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LinkedIn bots and spear phishers target job seekers…

HackerOne CEO Mårten Mickos spoke at a conference and mentioned our (curl's) bug bounty.…

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Having troubling sleeping? Check out these two YouTubes:

If You Always Wake Up Between 3 - 5AM…

How to Fall Back Asleep in the Middle of the Night (Fast)…

#sleep #sleeping #tips

Nie je tu vedúca, nie je problém opustiť zamestnanie už teraz. Neuveriteľné.

7 Things You Should Never Plug Into an Extension Cord or Power Strip…

Khronos reshared this.

in reply to David Goldfield

I knew all of these. Though I have to say my refrigerator simply due to where the outlet is for it in my kitchen is on an extension cord specifically for that stated purpose. It is the right rating for what it's doing.
in reply to David Goldfield

well I guess I’m committing a major no-no. The microwave in my room is plugged into a power box. It’s not exactly an extension cord and it’s not exactly a power strip. It’s one of those little blocky things that goes into an outlet that has a bunch of other plug things on it.

McDonald's E. Coli Outbreak Leaves 1 Dead, 10 Hospitalized…
in reply to David Goldfield

Wow, holy crap. Careful y'all. Golden arches is the deadly arches.

Asus ROG Phone 9 has arrived with a new Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset…

Chick-fil-A Announces “Chick-fil-A Play” a New Family Friendly Streaming Services With Animated Shows, Podcasts, & More…

Your horoscope for today:
Be like a radio station - broadcast your thoughts, hopes, and dreams out into the world and hope a few folks find your wavelength.

Whew. Going to take a moment now just to close my eyes and take deep breaths and imagine, because this is definitely also within reach, that in a few weeks Trump loses, slowly loses the rest of his appeals, is jailed for his existing convictions, and begins to fade from public memory.

There will still be years of work to do, gradually breaking the power of the ghouls who made him and are complicit in his crimes. But what an amazing feeling that would be.

We can still make it happen.


uspol massachusetts politics psychedelics fear

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Okay, time to properly launch this: SUPER SWING DISTRICTS!

This is a slate of Democratic candidates calculated for maximum impact for your donation dollars.

National campaigns receive a ton of money, but can't always deploy it locally in the places that the Electoral College, gerrymandering, and … shenanigans mean it needs to be spent. But figuring out which local campaigns *can* use it is a lot of work. This site is the output of that work.

#USPol #SuperSwingDistricts

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Glyph

And we made it, and then some. On to the next goal: $60k.

Writing that thread about the stakes of the election from my perspective really took a lot more out of me than I thought it was going to though, so please get to $60k while I take a break for a while.

#USPol #SuperSwingDistricts

#AndroidAppRain at #IzzyOnDroid ( today brings you 14 updated apps and has 10 old, no longer working apps removed. Thanks to Aholic Gino for digging them up! We'd welcome any hands helping us cross-checking his other findings at… – so please take a look, pick an app or two to test, and tell us your results! "Second door to the left, one per person" if all join in, and it's done in an eye-blink :awesome:

Ideal Thunderbird Setup for Screenreaders

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in reply to Kira-chan

Ideal Thunderbird Setup for Screenreaders

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in reply to Cleverson

Ideal Thunderbird Setup for Screenreaders

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Found this random bakery that refers to itself as open source

> I like the "Open Source" software model and want to eventually do a full job of sharing my sources and methods to encourage that same kind of collaboration and gradual improvements with other bakers that many software developers enjoy. I've already benefited greatly from the same from connecting with other bakers, farmers, etc. One of the things at the heart of my bakery is my flour mill and my current primary mills are the the KoMo XL (one is an XL Plus). These folks are the only US importer of these mills and have been very nice to work with.

Going to take a break for a few hours from talking about #SuperSwingDistricts but I did want to talk just a *little* bit about the stakes.

In 2016… almost 8 years ago… I wrote this:…

If you're convinced, this is not an article for you to read, but it is an article for you to share, if you know someone who is not convinced that this is *serious*.

I was early, but I wasn't wrong.

In 2016, nobody had "mass deportations now" signs. In 2016, there were guard rails.


in reply to Glyph

And that's the word she would use, in French. "Déportations". As in "mémorial des déportations", which is what a lot of holocaust museums are called in France.

For me, the phrase "mass deportation" has a visceral resonance more like "fucking kill your whole family" than "fiscal policy".

Which makes me feel absolutely insane when horse-race pundits say it. "Will fucking killing your whole family reduce housing prices? Fucking killing your whole family is very popular among men 18-34."


in reply to Glyph

So, yeah. Make a plan to vote for Democrats. Donate to Democrats. Get out the vote for Democrats. A vote for Democrats might not be perfect, but it is a vote *against* fucking killing somebody's whole family.

Of course the Maga party is not *exactly* the Nazi party, I do not think Jews will be first on the list; we will not have a play-by-play Holocaust re-run. But they *are* playing the hits by starting with "the communists", which some of you may recall begins a famous poem.


