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For those who use IBM TTS on Linux. Get the IBMTTS dictionaries, copy them to /var/opt/IBM/ibmtts/dict, change files like this, from Enu-main.dic to main.dct. And then it should work. Do change the rest of those files too. Root and abbreviantion. Oh yeah enu-abbr.dic should be abbreviation.dct. So: abbreviation.dct main.dct root.dct.

#linux #foss #accessibility #IBMTTS #blind

reshared this

It is worth remembering that Google cancelled JPEG XL because they're little bitches who can't accept someone is just an actual order of magnitude better at something they tried doing.

TypeScript: I'm gonna annoy you with all these types. Good.

Also TypeScript: You can write `lawyerDrawing` instead of `layerDrawing` and I will not even tell you.

(It's privileged)

One new word / phrase every day!
Nové slovíčko / nová frázička na každý den!*

bud = marihuana, spliff = joint, špek, marihuanová cigareta


*slovo či výraz může mít další významy i formy

And now the end of that story with screenshots and marked places on a photo. I got literally this answer: "Sir, You're not suitable for this work". Although I warned about #accessibility and the fact that it's illegal, I got THIS answer. I won't sue them because first, I don't know how to do it well, and second, I don't want to waste my money which is, so to say, not in the best state now, but just for you to know. that's what a blind or any other disabled person can get as an answer. You're not suitable.
When we get such answers, sometimes it's just so frustrating that I understand even less this thing about disability pride and such things. You cannot live your life, you cannot find a job, you have to fight, fight, fight, always fight.

Mehr #Datenschutz auf dem #Handy wünschen sich viele #Menschen, die mir begegnen.

Aber nicht jede:r möchte oder kann ein #Smartphone mit einem alternativen #Betriebssystem wie z.B. GrapheneOS ausstatten.

Wie man dennoch einen kleinen Schritt in Richtung #digitaleSouveränität gehen kann, versuche ich in diesem #Blog Post zu beschreiben:…

in reply to FediVerseExplorer

So mache ich das tatsächlich auch. 😆
Ich ersetze zusätzlich noch die Tastatur App in eine m. E. Vertrauenswürdigere.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Nothing quite like being in the mosh pit at the Doctor Who Proms…
Unknown parent

Emmanuele Bassi
@doomsdayrs only if the mosh pit is comprised of polite British folks there to support a sci-fi show with rubber monsters that used to terrify them as children

re: Sonos. Why would speaker need software in the cloud?

rhetorical question.


New blog post: WCAG’s A and AA distinction is mostly academic…

il y a des gens qui sont en train de développer un "Le bon coin" sur le fediverse !
Vraiment hate que ca se grossisse.…

Heavy #AndroidAppRain at today with 19 updated and 4 added apps:

* Compose Stopwatch: Materialized You stop watch 🛡️
* Cavity: Wine cellar manager 🛡️
* Dahdidahdit: Morse code trainer for ham radio enthusiasts
* Clock: timer, stopwatch, sliding clock, and one-time and recurring alarms 🛡️

3 out of these 4 are #reproducibleBuilds 🥳

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

Just to be clear, there is Good Weird, just as there are Good Witches.
in reply to raganwald 🍓

Canadian Ken Westerfeld during his World Champion of Freestyle days. Back then, the scene was in the park behind the Ontario Legislature buildings, and top athletes like Ken were happy to throw with whomever showed up. How very weird.

That attitude made an indelible mark on my soul. Thanks, Ken, wherever you are!

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to raganwald 🍓

In 1978, Dungeons and Dragons was VERY weird.

But here's the thing: The tall, thin, coffee-toned dungeon-master in this newspaper story? The sick weirdos obsessed with controlling every aspect of our culture and imagination would happily have burned him alive for being weird if they could have gotten away with it.

Kids having fun exercising their imaginations in glorious technicolour are the good weird.…

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Well done #nvidia. Update to driver 560 uses the "opensource" kernel module and works even worse then before. 👏

External monitors remain blank after waking the laptop up from sleep mode. 😡

“We’re a big believer in passkeys, and hope they are the future for authentication. Phishing is a blight on the internet, and this is our best hope of eliminating it forever.”…

Voting in the US, food

Sensitive content

Remember that if you have children, make sure that any Siri, Google, or Alexa voice is set to male.

A female servant who is not very bright but is always polite and obedient isn't a helpful example.

The Telegram CEO has been arrested. They have hardly any staff so interested to see how this plays out.…
in reply to Kevin Beaumont

Re Telegram - two main issues are apparently at play. One is child porn, the other is concerns about ransomware/extortion groups. The big concern is rightly about the first one.

