Perhaps the last human-generated song I'll ever write.
"AGI: Artificial God Incarnate"
(recorded live at the Fontainebleau in Las Vegas)
Gajim 1.9.5 has been released 🎉
This release comes with many improvements for Gajim’s Microsoft Store version. 👔
Translations are now available for all distributions again. 🌐
Thank you for all your contributions!
Nicoco reshared this.
Jail time for Montana man who smuggled and cloned an endangered 300-pound sheep
He takes his hobbies seriously.
T-Mobile reaches $31.5 million settlement with FCC over past data breaches
Apparently, T-mobile is now mandated to implement better cybersecurity controls, such as properly segmenting networks and using phishing resistant #MFA.
This settlement covers the breaches in 2021, 2022, and 2023. Will we get a 2024 special? 💀
Jimmy Carter turns 100 today. He is proof that decency and goodness can exist in public service.
Did you know that Jimmy Carter heroically saved Canada from a nuclear meltdown when he was a naval officer?
It's true!
The world’s first nuclear reactor meltdown occurred in the Ottawa Valley — and a young U.S. naval officer was brought in to contain the disaster — 72 years ago.
Leading a team of two dozen men, 28-year old Lieutenant Carter had himself lowered into the damaged reactor.
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📢 The GStreamer Conference 2024 schedule is now up!…
See you next week in Montréal!
PS: don't forget to register
If you use PayPal at all, opt-out of this shit
A $621 million suit for ~$41,000 in "damages" for archiving thousands of musical recordings that would otherwise be lost to history.
This is nothing short of an effort to end the @internetarchive from major music labels and we should all be furious.
As much as I keep on armchair-architecting about how Cohost “could” have been an indieweb player, they were very specifically against interop in any meaningful way because they felt that centralized silos were the way to go for community building and moderation
so of course they shot themselves in the foot, repeatedly, regarding moderation, which I’m sure was a major contributor to their eventual burnout
my hope is that in this new surge of renewed interest for having your own damn blog on your own damn website, this finally gives #indieweb the push for adoption that it’s been sorely needing
it’d also be really funny to me if the indieweb community got totally overrun by socialist therian plural furries with a taste for anti-racist action
Is the fedi for losers? « La question est provocante et intelligente : le Fediverse semble être un repère d’écologistes, libristes, défenseurs des droits sociaux, féministes et cyclistes. Bref la liste de tous ceux qui ne sont pas mis en avant, qui semblent « perdre ».
Je n’avais jamais vu les choses sous cet angle. Pour moi, le point commun est surtout une volonté de changer les choses. Or, par définition, si on veut changer les choses, c’est qu’on n’est pas satisfait avec la situation actuelle. On est donc « perdant ». En fait, tout révolutionnaire est, par définition, un·e perdant·e. Dès qu’iel gagne, ce n’est plus un·e révolutionnaire, mais une personne au pouvoir !»
Ode aux perdants,, 1 octobre 2024 :…
Seirdy reshared this.
basically it frames the normalization of “encrypt all traffic and metadata” as a burden to network operators who rely on visibility and describes the need to balance safety with unsafety to ensure that adversaries (like network operators) can still operate without having to adapt.
Authored by Dell and AT&T reps.
so true honestly I fucking hate modern app notifications. what happened to keeping notifs to a minimum I feel like every new app I download I have to just disable notifications for out of the box.
Jetzt geht es in der SPD doch noch rund um den aktuellen Eskalationskurs in der Asyl- und Sicherheitspolitik. Erst der offene Brief, der Scholz, Faeser und die SPD-Fraktion warnt, Terror mit Migration zu vermischen und die Rhetorik der Rechten zu übernehmen. Jetzt kommt weitere Unterstützung aus dem Bundestag: „Auch wir halten den Kurs, der gerade in der SPD in der Migrations- und Asylpolitik eingeschlagen wird, für falsch.“
After analyzing more than 1k contracts, the verdict is in and it is clear:
"Our analysis demonstrates that research institutions seem to be 'trapped' in transformative agreements. Instead of being a bridge towards a fully #OpenAccess world, academia is stuck in the hybrid system. This endows the legacy (non-Open Access) publishing houses with substantial market power. It raises entry barriers, lowers competition, and increases costs for libraries and universities."
Independent test of #OpenAI’s o1-preview model achieved near-perfect performance on a national #math exam (landing in the top .1% of the nation’s students).
o1 also outperformed 4o on the math test, but took about 3 times longer to do so (10 minutes vs. 3 minutes).
