Items tagged with: Openstreetmap
Tomorrow and saturday, we are doing a #surveillance #camera walk in #Ghent: see… and…
We will be adding them to #OpenStreetMap using @MapComplete
Bewakingscamera's op de kaart (wandeling)
Hoeveel bewakingscameras zijn er in Gent? Waar staan ze (niet)? Hoe kunnen we dit in kaart brengen? Is dit goed of slecht voor de maatschappij? In deze woMeetup
New OSM tool (to me):
It is an easy way to see where lights are already mapped, and what still needs to be covered. I do believe MapComplete has one as well.
Street Lamps in OSM
This map shows street lamps and their settings in the data of OpenStreetMap. It shows e.g. operators, reference numbers and details about the used
Murals can also be added and uploaded to #OpenStreetMap with
Those pictures might be posted by @mapcomplete_edits
Looking for vegan places and not a fan of proprietary datasets? #MapComplete has several themes to find (and edit) vegan places, based on #OpenStreetMap data!
The “restaurants and fast food” theme will show most places you might be interested in. If you love fries (like I do), “fries shops” will be helpful for you. And in the “gluten free” and “lactose free” themes, you can filter for vegan places too!
You can also easily edit these places with MapComplete, for example to add details or update incorrect or outdated information. Your changes will be uploaded to OpenStreetMap, which is freely reusable data!
MapComplete - editable, thematic maps with OpenStreetMap
MapComplete is a platform to visualize OpenStreetMap on a specific topic and to easily contribute data back to
I moved nearly 40K pictures (which were linked from #OpenStreetMap and created with @MapComplete from imgur to @panoramax
You can read more about the proces…
Thanks to @thibaultmol for hosting the server
Moving pictures from IMGUR to Panoramax: some thoughts and little facts
As you might know, Im the main developer of MapComplete. For those who dont know, MapComplete is an OSM-viewer and editor, where contributors can easily answer questions, add new points and upload pictures from a POI from a cozy website.OpenStreetMap
nice service by @jaller94: find missing #stolpersteine on #osm in your berlin kiez. simply load the gpx file into your favourite osm app (e.g. osmand) and add missing stolpersteine to #openstreetmap.
Hey würde jemand Lust verspüren sich beim Betrieb eines deutschen #panoramax Servers einzubringen? Streetview Photos unter CC und für OSM…
#selfhosting #openstreetmap #fossgis #gistribe #datenschutz #photografie
Deutscher Panoramax Server?
Wenn es um das Problem des Hostens der Bilder geht könnte man vielleicht gucken, dass man die Bilder einfach auf Wikimedia Commons speichert und Panoramax nur als Viewer für die auf den Wikimedia Servern liegenden Fotos nutzt.OpenStreetMap Community Forum
Hey #openstreetmap people, i need your help again.
I'm using Overpass Turbo for the first time and struggling with a query that should be simple.
I've checked various help files but can't find anything.
I just want to show roads that have no speed limit. (So i know to go and fix that).
Something like:
We moved about 10K images already, about 2.8% of all 'image'-tags in the #OpenStreetMap-database. All those moved images are made in Flanders.
There are 19K images hosted on Imgur, of which the vast majority (probably 18K) are made with MapComplete and will be moved soon.
If your app supports the image tag, it might be neat to start supporting panoramax too. See the wiki for details. OpenAEDMap just implemented it (see…, might not be live ATM)
Add support for panoramax · openstreetmap-polska/openaedmap-backend@c035154
❤️ Backend powering — an OpenStreetMap's life-saving AED map - Add support for panoramax · openstreetmap-polska/openaedmap-backend@c035154GitHub
Op vrijdag 22 november (13u30) en zaterdag 23 november (11u) organiseer ik een wandeling vanuit de Krook in #Gent waar we met #OpenStreetMap en @MapComplete bewakingscamera's in kaart gaan brengen.
Na een korte uitleg gaat iedereen een eigen kant op, op zoek naar camera's.
