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Does anyone know of a good alternative to sway notification center? The notifications list has become annoying to use recently, and the dev doesn't know how to fix the accessibility issue. I know about ednc-mode in emacs, but that's not exactly ideal. I'd like something I can open with a binding and view a list of notifications. I've tried to use xfce4-notifyd which does work, but because the notification is a window, focus keeps getting jumped to it every time there's a new notification, which also isn't ideal. #Linux #accessibility
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to destructatron

SwayNotificationCenter had too many issues for me as well. It is a nice idea, but it needs much more work.

I have been happily using mako ( With a bit of scripting, I have made it completely keyboard accessible under sway.…

in reply to Wielding Logic

@wielding Is it accessible with the orca screen reader though? If it's made in a toolkit that isn't presenting its accessibility tree to at-spi, it's completely inaccessible. GTK and QT do this automatically, but I'm pretty sure that particular daemon is made using something else.

I relate to Wordpress I too am extremely vulnerable

reshared this

Hey @microg I'd like to thank you for the amazing work you've done with MicroG, I'm using it on a @murena phone with @e_mydata inside, and it's working smoothly !
But I have an important question : how is it legal that you can simulate and reimplement the Google Play Service, isn't it considered as violating the Google Play policy ??
in reply to microG Project

In some rare cases we have to reverse engineer APIs from Google that are not in any capacity published by Google. We do this only if required for interoperability, which is a right provided through laws and regulations in many countries (incl. the EU) that can't be restricted by terms.

This makes all of our doing legal. Google would be able to restrict their services to detect and ban users of microG, but this may cause antitrust issues for them, so we expect it to be unlikely.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to microG Project

thank you very much for your answer ! But not sure that Google sees what you are doing as positively as us. Hoping that Google will not charge you for that.. 🤞

Quick Announcement: ElevenLabs Reader Now Fully Accessible!…

Tamas G reshared this.

in reply to Accessible Android

@TinaSohl That's nice. I'm glad the right thing was finally done, though it should have been accessible from the very beginning. Wondering how long it'll be until a task-blocking #accessibility regression gets introduced because they're still not shifted far enough left on accessibility.

I know I haven’t created a lot of new stuff lately.

With the culture and changes in tech I sometimes wonder what I should be doing.

I’ve more or less come to the conclusion that people working in tech are craving authenticity and genuine conversations with others that aren’t about the hustle or latest hype.

So I that’s where I’ll be focusing the content I create.

Does anyone know of any tooling to autoconvert bash/zsh completions to fish?
in reply to Chris 🌱 :verified_purple:

This command doesn't convert bash/zsh completions to fish, but it does give you a lot more completions based on what you have installed:


It scans all the man pages on your system, extracts the commands and their flags, and makes it all autocompleteable (with inline summaries of flags).

It might make many, if not most, of those bash/zsh completions not needed?

in reply to Chris 🌱 :verified_purple:

@mos_8502 alas I know of no such tool but if it does turn out to exist I desperately hope it is called `ichthyolify`

or possibly, when invoked in a mode that does not automatically run functionality checks and also run shellcheck, shortened to `ichthyolo`

Ak sa mi podarí začať školu ešte tento rok tak dokážem asi naozaj všetko čo budem chcieť. Vesmír prosím rob niečo.

Current City is back!

This app helps you log your travels, see the photos you’ve taken in each place, and find information about your current location.

Congratulations Taylor Arndt for releasing your first app into the App Store!…

Dankenswerterweise ist nicht alles schlecht. Nach meinem urlaub habe ich den dritten Praxisabschnitt begonnen. Ich fühle mich in dem Team extrem wohl und konnte auch schon ordentlich was konzeptionell beitragen. Allerdings muss ich auch sehr viel lernen. Beispielsweise war mir der Unterschied von Antirassismus und Rassismuskritik nicht so ganz klar. Aber lernen, das gilt grundsätzlich, ist ja positiv. Gerade, wenn es um sinnvolle arbeit geht, die man damit machen kann.
in reply to Aleksander Pavkovič 🇸🇮

@SandiPavkovic Ich hätte nach Denis' Antwort gedacht, dass die Rassismuskritik bestenfalls dem Antirassismus eine Grundlage gibt, damit man ihn nicht nur aus einem Gefühl der Ungerechtigkeit heraus vorantreiben muss. Bestimmt kann man mit ihrer Hilfe auch Punkte identifizieren, an denen man ohne sie gar nicht ansetzen würde.
in reply to Sandra Pilz