On this day, at almost exactly this minute in 1999 (for the last of it, anyway,) I recorded this snapshot of stuff from various North Carolina radio stations, as the band was particularly good that night/early morning. Radio isn't quite like this anymore. A lot has changed in 25 years.
V souvislosti s blížícím se #mastopivo bych apeloval na @xChaos a @gandalf, zda by vyjímečně mohli počítat i s několika nealkoholiky a řidiči a měli pro nás nachystané nějaké ty Birelly.
Za mne nejraději Pomelo-Grep, ale asi zvládnu i jiné příchutě (např. polotmavý Karamel-Citron). Co ty, @archos, souhlasíš?
já se točenýmu nealku rozhodně nebráním, ale pokud by naše sešlost nevypila celý sud, tak by bylo možný, že by byl problém s tím zbytkem, nevím...
Bernard švestka mi taky docela chutná.
🤖 XR Accessibility: for people with hearing disabilities by @JoeLamyman
"Extended Reality (XR) experiences tend to focus on providing immersive sounds and directional audio to convey information. But we need to consider how we convey the information in these experiences to people who can’t hear them."
#XR #VR #accessibility
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✍🏽 drugs button popover - updated October 1 2024
"Several people have questioned my reasoning for writing about the use case of popover as a tooltip, no I was not on drugs, at the time of writing I noticed that GitHub was using popover as a tooltip"
But you can expect to see more posts here promoting my books.
If you like #Historical fiction, please do take a look at them. I’ve written stories set in Roman times, as well as a few on WW1 aviation. Do check out the Amazon reviews.
#Books #Novels
Ab nächstem Jahr möchte die Bundesregierung 12,4 Mrd. Euro in die #Aktienrente investieren. Ein Lieblingsprojekt von #Linder (ja, genau der von der #FDP, der sonst immer sagt, es sei kein Geld da, weil Kreditverbot alias #Schuldenbremse).
Zur Einordnung, das wären:
2x soviel, wie der Bund für Forschung & Entwicklung ausgibt,
1,8x soviel, wie der Bund in Maßnahmen zum Wohnungsbau stecken möchte,
12,5x jährlicher Bundes-Zuschuss zum #Deutschlandticket
Zur Erinnerung: Bei der #Aktienrente geht es nicht darum, dass jetzt oder in Zukunft Rentner:innen was davon haben. Sondern darum, dass der Bund Aktien kauft. Um vielleicht (ganz vielleicht) mit eingenommenen Dividenden ab 2035 den Rentenbeitrag um 0,1 - 0,5% weniger ansteigen lassen zu müssen.
Oder kurz: Es ist eine gewaltige Verschiebung öffentlicher Mittel, unserer Steuergelder, an den #Kapitalmarkt. Mit entsprechenden Verlustrisiken. Völliger Blödsinn.
Lauterbach: E-Patientenakte für alle »von der Sicherheit her besonders sicher«
Leider sieht das nicht danach aus, daher haben wir in der Familie komplett Widerspruch eingelegt. 👇
As the UK shut down it's final Coal burning power station yesterday, I see that XKCD celebrated it with a calculation.
So we burned about 3 inches in depth of the UK's surface between 1853 and 2024 😲
#xkcd #coal #environment
#Satisfactory vlákno! Volám všechny fandy téhle hry! 😀
Pojďme si ukázat, jak jsou naše továrny super!
We've just launched the Tuta Calendar app on Android - and it's blue!!! 🥳
iOS is ready as well, but Apple does not want to approve it... We're trying our best to get it out asap!
Launch details & all included features 👉…
Weil es immer so grausame Statistiken gibt wie "alle 2 Tage stirbt ein:e ..., wegen [unnatürliche Todesursache]", fragte ich mich gerade, wie das mit Verkehrstoten aussieht. Der ADAC liefert:
2023 gab es in D…
… #Verkehrstote.
Mal aufn Taschenrechner schauen...
* knapp 8 Tote pro Tag
* also alle 3 - 4 Tage z.B. eine Schulklasse (Menge)
* knapp 55 Menschen / Woche
Nur in D. Guten Tag.…
#Sicherheitspolitik #VerkehrsWende #Verhältnismäßigkeit #Auto
Matt Campbell
in reply to Forrest Brazeal • • •Forrest Brazeal
in reply to Matt Campbell • • •Matt Campbell
in reply to Forrest Brazeal • • •