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If a child refuses to sleep during nap time, are they guilty of resisting a rest?

Only recently learned this myself! (Same pepper, different prep)
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Vytváření hesel v různých službách bývá poslední dobou dost voprus. Když mi napíšou, že se mám vyvarovat ilegálních znaků, ale už nenapíšou, které to jsou, je docela obtížné generovat hesla.
in reply to Smoon

– Zadajte heslo!
– jablko
– Ľutujem, heslo musí obsahovať minimálne 8 charakterov!
– červenéjablko
– Ľutujem, heslo musí obsahovať min. 1 číslicu!
– 1červenéjablko
– ľutujem, heslo musí obsahovať min. jedno veľké písmeno!
– 1VYJEBANÉčervené jablko
– Ľutujem, heslo nemôže obsahovať za sebou nasledujúce veľké písmená!
– 1VyjebanéČervenéJablkoAnastrčSiho!
– Ľutujem, heslo nemôže obsahovať diakritické znaky!
– 1VyjebaneZhniteCervenéJablkoAzdochniAkAniToNeprijmes
– Ľutujem, toto heslo je už obsadené!

Šutaj Eštok: Za rok sme ukončili vojnu v polícii a zastavili nelegálnu migráciu…

Our latest episode is a good one! Get hooked on pre-commit hooks with Stefanie Molin. We talk about what they are, why you want them, how to build them, how to debug them and much more. Enjoy! cc @mkennedy #python…

Hey you! Want to work on software that impacts hundreds of millions of people all around the world? Come join my team at Apple as a Localization Software Engineer! 🌎🌍🌏

(Cupertino-based, no remote work)…

Vyslechnuto v autobusu
Žena k muži
"Co má ten tvůj počítač co nemám já?

"Vypínač." 🔴

in reply to Josef Kusek

Já mám samoobslužné pokladny docela rád, když mám jen pár věcí. Upřednostnil bych tedy raději online výběr s osobním vyzvednutím (např. při cestě z práce), dovoz mi nevyhovuje kvůli zavozovým oknům, ale na to si musím ještě počkat.
in reply to brabitom

@KKocanski @babaq @trilobyte samoobsluha vs. pultový prodej je podobné téma. Bufet na stojáka vs. restaurace. Svět se posouvá. Já rád nakupuju spotřební zboží, nářadí apod. on-line, ale potraviny, oblečení a boty osobně. Nejvíc mi vyhovuje scan&go v Globusu. Nejdřív scannerem a co zavedli skenování aplikaci v mobilu, tak vyfotím čárový kód a nakupuju rovnou do tašky. Samozřejmě za to platím penězi i částí svého soukromí.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

OK, I added "live recognition" to the rotor on my iPhone 16 Pro, and I have to say I use the feature more and more. Text recognitionwhile not the same as Seeing AI, is still quite good for quick scanning needs. Pretty cool! ,

Tamas G reshared this.

in reply to victor tsaran

Yes and where it really comes into its own is if you use a chest harness or similar to wear the phone. You can walk outdoors with a select number of live recognition features enabled and it gives you an incredible amount of information about your environment.
in reply to Jonathan Mosen

@JonathanMosen I know you have Pro Max, but how long would a battery last with all those features turned on?
in reply to victor tsaran

I don’t know how long it would take to drain it. But battery life is wonderful on this new device.
in reply to Jonathan Mosen

Does it do it in realtime, or do you need to keep taking snapshots of what's around?
in reply to Léonie Watson

@tink It does it in real-time, and it’s all done on device, so latency is fantastic.
in reply to Jonathan Mosen

@JonathanMosen @tink Yep, in real time. The only thing is that the speech is lagging a bit behind, especially for longer passages. But it is a very useful tool!

[Forum Topic] muting speech without the track pad…

Bash Scripting Tutorial: How to Write a Bash Script…

[Podcast] Get More Out of Your iPhone: Recording and Transcription on iOS…

Sam Altman side by side with Aaron Swartz.

I can't stop thinking about it. One was prosecuted by the US for downloading copyrighted data from 1 source for noble purposes, and committed suicide to avoid prison. The other is widely celebrated for doing this on a much larger scale*.

Edited: *(and not for noble purposes)

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

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in reply to Ondine B.

It's truly sad. Just to not get a wrong impression there was one woman. It's Jessica Livingston, Paul Grahams wife.