@SunDial79 @SandiPavkovic Antirassistische Positionierung meint tatsächlich, dass man selbst nicht rassistisch ist und sich dem entgegenstellt. Rassismuskritik hingegen erkennt an, dass schon die Sozialisierung hierzulande rassistisch geprägt ist, man also nicht vollständig frei von rassistischen Denkmustern sein kann. Hier, also bei einem gesellschaftlichem Wandel, der auch die weiße Mehrheitsgesellschaft und die Privelegien in den Blick nimmt. (1/2)
in reply to WestphalDenn

Hier hat man zu wenig Platz, um Konzepte ordentlich zu erklären. (2/2)
in reply to WestphalDenn

@SunDial79 Sehr überspitzt: Die Rassismuskritik fragt, ob man wirklich 'rückstandsfrei' antirassistisch sein kann bzw. dies geschafft hat.
in reply to Aleksander Pavkovič 🇸🇮

@SandiPavkovic @SunDial79 Ja, auch wenn das Wort nicht so hart klingt. Soetwas bei sich zu bemerken ist dabei wichtig. Den Raum sowas zu reflektieren muss man aber auch erstmal haben. Unter Umständen kann das ja sehr am Selbstverständnis rütteln.
in reply to WestphalDenn

@SandiPavkovic Ich denke, da hilft nur Freundlichkeit mit sich selbst, sowieso ein Konzept, von dem ich großer Fan bin. Dann kann man das bei sich bemerken, bei anderen bemerken ohne die dann stärker als sich selbst zu verurteilen und halt mit dieser Prägung erstmal leben, ohne die das eigene Handeln über Gebühr bestimmen zu lassen.
in reply to WestphalDenn

@SandiPavkovic Dann überzeugt mich Rassismuskritik stärker. Ich hab mich auch schon bei rassistischen Gedanken erwischt, obwohl ich mich um Menschenfreundlichkeit bemühe. Als jemand mit türkischem Akzent zu den NSU-Morden interviewt wurde und ich die Info verpasst hatte, dass er der Anwalt der Opferfamilien war, merkte ich, wie ich spontan staunte, als es dann am Ende des Interviews nochmal gesagt wurde. Das war für mich sehr eindrücklich über mich.

Die gruppenarbeit des Todes hatte übrigens diese Woche noch ein feedback-Treffen. Der Dozent sagte unverblümt, dass das in seiner gesamten Laufbahn die erste Projektarbeit sei, bei der er sich fragen muss, ob die überhaupt als bestanden gewertet werden darf. Ich rechnete damit und doch ist es noch ein Schlag, sowas so deutlich zu hören. Wenn's gut läuft, bekomme ich wenigstens eine 4,0. Immerhin weiß der Dozent, dass ich mir sämtliche Körperöffnungen aufgerissen habe, um das noch raus zu reißen.
in reply to WestphalDenn

deswegen mache ich (als Dozentin) ungern benotete Gruppenarbeiten
in reply to Silouanwinter

@silouanwinter Ich finde die, ganz egoistisch betrachtet, auch eigentlich nie angemessen. In dem Fall war ich es, der da irrsinnig viel Zeit und Energie reinstecken musste. Aber das gibt es ja in jeder Gruppe. Aber die Arbeit von vier Menschen kann man schlicht bei sowas nicht komplett aleine machen, um es angemessen zu retten.

I just pulled out a charger out of the outlet and the shell came into my hands. I had to delicately remove the components out of the outlet without electrocuting myself. That was interesting. I guess that one is destined to the junk pile.
in reply to Jason Fayre

@jfayre No, fortunately the base had enough material left that I could pull it safely by the plastic, but it was pretty darn tough. No idea what happened.

Die Kommune, in der ich das duale Studium absolviere hat es nach mehreren nicht mehr netten Mails endlich hinbekommen, die Hilfsmittel ans Laufen zu bekommen. Morgen friert dann die Hölle zu und übermorgen fliegen hier Schweine durch die gegend. Das Ganze hat alleine diese Woche über fünf Stunden gedauert. Aber immerhin läuft es jetzt.
in reply to WestphalDenn

Ich habe mich hier ja lange ausgekotzt und habe es auch die Verantwortlichen wissen lassen, dass das so gar nicht geht. Meine ausführlichen Mails dienen erneut dazu, endlich eine zumindest halbe Stelle für Hilfsmittelangelegenheiten finanzieren zu wollen. Am Ende bin ich endlich mit den eigenen Hilfsmitteln arbeitsfähig. Mittlerweile trat man mir gegenüber auch anders auf. Ich verbuche das mal als Erfolg.

