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Items tagged with: activitypub


I'm working on an introductory # about # protocols. 🦄

It serves as a taster for different technologies, and provides you with a path forward to deepen your studies if you're so inclined.

I'll cover #, #, #, and #. Each chapter is a brief intro and a hands-on project using #.

The book will be CC licensed. If that sounded interesting, add yourself to the interested readers list at:

"# is an AGPL licensed # protocol compliant federated social network server suitable for hosting a small number of accounts on low power systems requiring minimal maintenance, such as single board computers. It's the ActivityPub equivalent of an email server, storing posts as human readable JSON on file, rather than in a database. It also uses only a small amount of RAM. "

Headed by @bob who I recommend stalki^W^Wfollowing

though I'm highly critical of much of the Web3 space it is undeniable that there's a lot of innovative ideas circling round. And projects more often do 'productization' better (if only to package a scam).

Buzzword-o-meter on Perspect3vism site is way up the scale but ideas are interesting.

I'd like to see stuff like but for # #. Especially visions going 'beyond apps' to composable personal experiences have appeal. Dunno if we ever get there.

We redesigned our Discover feature because discovery is more than just a list of popular posts or hashtags.

We added several new ways to explore content and creators, the screenshot only shows a third of them.

Shipping Soon! #pixelfed #discover #activityPub

The Fediverse has a podcasting platform called @Castopod which has accounts that can be followed from Mastodon etc. People can also comment, like or share individual episodes. More info at:

It has just moved out of alpha testing into beta testing, with a new interface and lots of new features.

Podcasts can also (of course!) be followed through RSS instead, if you prefer.

#CastoPod #Podcasting #Podcasts #Podcast #Fediverse #FediTips #ActivityPub #FOSS #FLOSS #Libre #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #RSS

It would be interesting if something like #SepiaSearch was made for #ActivityPub in general and not just #PeerTube

OwnCast is a free open source self-hostable streaming platform, basically a libre alternative to Twitch, and also currently testing Fediverse support too! :blobcool:

There's more info about it on its website at

The project is looking for help running an OwnCast dedicated Fediverse account. (There is currently a bot at @owncast but this just provides automated posts about streamers.)

If you think you can help with this, or want to be involved with the project in any other way, get in touch with OwnCast here:

The project lead is on the Fediverse at @gabek

#OwnCast #Fediverse #Twitch #Alternatives #ActivityPub