Delta sues CrowdStrike over software update that prompted mass flight disruptions…

Not that I don't like the headline or them publishing it.

If it wasn't for the oligarch interfering with the editorial board endorsement, it wouldn't look like the oligarch is trying to attack his rival.

Let fascists duke it between themselves.


People often think about the DMCA as the law that was created in the wake of Napster to address online sharing of music & movies without compensating copyright holders.

A less discussed part of the law is that it banned repairing electronics without permission from the manufacturer as long as they use DRM to prevent it which practically everyone from Apple to John Deere does.

Every 3 years we get to request exceptions. This time we got this exemption.…

In the same way that your cat is an obligate carnivore and must consume meat to survive, humans are obligate social animals. If we are isolated from each other, we sicken—both mentally and physically—and eventually die. This is why solitary confinement is a form of torture.

Which means that while people have no fixed nature, we are inexorably social animals. The forms our sociality might take are varied, complex, and adaptable, but we can at least confidently say that we are inevitably social. Pro-sociality is baked into (almost) all of us.

Which is why there is no real incompatibility between communist anarchism and individualist anarchism. We are maximally free when we are all free, and we can maximize our individual well-being through voluntary cooperation.

in reply to HeavenlyPossum

Since we are obligate social animals, there are limits to what extractive elites can get away with before the entire edifice collapses. Karl Polanyi warned in “The Great Transformation” that people stripped of their community relationships by capitalism, reduced to an abstract commodity called “labor” that is bought and sold in markets, could not survive for long, and that their societies would fall apart.

Just take a look at the US tearing itself apart before our eyes and tell me Polanyi was wrong.

There is, and Bichler and Nitzan put it, an “optimal” level of capitalist sabotage. Exploit too little and you risk being out-competed by rival capitalists; exploit too much and you risk, in essence, eating the seed corn you were supposed to save for next spring’s planting.

in reply to HeavenlyPossum

You can look at this situation and conclude that this is somehow our nature—to be greedy, extractive, violent, cruel. But that is both empirically false and deeply reactionary, a condemnation of *other* people as needing to be controlled, or reshaped in your desired image, or culled.

What people need in reality is to be free. Free people do not inevitably make “good” choices. Every one of us has the capacity and instinct to be cruel, violent, and greedy. But we also have the capacity and instinct to care for each other and—most importantly—to be pro-social. We need each other. Self-interest alone can explain why free people tend to make pro-social choices—those of us who want to survive and flourish need each other, regardless of whether we are “good” at heart or not.

Imagine if “I need a moment to think" and “I need more information first" were acceptable responses in allistic society.


My spreadsheet of the longer-term implications of #COVID19 infections has now reached 1,100 studies. Recent additions show COVID and Long COVID causes fatigue, heart arrhythmias, reduced white blood cell count, T-cell exhaustion, lower quality of life, cognitive impairment, insomnia, erectile dysfunction, and persistent liver damage.…

FYI, use Signal or Threema as messenger, don't trust anyone who claims that Telegram or Session would be more secure, who ever claims that, doesn't understand how the security of those messengers works.
Session started on a reasonable basis (Signal Fork), but they removed a few essential security features over time and by now shouldn't be trusted.…

'It is fine not to like a piece of Free software' and other oft-unstated FOSS-related freedoms

“Free software”, according to the FSF’s definition, embodies four freedoms.

There are plenty more than that - or, at least, many freedoms which are inherent in, or arise from, those four freedoms - most of which go unstated most of the time.

This is far from a complete list, but rather my jottings based on ponderings and observations from the last few days, across a couple of different (intentionally unstated / unlinked here) things.…

#FOSS #BeKind #blog




Wanted to learn during your free time anyway for a laugh? We had a tool for that: it was called "THE LIBRARY"

"The assignment is due tomorrow. It is worth 50 percent of your grade." - Statements dreamt up by the utterly deranged

"Sorry can't go out tonight, I have homework"

They have played us for absolute fools

I’m just putting this out there…

If I had a Top Secret SCI clearance, and had conversations with my county’s sworn adversary (Putin), I would have had my clearance revoked, been arrested, held in confinement (flight risk) until my trial.

