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Items tagged with: Games

To #blind users, does anyone play #browser #games or open multiple tabs on #Firefox without the browser slowing to a crawl? I was thinking about switching from #Edge to Firefox, but games that run well in Edge or other Chrome-based browsers make Firefox extremely slow, and it's the same way if I open even a few tabs. My computer is a #BeeLink SER5Pro #miniPC with 32 Gb of RAM and #Windows11Pro.
#MozillaFirefox #MicrosoftEdge #incrementalGames #browserBasedGames #gaming #browsers #Windows #Windows11 #WindowsEleven #WindowsElevenPro #tech #technology

*This* is the type of game I was talking about. This game uses #OpenStreetMap so that you can play "in" your local town.…

#VideoGames #Games

I sometimes wonder why all the FLOSS #mahjong #games on Linux are always the boring American "mahjong solitaire" version, never the traditional "street" mahjong, which is 100x more stimulating.

It would be so cool if #GNOME's #Mahjongg game (or a derivative) had a multiplayer-like mode, the one played by uncles in the streets of Hong Kong (…), but with the computer as opponents (like in the embedded video below, or most computer chess games)…

#gaming #videogames #蔴雀 #麻将

Wow, this piece exposes a supposedly prominent accessibility contributor to gaming industry that ended up actually not existing in the first place.…

#a11y #accessibilty #games #gaming #expose

Díky usilovné detektivní práci kluků kolem webu se podařilo získat originální hru Videostop přímo od autora. Tím je Zdeněk Vodák a hru naprogramoval v MegaBasicu pro Československou televizi. Tam běžela na ZX Spectru gumáku a přes kempston interface byl připojený ovladač s tlačítkem
#ZXspectrum #games #8bit… aims to delegalize game publishers thanos-snapping games you've paid real money for when they feel like it. Exactly what Ubisoft recently did with The Crew.

MattKC has a great short video about it:…

Now is the best chance for us to have governments make laws protecting games from systemic destruction!

Australians - HURRY!
2 weeks left for you to ACT!
Read details on

#RightToRepair #RightToReplay #Gaming #Games

Lessons learned after 3 years of fulltime Rust game development, and why we're leaving Rust behind…


#games #programming #rustlang

Sensitive content

final Hour, a zombie fps audio game, made by @meatbag and I is looking for new beta testers.
If you're interested, go checkout its page:

And apply to be a beta tester using the following form.…
#Blind #Accessibility #A11y #Audiogames #Audiogame #Games #gamingc

Last of Us 2 stream: No return from a blind POV

In this stream, I attempt to play no return on the remastered version of the last of us part two and I fail at it miserably -- Watch live at

Doom 1 and 2 are now officially licensed under the #GPL, no longer dual-licensed with the DSL :)…

#FOSS #OpenSource #Games #Gaming #GameNews

A fun twist on the classic Breakout game: play in two windows, one of which is also a paddle.

And it's open-source, too!



Oort seems like a pretty fun Rust programming game. The idea is that you get to program ships to engage in space combat. Similar to other games such as Space Traders.

The idea is pretty cool, but it uses a web editor to input the code and it is not accessible, so I can't use it. Pity.

#a11y #games #rust

I welcome everyone to read my #blog #post on #modding #games for the #blind people. Let me know what you think. I am not good at English lol…

🌈✨ Na na na na na na na…! ✨🌈 Are you playing We Love Katamari REROLL + Royal Reverie? Get a copy of my book on the making of the original Katamari Damacy featuring interviews with Keita Takahashi and learn all about how this magical game came to be!

📗KATAMARI DAMACY by L.E. Hall (Boss Fight Books), available at a bookseller near you

#Books #BossFightBooks #Katamari #KatamariDamacy #WeLoveKatamari #WeLoveKatamariRerollRoyalReverie #Games #VideoGames #RetroGames

Oho, one more #AndroidAppRain today, at @fdroidorg with 24 updated and 3 new apps:

* FLARE: an action RPG with gameplay alike to the games in the Diablo series
* Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup: roguelike adventure through dungeons
* TIC-80: a fantasy video game console

Enjoy your #free & #libre #Android #games & #apps from, at & with #FDroid :awesome:

A video game that I've played more times than I can count, that I'm SO EXCITED is getting a remake, is Knights of the Old Republic. I can't overstate how much impact this game has had. If you haven't played it before, it's available on a ton of platforms & I HIGHLY recommend it, especially if you love Star Wars. If you have played, what's your favorite Star Wars game & why? Here's me as Bastila with guest star Revan at Star Wars Celebration ❤️ #KOTOR #BastilaShan #Revan #StarWars #cosplay #games

A keyboard accessibility horror game!
#a11y #games 👻

Hi I'm Jay! I'm a writer, editor & developer who works in comics, games & books. I love #scifi, #fantasy & especially #StarTrek, #StarWars, #WheelofTime, #TheWitcher and way too many more to tag. BIG #BioWare fan, so expect to see loads of #MassEffect and #DragonAge here. I'm also a cosplayer with 120+ costumes. I stream video games, comics discussions, #TTRPG, art & cooking. I LOVE talking #comics, #cosplay & #games, so feel free to hit me up! Boosts appreciated ❤️

#Introduction time!
My name is dos; some call me Sebastian. I made dozens of small silly video #games and some slightly less small ones too. I'm one half of @holypangolin studio. Sometimes I pretend to be a musician, but don't get fooled. I'm also a living encyclopedia on a Polish rock band "Perfect". Trams are cooler than trains. The more caramel, the better. I've been using GNU/#Linux on #mobile phones for ages, which led me to work with @purism on the Librem 5. btw I use Arch, but I ❤️ Debian!

For all the #Accessible #Games fans, see the quest related to the Kikiriki Games upcoming title at