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Comparing DC's Absolute Universe with Marvel's Ultimate Universe

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mastodon drama

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I’m looking to get back into amateur radio a little bit. I have a license but been very inactive. I have a BTech UV5X3 radio here. Quite a while ago, someone sent me an accessible manual for it. Can’t find it. Does anyone have that?
This entry was edited (4 weeks ago) Keyboard Shortcuts... I just noticed that now has a few built in keyboard shortcuts. I am using Jaws and the Google Chrome browser. Please note, with Jaws, you do not have to turn off the virtual cursor or any changes have to be made. The keyboard shortcuts just work! Here are the shortcuts. ALT+/, Go to search. Shift+alt+C, go to cart. Shift+alt+H, go to home. Shift+alt+O, go to list of orders. That's it. Some is better than nothing. I know I will be using them! Happy shopping. #Amazon #Windows #Jaws #Keyboard #Shortcuts #Blind #Accessible

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in reply to Chris C

meanwhile, typing into the Amazon search box at least here in the UK gives annoying feedback with every keystroke now. :)

Ok this is interesting.

Cards Against Humanity is PAYING people who didn't vote in 2020 to apologize, make a voting plan, and post #DonaldTrumpIsAHumanToilet up to $100 for blue-leaning people in swing states.

I made a histogram of wealth distribution in the United States, using the Forbes 400 list that just came out. Almost the entire US population is in the red line at the left, one pixel wide. To fit Elon Musk on the graph, each pixel is $500 million wide. In other words, from the perspective of the very rich, $0 and $500 million look the same.

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When logging into ( you have to confirm that you are not affiliated with WPEngine.

While this looks petty and childish it's another sign the Wordpress is in the hands of people who can't find less destructive ways to handle their fucking midlife crisis.

Good evening all, home after the technology show, saw the new Canute, and spoke to some old friends.
in reply to Derry Lawlor

is it any quieter than the old one?
I can't take more than 10 minutes with the original without hearing protection
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo this was pretty quite, but I hadn't seen one in years, not sure in a quite room it might be a bit loud.

Got a (I think legit) tracking email for my ebay delivery from Royal Mail today. Subject has an obvious typo " due to bedelivered today" and the tracking button uses a sketchy looking domain `` that's not used elsewhere in the email. No wonder folks fall for phishing attacks 🤦 .

Absolute Batman #1 was amazing; The previews had me a little worried about this version of Batman - he's a very brutal one. But he's still himself, just with a very different twist.
in reply to Chris 🌱

Also, this Batman is jacked. He's practically built like the Hulk.

Every sheep breed sounds like the name of a notorious 18th century highwayman

Beste politici, we gaan de #klimaatcrisis echt niet oplossen door wat bomen te planten op het Dorpsplein, door wat tegels te wippen in de straten of door voortuintjes te ontharden. That ship has saled long ago.
This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)
in reply to repo

Dat zijn uitstekende maatregelen om de leefbaarheid van de stad te verhogen. Verhogen het welbevinden, de gezelligheid,...

Helpt een klein beetje tegen het stedelijk hitte-eiland-effect en voor insijpeling grondwater

maar naar natuurwaarde en klimaatwaarde? Hooguit 'rommelen in de marge'

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Sobotu si vyhrazujem pre domáce úlohy (a práce tiež)!

@admin Do you have any leads on blocking this latest wave of Mastodon spam? While I've successfully filtered it out server-side, TweeseCake doesn't respect filters of this type (although I realise that's not your problem).
in reply to modulux

@modulux well, on my 'How not to design an API' list for the future....

"How bad were the billionaires?"
"Just one of them managed to ruin the sky for everyone. The sky."

Neviete niekto o šikovnej čašníčke/čašníkovi? Do centra v Bratislave. Je celkom problém nájsť normálnych a šikovných ľudí.

Buenas tardes, tres cosas:

La primera, que he escrito una novela.
La segunda, que me la publican.
La tercera, que no tengo ni la más remota idea de cómo he conseguido ni la primera ni la segunda cosa.

«illo» es un drama familiar que se desarrolla por las calles de Triana y Sevilla y en el que hay tensión, acción, pasados complicados, lluvia y hasta un partido del Betis. Lo publica Editorial Dieciséis y estará disponible en su web y en vuestra librería de barrio a partir del 17 de octubre.

