Bij Waag Futurelab zijn wij op zoek naar een conceptontwikkelaar/researcher voor de afdeling Life (32-40 uur p/w)!
Sta jij voor open, transparante en inclusieve ontwerpprocessen? Treed je de digitaliserende wereld optimistisch tegemoet, maar ben je niet blind voor de schaduwkant ervan? Dan hebben wij dé baan voor jou!
Als conceptontwikkelaar/researcher zorg jij dat innovatieve ideeën een plek krijgen in de stad. Bekijk de vacature:…
Conceptontwikkelaar-Onderzoeker Life - Waag Futurelab
Bij Waag Futurelab zijn wij op zoek naar een conceptontwikkelaar/onderzoeker voor de afdeling Life (32-40 uur p/w)Waag Futurelab
Finland approved mining exploration in Sámi territory without assessing its cultural impact or gaining Sámi consent.
Sámi sisters led the case, arguing that traditional governance structures were ignored.
UN ruled Finland must amend its laws to recognize Sámi collective land rights and fully implement free, prior and informed consent.
“Sustainability is an empty word if you don’t respect and implement Indigenous rights here in our homelands.”
Näkkäläjärvi, Sámi leader.…
Mining in Finland violates Sámi Indigenous rights, UN finds
Two recent UN committee rulings state that Finland violated the Sámi people’s rights by allowing mineral exploration without proper consultation or consent.Tristan Ahtone reports for Grist.EHN Curators (EHN)
To je inak zaujimavy "twist", ze kym volakedy bojovali v "proxy vojnach" proti sebe USA a ZSSR, tak dnes mozno toto budu robit Juzna Korea proti Severnej.
Co je zatial konzistentne/to iste je to, ze sa nadalej jedna o cca "kapitalisti vs. komunisti".
via @kubicek…
Martin Kubicek (
Book Talk: The Line: AI and the Future of Personhood
Join us for a book talk with legal scholar JAMES BOYLE, discussing his book THE LINE: AI and the Future of Personhood, in conversation with KATE DARLING of the MIT […]\
vôňu piva aj chuť som dnes cítil...…
Permon 15° Pumpkin Ale 0,5 l
Ako každý rok máme pripravený tekvicový špeciál. Ako každý rok je ho opäť málo a dostali sme len malé množstvo fliaš. V Sokolove tento rok ľahko navýšili gramáž korenia a tekvíc a modernizovali
Join BITS and presenter Maria Kristic, as we take a look at Braille Screen Input in iOS 18.
When: Tuesday October 22, at 8:00 PM Eastern (5:00 PM Pacific).
Where: BITS Community Zoom Room.
With the release of iOS 18, there are many changes and updates to Braille Screen Input. Among the updates are enhanced accuracy and predictive text, new gestures, advanced keyboard layouts, and enhanced language support.
Join BITS member Maria Kristic as she helps us navigate through all the changes.
[Proposal]: blind accessibility · Issue #2635 · naev/naev
Suggestion Adding blind accessibility (not colourblind, full blindness) could be a good goal at not only improving the accessibility for blind users, but for all users in general. I've opened an is...GitHub
Wearables could 'revolutionize' Parkinson's disease treatment, study claims - MyHealthyApple
Wearables like the Apple Watch could monitor a range of “digital biomarkers” that could make Parkinson’s disease treatment more effective.Mike Peterson (myhealthyapple)
Digitalizace stavebního řízení je velká téma, které se hodně přetřásalo médiích v posledních týdnech. @keddie na konferenci OpenAlt přiblíží jak digitalizace probíhala. Ve druhé přednášce pak shrne kam se posunul egovernment za poslední tři roky.
Přijďte se na něj podívat v sobotu 2. listopadu na OpenAlt.
Budeme se snazit co pujde, ale muze se pokazit asi milion veci (selhat kamera, zvuk, obsluha neco podela, bude vypadek pripojeni, ...)
Osobne jsem se zarekl, ze online streamy ani zaznamy nebudu resit, protoze by mi z toho praskla hlava ;-D
- Samozrejme, hned vas objednam ..... Mame termin na 4/2/2025 na 11.15
- Tak dik, udelejte mi rezervaci a at se za mnou stavi na Cheltenhamskou rozptylovou loucku...
The Whimsical World of Novelty Radios
You might say that the first age of novelty radios occurred in the 1920s and 1930s, when the medium itself was still novel.James Careless (Radio World)
I work on #curl full-time
(probably even a little more than full-time but let's ignore that for now)
My job: full-time curl developer
Documentation and ramblings of Daniel Stenberg, founder and lead developer of
PipeWire 1.0.9 is out! Some more bugs were fixed. More details below. Note that the 1.0 series is the previous stable version that is still in use on older distros.…
1.0.9 · PipeWire / pipewire · GitLab
PipeWire 1.0.9 (2024-10-22) This is a bugfix release that is API and ABI compatible with previous 1.0.x releases. ...GitLab
Debian -- Details of package pipewire in sid
audio and video processing engine multimedia
Für habe ich große Sympatie.
Sie wird allerdings mehr und mehr auf die Probe gestellt.
