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Items tagged with: XMPP

#XMPP Summit at #Brussels

After a short recap on #WebPush, we are continuing with the agenda: MAM


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#XMPP Summit at #Brussels

We are just starting over on the 2nd day at the XMPP Summit 25!
But where are you? This way please: ⬆️


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#openstandards #opensource #decentralisation #interoperability #rtc #jabber #europe

#XMPP Summit at #Brussels

After a short break the last topic for today was MUC & MIX.

Read our pre-notes:…

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#openstandards #opensource #decentralisation #interoperability #rtc #jabber

#XMPP Summit at #Brussels

The first topic we discussed and reviewed was #Push 2.0.

Read our pre-notes:…

#openstandards #opensource #decentralisation #interoperability #rtc #jabber

#XMPP Summit at #Brussels

We plan to discuss the topics in the following order:

1. #Push
2. #Spaces
3. MAM
4. MUC
5. IN-NG
6. #Jingle / #WebRTC
7. Disco
8. #PubSub
9. NL/EU
10. XMPP Providers
11. #Communications
12. ATM

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#XMPP Summit at #Brussels

We are just starting with our 25th XMPP Summit (finally)!

We will have two days of exchange before the #FOSDEM at the weekend.

We will keep you posted here! :xmpp:

#jabber #rfc #standards #interoperability

A new tool for server operators and developers has arrived: nbxmpp-client lets you check and test various XMPP connection methods (and proxy configurations) while having an eye on the protocol's XML stream. Version 2.0.0 has just been released and comes with a fresh design (Gtk4+libadwaita).


Check out nbxmpp-client at…


Just embarked on the journey to Brussels for the #XMPP summit and #FOSDEM. Excited to meet old and new faces for the first time in several years, and talk about @prosodyim and @snikket_im development.

If you'll be at FOSDEM, stop by the Realtime Lounge in K building level 2! We have stickers and stuff 🙂…

#XMPP Events

Once again, many folks of the XMPP community will be attending #FOSDEM2023!

We will have the #Realtime Lounge set up: Come and meet community members, developers, see demos and ask questions.

Location: Ground floor of the K building.…

Anyone up for some #XMPP / #Jabber test with #OMEMO and in a group?

Join here.

Nothing special, just want to find out if it works, just send some messages with OMEMO encryption or without to see what happens.…

That #Metaverse #bullshit is definitely not the kind you should waste your tiny funds on.

I think that @blender would have more use for this tech but not a messenger system like yours.

People explicitly chose #Matrix in order to not have to deah with #VR bullshit and screaming kids in discord.

So I guess I'll stick with #IRC, #XMPP & #Zulip instead...

Gajim 1.6.1 has been released 🎉

This is mostly a bug fixing release, but it also brings some important improvements and adds more convenience. Thank you for all your contributions!

#gajim #chat #xmpp…

#UnifiedPush using #xmpp #Conversations :blobheart:

Now #fluffychat (#matrix) gets notifications instantly (using server)

Just set what XMPP account (in any server) will get notified and share it in your device…

Free/Open source FTW!!

APPS with UP service:

(you can set what server will manage the service, eventually: your own)

utterly failing at setting up my #prosody #XMPP-Server with mod_http_file_share…

response on 5281 looks fine in browser, certs are okay-ish, but upload never starts

no documentation apart from prosody-page about that module

great. -.-

Help us to build the #XMPP Newsletter

Its being produced collaboratively by the XMPP community via this pad:…

Regular tasks:
- short summaries of news
- summary on #standards
- review
- preparation of media images
- translations & communication

This evening I pushed a #Prosody community module that acts as a #UnifiedPush server. It allows apps on your phone to receive push notifications, using #XMPP as the delivery channel instead of Google's proprietary FCM or regular polling.

It uses a protocol devised and implemented by @daniel and all credit goes to him for this idea and first implementations.