Why is #Musk not in jail? Money 💰 ???
#NASA #DOJ #FBI #HomelandSecurity

We just had the help of @thunderbird and some super-cool and very smart community members who together have been improving the snaps for @thunderbird and #firefox on #UbuntuTouch while at #UbuntuSummit
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Microsoft fires 2 employees who organized vigil for Palestinians killed in Gaza…
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

I went to the store to pick up eight cans of sprite... when I got home I realized I'd only picked seven up

@Tutanota I just realised that all the comments I have added to my contacts over the years, including family-related and medical important information, are gone...…

Bugs are becoming more common recently, and this one made me lose data. I'm quite disappointed.

#Email #OpenSource #FOSS #Security #Privacy

Out of interest, how well does WhatsApp perform on Windows with Jaws and NVDA? On my Mac, VoiceOver focus keeps jumping all over the place, and you can’t read back what you’re typing. #Accessibility
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @doubletap It doesn’t seem to work - I have to press it multiple times as it’s just jumping me in chunks rather than to the very end 😕
in reply to Double Tap

@doubletap I do have a bit of a delay if I go to the top of a very long chat on windows, but end always puts me to the most recent message
in reply to Double Tap

@doubletap @cachondo Sounds like it’s behaving better for you than for me. Maybe I need to upgrade this Intel Mac to an Apple Silicon one.
in reply to Kevin R Jones

@kevinrj @doubletap @cachondo Yeah, I think I’ll hold off until the M4 MacBook Air is out though. Almost tempted to switch to Windows, but I have a Windows laptop at work so can afford to stick with Mac myself.
in reply to David Nason

@doubletap @cachondo Wow, I haven’t used windows since 2010. Just haven’t seen a need for it yet.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @kevinrj @doubletap I like having a foot in both worlds. Without opening a can of worms, there’s a lot I like about Mac and a lot that drives me demented!
in reply to Kevin R Jones

@kevinrj @doubletap I'm sure people can be productive on mac,, you especially Kevin wouldn't settle for a system that slowed you down! But I have never had a pressing need to switch, Windows has always been there.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @doubletap A friend, now a retired professor of programming, and another macOS user encouraged me to try the Mac, also it has unix built in. At the time, a blind person couldn’t reinstall windows from scratch. I never felt loyalty to windows. NVDA wasn’t very good yet at the time, neither was narrator, 2009. I’d just bought an iPhone 3GS, and Talkback didn’t exist yet. A lot of confluences at the time.
in reply to Kevin R Jones

@kevinrj @doubletap I think I'm more inertial than loyal.
I don't have any negative experiences to bring to the Windows table, so never saw a need to look for something else. I was a confident JAWS scripter up until I moved to NVDA full time and I guess I've just become quite apathetic about learning a new system. Perhaps that's bad and I need more curiosity

in reply to David Goldfield

Awesome! Does this mean that #Jaws2025 will also be released next week?
I heard its, "coming soon."

Omlouvám se, ale vyrazil jsem ke starší do NL, a to server Zprávobota natolik rozčílilo, že odmítá pracovat. @archos už na to kouká, tak snad bude brzy zase v provozu. Díky za pochopení.

#zpravobot #outage

in reply to Daniel Šnor

Jen přidávám, že jsme kontaktovali podporu Contabo, ale musíme počkat na odpověď.

🔥 The Tuta Team is on fire! 🔥

Get excited for next week's update:

✅ Actions in email notifications, e.g. quick delete
✅ Your Contacts' birthdays added to the Tuta Calendar
✅ Dark icon for iOS
✅ New colors in Dark Mode with better contrast & better readability

i want to know how to ask a question that gets answered by "here's the thing: ...". for some reason, "where's the thing" doesn't seem to work.

I bet you don't remember when #wget briefly considered switching to using #libcurl back in 2007.…

in reply to Troed Sångberg

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

"So I continue doing jokes about it when I can."

My "too many options" didn't give it away? ;)

All work and no play makes Jack wish he'd read the job description a little more thoroughly.

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I'm sure that life in space, on asteroids, under a planet's surface or whatever is an 'intriguing possibility' to some people. TO a sci-fi fan, it's saturday.

Sometimes when I'm watching something I can tell the actor is getting over a cold. For example to my fellow we're alive people, Pegs in chapter 16 or 17 sounds sick.
in reply to aaron

@fireborn Same. But they never mention it or anything. It's also kind of cringy when actors are trying to simulate sounding sick, so they kind of talk without forming their Ms or Ns but you can totally tell it's fake.

5 Ways You're Compromising Home Security With Social Media Posts…

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