Als ich 5 Jahre alt war, kamen meine Eltern und ich bei einem Waldspaziergang mit einer älteren Dame ins Gespräch. Sie erklärte uns, dass meine #Blindheit eine Strafe ist für Sünden, die meine Eltern begangen haben. Völlig entsetzt fragte ich nach: Aber warum bin ich dann blind und nicht meine Eltern? Was soll ich dann auf der Welt?" Ihre "Antwort: "Du bist dafür da, anderen zu zeigen, wie gut es ihnen geht)". Diese Begegnung hat mein Verhältnis zu Religion nachhaltig geprägt. #Justsaid

Ainda acerca das coisas engraçadas que o PSD achava importante dizer, em 1977, mas que agora passou a achar que já não fazem sentido - em especial, quando eles são o Governo, e o PS, é Oposição. 🫢

1: AI is hallucinating events, historical figures, entire concepts on Wikipedia

2: a task force of Wikipedia editors is detecting and deleting this stuff…

in reply to Jason Koebler

Wikipedia is perhaps the greatest cross cultural cooperative collaboration in the history of humankind and it is getting fucked up with AI and is taxing the volunteer editors who are already spread thin with bullshit like this:

Reading WITHOUT Sight: Challenging the Ableist Assumptions of Non-Visual Literacy

In today’s world, where accessibility is supposedly ever-expanding, comments on how blind people read – or rather, whether we “really” read – reveal a significant amount of latent ableism. When someone remarks, “You’re not really reading because you have to listen to it,” they are unwittingly touching on deep-seated biases that marginalize blind people and our experience. For me, as a blind person, these comments feel aggressive, like a slur that undermines not only my intellect but my very existence within a literate society. The underlying suggestion that my method of consuming literature is somehow less legitimate than traditional reading reflects a lack of understanding and a failure to appreciate the richness of alternative literacy.

At its core, this statement implies that visual reading is the only valid form of reading – an attitude deeply rooted in ableist assumptions. Just as the sighted world learns and adapts to new ways of accessing information, blind people, too, use technology to bridge gaps that were once insurmountable. By suggesting that listening to an audiobook or using a screen reader is inferior to reading with one’s eyes, the speaker perpetuates a narrow view of literacy that excludes anyone who does not fit their narrow definition of a reader.

The Emotional Impact of Dismissive Comments

Hearing such remarks can be hurtful. When someone tells me I’m not “really reading,” they trivialize the effort, love, and passion I pour into every book. Reading, in any form, is more than just a mechanical process; it’s an engagement with ideas, narratives, and emotions. Denying my capacity to “really” read is akin to erasing my agency in choosing to explore literature. It dismisses my experience and can feel like a personal attack, minimizing my intelligence and curiosity.

Moreover, these comments strip away the nuances of my identity and life experience as a blind person. They ignore the reality that many of us navigate systems not designed with us in mind, yet we adapt with resilience and creativity. Listening to a book, for me, is as much an engagement with its content as sighted reading is for others. This medium allows me to dive into narratives, to imagine worlds, and to connect with characters just as vividly as if I were reading visually. Such a remark does not just invalidate my experience, but it also points to a societal failure to recognize and celebrate the diverse ways people interact with literature.

Understanding the Roots of Ableism

Ableism, at its core, stems from a belief that certain abilities, like sight, are inherently superior. This mindset manifests in the way sighted people sometimes view adaptations like screen readers or braille as substitutes, rather than as equally valid methods of accessing information. This thought pattern diminishes the lived experiences of blind individuals and subtly implies that we’re only half-participating in the world of literature. The comment reflects an ideology that upholds one mode of experiencing the world as ideal, while relegating others to second-class status.

Furthermore, literacy is a concept that should not be defined by sensory modality. Whether through braille, audio, or screen readers, blind readers engage in the same cognitive processes of understanding and analying text. These methods are not merely compensatory but rather alternate pathways that lead to the same destination.

Responding Constructively

Addressing this kind of ableism requires a blend of assertiveness and education. In responding to these comments, I could say something like, “When you suggest that I’m not really reading, it feels as if you’re diminishing my engagement with the text. For me, listening to a book offers the same intellectual and emotional journey as sighted reading does for you. It’s not about the method; it’s about the experience of connecting with the material. I’d appreciate it if we could acknowledge that there are many valid ways to be a reader.”

By framing the response in this way, I affirm my own experience while gently inviting the person to reconsider their assumptions. Another approach could be to highlight the diversity of literacy methods available today: “There’s a wide range of ways people can read now, whether through audio, braille, or text-to-speech technology. These methods open up the world of literature to more people and should be celebrated rather than diminished.”

