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Items tagged with: Openstreetmap

#Glocken online - Schönes Projekt!

Leider fehlt mir die Freiheit, es uneingeschränkt zu empfehlen, solange keine trackingfreien Dienste, wenigstens alternativ wie z.B. #OpenStreetMap oder #PeerTube, verwendet werden.
Schade, dass es auf Nachfrage so gar keine Reaktion gibt.

#RespektDerDigitalenPrivatsphäre, besonders bei Projekten mit Jugendlichen.

#digitaleKirche #FefiKirche #OSM #selbstbestimmtDigital

@fabianstadler Everything is #OpenStreetMap data, so someone added it. You can see the history of an object if you log in and press the green OSM-logo.

And if you know of missing vending machines, you can add them yourself too - that is why the button 'add new feature' is there ;)

Did you know? supports hotkeys. Our favourites are:

P (and shift+P) to select a Picture-based background, M (and Shift+M) for a map (not based on OSM), and O for an #OpenStreetMap based one. Backgrounds are curated by the editor layer index.

And of course, Ctrl+F selects the search bar. Btw, a big improvement to search is coming soon.

For more hotkeys, check the 'Hotkeys'-page in the menu

A small Belgian NGO has collected data about bicycle parkings, but they now want to import their bicycle parking data into #OpenStreetMap

Care to help a bit? It is a big game of geo-sleuthing ;)

It can be done by:

1. Open
2. Search a yellow icon - it is a bicycle parking to import
3. Figure out if it still exists and where exactly it is located
4. Link or create a new bicycle parking
5. Update attributes

Rinse and repeat! Happy mapping and thanks for helping!

Wenn #Bus oder #Bahn wieder mal auf sich warten lassen - gute Gelegenheit um etwas in Sachen #Barrierefreiheit des #ÖPNV zu tun:

Handy raus, #OpenStop starten und #Daten sammeln, die Menschen mit Behinderungen helfen können.

Das hat dazu Info's:…
#OpenStreetMap #OSM #Autokorrektur

🗺️ One of the things I try to do when on the island (or anywhere remote) is update OSM with new amenities, or delete ones that have closed.

I’m using Every Door at the moment. It works, but pretty it is not. Alternatives? Anyone?

#osm #openStreetMap

Here you go:…

No data set ever is complete, so there will be some tables missing. And very few of them have pictures. But you can easily add them with a few clicks (and a free #OpenStreetMap accouny). All data flows back to OSM. is an independent Mastodon server for OpenStreetMap people. Funding graciously provided by the OpenStreetMap Foundation.


You can find out more at or contact the admin @compass

#FeaturedServer #OpenStreetMap #OSM #Maps #Mapping #Map #Geospatial #GIS #Cartography #Cartographers #Cartographer #Mastodon #Fediverse #FreeFediverse

@lukasweidinger @MapAmore @normplum Hi! I'm the @MapComplete dev, and yes, you are touching upon a very interesting topic. There has always been tensions between (big) corps and volunteers in #OpenStreetMap , which makes it a really interesting topic.

First of all, the data you contribute goes into the OSM-database, which _everyone_ is allowed to reuse, including for commercial use. And yes, Bing Maps partially uses OSM!

#OrganicMaps is primarily about viewing and navigating maps. While you can use it to add things, I believe those things are mainly shops, businesses, etc. (and even then it's quite limited).

For #micromapping (adding trees, rocks, fire hydrants, benches, etc.) @everydoor is a really good option.

#EveryDoor #OSM #OpenStreetMap #mapping

The #OpenStreetMap-api slightly changed yesterday-afternoon, causing many uploads made with #MapComplete to fail yesterday afternoon and night. However, there is error reporting and logging and @pietervdvn did manually run the failed changes.

If you had changes which didn't upload yesterday, check again and they might have appeared.

Another small update that dropped a few days ago: the "hotels"-theme now supports more then just hotels, but also B&Bs, guest houses, motels, hostels, ...

This makes it easier to consult and add this information to #OpenStreetMap

Since a few weeks, MapComplete has a new thematic map:…

This map is for all things free and reuse, such as second hand shops, bicycle repair workshops, repair cafés, public bookcases, ...

