Items tagged with: Discord


Items tagged with: Discord

Tient, Discord ajoute de la publicité vidéo en juin dans son client (oui prévisible, on l'avait prévu depuis 2015) …

Du coup, pour les personnes qui seraient intéressées de migrer vers autre chose pour vos famille, vos groupe de potes, vos asso, etc…
Ceci est le rappel sur : N'hésitez pas à venir me demander conseils à propos de XMPP.

Idem si vous avez besoin d'accompagnement, de mise en place, des questions, etc.

Vous pouvez me contacter ici, ou par mail, ou par XMPP.

Et le retoot est bienvenue !

#Discord #XMPP

I hear people are doing a surprise-pikachu about Discord's new ad push?…

Truly surprising that a *checks notes* proprietary, centralized, VC-funded platform started enshittifying the moment it gained enough market share to make it very difficult for people to flow elsewhere. 🤯

Nobody saw that coming! :blobcat0_0:


#Discord #WalledGardens

Maybe time for people and groups to start considering #Matrix for their current #Discord servers, as Discord becomes focused on getting money out of everyone who uses it, with likely enshitification beginning soon. #XMPP/#Jabber is also an alternative.

Both are decentralized, publicly owned services, where you can interact with anyone else regardless of which server they choose to be hosted on, just like Mastodon, et al.…

The main problem I see isn't finding a good alternative, but finding a person who is willing to abandon #meta
I have multiple alternatives(#signal, #element #telegram #discord ) but what to do when I'm the only one using them?

"Rather than treating BlueSky as 'the space' for community-specific conversations, I’ll encourage folks to drive those conversations to community-specific spaces (like Discourse, Discord, etc)."

#ChrishHoldgraf, 2024…

Discord is also someone else's kingdom, and well on its way to enshittifying. Something like a Matrix space would be a castle independent of anyone else's kingdom.


#Naev #Accessibility #Blind #Game #Development - Hi. These guys would like to make their game accessible for us. Do me a personal favour, jump on the topic and bring in your individual expertise. Wether you are a coder, audio designer or just an ordinary blind player who knows about the mechanics needed for an accessible game, jump in and help us. I whent to their #Discord server and just asked, if there is a chance, making the game accessible at all. and now, see, they put up the Github proposal. Would like to see this really happen. Thanks for your support.…

Werft mal einen Blick auf die Messenger-Matrix. Trotz aller Bemühungen kann es sein, dass nicht alle Informationen zu den Messengern aktuell sind. In diesem Fall bitte ich um Rückmeldung, damit ich die Matrix anpassen kann. ❤️ 👇…


#briar #conversations #xmpp #deltachat #discord #element #matrix #facebook #google #imessage #jami #line #session #signal #simplex #siskin #skype #telegram #teleguard #threema #viber #whatsapp #wire

Remember all those posts you've seen telling you how using #Discord - a private, closed platform - is bad for your community? How it's a terrible idea for storing documentation or other information? Well, the Russian armed forces decided it was a smart idea to use it for *military communications*. Their own "internet regulator" (read: censor) decided to ban it, with predictable results:…

im getting really tired... -w-

summary of today:

someone on a Japanese hacker forum decided it was a good idea to spam the entire Fediverse because they wanted to cancel a minor that DDoSed a Discord bot which apparently made them lost millions (what?)

A Discord bot. I can't make this shit up man.

The real culprit seems to be someone who goes by mumei in the forums, whose first post was literally a threat to ap12, that if they don't delete their "Kuroneko Server" Discord bot, they will spam every blog, forum and SNS and cancel him.

This shit is ridiculous.

The ap12 account from mastodon-japan was actually fake, and this dude impersonated a minor to get all of the Fediverse (us) to bully him.

The forum admins didn't even stop this. Why? lulz apparently. #fediblockmeta#fediadmins#fediadmin#mastoadmin#mastoadmins#spam#cybercrime#cybersec#infosec#drama#discord

I sigh every time I see decent open source project resorting to #Discord instead of #Matrix for chat opportunities. I think your video channel needs to post something like "Matrix is very limited: #DEBUNKED".

Signing in to this new #Discord thing to chat to my friends. Let’s see what all the hype is about.

Interesting to see government challenges trying to get involved in a community that they don't understand. #Discord & #Mastodon are obviously very different, but wondering what "Gotchas" there might be for #government sites exploring alternative #SocialMedia accounts.

As people flock from #Twitter, there will be new things watch for.…

So am I! Can't wait for this to come out of beta and make things like #Teamspeak, #Discord and #Zoom redundant!

A Letter to #Discord for not Supporting the #Linux Desktop…

I rewrote the whole article because I sounded extremely rude before. It's not nice to be rude to developers, whether you like them or not; whether the application is open source or not. Hopefully this revision is respectful and doesn't sound like I am shaming them.

#gnu #security #electron


The benefits of over #Discord are many, but Discord has one huge killer feature:

When I see a #privacy project whose only realtime comms platform is on Discord, I know the people in the project either don't care or don't know enough about privacy (or both).



Out of 2,000,000+ of the top repositories on #GitHub, 2,200+ have a #Discord invite, while 1,400+ have a #Matrix invite, in their repository somewhere. Thought that was an interesting statistic!