With the later, groups targeting France (and the UK) have been dumping victim data on Telegram groups, with Telegram directly hosting the data and then failing to remove it.

Telegram is not an encrypted platform - the groups are plain text.

Telegram has <50 staff and 1 billion monthly active users.

in reply to Kevin Beaumont

With regards to Elon’s claim today that a majority of Mastodon content is child porn - this isn’t true.

Some Fediverse servers are unsavoury - as an instance admin, you can chose to defederate them or not cache media content. You would only encounter this if a user interacted with it.

After approaching two years of being a Mastodon admin to a server with tens of thousands of users, I’ve only ever seen one post which was concerning - I removed the server and reported it to relevant authorities.

That feeling when Putin and Kadyrov personally thank you for helping target civilians in Ukraine

And you’re offered a seat in the Trump administration for being a good boy

Revoke all of Elon’s clearances

Nationalize starlink

Investigate Musk

Gentle reminder: Be mindful of your energy. Avoid people, places, and situations that put you in a bad mood. You deserve to be happy. You are blessed, you are amazing, you are wonderful, you are special, you are unique, you are talented, you are gifted, and you are loved.✨✨✨✨

With Trump waffling on whether he’ll show up, I’m confident that Debate Day, September 10, is going to be a big one for the Mastodon for Harris fundraiser. Either way we’ll be showing our support for #Harris and reminding Trump that her supporters are more numerous and enthusiastic than his. But no need to wait that long to make this point. You can donate right now at….

:kekw: :kekw: :kekw:


This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Bash/shell are the worst (mainstream) programming language(s) in use, for simple scripts too, and I can't believe that we're pretending that it's all fine, just because they're readily available and that's just the status quo. The whole family should be burned to the ground.

Čím viac klimatizácií si kúpite, tým viac bude teplo. :kekw:
in reply to c4t.dr34m

@radovan zvratné to je ale my nerobíme dosť pre to aby sme to zvrátili, my iba začíname (resp. sa tak iba tvárime že začíname) čiže aj keby sme dnes prestali lietať, jazdiť a jesť mäso to nezvrátime. Podotknem len to že je vojna a tam sa toho míňa/spaluje tiež dosť.

Bei Staiy gelernt, dass das neue "Kanaken" für Jugendliche aktuell "Talahons" ist, aber es sagen halt Weißbrote über migrantische Jugendliche, also wenn euer Kind damit anfängt ... viellei drauf hinweisen, dass es online grad vor allem Rechtsextreme nutzen, auch wenns ausm Deutschrap in den Sprachgebrauch geschwappt ist.

Alles, wirklich ALLES an dieser "Debatte" zu Solingen ist furchtbar, und schlicht unerträglich und inakzeptabel. Völlig entgleist😟
Ich lese auch deshalb wenig dazu*. Was ich nirgendwo lese ist etwas zu den Opfern dieser schrecklichen Tat, die scheinen vollkommen verdrängt von diesem rassistisch durchtränkten Fokus auf Migration.
Man könnte z.b. auch mal fragen, wie man die Ursachen islamistischer Radikalisierung bekämpfen kann.

*Kann sein, dass ich daher was übersehe🤷

in reply to Kris\Slyka

Thank you for that detailed video description, I had no idea the platters on record cutters were thicker and made of concrete. Also wow you can really clearly hear the audio being cut.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Pitermach

@pitermach well, they're not all made of concrete, but mine is. It's just the easiest and cheapest way to make something big and heavy in a custom shape. The old Neumann lathes had huge cast iron platters but that's kinda hard to DIY…

We've just become aware of a resource written for those who are #Blind and seeking employment. The person who told us about it says: "you can either read it directly on the webpage, or there is an accessible word document and I believe and accessible PDF. The author is blind, so he certainly did his best to make sure the book was accessible as possible to anyone who wanted to use it." Find it here:…

tyhle stručný poznámky jsou nebezpečný. málem jsem si objednal novej server!

naštěstí jsem si vzpomněl, že jen potřebuju tablety z lékárny

The #OpenStreetMap-api slightly changed yesterday-afternoon, causing many uploads made with #MapComplete to fail yesterday afternoon and night. However, there is error reporting and logging and @pietervdvn did manually run the failed changes.

If you had changes which didn't upload yesterday, check again and they might have appeared.

in reply to NeatNit

Ah, found it:… it's the /changeset/{id}.json endpoint. This is probably also the reason OSMCha is down - I'll open an issue with them.

Mám natiahnutý ľavý trapéz a dosť do bolí, to je z tej tácky ty vole... nevadí.

Restarting Thunderbird Live coding sessions from next week! 🚀