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Amos Miller of Glidance released a new amazing video showing the capability of Glide, the mobility tool that he has created. If you have not seen this new video, and by the way it is described, then I highly encourage you to check it out...…

#Blind #Mobility #AmosMiller #Glidance #Glide #Accessible

It’s time for these leaders to actually lead, clearing a path that leads beyond X and towards social media environments like Bluesky and Mastodon — platforms that at least gesture in the direction of user safety and protection of the vulnerable.

Hell. YES.…

Exclusive: Trump ground game in key states flagged as potentially fake - The Guardian…

GrapheneOS and android 15 beta upgrade. Pixel8 on the big screen, unbeatable. I probably won't think about a linux phone, at least not for a while, because now I have a notebook in my pocket, without google and most FOSS apps. Tidal from the phone looks good on the big screen, all other apps work too. #GrapheneOS #pixel8 #bigscreen #nextlevel #degoogle
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Llevo tiempo queriendo hacer yoga o pilates, pero no veía la forma de hacerlo de forma accesible para enterarme bien. no se si me explico. Bueno, como en la asociación de vecinos de mi barrio hacen cositas, les dije que si hacían yoga o pilates me tuviesen en cuenta ellas ya saben que soy ciega). Hoy me han escrito, que estaán montando clases de yoga y que si sigo interesada me pasan el contacto del profe, para que le diga lo que necesito para poder seguir la clase sin problema. (1/2)

Everybody keeps talking about post quantum encryption. We should also be talking about post AI web browsing.
in reply to ChatJERRYPT

It's back to Pre-Google web browsing, unfortunately. Cultivate a list of good source and websites, then use them directly.
in reply to Marcus Hutchins

Never thought about it this way, but recently I found myself doing and curating the bookmarks like couple of decades back. Honestly I thought I'm just getting old, the middle age crisis or something, but now I realised I maybe just intuitively started to fix some search engine issues...

Any fellow Catholics here use flocknote for parish-side communications?
in reply to Anny

No, that's never happened to me. I signed up to receive announcements from my parish so I've never been added without my consent.
in reply to David Goldfield

Cool. That was the case for me too, and I suspect many in my diocese, until a couple of days ago and it really feels like a breach of trust.
Thanks! Just thought about this and decided to create a #GuppeGroup for #Christians, so Christians throughout the #Fediverse and #Mastodon can have a place to talk to and meet each other. For those who don't know about #Guppe groups, it's a group that automatically boosts posts mentioning it, and you can follow it to see posts.
in reply to Cleverson

@clv0 @DavidGoldfield Hi. was down for a little while so links to groups weren't working. Try following it now. @christians

New weekend challenge moto:

#SystemCrafters (@daviwil) rule 42: "To maximize your learning opportunities, do stupid things [in your computer] that force you to dig yourself out of a hole". 🤓


Создатель онлайн-библиотеки Flibusta Stiver: серверы оплачены, сайт поддерживается и работает в стабильном режиме
#flibusta #stiver

Cestou z práce na jedno zasloužené. A teď nechci volant do pondělí vidět
in reply to Archos

Já tam mám zítra tak na 30 minut nějaký update informací na webu České školy a pustím na dálku nějaký extra backup databází na můj soukromý NAS. Jinak mám v plánu jen knížku, kafe a gauč/postel

For people who use android, what's a good mastadon client for said device?

Tak jsem propadl další závislosti :blobcatpat: Medieval Dynasty, mě opravdu hodně chytlo a nemohu se od toho odtrhnout :blobcatgamer: Lovit, těžit, stavět vesnici. Je to vcelku náročné a všechno chce dost času, ale to budování je uspokojující :blobcatcoffee: #MedievalDynasty
in reply to Archos

@archos Vypadá to dobře, hraje se to dobře, není to náročné na PC, nemá to žádné problémy s funkčností. Jen by to mohlo mít větší textury na zem a cesty, dabingu je tam hodně poskromnu a chce to si pročíst dost nápověd, aby člověk pochopil mechaniku práce a výroby obyvatel :blobcatbook:

Introduction To ELF In Linux: A Simple Guide To Executable Files…

hullcaster - terminal-based podcast manager…

Comparison of Samsung Galaxy Buds 3 Pro and Google Pixel Buds Pro 2…

Khronos reshared this.

