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Items tagged with: AdBlocker

Welchen #AdBlocker möchte man denn #Android #NutzerInnen empfehlen, die (noch) den PlayStore nutzten?

Repeat offenders drive bulk of tech support scams via #Google #Ads

"Search engines, and Google’s in particular, are our gateway to the web. Yet, that door sometimes opens up to unsavory places thanks to sponsored search results, AKA ads."

This is part of the reason I recommend using an #adblocker (whether in browser, on device, or network-based.)

#cybersecurity #scams #security #privacy…

Get ready for the transition to @thunderbird mobile!…

#thunderbird #android #rom #privacy #cybersecurity #adblocker #iodé #degoogle #opensource

YouTube makes #ads unskippable!

#Google is planning to start merging ads into #YouTube before they leave the server 🙈

Is it even possible to enjoy YouTube without ads? Check out our wrap-up here 👉…

#adblocker #annoyingads #privacymatters

Guten Morgen. Wer sie noch nicht kennt, sollte unbedingt einen Blick in die Empfehlungsecke werfen. Diese enthält meine aktuellen Empfehlungen zu verschiedenen Themen wie Messenger, Werbeblocker, werbefreies YouTube, Passwort-Manager, Suchmaschinen und Co. 👇…

#empfehlung #tracking #security #datenschutz #adblocker #android #youtube #messenger #linux #firefox #dns #unifiedpush #email #frankgehtran #thunderbird #passwortmanager #videokonferenz #vpn #suchmaschine

🤣🤣🤣 @cnnbrk Here’s some breaking news, CNN Breaking News. Not everyone is running Brave. I don’t. Many do run privacy controls. How ironic that our privacy controls are blocking your “privacy protections,” and you insist we should TRUST YOU. Is that like trusting Meta to protect users’ phone numbers by passing their chats through Meta servers…?

So hilarious. Thank you for self-deselecting from my trusted news sources. 🤣🤣🤣

#AdBlocker #malware #cookies #tracking #privacy #FreeIsntFree