Tusky deprecation notices

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Carbon capture and storage will play absolutely no role in "the energy transition" as there's no evidence it can be scaled up in any meaningful way that even lowers emissions, and isn't creating energy either.

CCS is simply just a scam that's been designed by and for the fossil fuel industry so they can keep burning and profiting - and make you suffer for it.

#FossilFuels #Labour #EdMiliband #ClimateChange #ukpol

#AIagent promotes itself to #sysadmin , trashes #boot sequence

Fun experiment, but yeah, don't pipe an #LLM raw into /bin/bash

Buck #Shlegeris, CEO at #RedwoodResearch, a nonprofit that explores the risks posed by #AI , recently learned an amusing but hard lesson in automation when he asked his LLM-powered agent to open a secure connection from his laptop to his desktop machine.
#security #unintendedconsequences


in reply to Tuta

certainly no telegram, if possible. but it became more than just messenger, unfortunately.

if it should be a channel, i guess matrix kinda works. maybe with Chinny client?

if (open) group chats, matrix as well. also signal, but the problem with signal is that it requires phone number (even if you can hide it).

if private messages, signal and matrix; simpleX seems nice, even though i didn't try it. threema is not free, so not everyone will be able to use it.

signal and matrix have their problems, but they're WAY better than telegram kremlingram.

don't know about wire and session much, can't really say anything about them.

Exciting update about the hackfest: We will now offer lunch for participants of the hackfest. 🍲

The lunch will cost about 8 Euros. A friend volunteered to cook for us with the deal that any extra funds would go to the local social bicycle association Efesta (efesta.net), which we both are part of.

The event will be so much bigger than I anticipated, already more than 15 people signed up.🎉

Mozilla bought the Android email app K-9 (which didn’t include any trackers) and integrated trackers as part of #Mozilla‘s rebranding under the #Thunderbird name.

They even made it opt-out instead of opt-in. Their defense for breaking the law: ”we wouldn’t have enough data if we obeyed the law.“

It doesn’t matter whether you ”anonymized“ the data or not: If you want to extract data from someone’s device to yours, you may do so only if they knowingly consented.

The Thunderbird developers listened to their users and removed tracking entirely. Only the beta version of version 8 contained the telemetry. The final release no longer does, at least for now.

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

"Das Wort „krank” feiert gerade sein Comeback in der Alltagssprache, oder kommt es nur mir so vor? Ständig hört man jemanden „krank” sagen, um etwas stark zu betonen.

🗣 Das ist „krank” anstrengend gewesen.
🗣 Es war „krank” viel los.

Oder auch einfach nur:
🗣„Geisteskrank!”, um Erstaunen auszudrücken.
🗣 Das ist ja „krank”!

Hier ein paar Wörter, die du stattdessen sagen kannst:
💭 sehr, doll, stark, krass, heftig, mega, überraschend, unglaublich"
(Raul Krauthausen)