TOMRA R2: a machine capable of receiving 100 empty containers per minute. 👍🏻

This morning we went to see an exhibition by the wonderful Margot from watercolorpatterns (, and it's just insane the precision, dedication and just sheer amount of care and detail she puts into every single one of her watercolors.

And it's all just this wonderfully enthusiastic lady doing everything herself!

Give her a hand if you have the chance, she's wonderful

Je tu taký starší pán a ide na bicykli z Hamburgu... teraz je tu a ide do Istanbulu a potom do Indie. Kamoš @xChaos ? Veľmi mu chutí a vraj je spokojný tak u nás bude denne pokiaľ tu bude. :02_sip:

edit: dal som mu šišku. 😁

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

odišiel a dal som si práska a celkom ma hitlo... potom sa vrátil že "I'm messed up from that..." :kekw:

edit: kúpil si some sort of HHC na Obchodnej, tak som mu ponúkol no

This entry was edited (2 months ago)


Good morning. If you live in a state where you can vote early or vote by mail, why not vote this weekend?

Check your state:…

Voting early is the best thing you can do to help Harris. It establishes a winning narrative which undermines polling manipulation by biased GOP pollsters. It also motivates our team and demoralizes them. Right now, with more than 10 million votes already banked, Dems are up by >1.5 million votes.



Tim Walz is not "redefining masculinity." Tim Walz is redefining *white masculinity*.

Trump does not have a big lead with men voters. Trump has an *absolutely massive lead* with *white men voters*.

70% of the NFL is Black. 90% of those Black men vote Dem. More Black men than white women think the environment is important. Black men support masking to prevent the spread of Covid. Black men are more likely to support women's reproductive rights. Etc, etc.…


in reply to mekka okereke

The reason this view is so discordant is that so many people's view of Black men is based on gangsta rap - base, aggressive, violent.

Which is funny since, as I learned from a post of yours from many months ago, gangsta rap is more popular among white people than it is among Black people.

in reply to David Njoku

@davidnjoku it took me a while but entirely I finally clued into how media portrays black men. Once you start seeing it, it's perversive.

How they show a mug shot if one is available by default. White guy criminals get yearbook photos. words like thug get used a lot. White guys get discussions of their lost future, black guys get only discussions of the crime.

Someone benefits if we're all afraid of black men. It's bullshit. And a lot so called liberals buy into it too.

Are you still using social media platforms? What's your reason?

For Google and Facebook users here's how you can better protect yourself!

Step 1: Stop Facebook collecting SO much data 👉…

Step 2: Reduce how much Google knows about you 👉…

in reply to Tuta

interesting that you write this on social media 😜
it's kind of ironic

PRODUCT REVIEW: And that's why it's become my go-to for

DIJKSTRA: *immediately closes tab*

Does anyone have any suggestions for a good #rss reader that works well with #VoiceOver?

Uff ufff, tak vítej zpět

always amused when someone in Ontario talks about "driving across the province in 8 hours"

buddy, Ottawa to Kenora was 21 hours of straight driving last I checked

most people have no idea how damn big this place is unless they've done the trip themselves

in reply to Rick Scott 🏳️‍⚧️

@hub and I wouldn't believe how bad most people are at navigation if I hadn't seen it for myself. it was wild how many folks on my recruit course had never touched a map & compass before, and how many still had no idea how to use them afterwards

it's just not a skill that we teach, or that most people learn

in reply to Rick Scott 🏳️‍⚧️

people with a GPS navigation that get lost in their own neighborhood trying to get gas. These exist.

