In an ideal world, today's putin would be consistent with his past self.
Watch (60 Second) Insta Reel, Source: United 24 Media
‘Clutter isn’t really an East versus West thing,’ continues Tsuzuki. ‘It’s a rich versus poor thing. Wherever you go, anywhere in the world, the wealthy have the luxury of living in clean, minimal spaces, while the poor have to make do with small, cramped ones, without any way to hide their belongings.’…
The life-changing magic of Japanese clutter | Aeon Essays
The world sees Japan as a paragon of minimalism. But its hidden clutter culture shows that ‘more’ can be as magical as ‘less’Matt Alt (Aeon Magazine)
Yahoo Finance says that Twitter's revenue has dropped by 84% since Elon Musk took over.…
84%! It's bringing less than one sixth of what it did pre-takeover!
That's one stable genius, right there.
As neither of the current Accessibility team representatives are able to log-in to, team meetings are suspended until further notice. Bug scrubs will continue to run as normal.
Totally fine!… #A11y
Blog Tool, Publishing Platform, and CMS -
Open source software which you can use to easily create a beautiful website, blog, or
“We were trying to get to a show and got four Uber denials within a half-hour period. These denials happened after sending a message to the drivers letting them know that we would be traveling with a service animal.” – Guide Dog User in California, January 2024
This is one of many rideshare denials. End the discrimination. Respect our guide dogs and white canes. It’s our #RightToRide. #StopGuideDogDenials #Rideshare #Discrimination
an meine Followys in Köln. Wer kennt einen Location nähe Köln Hansaring, wo ich kommenden Mittwoch (16. Okt) abends, nach der Arbeit, nicht allein sein muss.
Bin die nächste Woche dienstlich in Köln und würde mich sehr freuen den Abend nicht allein meinen Gedanken auf dem tristen Hotelzimmer verbringen zu müssen.
Es geht mir wirklich in erster Linie um: Nicht allein sein. Ich muss nicht unbedingt neuen Bekanntschaften machen, es reicht schon ein Umfeld, wo nette Menschen zu Small Talk bereit sind. Hauptsache nicht allein auf dem Hotelzimmer.
Gern einen Boost und bei sehr konkreten Ideen auch eine direkt Nachricht.
Danke Euch ❤️
Jung, links, propalästinensisch – und am wenigsten antisemitisch
Eine neue Studie der Uni Mannheim zeigt: Der Antisemitismus-Vorwurf gegen linke Studierende geht »an den Tatsachen vorbei«. Zwischen propalästinensischen Einstellungen und Antisemitimus bestehe kaum ein Zusammenhang.
- да (4%, 1 vote)
- конечно (0%, 0 votes)
- разумеется (9%, 2 votes)
- сосиска (86%, 19 votes)
#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 15 updated and 1 added apps:
* BinEd - Binary/Hex Editor 🛡️
Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo
IzzyOnDroid F-Droid Repository
This is a repository of apps to be used with your F-Droid client. Applications in this repository are official binaries built by the original application developers, taken from their resp. repositories (mostly Github, GitLab, Codeberg).IzzyOnDroid App Repo
CumCum-Milliarden: Schredderpläne stoppen!
CumCum ist der größte Steuerraub der deutschen
Excel, Word, PowerPoint und Co. sind mittelmäßig. Weil sie aber allgegenwärtig sind, muss die reale Welt an ihre Mittelmäßigkeit angepasst werden. Wie aber können wir dieser Abhängigkeit vom Mittelmaß entkommen?…
Degitalisierung: Peak mittelmäßig
Excel, Word, PowerPoint und Co. sind mittelmäßig. Weil sie aber allgegenwärtig sind, muss die reale Welt an ihre Mittelmäßigkeit angepasst werden. Doch der Abhängigkeit vom Mittelmaß können wir
¿Qué significan los nombres de 'El hoyo 2'? Perempúan, Daging Babi, Trimagasi...
La continuación del éxito de 'El hoyo' en Netflix vuelve a bautizar de forma muy poco obvia a sus personajes.Daniel de Partearroyo (Cinemanía)
Israel's ongoing massacre of Jabalia refugee camp is one of the most violent attacks on Palestinian people in a year of violent attacks, in 78 years of violent attacks.
People need to stop scrolling past these crimes of humanity. No more excuses. Or saying "it's complicated".
Everyday, Palestinian people are being slaughtered by Israel, and too many people don't care because they're racist shits who don't see Arabs/brown people as human.
(Yes, you, the person that will report me for this post, you are a racist shit)
@palestine #Gaza #Genocide #FreePalestine #AntiArabRacism…
Israeli forces push deeper into Jabalia amid new expulsion orders in northern Gaza
Israeli forces continued to push deeper into the Jabalia area on Saturday amid heavy air and ground bombing, as troops pressed on with a week-long offensive in northern Gaza.MEE staff (Middle East Eye)
I favourite a lot of cool stuff on Mastodon. I'd love a service to go through that stuff on a regular basis, pick some of it at random, and remind me of it. Maybe by email, DM, or whatever.
Note: last time I mentioned using favourites in this way, Mastodon's corrections brigade came out in force to tell me I should be using bookmarks instead. Please don't do that again.…
ŽIVĚ: Starship (IFT-5)
Přímý přenos pokusu o start rakety SuperHeavy B12 s lodí Starship 30. V rámci tohoto testovacího letu loď poletí na transatmosférickou dráhu. Nepůjde tedy o ...YouTube
SpaceX rocket booster makes successful landing after test launch - using 'chopsticks'
The launch of the fifth test flight from Elon Musk's Space X Starship rocket has been a success.It took off in Boca Chica, Texas and was the first attempt to...YouTube
Person A (marketing): we need to redesign our website so we can make it more informative
Me (CTO): great
Person B (PM): I have the old WordPress account info, maybe we could start over on that
Me: lol absolutely fucking not
Have you decided what you're using instead?
My little company is also redesigning our website. We were already using WordPress, and we've started a new WordPress site. With everything Matt Mullenweg has been doing lately, I'm tempted to suggest using something else, but I don't know what. Having such a wide selection of themes and plugins is certainly convenient.
Hey, they did it! People have known for a long time that in 4 dimensions you can pack equal-sized balls so that each touches 24 others. In 2008 someone showed that's the best you can do. But in April this year, three mathematicians showed there's essentially just 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑦 you can accomplish this!
This way is easy to describe. Take the points whose coordinates are all integers, together with those whose coordinates are all integers plus 1/2. Use each of these points as the center of a ball of radius 1/2. Then each ball touches 24 others. This pattern is called the 𝗗𝟰 𝗹𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗲.
The new result shows that if you pack equal-sized balls in 4 dimensions so that each touches 24 others, you're 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑑 to create a version of the D4 lattice - possibly rotated, translated and/or rescaled.
This sort of thing is hard to show: it took a lot of fancy math and two weeks of calculation on a standard desktop computer. I believe only other dimensions where we know a result like this are 1, 2, 8 and 24. In dimension 3 it's just false: you can pack equal-sized balls so that each touches 12 others, and this is the best you can do, but there are uncountably many different ways to do it!
Optimality and uniqueness of the $D_4$ root system
We prove that the $D_4$ root system (the set of vertices of the regular $24$-cell) is the unique optimal kissing configuration in $\mathbb R^4$, and is an optimal spherical
Justin Ling: This Toronto team knows how to talk down extremists. Their secret tactic might surprise you
Canadian agencies like Yorktown Family Services in Toronto have developed proven tactics for de-radicalizing youth. We need to build on those breakthroughs, write Justin Ling, not let them waste away.Justin Ling (Toronto Star)
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