circles.

You can buy today's artwork here:

#history #Guyana #communism #PanAfricanism #HiaG #Mar23

An amazing article about the treatment and understanding of #blindness in the middle ages
Quite a revealing read:…
#disability #inclusion #accessibility #history

Physicist John Tyndall is often credited with discovering the greenhouse effect, which he wrote about in 1859.

But female scientist Eunice Foote published a paper - 3 years earlier - demonstrating how atmospheric water vapor & CO2 affected solar heating. She theorized that heat trapping gases in Earth’s atmosphere warm its #climate.

Tyndall was widely read. And Foote, being a woman, wasn't even permitted to present her own work.… #history #science #ClimateChange

I remember seeing a presentation about municipal #history & how at one point roads were all privately maintained.

We do have toll roads still, but I think we can all agree that most roads are maintained by our taxes.

Interesting blog! "Web Development History", for the technically curious #www #tech #history

Synth genius Wendy Carlos studied physics & #music at Brown & Columbia. She helped develop the first Moog synthesizer & her 1968 classical album Switched-On Bach went platinum. She brought music & tech together & composed soundtracks for A Clockwork Orange, The Shining, Tron & more.

Carlos was assigned male at birth & transitioned to female. Unfortunately, many journalists focus more on her gender than her accomplishments that changed music forever. #history

I've been collecting interesting examples of information organisation in history, focusing on non-Western civilisations. I came across this example of an ancient Mesopotamian spreadsheet! It records wages paid to temple workers in 1295 BCE.

#History #AncientHistory #Cuneiform #Mesopotamia #CognitiveHistory

#dotnet #history #2

The first version of the .NET framework was released on January 15, 2002, for Windows 98, ME, NT 4.0, 2000, and XP.


In the 13th century a 7 year old schoolboy named Onfim doodled on his birch bark. He drew himself as a warrior & as “a wild beast” and scribbled a greeting to his friend Daniel.

These are his drawings, unearthed by archaeologists near Novgorod, Russia #history

#OnThisDay in #hacking #history, MPAA vs DeCSS, the entertainment lobby failed to persuade a Norwegian court to convict DVD Jon for creating a utility to play back DVDs on his own computer. #histodons…

Looking for people who know something about early computing, especially in the Netherlands. Please boost and help me solve the mystery of this custom made plate that used to belong to my grandfather Bram Jan Loopstra, one of the pioneers of Dutch computing. What do the pictures mean? #computing #history