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When I think about reading, the activity, I think of it as something distinct from listening to an audiobook. I enjoy the physical and mental act of reading. It is recreational for me in a way that listening to an audiobook isn’t.

But I do love and listen to audiobooks, and listening to audiobooks “counts” as reading, whatever that means. If you ask me what books I’ve read, I’m going to list those I’ve read and those I’ve listened to (and in some cases I’m probably not going to remember which is which).…

in reply to Max Leibman

Does listening to an audiobook count as reading?

Please boost for reach.

  • Yes (59%, 378 votes)
  • Yes, but… (18%, 117 votes)
  • No (22%, 140 votes)
635 voters. Poll end: 3 months ago

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😲 OMG! Mlx-whisper transcribed 12 minutes of speech under 18 seconds with excellent accuracy, using the new OpenAI model, whisper-large-v3-turbo, on my MacBook Pro with the M3 Max! ⚡ #OpenAI #ML #AI #Transcription…

🎉 We've released a September 2024 update to the Snikket server software, read all about it here:…

72 Stunden – insbesondere über ein Wochenende – sind kaum ausreichend sind, um auf ein hochkomplexes Gesetzesvorhaben in angemessener Weise zu reagieren.

Die betroffenen Verbände und Organisationen, darunter auch der Verein Tacheles e.V., hatten gerade einmal drei Tage Zeit, um eine Stellungnahme zu einem Gesetz zu verfassen, das weitreichende Veränderungen im Bereich der Bürgergeldgesetze und Arbeitsförderung vorsieht.…

@Bundesregierung Ich möchte das bei der FDP sämtliche Leistungen zusammen gekürzt werden,das die Abgeordneten der FDP nur noch ein Taschengeld bekommen und mit Wasser und Brot abgespeist werden.Und das alles nur um ihnen den Anreiz zu nehmen soviel Scheisse auf meine Kosten (Steuerzahler) zu fordern.Ich will diese Menschenverachtende,Klassistische,Rassistische Scheisse einfach nicht mehr hören müssen.Beendet endlich diese fucking Ampel Geschichte. #Migrationspolitik…

Dobré ránko a hezkou neděli přeji slůňátka 🥰🍀🙋‍♀️☕️ konečně padla ..... chtělo by to vanu 🤔🫠

in reply to trendless

This deserves a highlight:
"Two years ago, one of us (A.C.) made a prediction in Fortune Magazine that a few years of ‘learning to live with’ COVID (i.e., pretending it doesn’t exist) would lead to a billion cases of Long COVID. A recent estimate pegs the total incidence so far at 400 million cases of Long COVID. Long COVID is well on its way to becoming the world’s most common disease."

#DoctorWho The Adventures Before: Eight Tales that Prelude the Greatest Adventures of the Doctor @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)…

20 hudebních alb, které ovlivnily to, kým jste. Jedno album denně po dobu 20 dnů. Žádné vysvětlivky, žádné recenze, jen obaly alb.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

FediMeta, a bit glib

Sensitive content

in reply to Seirdy

re: FediMeta, a bit glib
with the first three (esp the first one) i almost don’t follow my own receipt criteria anymore. consider those three a soft block rec ig.
in reply to Seirdy

re: FediMeta, a bit glib
if you’re developing a Fedi server, strive for a reputation better than Hubzilla. That’s a reasonable barometer.
in reply to Seirdy

re: FediMeta, a bit glib
what's wrong with hubzilla? it has the most fine grained post propagation strategy, aka circles and stuff like that. Also, there's friendica and such, which is kinda similar, but not really. Since _streams is a fork of hubzilla, should we be worried about that too?
in reply to the esoteric programmer

re: FediMeta, a bit glib
@esoteric_programmer reputation for admins who leave instances running on autopilot with open reg which then get overrun by botspam posting marketing at best.
in reply to Seirdy

re: FediMeta, a bit glib
is incestoma that bad? I haven’t interacted with any instances running it.
in reply to Hazelnoot

re: FediMeta, a bit glib

Sensitive content

in reply to Ezzy

re: FediMeta, a bit glib
@Ezzy yeah, but people pick terrible names for things all the time. that alone wouldn’t put it so high on the list.
in reply to Hazelnoot

re: FediMeta, a bit glib
@hazelnoot I mean if the name has incest in it...
in reply to Ezzy

re: FediMeta, a bit glib
@hazelnoot also seirdy aren't you on pleroma?
in reply to Ezzy

re: FediMeta, a bit glib
@Ezzy @hazelnoot akkoma, which did not exist when this instance started.
in reply to Ezzy

re: FediMeta, a bit glib
@Ezzy @hazelnoot yes. when this instance was created it was pleroma.
in reply to Seirdy

re: FediMeta, a bit glib
@hazelnoot okay
If it has the most bad content why not migrate?
in reply to Ezzy

re: FediMeta, a bit glib
@Ezzy @hazelnoot the software changed. the domain name did not.
in reply to Seirdy

re: FediMeta, a bit glib
@hazelnoot okay
so not hosted where all the weird stuff is
in reply to Ezzy

re: FediMeta, a bit glib

@Ezzy @hazelnoot well it’s hosted on hetzner servers. the top post listed pieces of software, not hosting providers.

honestly pleroma is below my threshold for “automatically be very suspicious of this instance” given how it’s still popular for single-user instances. in replies, i singled out the top three but not the top four for a reason.

Unknown parent

akkoma - Link to source
re: FediMeta, a bit glib
@itZzenXX if i did my job, nothing.

I'm just going to say it. Whoever designed the new notifications layout and design for Mastodon needs to go back to the drawing board (and UI design school). In some cases, esp if you start off with a tag, it looks and works horribly. (desktop view). Way worse than the old way just a month or two ago.