My hope is that, in responding to these comments, I can foster a moment of reflection for others. Reading is about engaging with ideas and stories, not about the medium through which we access them. Ableist remarks about non-visual reading, though sometimes spoken thoughtlessly, present an opportunity to open minds and broaden perspectives. By sharing my experience, I contribute to a more inclusive understanding of literacy and help to dismantle the harmful stereotypes that still persist.


Reading is not an act confined to the eyes; it is an intellectual and emotional endeavour that transcends sensory modality. For many blind people, it is the ultimate expression of our love for stories, our curiosity, and our intellect. When someone diminishes my experience as “not really reading,” they underscore a fundamental misunderstanding of what it means to be a reader. As we continue to expand our understanding of accessibility, it is crucial to challenge and reframe such biases. Only by doing so can we begin to recognize and respect the many ways in which people interact with the written word, enriching our collective experience of literature in all its forms.

#Ableism #Accessibility #Audible #Blind #Braille #Disability #Equality #Inclusion #Kindle

in reply to Charlotte Joanne

absolutely this.
Nobody says you're not on the second floor if you only took the stairs, after all. You might use a ramp or a lift, but you're still there. Someone may have carried you up on a motorised hoist, but you're still there.

however you absorb the material, it's inside you, ready to be talked about with others or digested for your own enrichment. they might as well argue that typing a book isn't the same as writing it with a pen.

in reply to Tuta

The fact that Hungary, a de facto dictatorship, is pushing for this should be reason enough to strongly oppose it.

In #Gent is deze ochtend de #bosbezetting ontruimd met veel machtsvertoon door de #politie. Om 17u is een solidariteitsbetoging! Kom ook!
This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)
in reply to Pietervdvn

Morgen, om 18u30 is er een actie bij het gemeentehuis in solidariteit met de #bosbezetting

I have a question for any Irish or British followers I might have. I just checked out on a website, and it automatically made an account for me. The email I received said I should follow the link to "nominate my password." Is "nominate a password" a phrase? I'm fairly sure the company, McNeela Music, is based in Ireland, though I could be assuming that because of the instruments they focus on.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo Secret question or nominate password: the all new, authentication-themed version of Fifteen to One.

Sean Randall reshared this.

Controvercial, about braille

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in reply to Nick's world

Controvercial, about braille

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Just started: Community meeting at the #LibreOffice and Open Source Conference 2024, before the main talks and tracks start tomorrow!…

in reply to Purism

Still wishing we could see them in physical stores worldwide, with versions at affordable prices even if those may be slower. It's a bit sad to support something I know I can't get, although the initiative is a lifesaver and a much needed thing: In a normal world #Purism / #Librem should explode to the popularity of #Apple devices, especially among those that us who understand the harm and danger to ourselves perpetrated under the hoax of safety by the powerful.

Upon powerup, the CPU begins to execute code.

This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

spam z Tw

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Dnes sme tu bola veľmi významná novinárka, samozrejme že som bol ticho.

@Tusky what does Tusky read from for scheduled toot character limits ? Im trying to send out a schedule toot of over 500 upto 1000 characters but it just disappears. Under 500 works. Seeing if i need to change something on my instance.
in reply to Will Phoenix

see that you have already solved it. Thought it could be something related to the update to Mastodon 2.3, because some admins are having problems related to post extensions after it. Not sure if it was your issue.
in reply to Tusky

No it was a glitch issue with char limits on different servers i didnt have in.

Today at XDC 2024, my colleague @1ace from the Core team is going to co-host with Martin Roukala a demo on adding test machines to a CI-Tron instance:…

Live stream at:…

Make sure to attend!

#xdc2024 #igalia

A question for the #Accessibility bubble: can you recommend an accessible, open source tool for meetingroom booking management? Not really large-scale coworking space booking with paid slots, more something to be used inside of companies and institutions. #A11y #OpenSource
in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

I haven’t used it in years, but my memory of it was positive. MRBS is the application, a demo is at to test the accessibility out. I implemented it and it was used in an academic library for a few years to book meeting and study rooms.

Píšem dnes ráno do školy že potrebujem knihy a nemám čo robiť/sa učiť... už mám dve úlohy, vypočuť si video na Informatiku a na Slovenčinu napísať trojstranový sloh, ručne... Že som radšej nebol ticho.
This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)

Hay obras por el barrio y una de las máquinas tiene un avisador de marcha atrás tan biomimético que pensé que era un pájaro (urraca, arrendajo, algo así) hasta que me di cuenta de que era demasiado rítmico y durante demasiado tiempo.