The end goal is to have support for all features mentioned on…, but that is still a lot of work - for which all help is appreciated! If you know a bit about #OpenStreetMap tagging, create a layer on and create a layer!

You can also add this on #OpenStreetMap with

Cela m'a pris pas mal d'heures de travail, mais je suis fière d'avoir contribué parallèlement à #OpenStreetMap (#OSM) et à #WikimediaCommons en y ajoutant les #sculptures installées dans le #parc devant l'Eglise de #Giubiasco (#Bellinzona).
Je ne comprends pas, par contre, pourquoi il n'y a aucun site web qui fait la promotion de ce #patrimoine artistique...

Les #photographies sont à voir ici:…

#art #Ticino #Tessin

Et je découvre ainsi, grâce à un commentaire d'un utilisateur #OSM que:

"Since you’ve added images and their link, the artworks now show up nicely on dedicated web maps, for example @MapComplete /artworks":…

C'est bô, cela, non? J'ai ainsi l'impression d'avoir vraiment fait une belle contribution
#OpenStreetMap #MapComplete

20 Jahre OpenStreetMap: Auf Augenhöhe mit Google Maps und Apple Maps

Als OpenStreetMap gegründet wurde, kannte es nur eine Handvoll Aktivisten. Mittlerweile ist der Globus fast abgedeckt und OSM nicht nur in Krisen nützlich.…

#Internet #Kartendienste #OpenSource #Openstreetmap #news

#MicroMapping parks has benefits you may not have realised:

A family is in a new city for a couple days on holiday, and needs to take their children to parks and playgrounds. It is important for them to be able to see the size of the playground. Maybe one child will be upset if there is no slide, so they want to try find one with a slide.

#OpenStreetMap has the possibility of providing highly detailed, useful information, and I'm excited for it!

the map is open-source, but be aware that #Locus as app is not.
IMO this is not necessarily a bad thing, software developers have to earn money.
Another great (not #FOSS) app for navigation during sport activities (#running, #cycling, #trekking, etc.) is IMO #komoot :
It also uses #openstreetmap data

Edit: OsmAnd is opensource, thx for telling me

I finally started to fill data in to #OpenStreetMap.
At first I just looked at how several features are already tagged, then slowly started to correct wrong data and then add missing details.
I use #StreetComplete app to add details on walk travels,
#OsmAnd app to add POIs and of course the iD web editor for larger edits.
I am especially impressed by the iD editor. It's so helpfull with clever use of autocomplete and linking to #OSM wiki...
The best reward is 3D view becoming more realistic...

Dear AI Companies, instead of sneakily scraping, how about a tiny $10,000 donation? We'll even throw in a shiny new download link to our entire planet's geo data! Who knew it was that easy? Start here:… #win #ai #bots #OpenStreetMap 🌍 🤖 🤑

For what it's worth makes it pretty easy to add images to #OpenStreetMap objects.

I thought @MapComplete had a carousel of nearby WikiMedia images for easy crosslinking but it's not showing up for me for the themes that I thought had it.

Edit: there's a "browse and link nearby images" button much further down the form.

Přispívání do OpenStreetMap: chytání „pokémonů“ se StreetComplete

V dalším díle seriálu o přispívání do OpenStreetMap se věnuji tomu nejméně náročnému způsobu – doplňování informací k již existujícím objektům. Dozvíte se, jak na to ve skvělé aplikaci StreetComplete.

#MapComplete #mapy #OpenStreetMap #OSM #StreetComplete…

TIL Bezirk Mitte in Berlin benutzt Umap um Sitzbänke im Bezirk anzuzeigen.…

edit: Link hinzugefügt:…

#berlin #OpenStreetMap #Umap #fossgis

Záleží co tě zajímá případně co tě trápí. Pokud si na něco netroufáš, nebo nevíš jak danou věc opravit, můžeš se zeptat. Buď tady (pár nás tu je - já třeba sleduji tagy #OSM a #OpenStreetMap ) případně máme emailovou konferenci a propojené místnosti jabber/matrix/irc/telegram/discord

Přispívání do OpenStreetMap: proč vlastně?

