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Items tagged with: mastodon

We are on #Mastodon!

You can now read and engage with news and information about 🇪🇺 EU policies in a privacy-focused environment.

Follow us 🔗…


V německých novinách jsou články o výhodách #fedivers a #mastodon, tak v českém tisku se řeší anonymní účty na Twitteru…

Connecting to instances without relay

Hello there

Yesterday i found out that you are able to add #Mastodon instances to relays (did not worked with #Friendica servers). I'm not sure though, if this actually works, or Friendica only adds it as relay and it does nothing (no messages received so far).

Question is, is there similar way to connect to Friendica instances?

I would have deployed relay to do the job, but it seems that most used Pleroma one suffers of bug that does not let me manage it.


!Friendica Support

👴 OK kids...

Before #Mastodon, before #socialMedia, before the #Web, we had the #BBS.

If you wanna learn from those who came before, here's a comprehensive 5-hour #documentary about bulletin board systems. 🤓

(Of course, given the world back then it's mostly 5 hours of old white guys. So it goes!)…

You are new on #Mastodon and don't know what to make with it now?

Maybe watch this great video from @shonalika to get a good start about the whole thing...…

#Twitter buyout puts #Mastodon into spotlight 👇…

Just found out that the EU has an official Mastodon server it operates:

#politics #eu #europe #mastodon #server

ℹ️ #Privacy is a major concern for us here on as well as many other #Mastodon servers.

After joining, please check your profile (link below) to enable or disable:

1. Require follow requests
Manually control who can follow you by requiring your approval

2. Suggest account to others
Allow your account to be discovered by strangers

3. Hide your social graph
Don't let others see who follows you, and who you follow.


because I have so many new users coming #mastodonTips #mastodon


1) in addition to a bio, consider also making an #introduction / #introduction post also check this tag to find people who are also new and their interests

2) is a wonderful place to find people who are active. it is human moderated. if you decide to stick around and have the bandwidth to do so, consider joining a list to welcome others as well.


As an alternative to FediTips, you might want to also check out @noelle's "Increasingly Less-Brief Guide to Mastodon":…

It's got slightly different takes on many issues, but hopefully seeing a different perspective will give you a fuller understanding of how Mastodon works.

#MastoTips #Mastodon #FediTips #Fediverse

Current statistics of #fediverse reported by #fedisearch:
#Mastodon 222903 public users on 3551 instances
#Pleroma 634 users on 1315 instances (only current beta has needed api)
#Peertube 277613 channels on 1195 instances
#Misskey 23931 users on 402 instances

Abstimmungen bei Mastodon

!Friendica Support

Erst dachte ich, es fehlen wieder Bilder:
Screenshot: Unvollständiger Post in Friendica

Aber auf der #Mastodon - Seite sieht man, dass es eine #Abstimmung ist, welche bei #Friendica nicht angezeigt wird:
Screenshot: Post in Mastodon mit Abstimmung

Muss das so oder haben wir eine Chance, solche Features ebenfalls angezeigt und vielleicht sogar daran teilnehmen zu können?


Die Logik der Nichtunterstützung bei #Mastodon erschließt sich mir überhaupt nicht. Wer #Nonmentions nutzen will, nutzt dafür auf Twitter ohnehin Screenshots. Bei Mastodon bleibt einem ja gar keine andere Wahl - das Ziel wird ja mehr als verfehlt, weil es so *erst recht* Nonmentions gibt, da Leute bei Screenshots ja nicht erwähnt werden.
Finde es daher absolut unterstützenswert, dass das bei #Friendica unterstützt wird.

Dazu auch noch mal die Beobachtung zum #Reshare: Habe heute einen Beitrag reshared von einer Friendica-Benutzerin, die selbst scheinbar einen Beitrag von #Mastodon per #QuoteShare geteilt hat.

Mein Reshare von #Friendica ist nicht in #Diaspora sichtbar.
Es ist kompliziert...

I added support for #ecko and #hometown #mastodon forks to #fedisearch

You can now find discoverable accounts on these servers:

🇩🇪 #German Government has it's official #Mastodon server. I see that as a good step forward to using open technologies.

Here in 🇨🇿 #czechia we have only a Pirate political party, that runs it's official Mastodon instance.

Hi, Today I found your post when looking for #fedisearch and #SepiaSearch tags

I created a fediverse search app:
It collects feeds from #Mastodon, #PeerTube, #Misskey and partly, #Pleroma

New ideas are welcomed. I still have several improvements in todo list (like better search query specification, instance searching...)

Current crawler statistics:
:mastodon: 3195 #Mastodon nodes with 106173 users
:pleroma: 1100 #Pleroma nodes with 152 users
:peertube: 971 #PeerTube nodes with 217253 users and 228273 channels
:misskey: 316 #Misskey nodes with 15419 users

Current crawler statistics:
🐘 3032 #Mastodon nodes with total of 86387 users
📺 942 #PeerTube nodes with total of 206618 accounts and 216505 channels

Do you want to know if your friend is somewhere in the #Fediverse network? I wanted to, so I created a
It can search accounts and channels on #PeerTube and "discoverable" accounts on #Mastodon

There have been many reports lately that Facebook is blocking links to

If you are still on Facebook, please keep spreading the word about Mastodon and the Fediverse.

If doesn't work, try posting a link to a reliable instance people can join. There are so many instances, Facebook cannot block all of them from being mentioned.

That Facebook are even doing this implies the Fediverse is on their radar, which is quite an achievement in itself!

#FediTips #Fediverse #MastoTips #Mastodon #Facebook #DeleteFacebook #Alternatives