"*V rozhovore pre Nova Sport ste naznačili, že podmienky na Slovensku neboli ideálne. Viete vysvetliť, v čom bol konkrétne problém?*

Podľa mňa najlepším príkladom je koniec jedinej certifikovanej atletickej haly na Slovensku, haly Elán v Bratislave. Jednoducho ju zatvorili a atléti sa polovicu roka nemajú kde pripravovať. Ako je možné, že takúto zásadnú vec nikto včas neriešil?"…


in reply to SuspiciousDuck

@SuspiciousDuck Mozu (zatial) nasich sportovcov podporit tym, ze im vybavia obcianstvo v nejakej lepsej krajine.

Koza cela, vlk syty! Ka bum tss!

“The last time the United States launched a mass deportation effort … U.S. citizens of Hispanic descent were rounded up and sent to Mexico—a place that many had never been before. The mass deportations that Trump is proposing would be devastating for our #economy and dangerous for American Latinos.”…

#Trump #news #politics #Fascism #extremism #Republicans #Texas #USpol #immigration #border #election2024

One very strange side-effect of the US's _all the elections all at once_ approach to democracy is that donating to specific underresourced local campaigns can improve turnout in consequential state and federal races.

Here's a way to donate to 18 important and underfunded State-level races that could help deliver important Federal results:… #USPol

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Patří syrečky na pizzu? Dozvíme se v následujících minutách!
in reply to Archos

@archos A ještě teď si někteří zákazníci myslí, že Do Větru smrdí odpad. 😄
in reply to Jiří Eischmann

To byla hláška večera. Otevřete tam to okno! Zákazníci si stěžují 😂😂

For those who are unaware, hCaptcha are the people who exist for other companies not to trust anyone. And yet, they expect people with accessibility needs , of whom they actively and knowingly discriminate against, to trust them with an email address, to send them a cookie, so they can be tracked. Then, to make things worse, the cookie is useless unless the person being discriminated against by hCaptcha tells their browser to accept cross-origin site cookies, opening up a whole new privacy-invading and even risk potential can of worms. Why isn't this a legal issue, anywhere?
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

reshared this

So I wrote a while ago about how content warnings are good and pacing yourself about political news is important and you may be noticing that I've been just a *bit* of a hypocrite about that in the last few days. As I said at the time, "the marathon that is the next 106 days"…

We're not in the marathon part any more.

in reply to Glyph

In general I still agree with that idea but:

1. my current Poasting is much more goal-directed here, is a specific project and not generalized anxiety.

2. I hope to return to a more moderated posting style with more of these guard-rails in the future. Win or lose, there will be less to do come November.

3. I know I'm burning credibility and the patience of my followers, but that is a conscious decision. Some things are more important than my personal reputation.

in reply to Glyph

If you need to mute me or unfollow for the next few weeks (or heck, permanently), believe me, I get it. No hard feelings.

But as long as I've got your attention right now, if you can't donate, you can volunteer. SSD isn't set up for that, but VSA is:

Have you heard about SUPER SWING DISTRICTS yet? I posted about it already, but I am so bad at using discoverability features of this platform. So let's give it a try and just go nuts with the hashtags on this repost, to see how much those help. Super Swing Districts is a slate of *state legislature* candidates that can maximize the value of your election donation dollar in crucial swing districts:…

#USPol #election #democracy #fundraising #harris #election2024

Stupid, impossible challenge idea: Skyrim, but every Wolf spawn is a Werewolf.

I'll be doing early voting soon and, based on what I've seen from a sample ballot,, I may have to choose a write-in candidate. I've never had to do this using an accessible voting machine with speech output. I've read that this process should be accessible but I'd like feedback from those who have had experience doing this as to what to expect.
in reply to David Goldfield

When I did it I either had to use arrow keys or a dial to select the letter I wanted and then hitting enter on said letter.

Just found this article stating that using the #language #attribute for individual words within a text is not a good idea when you want #ScreenReader users to have a good #UX. It's just overengineered #a11y.

I'm a bit surprised as you always read otherwise (as the article also mentions).

Are some screen reader users here that can share their experiences? I'm really curious now 🤔…

in reply to Daniela Kubesch

Yes, I agree with Domingos. Kerstin Probiesch has also written an article about this, although this also heavily emphasizes the case in PDF documents. The problem is that, for the screen reader to switch the language, one voice has to stop mid sentence, switch the voice to one that speaks the other language, speak the word or phrase, then switch back, which can take half a second each. It ruins the whole sentence melody, sounds as if you were to take a breath in mid sentence, disconnecting the words in a very unnatural manner for no apparent reason. I find it quite annoying if it happens too often. I tend to switch off language switching for that reason. Full sentences or paragraphs are no issue, single words in a sentence quickly become a huge annoyance.
in reply to Marco Zehe

@Marco This is what we teach for 10+ years. Individual words should not be marked with different languages. (I think framing that language attributes are damaging is a bit overdramatic tho.)
in reply to Marco Zehe

That sounds so wrong. Why should we encode the current incapabilities of screenreaders into our documents?! The screenreader could easily recognize short segments and decide not to switch language profiles.


This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Get ready for our Practical Python course starting this Thursday at 7 Central! If you are not enrolled yet, you can do so at
We're ready to get started and excited to see you there!

I would rather inherit . . .

  • a creepy old mansion (73%, 38 votes)
  • a world-class comic book collection (26%, 14 votes)
52 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

in reply to Mama's Pinky Toe

The mansion, I can renovate it, but what would I do with those comics? Sell it maybe, but other than that…