We're starting #GUADEC2024 early with a pre-registration party tonight! If you're attending in person in Denver, join us at 6:30 pm at Tivoli Brewing Co.…

I recently enabled #Wayland on my #Fedora desktop with NVidia drivers. Since then, labels on ui components are not shown and only are shown once I hover over them (incurring a rerender), e.g. in Nautilus. After leaving the component the labels are gone again.

Any idea how to fix or troubleshoot it? I don't even know what to search for...

#AskFedi #Gnome

in reply to Philip Gillißen

it’s a known issue on older nvidia GPUs:…

You can use the old renderer, but until we know what’s the issue with the old drivers, it’s not going to be fixed.

Is your son obsessed with “Lunix”? BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War. It is based on a program called ” xenix”, which was written by Microsoft for the US government. These programs are used by hackers to break into other people’s computer systems to steal credit card numbers. They may also be used to break into people’s stereos to steal their music, using the “mp3” program. Torovoltos is a notorious hacker, responsible for writing many hacker programs, such as “telnet”, which is used by hackers to connect to machines on the internet without using a telephone. Your son may try to install ” lunix” on your hard drive. If he is careful, you may not notice its presence, however, lunix is a capricious beast, and if handled incorrectly, your son may damage your computer, and even break it completely by deleting Windows, at which point you will have to have your computer repaired by a professional. If you see the word “LILO” during your windows startup (just after you turn the machine on), your son has installed lunix. In order to get rid of it, you will have to send your computer back to the manufacturer, and have them fit a new hard drive. Lunix is extremely dangerous software, and cannot be removed without destroying part of your hard disk surface.

"Apple’s decision to strike a deal with Taboola is shocking and off-brand — so much so that I have started to question the company’s long-term commitment to good customer experience, including its commitment to privacy." #Technology…

Frustration; transphobia, Reddit, /r/transdiy

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Okay, folks, how do y'all use TikTok with VoiceOver? Trying to figure it out but all I've discovered thus far has been (metaphorical) pain and suffering. Any assistance appreciated.

PS: is #accessibility given any sort of priority over there? If so, any leads on people to contact would be great.

#Blind #BlindMasto #BlindMastodon #BlindFedi @mastoblind @main

in reply to Noah Carver 👨🏼‍🦯🇺🇦

I just started using it last week so there may very well be other things I may not be aware of, the app is kind of garbage but here’s some things I found out about to make it easier. Firstly in the accessibility settings there’s an option to display some additional buttons if VoiceOver is on, you obviously want that turned on which it already started out being for me. That adds a bunch of buttons running down the right middle of the screen to like, follow, read comments and so on, as well as previous and next buttons at the top as an alternative to manual scrolling. By far the biggest annoyance to be aware of is that for some reason with VoiceOver on when you touch some parts of the screen or do some actions that cause a screen change like following someone or opening the sharing screen, it’ll scroll you back to the top of your feed unless you’re holding your finger down to prevent the focus from moving. This is why so many people prefer to scroll with VoiceOver on, which isn’t as bad as it sounds because the video takes up nearly the whole screen. With VO off, single tapping the video pauses, while double-tapping likes it which is accompanied by a haptic. Then if you want to do anything else you turn on VO then immediately start touching the screen where the buttons are so it doesn’t scroll you to the top. For the website, which in some ways is better, there are 2 decent ways to browse the feed. One is just going by graphic which will automatically play the video and the buttons to like and so on will be immediately below, or an even better way is to open the comments view from any video, find the dialog that pops up and then scroll with either down/up or the next and previous buttons. The advantage to doing it this way is you can also rewind and fast forward the video with right/left arrows and you have immediate access to comments.

Hope this helps. I got a lot of this from @talon who’s been using it for a lot longer than me.

The Boys S4 Finale

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in reply to Chris 🌱 :verified_purple:

The Boys S4 Finale

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Imagine a robot you can trust. That's MiMi by Purism. Human-operated, AI-enhanced, privacy-focused. Fund the future of robotics! #MiMi #Purism…
in reply to Purism

seriously, what is this? you could put ressource into the development of a newer and better version of the #librem5 , or design a linux-tablet from scratch (with hardware-kill-switches, unlike the #librem11 ) or a linux-smartwatch (with better specs than the already nice #pinetime ) or - if you wanna go crazy - design an open-source car etc... at least something useful in daily life, which is not creepy😐

in reply to Seirdy


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ehm, čtvrtek, že? No, ...
Je mi potěšením oznámit, že byl právě vyhlášen soukromý víkend pro @archos a mě. :D

I fucking hate airports, I fucking hate queues, and I fucking hate the fact that I won't be able to vape for the next several hours. Fuck.
in reply to Mira 🤞🇧🇬🇭🇺

@tardis I have a nicotine pouch now. Life is not entirely terrible. Plus I have an excuse not to talk to family now, that always helps.
in reply to Haily Merry

Oh I see. I only don't know what that thing is you have, like, what it means and stuff.

