Bij Waag Futurelab zijn wij op zoek naar een conceptontwikkelaar/researcher voor de afdeling Life (32-40 uur p/w)!

Sta jij voor open, transparante en inclusieve ontwerpprocessen? Treed je de digitaliserende wereld optimistisch tegemoet, maar ben je niet blind voor de schaduwkant ervan? Dan hebben wij dé baan voor jou!

Als conceptontwikkelaar/researcher zorg jij dat innovatieve ideeën een plek krijgen in de stad. Bekijk de vacature:…

Finland approved mining exploration in Sámi territory without assessing its cultural impact or gaining Sámi consent.

Sámi sisters led the case, arguing that traditional governance structures were ignored.

UN ruled Finland must amend its laws to recognize Sámi collective land rights and fully implement free, prior and informed consent.

“Sustainability is an empty word if you don’t respect and implement Indigenous rights here in our homelands.”
Näkkäläjärvi, Sámi leader.…

To je inak zaujimavy "twist", ze kym volakedy bojovali v "proxy vojnach" proti sebe USA a ZSSR, tak dnes mozno toto budu robit Juzna Korea proti Severnej.

Co je zatial konzistentne/to iste je to, ze sa nadalej jedna o cca "kapitalisti vs. komunisti".

via @kubicek…

#Naev #Accessibility #Blind #Game #Development - Hi. These guys would like to make their game accessible for us. Do me a personal favour, jump on the topic and bring in your individual expertise. Wether you are a coder, audio designer or just an ordinary blind player who knows about the mechanics needed for an accessible game, jump in and help us. I whent to their #Discord server and just asked, if there is a chance, making the game accessible at all. and now, see, they put up the Github proposal. Would like to see this really happen. Thanks for your support.…

Wearables could ‘revolutionize’ Parkinson’s disease treatment, study claims…

Digitalizace stavebního řízení je velká téma, které se hodně přetřásalo médiích v posledních týdnech. @keddie na konferenci OpenAlt přiblíží jak digitalizace probíhala. Ve druhé přednášce pak shrne kam se posunul egovernment za poslední tři roky.

Přijďte se na něj podívat v sobotu 2. listopadu na OpenAlt.

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Hi there,
I'd like to share an invitation for blind people from all over Europe here. My eastGerman Hometown Chemnitz is going to be one of the European cultural Capitals next year. The citty is also a center of blind life in east Germany, so 3 of our blind organizations decided to organize a long weekend from 29th of Ma'y to 1st of June for blind Europeans to explore our citty together. You can find more infos here:…

Boosts are very welcome!!! Thanks in advance.

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Jako strategii vabeni umelcu investujeme do partnerskych projektu. Cil je mit kvalitni obsah, ktery upozorni na soucasny neuteseny stav hudebni produkce.

V prvnim pokusu nas Xavi produkoval film s Danny Sethem.

Jako gimmick si muzete Artists vs Algorithm "koupit-za-telefonni-cislo" a vyzkouset si Unreleased tu:

Za mnohem vice osobnich udaju na IG Dannyho:

Dalsi Unreleased Originals jiz brzy (relativne k vecnosti).

#art #music #film

Welcome to the RB family, Tool Telegram 🥳…

Tool Telegram lets you send Message for Groups, topic groups, channels, and normal chats.

Thanks for Aquiles to help making it RB!

#reproducibleBuilds #IzzyOnDroid

Politics & DWP

Sensitive content

Dnes v poledne jsem vydal tohle… a o tři hodiny později mi dorazila do datové schránky výzva, abych začal platit rozhlasové poplatky. Náhoda?

Shodou okolností jsem si zrovna dnes koupil rádio. To je ale náhoda.


Because it came back up in a fun conversation in the Corecursive Slack today, it seems like a great time to re-up this post I wrote about PL ideas, including type systems, including the super fancy ones we don’t see much of the real world yet:…

Hot off the press in the International Journal of Learner Corpus Research: "The more proficient the learners, the less sophisticated their L2 vocabulary? The curious effect of the reference corpus on mean-frequency measures of lexical sophistication" co-authored with @RaffaellaBottini! 🤗

#CorpusLinguistics #LearnerLanguage #linguistics #OpenAccess…

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Egypt has had malaria for millennia. King Tutankhamen died of malaria.

After a century-long public health effort, Egypt has just been declared malaria-free.… HT @anildash

Zemřel Paul Di'Anno, bývalý frontman Iron Maiden. V Kolíně už zpíval jen na vozíčku…

What happens when your finances are controled by the one you're supposed to trust most?
What happens when you're told to keep up appearances to family and friends when all you really want to do is confess?
What happens when walls get built and secrets are all you dabble in?
Find out in my latest #blog.…

Recommendation for scientific Mastodon!

We have seen how, once again, Nobel prizes have been awarded to men. why?

This article reviews the different studies carried out on this male chauvinist phenomenon and provides some collective solutions.…

Thunderbird for Android 8.0b4 is out and available for testing! Help us test the new subscription funding feature and the QR code Export to Mobile feature, now on the desktop Thunderbird Beta image! For more detailed testing notes, see our mailing list announcement.… Full release notes:…

#thunderbird #development #opensource

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