#mastodon #fediverse #design #uidesign

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

ten syr je čím suchší lepší
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Storm Dragon pushed changes to the master branch of the linux-game-manager project Added game Zombowl.

Space: Above and Beyond (1995)

The very first cancellation which traumatized me. 🫡

Many calendars use email to send reminders. Unfortunately, this can overshare data with mail servers & 3rd-party notification services.

At Tuta, we're doing something different.

Our zero-knowledge calendar keeps you up to speed without sharing information with Google.

#degoogle #privacy #calendar #encryption #zeroknowledge

in reply to Tuta

please fix the date picker color; it is always green it does not matter the theme in use.
And please also fix this quite old bug on Android.
One more thing: pinch to zoom would be great too.
in reply to Marcos D. Alves

@mdalves One more thing: pinch to zoom would be great too.

This. Absolutely. Our work day is much longer than 5.5 hours 🙁

Or, even better, show more hours per screen.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Tuta

One thing I miss from Google calendar is where you can set a calendar event for the first (Day of Week) in a month. I'd like to have that in Tuta calendar too

I'm launching a hosting provider which gives heavily discounted resources to open-source and non-profit projects!

80% cheaper than digitalocean
40% cheaper than hetzner

while i'm still testing my infrastructure i'm offering your first instance with 2 cores & 2 ram gig for free(!) so i can test how my hardware performs on production.

if you're interested you can check out the site or just reply/dm me!

(edit: go follow the mastodon as well! @wedotyou )

(edit 2: if you’re curious about our specifications, policies, and detailed pricing, it’s all on our help center: )

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Orbot for Android: The Ultimate Free Tor-Powered Open-Source VPN Replacement…

Samsung is once again sacrificing Android updates at the altar of One UI…

It is awesome so many people are enjoying Zombowl. I like helping people get into the Halloween spirit. As Type O Negative says, "Every day is Halloween."

Khronos reshared this.

The Toby Doom Operation MDK Walk Through iw now available on Youtube. I will start on the walk through for the Deluxe Map Pack soon. Some things have change a bit now that Toby Doom version 7.5 is out.

I found a great, brief resource on creating accessible web pages and documents. It only highlights most common accessibility issues, so it's much less overwhelming than the WCAG. I think it's a great resource for people who don't know where to start! Also it has before and after examples, so it's great to demo with a screen reader as well! #accessibility…

Did you know that MATA built one of the Metacities on top of the ruins of fairly important ruins of an ancient city?

full comic:…

#unix_surrealism #comic #fosschild

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Greta Thunberg joined our United for Climate Justice coalition today and our blockade of a busy Brussels' street.
This disruption of traffic and of business as usual is nothing in comparison to what the climate catastrophe will wreak.
We need urgent action now, but we're still rushing headlong into a terrifying future, all for the sake of greed and growth.…

#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #XR #ExtinctionRebellion #Brussels #Belgium #Activism #CivilDisobedience

Amazon WorkSpaces now supports file transfer between WorkSpaces sessions and local devices… #aws

Getting an appointment for a new Texas state ID involves logging onto a website at 7:55 AM and crossing your fingers that it will load while every other person that needs an appointment hammers it at the same time. Same-day appointments are usually gone within 60 to 80 seconds of that time. We even have tools that people have made to deal with this like:…
in reply to Tristan

Things like this are why I'm personally in favor of scalpers.

If you're disabled, bbeing able to exchange time for money is incredibly important.

Hm, pred 8 rokmi mi aj "iba" jeden terabit stál za napísané blogu:…

A tuto hajzlíci potvrdzujú (prenesený) Moorov zákon a už nás to ani neprekvapuje. Tak aspoň tootnem.

From: @patrickcmiller…

Together with other organisations we are currently blocking the Rogier metro station in Brussels as part of the ongoing #StopFossilSubsidies action.

€400 billion in subsidies was given to the fossil industry in the EU last year, which is about €1000 per EU citizen. (1/3)

#ClimateJustice #UnitedForClimateJustice

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

There was a story that went around this week about movie studios' woes with "superfans."

A "superfan" is somebody who has attached their whole personality to hating an intellectual property they loved in their youth.

Full Essay:…

2 Monate Fahrverbot und 150 Tagessätze für den Todesfahrer von Andreas Mandalka. Das erscheint manchen wenig, die Geldstrafe ist aber fast ein halbes Jahreseinkommen. Nichts kann ein Menschenleben aufwiegen.

Artikel in den BNN ohne Zahlschranke, der auch den Autofahrer erwähnt, der in die Gedenkfaht gefahren ist:…

#ripnatenom #fahrrad

If you are like me, you often need to type or copy and paste things over and over again. For example, I have a couple Zoom meetings I host. Even though I email the Zoom info to people, there is always somebody who calls me or emails me and asks for the Zoom info again. This used to be annoying, until I found out about the text substitution feature of Microsoft Word and Outlook. Note, I do not know if this feature works in the new version of Outlook. I have only tried this in Outlook Classic. The way this works is that whatever text you need to put in a Outlook email or Word document often, you create what Word or Outlook calls a building block with the text. As an example, I created a building block with my personal zoom room and called it pz. To do this, I did the following:

  1. I started a new email in Outlook.
  2. I copied the Zoom info from Zoom into the email.
  3. I selected all of the text containing the Zoom info.
  4. I pressed Alt F3.
  5. A box came up asking me for the name of the building block. I typed pz. You can type whatever word or phrase you want.
  6. I pressed Enter.

Now, whenever I need to put this info into an email, I type pz followed by F3. Just like that, my Zoom info is in the body of the email.…

#microsoft #office

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

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in reply to Arch Linux

Makes sense. This is not yall's problem to solve. Salt devs are clearly shooting themselves in the foot with these decisions. I suspect similar decisions will be made by other distros.