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The Foundation joins the FOSS community and advocates of digital sovereignty in calling on the European Commission to sustain its funding for the Next Generation Internet program.

The European Union must keep funding free software:…

#Advocacy #Policy #EU #FOSS #OpenSource

Von wegen technologieoffen: Wie das ZDF berichtet, haben sich Minister Wissing & Staatssekretär Luksic als Lobbyisten für den Kraftstoff HVO100 einspannen lassen. Unterstützern von "HVO100 goes Germany" wurden exklusive Treffen mit Wissing oder Luksic in Aussicht gestellt - gegen saftige Bezahlung.
Luksic übernahm sogar die Schirmherrschaft für die u.a. von Tankstellen - Lobbyverbänden finanzierte Kampagne.

Wir fordern schonungslose Aufklärung!…

#verbrenneraus #efuels

I'm thinking back to my childhood in the 80s and 90s, and pepperoni on pizzas (both frozen pizzas and the vacuum sealed pepperoni packs for making homemade) used to cup a lot more than they do now. Like, my canonical frozen pizza image is a Tony's pizza with pepperoni cups filled with oil, but haven't seen that in a long time. Did pepperoni technology improve in the intervening decades?

NOAA Is in Danger - The Atlantic…

What it's like being on ADHD meds

Sensitive content

in reply to Rosalin Kellyanna

What it's like being on ADHD meds
I use meditation to deal with my strange hyperactivity outbursts, and losing things is still a thing. Hyperfocusing can be pretty useful only if we knew how to control it. But I am glad the meds help you and that life's gotten better.

Jemand Lust, sein/ihr Fahrrad bei Github reparieren zu lassen? Die haben eine API für Radgabeln!
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

ich wunder mich so nebenbei, wieso da nicht die naheliegendste übersetzung verwendet wird, einfach "gabel", die ja wohl auch in jedem wörterbuch an erster stelle steht. Machine translations sind seltsam...
in reply to christian mock

@cm Ha! Ich bin nicht allein mit dem Gedanken 😆 Auch wenn sich bei dem Gesamteindruck der Seite (ich habe letztendlich verzweifelt auf EN umgestellt) eher der Begriff "Mistgabel" anbieten würde 🙊 💨

Schulen und Wissenschaft müssen kooperieren: Bayern beschließt Bundeswehrgesetz…

The simplicity of Dutch public transport tariff sometimes leads to illogical pricing.

For instance this 30-minute-long tram ride is cheaper with a tourist ticket for € 3.40 than when paid as you go with a transport or payment card.

I wish Dutch cities learned to implement price caps, which are common in virtually all other countries.

in reply to Ondřej Caletka

Oh, it turned out that the return journey following the same route is significantly cheaper! 🤯

My heart is breaking. We found a baby duck outside, and it's hurt. I called Wild Life Control for help, who sent me to another place, then to another, then to another. Nearest place to take the duck is 2 hours away. Normal vets won’t treat it. I don’t know what to do. #Animals #Animal

The Best Phone of 2024 is now just $975 for Amazon Prime Day…

#OneDrive in-depth: Learning content…

Hello Hello Jamers 🙂

For those who didn't have the time or energy to click on the Dev update #9 link, we've got you covered!

Here's the link, if you want to know more:

#Jami #opensource #P2P #App #PrivacyMatters

Any #Google docs/sheets fans who can use them productively with a screen reader? Please share any tips. I know it can be done, but personally I think it's very annoying to use especially on Mac. Usually, I grudgingly participate, but a disability related working group I just joined uses Google docs/sheets to collaborate. Is there any other alternative solution for document collaboration that's more accessible? #accessibility #ScreenReader #GoogleDocs

Köln hat eine neue Fahrradbürgermeisterin. @fahrradkoeln

Proposal: I email you weekly programming challenges building towards a web browser, & assess the solutions you email back!

Some of those challenges could be skipped if you want to pull in existing dependencies (just don't email those solutions to me), others can't.

No charge.
Though if it goes well I might charge to rerun the course.

How much interest do I have?

  • I'm interested (21%, 8 votes)
  • I and my friends are interested (2%, 1 vote)
  • No thanks (2%, 1 vote)
  • Won't partake, but good idea! (73%, 28 votes)
38 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

in reply to Adrian Cochrane

To anyone who wishes to learn how to build their own browser engine (the document-rendering portions), or simply wants weekly real-world software development exercises...

Please sign up at… & starting Sat 27th July I'll send you weekly challenges!

These challenges should only take an evening a week, for 12 months.

And to those signing up: I'm happy to offer you a chat platform discuss with other students! Do you prefer XMPP, Matrix, IRC, SSH-Chat, or Mattermost?

in reply to Emilia the Adult, apparently :neofox_flag_trans: has mine.

if you wanna use the others, see credits wt the bottom for unmodified versions (I remove/reduce animation for some of them).

What I would give for a Discord feature that lets you exclude certain channels from ever being marked as unread when there are new messages. I don't want all these servers to be unread because of unread #bots messages, or automated webhooks triggering in #git.
#bots #git

Long before #Rosetta & 67P/C-G, there was Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 & its devastating 1994 encounter with Jupiter.

I was privileged to be part of the team that made & released the very first images of Fragment A impacting at ~20:15 UTC on 16 July, 30 years ago last night, as seen from Calar Alto in Spain.

The brightness of the impact plume was a huge surprise & the following week saw intense astronomical, media, & public engagement.