Yesterday I finally solved the third hardest discrete bug I’ve worked on in my career. Took about 3.5 weeks of work. At the end, I spent 10 consecutive days doing nothing but investigating this bug, all day, every day. I then took a day off to pick up my folks in Pennsylvania because they wrecked their car (everyone is fine, just car damage). Came back, and yesterday I finally found it.


reshared this je opět online, postupně se obnovují další aplikace. Ještě jednou se omlouvám za tak dlouhý výpadek.
in reply to Miroslav Suchý

Mělo by to být v pořádku. Byla i změna DNS. Maximálně bude chvíli problém s federací.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

The fact that space indents won out over tabs actually makes me a little sad.

I just don't see why pressing a key four times is better.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to 13 barn owls in a trenchcoat

i just press tab and the editor inserts 4 spaces. 🤷

(Now that I'm writing this, it sounds kind of ridiculous. But also I didn't really think about this for the last x years at all, so I guess that's a success?)

Inspired by a recent discussion here, I've been testing the accessibility of the Tuba ActivityPub client with the Orca screen reader.
Findings are encouraging so far. The only significant issue is that, if I'm running a Wayland session, I encounter the keyboard handling problem that currently affects the use of Orca with all GTK4 applications. However, at least for reading ActivityPub threads, Tuba is very screen reader-accessible.
#Tuba #ActivityPub #gnome #accessibility

After upgrading to #pipewire version 1.2.5. Finally, I am back to an audio system that works as well (or better!) than my old hand-tweaked setup with JACK1 and PulseAudio.

Unlike that system, this one is fully integrated - things using any of the various Linux audio APIs are all visible and routable to each other.

Latency is the same or better as I got with JACK1.

Truly excellent. Good job @pipewire

(and for those who don't know, I wrote JACK1, with the help of a lot of amazing people).

reshared this

Maybe I Think Differently Because I See Differently

Ever wondered how our senses shape the way we think? It’s a fascinating concept, especially when you consider how different sensory experiences, like those between sighted and blind individuals, create unique cognitive worlds. As someone who navigates the world without sight, I’ve often wondered how this influences my thoughts and perspectives. After all, if we see the world differently, surely we think about it differently, too. Let’s explore how our sensory experiences shape our cognitive processes and perceptions.

Visual Dominance in Sighted People

For sighted people, vision dominates daily information processing. Research suggests that around 80% of their cognitive processing is tied to visual input, shaping not only how they see but also how they think. This visual dominance influences thoughts, understanding, and the focus on details like colours, shapes, and spatial relationships. Sighted individuals are often adept at processing visual patterns and details, like reading body language or interpreting facial expressions. For them, “seeing is believing,” but for those of us who cant rely on sight, belief comes from a different place altogether.

Cognitive Adaptations in Blind People

Without sight, blind people are forced to turn to other senses to form our mental landscapes. We rely on hearing, touch, and smell to navigate the world. Imagine walking into a room and, instead of scanning visually, you map it out through sound and touch. These senses aren’t just backups; they become finely tuned tools that create vivid mental representations. Over time, we develop exceptional auditory and tactile skills, and our memories sharpen to store all the information we gather through these non-visual cues.

Strengths Born from Different Senses

There are some advantages that come with thinking in a world shaped by sound, touch, and smell. For instance, blind people often excel in auditory tasks, like picking up subtle tones in conversations or identifying people by their footsteps. Memory is another area where blind people shine, as we frequently have rely on it to navigate and interact. Spatial awareness also becomes second nature, built from a blend of sound, touch, and movement that lets us “see” the world in our own way.

Beyond physical senses, abstract thinking often plays a prominent role in how we understand the world. Without the constant influx of visual distractions, our minds find other ways to stay busy—often diving into deeper, more abstract realms of thought. This can lead to an especially profound connection with concepts that aren’t tied to visual cues.

