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Using fraudulent copyright claims on imagery of the person who shot your CEO so you can scrub the internet of the hostility your own company generates is some next-level barratry as a service.…

This entry was edited (1 day ago)

Storm Dragon pushed changes to the testing branch of the fenrir project File restructuring.

Helena Zeťová was a very talented angel.


in reply to Fred Brooker

To snad není možný 😲😲 co se mohlo stát.. 😑😑
Ať odpočívá v pokoji 🙏
in reply to Milu P. Pragerova

@Milu Údajně vypadla z okna 😔… @fredbrooker

I think i accidentally managed to somehow reactivate myself on facebook. Messenger birthday wishes started to come in from teachers who i last saw like 30-35 years ago
in reply to Winter blue tardis🇧🇬🇭🇺

@tardis I think facebook is quite jumpy when it comes to reactivation, i'm pretty sure I accidentally clicked on an instagram link or smth and they decided that's enough to reactivate the facebook part of a reviously messenger-only account.
in reply to gergo

Yeah, poobably. I finally stopped getting instagram emails after deleting it what 2 or so months ago. I have fb but mostly because I have some groups on there regarding accessibility in Bulgaria I quite often visit.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

"it rather seems that AI slop now can help lazy incompetent researchers trick the system."

Any AI slop should result in immediate ban or zeroing of the reputation.

Will we see something like this from #Hackerone? Considering their weird affection with AI I'm not expecting much to happen. As long as the quantity is the measuring stick rather than quality, nothing will happen.

This entry was edited (1 day ago)
in reply to Harry Sintonen

@harrysintonen I don't sense any desire or will from Hackerone to stomp this out. They're probably much too busy selling me their own AI services... ☹️
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Good. This is a real problem and if they don't address it, it may end up hurting them in the end. If #Hackerone is just full of AI "researches" posting endless AI slop reports, their clients will move on.

NVDA is becoming Emacs! We have a Pomodoro timer now. :) Now we just need a text editor, svn client, programming modes, web browser, calendar, email client...

#accessibility #nvda #blind

The Diplomat (motto: keep your friend close, keep your enemies closer) začíná jako feministický příběh o trablích ženy, která přijme velkou výzvu a bojuje s manipulacemi ze strany úspěšnějšího manžela a s neuznámím mužů, a pokračuje jako studie toho, jak vypadá práce po populistickým politikem. Pak se to trochu zamotá a během 2. série to značně vygraduje. Jsem zvědavý, jestli se jim to ve 3. sérii podaří zabít, nebo z toho vydupou konkureci House of Cards.
This entry was edited (1 day ago)

Storm Dragon pushed changes to the testing branch of the fenrir project Found non working unused python directory. Can add it back if needed.

Russian forces unleashed a massive missile attack on Kyiv, causing significant destruction across the Ukrainian capital early this morning.

💬 #Datenschutz statt einfache und schnelle Lösungen

Bei @Tutanota gab es #DDoS Angriffe. Ihre Reaktion darauf gefällt mir. Sie entschuldigen sich und schreiben:

"Im Gegensatz zu unseren Mitbewerbern werden wir für die Abwehr solcher Angriffe weiterhin keine Anwendungen von Drittanbietern verwenden, da diese die Privatsphäre der Nutzer und ihrer IP-Adressen gefährden. Stattdessen haben wir unsere eigenen Systeme verbessert, um Angriffe zu erkennen und zu blockieren."

With Musk now endorsing the German Nazi party my policy goes from "look down on any politician who still has an account on X" to "will investigate if a politician has an account on X and refuse to vote for them before voting. No exceptions."

🌐 Novinka na OSCloud: FindMyDevice 🌐
Ztratil/a jsi někdy svůj telefon nebo ho potřeboval/a vzdáleně ovládat?
Nyní můžeš využít naši novou službu FindMyDevice, která:
🔐 Chrání tvoje soukromí díky end-to-end šifrování.
📍 Sleduje polohu tvého zařízení.
📱 Odesílá příkazy na telefon.
💾 Ukládá minimální data a vše důležité šifruje.

✅ Pokud nechceš používat podobné aplikace od Googlu, stáhni FindMyDevice z F-Droidu:
👉 FindMyDevice na F-Droidu

🎉 Uživatelé OSCloud mají aplikaci FindMyDevice již dostupnou přímo ve svém Dashboardu.