#Astronomy #Astrodon #SpaceScience #PlanetaryProtection

We’d like to send our best wishes to AppleVis founder David Goodwin, who at present is battling a serious illness. We have confidence that he is receiving excellent medical care and that all is being done to facilitate a full recovery.
Running any kind of online community is a huge undertaking. David has done so for well over a decade as a volunteer who has improved our access to information.
We send our support and solidarity to David’s family, and to the @AppleVis team.

reshared this

Zvládnuť ísť zajtra do práce a cez víkend do fitka tak budem dobrý.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

V Prahe bolo krásne a tú svoju blbosť som napravil, mrzí ma to.

Tak táta mi popřál všechno nejlepší a poslal fotku svého krvavého oka se kterým se léčí. Někteří lidé se prostě nezmění. Nemají do vínku danou empatii ani co by se za nehet vešlo.

No, Tobias. You can neither outrun nor outskate an incoming thunderstorm.

Now get out of those soaked clothes with what remains of your dignity.

in reply to Tobias Baldauf

If you can’t outrun it, celebrate it. Think of it as a nice cooldown instead of a failure to not get wet. And laugh and enjoy. Your kids will think you’re the coolest dad in the world.

I want to encourage everyone who hasn't done so to consider adding a bio to your profile. Unless I know you and your reputation, I don't follow anyone without a bio and I'm not the only one who feels this way.

We had an amazing time at the 2024 ACB National Convention! The debut of the JAWS AI Training Suite was a hit, the sessions were informative, and the exhibit hall was a blast. Our favorite part was connecting with everyone; what was your favorite part of #ACB2024?

The #purismgamejam results are in! 🥁 Top honors go to "Bunny Semiconductor," "Plankter," & "Hurry Curry!" Congrats to the devs! 🎉
Test out the new Open Source games here!…
in reply to Purism

I enjoyed playing the games that the other contestants submitted.
It was powerful being able to submit a pull request to fix a typo and have it fixed quickly. That's something proprietary games cannot offer.
in reply to Purism

Thank you for doing this, and PLEASE do more game jams in the future!

We have released a new update for the BT Speak. It includes a new text to speech manager for installing or removing Vocalizer and RH voices, as well as new speech engines from Pico and Festival Lite. We have a new Clock Settings menu to disable the announcement of seconds and 12/24 hour time announcement options. Audio from MP4 files can now be played from the file browser. Read about these changes along with the other improvements in this latest update.…

I've just received a notification about this year's #JetBrains developer survey. I guess, I will reiterate my rant about accessibility for the hundredth time. As always.
in reply to André Polykanine

Если не забуду, тоже что-нибудь им напишу на эту тему. Сомневаюсь что поможет, но по крайней мере мы их пнём.

Meta is already using it’s user’s data in the USA, But its brazen attempt to use EU user data and introduce Meta AI won’t pass! 🙅 🧐

Read more here 👉👉…

#MetaAi #Meta #AI #NYOB #Privacyrights #gdpr #GDPR #AI #Tuta #privacy

Unknown parent

@unruhe Great decision :)
in reply to Tuta

In terms of creating a less bias AI model, it is better to have a more diverse training model. Thus, if many data subjects opt-out to this training attempt, in the long run there will be a worse off propaganda machine.

This is one of those current dilemmas between quality of model and acquiring of data.

After reading an article on the average news site, there are usually links to articles of dubious quality that are often salacious clickbait. These are usually Taboola ads.

It is thus a huge surprise to hear that Apple plans to run ads from them in its News and Stocks apps.…

BTSpeak owners! July 6th 2024 update: Bug: BTSpeak not speaking on boot.…

> Confidence is not "I know what I'm doing."

> Confidence is "I know how to find that out" and "I know how to learn new things" and most importantly "I know when I don't know what I'm doing, so I stop and find someone who does"

(us)pol in original post, see reply with cw

in reply to Fay 🏳️‍🌈

Doesn't apply to (us)pol only – but to soooo many more areas I don't even dare START counting…

And IMHO it also includes "I admit when I'm wrong and adjust accordingly" – instead of "I'm a mule and continue on my path regardless what".

(with apologies to the mule)

For the Nation of Gondwana festival this weekend, me and Nicl worked on a 3D printed tactile map. Made me wonder if there are any standards in this direction, like what shape would a toilet have and all that. If anyone has some pointers, please let us know!

This was first drawn in inkscape and then later extruded layer by layer in openscad2.

printed at @xHain_hackspace @xhain3dlab #NationOfGondwana #NationOfGondwana2024

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

I think it is usefully clarifying that the Bay Aryan financing class is slotting into MAGA.

You don't have to be a class reductionist to think that money interests are a powerful explanatory force.

Been told a few times now that writing my own scripts is a waste of time now that LLMs can do it.

My words *are* my voice, and I refuse to cede them to an uncaring machine.

I don't care if that hurts my video career prospects- I reject this notion on principle.

morning everyone! today started out quiet. let's hope it stays that way. also, when you want to play one thing but then decide you dont and then you want to read but then dont. what the hell is this day?
in reply to juana🌹🐾💖

That was me two days ago. and yesterday, life was giving me lemons, I had a great day, awesome meditation, lemons, literally, or chocolate, but then, it turned out crappy, soo, now I know why two days ago I was dismissing book recommendations. Laughs. I hope you find something to read. What do you like reading?

in reply to reylan barrios 🇨🇺

No, puede ser cualquier funcionario público. Normalmente si vas a presentar documentación, el funcionario del registro puede compulsártela.