Dit past binnen
(Of je kan ook meer info vinden op de meetup-pagina:…)
#privacy #bewakingscameras #surveillance
Programma | Mutation
Ontdek de rode draad die vier unieke locaties aan Gent Zuid verbindt. Laat je drie dagen verwonderen door een intensief programma.Mutation
AWESOME new @kagihq update:
For ex: I want to look at the #OpenStreetMap wiki page for (power) sockets.
Previously you could do search like this:
socket !osmwiki
this would bring you to…
But if I know that the chance of the right page being the first result on #Kagi is high, I can just do:
socket @osmwiki !
then I land on:…:*
! is basically the Kagi equivalent of that google "i'm feeling lucky" feature from back in the day
Drinking Water
On this map, publicly accessible drinking water spots are shown and can be easily
🚶♂️🗺️ Doe mee aan de LiLi-app mapathon in Brugge!
Op 29 november van 18:00-22:00 in het Hof van Watervliet helpen we OpenStreetMap België met het toegankelijker maken van de stad voor blinden en slechtzienden. Samen vullen we ontbrekende infrastructuur aan die de Lili-app gebruikt om de veiligste routes te bepalen.
Meer info:…
📍 Locatie: Hof van Watervliet, Brugge
⏰ Tijd: 18:00 - 22:00
💻 Meenemen: Laptop (muis handig)
LiLi-app mapathon
OpenStreetMap België organiseert een mapathon in Brugge in het kader van onze deelname aan het “[Lili-app project](”.OpenStreetMap Calendar
Well, it is now. And whole little street got updated with fresh data...
😊 I like how easy it is...
*This* is the type of game I was talking about. This game uses #OpenStreetMap so that you can play "in" your local town.…
City Bus Manager on Steam
Build your own bus depot from scratch and create your personal bus routes in City Bus Manager. Play in your own hometown or any famous city in the world with real map
For our (small) master dissertation about #education (but mostly because we are interested), we are doing research about using #OpenStreetMap within #secondary education (roughly 12 - 18 years old, but with a focus on 16 - 18 years old).
The long-term goal is to create a usable #lesson where pupils go out and map using a data collection app. If you have any experience with this, would you be so kind to spend 10 minutes of your time to fill out the survey?
Guess when #MapComplete started uploading pictures to our @panoramax -instance and started introducing `panoramax`-tags to the #OpenStreetMap-database...
There are 614 pictures in our instance for now.
If you want to see the graph for yourself, it is here:***/p…
I sometimes get the question why I'm not allowing anonymous contributions to #OpenStreetMap via #MapComplete .
I've gotten the question again today, so I decided to write down why I'm not adding nor planning
@MapComplete Could cafés be included in the restaurant category as well?
I'm often just looking for places to eat and don't care whether a place is officially labeled "café" or "restaurant".
I'd also really like to answer some questions about cafés which are currently restaurant exclusive like whether a place offers vegan food.
On the other hand, I've never looked for either a café or a bar at the same time
Voor de duidelijkheid: #MapComplete werkt op/met dezelfde database waar heel veel apps op werken: (de Wikipedia van kaarten). Wat je toevoegt komt dus uiteindelijk bij iedereen terecht. Doen dus!
Hello everyone!
We are a new community #DEI initiative for #OpenStreetMap hoping to become a respected group to improve diversity all around the OpenStreetMap community!
To introduce myself, I'm Freya (@Venefilyn) and I created this as I found a lack of a community initiative to increase accessibility coverage within OpenStreetMap and be a safe space for individuals and groups who want to find others like-minded and strive for a safe space in organizing events or other things! 🙏
Tři postřehy z povodní
Letošní velké povodně se naší rodině vyhnuly. Přesto jsem jejich průběh sledoval, protože v zasažených oblastech jsem měl vzdálenější rodinu, kolegy, známé. Jak už to u takových tragických událostí bývá, vyvolaly celou řadu diskusí: o schopnosti krajiny zadržovat vodu, budování přehrad, polderů atd. Mě ale pohledem ajťáka zaujaly tři věci.