It's all experimental stuff, but I'm already using it to get realtime notifications in #Fedilab 🙂…

@ErcanErdemArdal Oh, I realise you were probably talking about #quicksy and not slidge in this toot, sorry about that. Yes, Quicksy JIDs (#XMPP addresses) look like, so if you want an XMPP account not linked to your phone number, do not use Quicksy but rather #conversations or forks like cheogram or blabber.
I also don't like to see my phone number in my JID *but* a lot of users appreciate it. It makes the user experience closer to whatsapp, signal, telegram, etc.

@ErcanErdemArdal Yes, credentials are stored server side with slidge. Although, just to clarify, I am not administrating a public slidge instance. Slidge is a software meant to be installed by XMPP server admins. #selfhosting an #XMPP server is relatively easy and cheap, and that's the option I recommend to anyone that wants to try slidge. Maybe some XMPP servers admins will propose this to their users one day, but right now, all slidge users that I know of are self-hosters.

All SMS codes are archived by the operator.
is it possible to track the account associated with an sms code?
Does server record my #phone number?
I am concerned about the way accounts are stored / logged on the server. If my phone number is stored somehow then I am not interested with that solution.
#XMPP #Android

Any Suggestions for a Nice
#XMPP client?
Preferably available on PC and Android.

Slidge, la passerelle #XMPP multi-protocoles moderne écrite par @nicoco, passe en version "Release Candidate" (dénomination arbitraire)……

As a hobby, I hack instant messaging gateways from various chat "apps" to XMPP (XMPP is to Whatsapp what the fediverse is to Twitter). Slidge (the name I gave to my hobby software thingy) has been mostly usable for me for a few weeks, so I decided to talk about it a little in my blog, by pretending some milestone has been reached and calling it a "release candidate".…

@daniel That's really nice to read, thanks! Slidge tries to XEP-comply as much as it can and I'm happy to fix stuff if it doesn't. Bridged contacts and groups should not be differentiable from other #XMPP entities; it seems to be the case as it (mostly) just works with #Conversations (for me, at least).

I'm :blobsmilehappy: #XMPP #Conversations user with our own server 👪

Recently one family member changed they mobile device and since then have had many Push #Notification Issues™️

Only this device is affected (xiaomi OS), so i did not messed with server configs.

Now reading "How do XEP-0357: Push Notifications work?"… and

"Conversations Push Proxy"…

I'll will install google's play store version and wait it has some effect on the issue 🤞

I’m pretty excited to see support for reactions and replies in @dino.
This will give me something to test with and some extra motivation when I implement both in #Conversations_im this year. #XMPP

One thing I wanted to do for years was to experiment with Conversations acting as a push provider for apps that don’t maintain their own TCP connection (,, …).

@unifiedpush’s recent post on the @fdroidorg blog¹ renewed my interested in this topic and I've just merged code that make Conversations a UnifiedPush Distributor.

I’m already receiving my @Tusky notifications via #XMPP 🥳


We would like to say thanks to all in the #XMPP community and beyond, for your engagement in this year #2022!
A good time for you to say thanks to the projects you use and maybe also give a bit back. Looking forward!

#opensource #decentralisation #interoperability #jabber #rtc

TIL that @prosodyim is written in Lua! Not sure why but thought it was written in something else like Perl or Go.

Separately, browsing the source code ( is kind of painful to read with the web UI it's hosted on 😅

#xmpp #lua

So happy to announce all issues with #XMPP verification have been solved, and the proofs now work better than before 🚀

Simply log in here and add the proofs:

It doesn't track or store any data and runs entirely in the browser, feel free to inspect the source code to verify this!

A huge thanks to @mattj for his help!

Here's the blog post:


New release!…

And since the 0.11 branch is still technically supported, why not both?…



#XMPP Events

Last chance: Proposal submissions for #FOSDEM's Real Time communications room, by tomorrow!

A great opportunity to share what has been going on in the past year for XMPP.…

#jabber #interoperability #standards #rtc #matrix

The #XMPP Newsletter for November '22 is out!

Read about the latest XMPP universe updates, such as ejabberd turns 20, Prosody, Conversations and Spark in version 3 + the latest updates on our #Standards!

Enjoy! 📰 ☕…

#jabber #xep #interoperability