"A dozen bagels, half dozen coffees... or was it the other way around?" The pixie squinted at the smudge on her palm, "One needed oak milk? Maybe I'll get a dozen of both. Was it soy milk? I can't be fired for messing up a snack-run, right?"

The minotaur behind the counter extended his hand, palm out, "May untangle your instructions?"

The pixie nodded, placing her hand on his pinky.

The ink cleared, and she ordered the correct items.

#TootFic #MicroFiction #Writing #TerylsTales #UrbanFantasy

Say hello to the current state of the audio processing for what is supposed to be the beginnings of KeyOp 2.0. After a week's debugging, I'm still no closer to discovering the source of the issue.
Warning: It's very obnoxious, even after being turned down by -15 DB.…

Thank you, @jfayre, for taking the initiative and contributing accessibility fixes back to OPNsense. Version 24.7 is arriving this month, with bootstrap updates and other accessibility fixes that should make it much more usable for those that use screen readers. Well done.…
in reply to Tristan

@alexhall Wow, that is seriously awesome news!
OPNsense was quite inaccessible when I last tried it 2 or so years ago, which is why I’m still using PFSense here. Guess it’ll be time for some serious reinstallation / reconfiguration work soon.
in reply to Robin Kipp (old account)

@robin_kipp @alexhall Like I said, it isn’t perfect, but it’s a hell of a lot better than it was. I would suggest installing it on a virtual machine first just to take a look at the user interface before you upgrade your production machine. And obviously if anyone finds any huge issues that I missed, file an issue.
in reply to Jason Fayre

@robin_kipp @alexhall There is a current GitHub issue where I’m tracking all of the various pole requests that I’m submitting. The issue title is in progress accessibility for for screen reader users. Don’t have a link right now.
in reply to Jason Fayre

@alexhall Excellent point, yup it is a very complex piece of software with lots of web UI for sure! I’ll look into spinning up a VM to check things out.

Hoy me he tocado comer croquetas y un aguacate con aceite y sal.

Hay una serie de tres artículos (dos ya publicados) de Tomás De la Quadra-Salcedo en El País que desgranan, con precisión técnica pero creo que comprensible, qué es exactamente lo que ha pasado con el Tribunal Constitucional y las sentencias anuladas del famoso caso de los ERE en Andalucía. No creo que necesitemos más pruebas ya de que el lawfare existe aquí como en los EE. UU. y que algunas altas instancias del poder judicial está actuando como ariete de una concepción concreta del Estado.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Musím vymyslieť ako si oddýchnuť cez víkend... premýšľam že pôjdem k vode alebo do lesa, i keď samému sa mi moc nechce.

What's the main difference between Tuta Mail and Gmail? 😎 PRIVACY 🔐

Get your #FREE Tuta Mail account now:

#Tuta #Germany #privacy #freedom #bestemail #encryption #security #PrivacyMatters #FREE #SecureEmail #privacyfirst #encrypted

Reminder: It’s okay not to have a take.

"The truth is that most events ultimately don’t matter. They pass away like clouds, here today, gone tomorrow without leaving a trace. Even more so, most world events aren’t actionable, in the sense that knowing about them doesn’t make any tangible difference to what you do or how you lead your life.

When you never withdraw from the stream of distraction, when you never allow yourself quiet time, the result is anxiety, depression and chronic stress. These aren’t inevitable responses to a broken world. They’re the symptoms of a brain that’s always on red alert, that never gets to relax or be calm or rest."…

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

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“You know what we call that, @bagder? Total World Domination.” – @jerod

Where ISN’T #curl?! 🎥

in reply to Su-Shee

@sushee people often also mention zlib as a contender for the most widely used software component in the world. There is just no way to name a winner with certainty.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

well I can def say I'm using cURL five times a day ("... keeps the doctor away..") - today and yesterday to extract some terabytes of data out of elasticsearch 😂
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

We didn’t sack the Shire
But the Eye is burning
And the Orcs are yearning