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Items tagged with: Macos

You want to help #Monal but you can't code?

Just help out translating the app! We have many unmaintained languages only half translated right now:…

Every contribution welcome :)

#xmpp #ios #macos #federated

Been working on a new project the last couple of months and it's finally ready for beta release!

#Fedimeister is a #Java based #Mastodon client (available for #Linux, #Windows and #MacOS under the Apache #opensource license) with a focus on #writing and #journalism. Features:

* Break long texts into threads
* Scheduled posting
* Hashtag research
* #Twitter quote tweeting emulation


#Monal is taking part in this year's #GSoC (google summer of code). There are already lots of interesting project proposals over here:…

If you can write code and always wanted to take part in #GSoC, we'd love to have you on board!

Just pick a proposal or suggest your own project idea and simply drol us an email to

Let's move #Monal forward together! 😊

#gsoc #gsoc23 #GSoC2023 #xmpp #ios #macos

#libreoffice, #macos and #darkmode, a dark topic indeed...

(there is text in the fields at right, it just doesn't show)

Trying out this RDP based desktop sharing to see if I can use #gnome @gnome for remote work.

It's clunky compared to XForward. An entire desktop required and the shared computer is basically useless to anyone else since it won't share a desktop that's not showing on the monitor in the physical space.

Bit of a leap backwards if I'm being honest. Every time #linux copies #Windows or #MacOS I get this sinking feeling that we've just given up being great and are settling for good enough.

Super post from @SaraSoueidan on how to set up a screen reader testing environment.…

Sara, do you or anyone else know of a way test VoiceOver on Mac if we don't have access to a Mac? One of the perennial frustrations in the web industry is the assumption we're all on Macs. For many, Macs are well out of our budget ranges, but we still want to do the best we can with the tools at hand. Any advice?

#accessibility #a11y #inclusion #mac #macos #windows #testing

Announcement: Macstodon 0.3 is here! 🥳​

Macstodon is a Mastodon client for 68k Macintosh computers! With it, you can post plain-text toots, view your home and local timelines, and view your notifications!

System Requirements:
- A 68020/68030/68040 Macintosh
- System 7.1 through 8.1
- At least 1.5 MB of free memory
- 32-bit addressing enabled
- Internet Config installed
- an SSL-stripping proxy running on another machine

You can download the latest release from GitHub:
(but please read the Read Me, I worked hard on it!)

And with that, I'm going to take a break from this project for a few days! But do let me know if you've successfully used it!

#RetroComputing #RetroProgramming #VintageMac #68K #Apple #Mac #MacOS #ClassicMac

Love all the information #Apple provide with their #macOS software updates. 🙄

606MB update with apparently no changes I need to be aware of...

Just learned today there's a pendant to #FDroid for #macOS & #iOS users called "App Fair". I'm not using any #Apple device – but if you are, you might be interested to take a look. And if you're a developer and want your #FOSS #app there, I'm sure you'll want to take a look as well:

We just released #CollaboraOffice 22.05 🌻

The new major release for #Windows, #macOS & #Linux includes:

🐘 Jumbo spreadsheets with 16k columns
📈 Sparklines in Calc
⏱️ Performance improvements across all modules

Find out more in the announcement 📢…

Just watched the video as suggested by @Suzie97 and as usual, while I agree about most of the complaints about macOS window management (it's awful), there's always something that's been overlooked.

There IS a real 'maximize' action in macOS:

- hold ALT (or option)
- double click the bottom right corner of any app
- thank me later :)

#macos #macostips