Neuroplasticity: The Brain’s Remarkable Adaptability

Perhaps one of the most intriguing aspects of sensory difference is neuroplasticity—the brain’s ability to rewire itself. When one sense is absent, the brain often repurposes the areas typically devoted to that sense. For blind individuals, parts of the brain usually reserved for vision get redeployed to boost other senses, supporting our enhanced skills and abilities in non-visual realms.

A Unique Cognitive Landscape

This distinct mix of sensory information creates a rich, varied internal world that offers a unique perspective on life. It’s a powerful reminder that our brains are remarkably adaptable, moulding our thoughts to the sensory input we experience. So yes, maybe I do think differently because I see differently. And maybe, that’s the beauty of it all.

#Blind #Cognition #Neuroplasticity

in reply to Charlotte Joanne

@TalkingDroid Good thoughts, especially regarding speech interpretation, which can vary greatly depending whether you can see body expressions or not. I would also add that our logical reasoning as blind persons is affected as well. If we don't have certain informations from the environment, including how a person looks like, then a certain reasoning may have for example necessary implications that it wouldn't if we had such informations.

in reply to Zach Bennoui

@ZBennoui Started during Covid, never left. Was there last night. Still rehearse with a band there, and we've got gigs coming up next year in-person, as we did this year and last as well.
in reply to Andre Louis

I used to post tracks on an online jamming platform called Wikiloops. You upload a track, you playing piano for example, then someone downloads that and adds their parts, ETC. Was really fun and looking to get back on there again.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Sometimes iOS’s autocorrect will just … randomly pluralize words for no reason and in cases where it doesn’t even make sense. As part of a previous post, I typed the sentence fragment “It has a 5-inch screen”, and iOS wants to add an s to the word “screen”. It did this again while I was writing this post. I don’t want to turn it off because it’s sometimes useful, but I have no idea how to even cancel an autocorrect bubble on a keyboard, so I just have to go back and erase whatever nonsense it put in.
in reply to aaron

@fireborn I did. I think VoiceOver might intercept it and use it as a substitute for the scrub gesture.

The reason I hate C so much has very little to do with its unsafety. Sure, that’s a problem, but the thing I really hate is how bad it is for building abstractions. Even simple things like linked lists or dictionaries require exposing data-structure implementation details in ways that make refactoring hard.

If I write C++ (or almost any higher-level language), I can start with a linked list and then decide that I know the maximum size and want better cache usage and switch to a flat data structure. Iterations stay the same and I change little code. Try building something in C where data structures are exposed with a uniform iteration API or indexed addressing depending on their use.

This extends further to trivial things like object destruction. If you look at Linux or BSD kernel code, you’ll often see a pattern of gotos for cleanup, where each step that can fail jumps to a corresponding error path that frees everything that’s been allocated so far. This exists because a lack of abstractions. In C++ or Rust, RAII would call the destructors on the objects as they go out of scope, so your error handling paths are just return failure and the cleanup happens automatically. You don’t need to write it every driver, the classes that own different resources know how to deallocated themselves.

When I write the same thing in C and C++, I end up writing more code in C, but when I then write another instance of similar code in C, I have to copy and paste a load of things because there is no way to properly abstract them out in C. This is the kind of thing that can cause memory-safety errors (because there aren’t abstractions that enforce properties that the programmer knows) but it also leads to a load of logic bugs.

I have no idea why anyone would choose C today. C++ can target the same ABI and generate identical binaries from less (and more reusable) source code. Rust can enforce more properties at compile time automatically. Garbage-collected languages can let you write complex cyclic data structures and correctly manage them (my current favourite approach for a lot of things is to write some core things in C++ and use Sol3 to expose them into Lua for all of the business logic).

in reply to David Chisnall (*Now with 50% more sarcasm!*)

> I have no idea why anyone would choose C today.

Some Unix fans seem to really hate C++. One such person, Drew DeVault, once told me this in an email:

> C's simplicity limits you in all the best ways. It forces you to keep your code simple, readable, and maintainable by someone other than yourself.
> Program conservatively.

That was a few years ago, but the design of his newer Hare language suggests he still feels that way.

I chose Rust.