#opendata #OpenStreetMap #povodně #povodne2024 #sociálníSítě…
I've recently taken to adding a direction tag to benches in #OpenStreetMap. My convention is that the tag value corresponds to the direction of view.
Delighted to find that @vespucci_editor now shows (single) direction values, but wished I'd known about the whizzy direction tag gadget which uses the phone's compass yesterday. (It's a bit too clever if adding the values in retrospect.)
Yes, I am turning more and more into a #nerd...
#Glocken online - Schönes Projekt!
Leider fehlt mir die Freiheit, es uneingeschränkt zu empfehlen, solange keine trackingfreien Dienste, wenigstens alternativ wie z.B. #OpenStreetMap oder #PeerTube, verwendet werden.
Schade, dass es auf Nachfrage so gar keine Reaktion gibt.
#RespektDerDigitalenPrivatsphäre, besonders bei Projekten mit Jugendlichen.
@fabianstadler Everything is #OpenStreetMap data, so someone added it. You can see the history of an object if you log in and press the green OSM-logo.
And if you know of missing vending machines, you can add them yourself too - that is why the button 'add new feature' is there ;)
Did you know? supports hotkeys. Our favourites are:
P (and shift+P) to select a Picture-based background, M (and Shift+M) for a map (not based on OSM), and O for an #OpenStreetMap based one. Backgrounds are curated by the editor layer index.
And of course, Ctrl+F selects the search bar. Btw, a big improvement to search is coming soon.
For more hotkeys, check the 'Hotkeys'-page in the menu
A small Belgian NGO has collected data about bicycle parkings, but they now want to import their bicycle parking data into #OpenStreetMap
Care to help a bit? It is a big game of geo-sleuthing ;)
It can be done by:
1. Open
2. Search a yellow icon - it is a bicycle parking to import
3. Figure out if it still exists and where exactly it is located
4. Link or create a new bicycle parking
5. Update attributes
Rinse and repeat! Happy mapping and thanks for helping!
Wenn #Bus oder #Bahn wieder mal auf sich warten lassen - gute Gelegenheit um etwas in Sachen #Barrierefreiheit des #ÖPNV zu tun:
Handy raus, #OpenStop starten und #Daten sammeln, die Menschen mit Behinderungen helfen können.
Das hat dazu Info's:…
#OpenStreetMap #OSM #Autokorrektur
🗺️ One of the things I try to do when on the island (or anywhere remote) is update OSM with new amenities, or delete ones that have closed.
I’m using Every Door at the moment. It works, but pretty it is not. Alternatives? Anyone?
Here you go:…
No data set ever is complete, so there will be some tables missing. And very few of them have pictures. But you can easily add them with a few clicks (and a free #OpenStreetMap accouny). All data flows back to OSM. is an independent Mastodon server for OpenStreetMap people. Funding graciously provided by the OpenStreetMap Foundation.
You can find out more at or contact the admin @compass
#FeaturedServer #OpenStreetMap #OSM #Maps #Mapping #Map #Geospatial #GIS #Cartography #Cartographers #Cartographer #Mastodon #Fediverse #FreeFediverse
@lukasweidinger @MapAmore @normplum Hi! I'm the @MapComplete dev, and yes, you are touching upon a very interesting topic. There has always been tensions between (big) corps and volunteers in #OpenStreetMap , which makes it a really interesting topic.
First of all, the data you contribute goes into the OSM-database, which _everyone_ is allowed to reuse, including for commercial use. And yes, Bing Maps partially uses OSM!
#OrganicMaps is primarily about viewing and navigating maps. While you can use it to add things, I believe those things are mainly shops, businesses, etc. (and even then it's quite limited).
For #micromapping (adding trees, rocks, fire hydrants, benches, etc.) @everydoor is a really good option.
The #OpenStreetMap-api slightly changed yesterday-afternoon, causing many uploads made with #MapComplete to fail yesterday afternoon and night. However, there is error reporting and logging and @pietervdvn did manually run the failed changes.
If you had changes which didn't upload yesterday, check again and they might have appeared.