Více informací najdeš zde:

#OSCloud #FindMyDevice #OpenSource #Bezpečnost

This entry was edited (17 hours ago)

Archos reshared this.

in reply to Archos

Původně jsem myslel, že je tam omylem odkaz na Hedgedoc místo FMD :)
Ano, teď už návod vidím, díky!
in reply to Tomáš Odehnal

Já jsem to chtěl jen zamknout, ať to nikdo nemůže doplňovat. 😃
Díky za informaci 👍👍
This entry was edited (17 hours ago)…
Elon Musk is becoming a one-man rogue state – it’s time we reined him in

Elon Musk is everything Republicans feared George Soros was to the Left. Only he's 10x worse. A wealthy and unelected billionaire directly meddling in government business. Only where Soros supposedly cared about immigrants, women, people of color, and the LGBTQ community, Musk cares about the 1%.

Scams are no less scams because they are run in plain sight. That just makes the MAGA suckers active participants and not victims, no matter how much they're harmed.

Being blind is just constantly going "Oh, and now when I git push this inaccessible dialog pops up, and I have to just guess what account I'm selecting because no one cares enough to label their damn controls".
in reply to Quin

Ugh. It's been a year at least since I looked at Avalonia, but when I did, their UIA implementation was very incomplete.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt I'm almost tempted to spin up a basic Avalonia test app to see how accessible you actually can make them.

in reply to Tuta

Sensitive content

in reply to Tuta

That's all very well, but :
- 0 ergonomics
- 0 data portability
- 0 functionalities (impossible to print, for example)

Storm Dragon pushed changes to the testing branch of the fenrir project Copy translation files into place with setup.

Wow! Die Firma hinter #Homeassistant bietet nun die nötige Hardware, um sich selber einen (bei bedarf komplett lokalen) Smart-Speaker zu bauen. Sogar mit Klinkenausgang und Wake-Word-Erkennung! Ich hab das Teil direkt bestellt und freu mich schon aufs basteln.

Who keeps coming up with these? I just saw an email selling me stuff because it's "National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day., though I'm not sure what "national" exactly refers to here, because it seems to be a US thing when I googld. Anyway, other "holidays" around the world today include Cathode Ray Tube Day, Dot Your I's Day, Games Day, Go Caroling Day, International Human Solidarity Day, Mudd Day, National Fried Shrimp Day, National Sangria Day, Poet Laureat Day, Sacagawea Day, and Underdog Day.
in reply to Cassana 🍻

can't be in the UK, because it would be called "National Ugly Christmas Jumper Day" there.

The fact that basically every fast food restaurant, gas station, and retail chain is now prominently displaying signs advertising that they're hiring in places they used to advertise sales should be sufficient to dispel the myth of service workers being easy to replace.

This absurdly outsized escort? It's a flex. Against US. They're not afraid Mangione will act out. Motherfucker is disabled. They're not afraid for his safety. America is practically united in our support for him. This is, as usual, about intimidation. They want to break his spirit and threaten yours.

Keen-eyed friends below have noted the deeply legally embattled Mayor, Eric Adams, just behind Mangione in this picture. Ironic.

This entry was edited (2 days ago)

Elon Musk is trying to get facists into power in Germany, we need to figure out how we can sanction the shit out of this asshole.

There is no such thing as a "normal" user | Build Stuff Conf 2023 | with Karl Groves… #a11y #webdev #webdesign

#OtD 20 Dec 1973 Spanish fascist PM due to succeed Franco, Luis Carrero Blanco, was assassinated and dubbed "Spain's first astronaut" as his car was blown over a five-storey building. His death was credited by some as hastening the return to democracy…

reshared this

Don't be on any ovulation tracker app OR site or anything that's not pen and paper. It's easy enough.
This entry was edited (1 day ago)

New York has a hotline for scared CEOs and the cops are breaking the Amazon strike, in case you're wondering what New York City thinks of the working class.
in reply to mhoye

remember: it cost less to illegally park your Mercedes than to not be able to afford the subway.

caught up with the last season of lower decks, just in time for the finale

i did not think a trek comedy show would be this funny or well written, or hands down the best star trek i've seen since ds9

it really is a love note to star trek, including all the weird canon and lore, that takes itself just seriously enough to work and no more

The upcoming version 25.2 of LibreOffice will change the way colors are handled. And offers a lot more customization.

Learn more at…

No fever today, but I woke up with some pretty nasty coughs :(

Hartgen Consultancy is now closed for the Christmas holiday.
Thank you for purchasing products and services during the year which is very much appreciated.
Technical Support queries will be handled during the holiday period but at a slower pace than usual.

There are plans for next year, including a new web site which will need to be built. But for now, a very merry Christmas and we look forward to working with you in 2025!