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Bob asks: “What’s Your Favorite Corner of the Dial?”…

Está el día super super super nublado, la ventana está empañada, me estoy tomando un té de canela y naranja mientras toco el piano y llevo puestos calcetines gorditos, pantalones de coralina y un cárdigan de lana gruesa.
Esto es eso que llaman felicidad.

En mi libro “Cómeme los güevos por detrás, facha de mierda” explico cómo discutir en el trabajo sin perder las formas con los compañeros que tienen inclinaciones políticas equivocadas.

Víkend a piatok chcem stráviť s čajom a dekou.

This is activism in action. This is how you be an ally. This is how when the deranged get loud, you get louder.

As they say “speak up, even if your voice shakes.”

Way to go, Springfield woman. Someone get her some metal cuffs and a golden lasso.

#Allyship #Springfield #Haitians #Propaganda #Activism

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I’m gonna be honest, it is difficult to take your anticapitalist “revolutionary” group seriously when they meet on Microsoft Teams and have documents saved on Google.

I understand meeting nontechnical people where they’re at, but this is just a bad look, y’all.

Also I feel like “meeting people where they’re at” would ideally involve helping them surpass where they’re at, rather than merely dropping to their level.

Semantic websites are awesome! Among other things, they let you write reusable CSS. Please send me your semantic websites, so I can analyze them for common patterns and write a composable CSS framework.…

#indieweb #smolweb #semanticHTML #html #semantic #css #semanticcss

in reply to Jak2k is semantic. I describe how in my “Site design standards” page, particularly the “machine-friendliness” section. The optional stylesheet barely uses any custom class/id selectors, instead preferring microdata and microformat selectors.
This entry was edited (1 week ago)

Dnes jsem viděl cyklistu roku: ráno v dopravní špičce uprostřed úzkých uliček města jede za hustého pršení na kole tatínek s dítětem v sedačce, přes déšť sotva vidí, jedno auto za druhým ho s několikacentimetrovým odstupem míjí.
Já přestal už dávno kvůli té dopravní situaci experimentovat s jízdou na kole do práce, tady ten pán takhle rozváží i děti do školky. :)
in reply to Michal Špondr

Je jedno jestli prší nebo ne. Dnes nepršelo, a tak mi to řidička vynahradila ostřikovačema. Po tom co mi nedala přednost a z nenadání mi vystřelila ze svého parkovacího místa do cesty. 😄
This entry was edited (1 week ago)

My three favourite things are eating my family and not using commas.

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Já si říkal co se tam děje. Včera jsem tam zrovna jel když se tam složky IZS zasahovaly. Na kole. 😕…
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Muy largo, centros especiales de empleo.

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in reply to modulux

Muy largo, centros especiales de empleo.

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in reply to Ramón Corominas

Muy largo, centros especiales de empleo.

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prší a spal by som.. ale mám krátky týždeň a nadčasy odmietam čiže iba dva dni a môžem sa ďalej liečiť #dobréRáno

Buenos días desde la Administración Pública.

Ahora a darle vueltas a los flecos de la orden de delegación. Revisando normativa sobre recursos y fin de la vía.

Hi, @jcsteh. By any chance do you know if someone has this bug in their radar? Thanks for your time and all the work you do!!…

in reply to Diego Ramírez

Sorry, it wasn't on our radar at all, as it ended up in the wrong place. I've moved it to the correct place to get some attention from our team when we're able. Thanks for reporting it and for the ping.

Putin asked a psychic, "How long will I live?"
Psychic said, "I know you'll die on a Ukrainian holiday."
Putin asks, "Which holiday?
Psychic smiled and said, "Whichever day you die, will be a Ukrainian holiday."

If all goes to plan, the whole family will vote early tomorrow. I have tomorrow and Thursday off work, and everyone else happens to be free in the afternoon, so we're going to get this out of the way. I've never voted early before. On voting days, there's an accessible machine set up so I can easily vote. I have no idea how early voting will work.
in reply to Alex Hall

So cool! It's so weird that in the US it's so hard for people to vote as in the election day usually falls on a Tuesday, the time when people work. Why has this not ever been raised?
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 Individual people raise the question, but it never makes its way to lawmakers. I don't know why.