* Die Desktop- und Android-Clients, die nach dem Update wieder mal alles neu synchronisieren möchten
* Das Deck welches dringend #UI und Funktionalitätsverbesserungen verträgt
* Die Nautilus-Desktop-Erweiterung, die für Blinde und Sehgeschädigte nahezu unbenutzbar ist und für Sehende nicht viel besser
... um nur ein paar Beispiele zu nennen.
Wären Arbeiten an den Basisfunktionalitäten nicht wichtiger als immer neue Hubs mit irgendwelchem AI-Zeugs?
Allerdings ist für mich ganz und gar nicht klar, was er nun fast zwei Stunden zu rödeln hatte. Es scheint nicht so zu sein, dass die fälschlicherweise heruntergeladenen Datein wieder gelöscht worden sind. Jedenfalls sehe ich noch ne Menge und muss mich jetzt durch tausende Dateien quälen..
In my youth I did creative things such as this "embedded Linux contest" (from 2012)
Try it out! It's not easy.…
Embedded Linux Contest
During our embedded Linux hacking event in Stockholm on October 20th I ran a little contest for the ones who wanted to
R's always worked for reactions, so no idea why my brain didn't connect those dots.
Hi there,
I'd like to share an invitation for blind people from all over Europe here. My eastGerman Hometown Chemnitz is going to be one of the European cultural Capitals next year. The citty is also a center of blind life in east Germany, so 3 of our blind organizations decided to organize a long weekend from 29th of Ma'y to 1st of June for blind Europeans to explore our citty together. You can find more infos here:…
Boosts are very welcome!!! Thanks in advance.
FediVerseExplorer likes this.
reshared this
Jako strategii vabeni umelcu investujeme do partnerskych projektu. Cil je mit kvalitni obsah, ktery upozorni na soucasny neuteseny stav hudebni produkce.
V prvnim pokusu nas Xavi produkoval film s Danny Sethem.
Jako gimmick si muzete Artists vs Algorithm "koupit-za-telefonni-cislo" a vyzkouset si Unreleased tu:
Za mnohem vice osobnich udaju na IG Dannyho:
Dalsi Unreleased Originals jiz brzy (relativne k vecnosti).
Not a label. Not management. Just a collective of artists, dreamers, & designers trying to change an unfair
I have a question for people who work in accessibility and design:
Can anyone recommend evidence-based sources on how well Comic Sans does or doesn't work for people with dyslexia?
- I don't need anecdotes, opinions, or big feelings about fonts.
- I'm just looking for evidence-based studies.
I've seen strong, contradictory opinions & a lot of received wisdom about this. That's why I'm looking for actual evidence either way. Thank you!
Related question: I'm familiar with Atkinson Hyperlegible. the Braille Institute Free Font (link at the bottom.
If accessibility-oriented fonts make a difference for you as a reader (for dyslexia, low vision, visual processing, or any other reason), I would love to know what accessible fonts you personally like best and why.
*This is question for people who rely on accessible fonts only. No replies from others, please. Thank you!
Atkinson Hyperlegible Font - Braille Institute
Read easier with Atkinson Hyperlegible Font, crafted for low-vision readers. Download for free and enjoy clear letters and numbers on your computer!Braille Institute
Welcome to the RB family, Tool Telegram 🥳…
Tool Telegram lets you send Message for Groups, topic groups, channels, and normal chats.
Thanks for Aquiles to help making it RB!
#reproducibleBuilds #IzzyOnDroid
„Tool Telegram“ – IzzyOnDroid F-Droid Repository
Send messages on telegram as a bot, easilyIzzyOnDroid App Repo
Oh, well, that brings us to the "4th egg" now:
305 apps (25%) are #reproducibleBuilds now at #IzzyOnDroid 🥳
🇩🇪 "In jedem vierten Ei!" 🎶
Jupp, es ist soweit: 305 apps (25%) bei #IzzyOnDroid sind jetzt #reproducibleBuilds 🥳
Ich fürchte das heißt aber auch: keine "Eier-Toots" bis auf weiteres – das "dritte Ei" liegt in zu weiter Ferne, das wird dieses Jahr nichts mehr 🤣
Dnes v poledne jsem vydal tohle… a o tři hodiny později mi dorazila do datové schránky výzva, abych začal platit rozhlasové poplatky. Náhoda?
Shodou okolností jsem si zrovna dnes koupil rádio. To je ale náhoda.
Audio recenze: Výjimečný stav - 20 %
fffilm, František Fuka, Ilona Fuková, film, premiéry, recenze,
Chvílema jsem si říkal že vidím snahu o nějaký apel proti dezinformacím nebo předsudkům, ale pak je to zabalený do spousty předsudkú a dezinformací ztratí to zbytky smyslu...😳
The Wizardry Frontier — Sympolymathesy, by Chris Krycho
For 75 years, programming languages have steadily raised the baseline of what “normal” programmers can express in their languages. They can
Hot off the press in the International Journal of Learner Corpus Research: "The more proficient the learners, the less sophisticated their L2 vocabulary? The curious effect of the reference corpus on mean-frequency measures of lexical sophistication" co-authored with @RaffaellaBottini! 🤗
#CorpusLinguistics #LearnerLanguage #linguistics #OpenAccess
Emmanuele Bassi
in reply to Allison Husain • • •