Před několika měsíci jsem začal přispívat do OpenStreetMap a celkem mě to chytlo. Rozhodl jsem se tedy napsat seriál článků o tom, v jakých formách lze přispívat. Seriál ale musím začít tím, že napíšu o tom, proč vlastně přispívat a kde všude může být vaše práce vidět.

#Mapbox #Maptiler #mapy #OpenStreetMap #OSM #Strava #Sygic #TomTom…

Unfortunately, I was in the middle of a short editing session when the OSM outage (apparently due to a #DDoS) occurred. So I’m keeping my tab with iD and my pending changes open (hopefully not needing to rely on LocalStorage). I wish I had used #JOSM so I could save my session to a local file, but I was on a laptop without JOSM.…


Is the #OpenStreetMap down or having issues? I'm continually getting verfication issues by cloudflare...

Zum #SoundMapping habe ich #Radio#aporee gefunden:
Gibt es im #FediVerse vielleicht jemanden, der die #Plattform nutzt?


Is there a service, based on #OSM, with which you can add #audio, i.e. #sound, atmo or #noises to the #map? Something similar to Mapillary for photos?

ich bin #neuhier, habe bisher wenig Social Media genutzt und will jetzt einen Versuch bei Mastodon wagen. Meine Interessen:
- #Radfahren (Arbeitsweg, Alltag, Radreisen) mit Trekkingrad, MTB oder Fitnessbike
- #Wandern (besonders mehrtägige #Hüttenwanderungen in den #Alpen, aber auch gerne hier in der #Rhön)
- #Chorsingen (Gospel + NGL)
- #Tanzen (Standard + Latein)
- #OSM (#OpenStreetMap), Wikipedia, Wikivoyage
Und ziemlich wichtig: Meine Familie.
In Vorfreude auf neue Kontakte,
Norbert 🙂

Habe gestern einmal ein paar Anregung hinsichtlich der Verbesserung der Zugänglichkeit einiger Elemente in der App #OsmAnd ans Entwicklerteam gemailt, bin mal gespannt.
@radiorobbe hat die App unter…
Ich könnte ja mal einen Text zu besagter App und #OpenStreetMap generell verfassen, der dann auf veröffentlicht werden könnte ...

Dass sind mir die liebsten Meilensteine bei #streetcomplete

Jede Information macht die #openstreetmap Karte besser, aber Informationen zur Barrierefreiheit sind sehr nützlich.

Vielleicht sind bald Routings für Blinde und Rollifahrer möglich.

Wobei niemand vergessen sollte:

Wenn du lange lebst dann wirst du Behinderungen durch Alter oder Krankheit bekommen und auf Barrierefreiheit angewiesen sein.

Alright #Mapstodon #OpenStreetMap There's still / again broad scale vandalism going on in our beloved map 😓

So let's clarify a couple of things! 🤓

There are practically zero checks for what goes into the OpenStreetMap database. You can create an account and delete a city. It'll be in the database immediately. The thinking is that the community will spot it and fix it ("self-healing map") and there are tools to check for vandalism in the map.


La ville de #SaintLaurentLaSalanque vient d'inaugurer un passage piéton arc-en-ciel 🌈 en faveur du mouvement #LGBT

Malheureusement vandalisé quelques jours plus tard, cette triste médiatisation est l'occasion de pouvoir le renseigner dans #OpenStreetMap grâce au thème @MapComplete suivant :…

Ça en fait au moins 3 dans les #pyreneesorientales


Data is from #OpenStreetMap, so it's already crowd-sourced.

Last time I checked, creating themes for @MapComplete got extra hard. Has that changed in the last year?

Have you seen the "Sustainable Map", which renders #OpenStreetMap data focusing on features related to #sustainability ?

You'l find data features on: Publicly accessible
Free of charge, Social
Environmentally friendly production, Organic, Seasonal, Vegetarian
Environmentally friendly packed, Unpacked, Zero waste
Fair trade
Short transport distances, Regional
Sharing, Lending
Community, Participation