Ani se mi moc sem nechce dávat babišovské téma, ale zjišťuju, že pořád jsou lidi, kteří nevědí a dost možná video je pro ně stravitelnější forma.

Je to série několika videí, kde je převyprávěné to nejdůležitější.…

@NVAccess posted:

In-Process 23rd October 2024…

#NVDASR #accessibility

I'm in the middle of reading the #DoctorWho novel "the Time Travelers" by Simon Guerrier. Although it's a First Doctor novel with Ian, Barbara and Susan as the companions, it's far from the simple adventures of the first two seasons. I don't want to reveal any major spoilers but one thing that I like about it is that it establishes that Ian and Barbara both had feelings for one another. This was also established in the first episode of "Susan's War" from Big Finish. I'm very glad to see that the audio stories and the novels pursue this as I've felt for years that it made sense for Ian and Barbara to develop a deep bond, considering the situation they were unwillingly thrown into. Am I the only one who considers Ian and Barbara one of my favorite DW couples, in spite of the fact that this was never explored on screen?
in reply to darren harris

@edenGD02 From the Internet Archive. The novel is out of print and is otherwise not available in any accessible format. It's not available on Bookshare or in the Kindle store.
in reply to David Goldfield

Ian and Barbara absolutely were a couple after the show. You only have to watch The Romans to see the sort of close bond they had.

Please read this article, if you are in one of these 10 states, please do not eat McDonald’s right now. McDonald's hit by major E Coli outbreak with one dead and dozens sick - Daily Mail…

Ehw ehw ehw!!! Walmart death: Halifax police say employee was found in oven:…

PQ leader says story time poster by Montreal library example of 'religious invasion'…

In short PQ is just like the CAQ. Racist AF.


¡Explora el calendario de actividades para el 25 y 26 de octubre en #GNOME Latam 2024!

No te pierdas las charlas y eventos que hemos preparado, con destacados expositores y una gran promoción del Software Libre.

¡Va a ser imperdible!

Dear @cbcnews calling Covid 'seasonal' is journalistic malpractice

Covid has NEVER been seasonal, and we've been in one of the highest waves of the ongoing pandemic since early August

Being a stenographer of Henry is not serving the public, you have a mandate to call out and correct disinformation

Do better

#Covid #Covid19 #BCpoli #CDNpoli

Promoting real-estate listing for my for-sale house

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in reply to Hubert Figuière

Promoting real-estate listing for my for-sale house

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in reply to Tim Bray

Promoting real-estate listing for my for-sale house

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Union raises concerns over cracks in newly poured concrete in Montreal's La Fontaine Tunnel…

Is there some kind of trick to restarting NVDA programmatically? If I try to just task schedule or python subprocess c:\program files (x86)\nvda\nvda.exe I get "Requires elevation" errors even when running as privileged user. How does this work? @NVAccess #nvda
in reply to Florian

NVDA has the uiAccess privilege to enable access to the UI of apps running as admin. This requires a special kind of elevation. The easiest way to get that elevation is to use ShellExecute, which will verify that the app is in an allowed location for uiAccess apps and then elevate accordingly.
in reply to Jamie Teh

import ctypes; ctypes.windll.shell32.ShellExecuteW(None, None, r"c:\Program Files (x86)\nvda\nvda.exe", "", None, 1)
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh Ah Jamie has you sorted, ignore my earlier reply which is out of date :)
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh Thanks! :) I was noodling with it a bit more and noticed that supplying shell=True to subprocess also seems to work although using that is discouraged for security reasons, which is amusing :) I'll use this for now, thanks much

PSA: if it is exclusive to a closed platform, it is not a podcast.

Wow, what an amazing story:… #math

I primarily use fedi because

  • It’s fun (72%, 176 votes)
  • It’s better (61%, 149 votes)
  • I can be smug when the other things fall apart (50%, 123 votes)
244 voters. Poll end: 6 days ago