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Re last: I'm #blind, and for some reason there was no audio description available for the #OpeningCeremony, so I got descriptions from my wife, as we usually do it in such cases. My wife immediately recognized Dionysus in that particular scene, and we had no clue about this #LastSupper controversy until we saw it in the media.
I mean… Usual Abrahamic religions fanatics behavior, where they search insults and allusions to *their* symbols where there are none. The world is far, far larger than your bubble, dear Yahweh followers.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

#Christian love:…

This is a real picture, it has not been altered, just great timing as he launches over the wave

Gabriel Medina, #Brazil, he scored a 9.90, the highest single wave score in Olympics history

then he stood on air in a #photo which is instantly iconic

#surfing #olympics2024 #photography #photograph

Edit: credit to #olympics #photographer Jerome Brouillet

And Story:…

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

I've gone for it and updated to #Thunderbird 128.

The good news: the #a11y still works, tolerably, though there's now another annoying button on the tab order for showing the today pane even if I remove it from the layout; and it's a little bit faster than the previous esr release.

The bad news: it's still not as fast as the pre-supernova releases, and it seems to use Windows notifications in a way that's difficult to remove. Maybe I can do that from the system itself.

in reply to modulux

Mm, I think I maybe sorted out the notifications thing, have to turn on show an alert in order to be able to turn off show notification.

Re: Last boost: I wonder who truly was first with the brilliant idea of moving entire applications online, just so they can either regionally, or globally go down. Perhaps it was someone who was tired of work, and figured, wellp, when the boss won't give us enough days off, we've got built-in days off with this product! Come one, come all! Change your business compute experience forever, with our office suite, where we build in random days off for you! #Microsoft #Office365 #Cloud #outage

For our pro-audio users out there some good news today. Wim added Midi 2.0 support to PipeWire so be sure to look for that in an upcoming release! #linux #audio #proaudio #midi. Testers please let us know how it works for you.

lekárov máme dobrých, jedných z najlepších na svete
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Má to dajakú súvislosť , alebo Ťa to teraz len tak napadlo ?
in reply to Tytkoslovakia

@tytko_Slovakia dostal som nedávno na piču a súvislosť to má aj tú že Fico a barle.. nenapadlo ale sú super.
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Myslim, ze mam podobnu skusenost¹.

Ale zial, dalo by sa povedat, ze aktivne pracujeme na tom, aby sme ich (a inych chytrych a sikovnych) vystvali prec.

¹ nie jednoznacnu, nie statisticky vyznamnu, ale pozitivny trend tam vidim

put all of your stuff in the cloud, they said. it'll be grand, they said. #azure…

Come on mother nature. You're having a tin bath. Noone can work in this hot weather? Crazy. Please cool it down.
in reply to Brian Hartgen

| I am streaming! And not in a good, let's share the music sort of a way!
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo Haha. I know, it's not good, and it's going to get hotter tomorrow apparently.

I was awarded a gift voucher when my company was testing staff with phishing emails. I didn't click on a single link, winning me my prize. I didn't tell them I don't open ANY work emails anyway, phishing or not.

I am again reminding y’all not to auto-fail regions / landmarks that have no accName:…

I am also begging y’all to stop using `aria-label`:……

If you aren’t testing in screen readers (not just VoiceOver or ChromeVox) then please just stop already.

#accessibility #a11y

Внезапно стало интересно, сколько CVE присвоено джаваскриптовым либам из-за использования регулярок
in reply to Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

Джаваскриптеры: *удаляют пробельные символы в конце регуляркой*
Безопасники: АААААААА CVSS 7.5 HIGH
in reply to Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

Кажется известную цитату стоит обновить

«Если вы решили задачу регуляркой, то у вас теперь две проблемы и пачка CVE»

I just learned there is a #QUIC in the #Linux kernel effort:

... as a draft PR making curl use it was filed:…

Seirdy reshared this.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I mean... I kind of like it. IPPROTO_QUIC added to ye olde socket API looks neat/simple to me, and (as a transport layer) I think it belongs in the kernel anyway.

I assume you prefer QUIC in userspace? For portability reasons?

in reply to EricJ

@ericj kernel-side certainly makes a few things simpler, but I don't expect this to land in a mainline kernel any time soon and it will be Linux only so in effect it it does not simplify anything for us...
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

My thought: oh, it's finally happening.

I've been expecting this for a while...

I have this slide showing the 101(!) operating systems people have reported #curl to run on.

I now have a customer call scheduled about porting it to a 102nd...

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

i tried to think of any OSs that weren't mentioned here, and the only one i could think of i can't even remember the proper name (the OS that the TI Nspire line of graphing calculators runs, it's based on some commercial RTOS shit)

I'm so sad about the closure of Applevis. I find it extremely sad that some people's pure negativity and toxicity has been a part of the decision to close it. #AppleVis

Hey Linux users! 🐧

Did you know that Tuta offers a dedicated encrypted desktop client for protecting your emails, contacts, and calendar? 🔐

Best of all it's completely free!

What distro will you be installing it on?
#linux #privacy #email #security #distro

in reply to Tuta

Uninstalling as usual. It would be nice if some effort would be made on performance. All the Tuta apps are... sooooo.... sloooow... To the point where they even become glitchy to use.
in reply to Caveman

@caveman Thanks for your feedback. It works quite well on my end. Where are you based and do you use a stable connection? I'd like to pass the details on to our tech team!

Webinar, August 6 at 12pm ET: Using Screen Reader Testing Tools to Evaluate the Accessibility of a User Journey – Part 2…

The sound my laptop fan is making is both very beautiful and extremely concerning.

"Pedro Sánchez se acoge a su derecho a no declarar contra su mujer"

Hot takes en 3…2…1

in reply to ehproque

Nivel agua de la bañera cuando ya dan aganas de salir.

Si el juez quería que actuase como marido, le toca eso. Si no, que le pidiera testimonio por escrito como presidente.

If you're out for a walk this weekend, and spot a memorial bench, please take a geotagged photo and upload it to

We've got over thirty-two thousand benches - all added by people like you.

Every bench gets posted on our Mastodon-bot @openbenches


in reply to CubeOfCheese

we have signed an agreement with OSM which allows them to use our data.

It doesn't get uploaded automatically because people taking photos don't always have the same precision GPS coordinates as needed for mapping.

in reply to Terence Eden

that makes sense. Lack of images is in my opinion OSMs greatest flaw. So I'm assuming you're hosting all the database in your own database and project it onto the OSM background layer?
in reply to CubeOfCheese

For what it's worth makes it pretty easy to add images to #OpenStreetMap objects.

I thought @MapComplete had a carousel of nearby WikiMedia images for easy crosslinking but it's not showing up for me for the themes that I thought had it.

Edit: there's a "browse and link nearby images" button much further down the form.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Terence Eden

@cubeofcheese I did set up a maproulette challenge for it a while ago and integrated that into @MapComplete , but never promoted it because of performance issues. Maybe time to attempt this again

Hra, co se hrávala na Twitteru, než se z toho stal Xitter: Kde to jsem? #praha

Have you heard of the band 1023MB? They haven't got a gig yet.

Can any of my Blind Canadians confirm that this is digitally available?
I've only ever seen it on audio tape.
in reply to Sean Randall

Well unfortunately I can't help, as I'm not a Canadian so don't have access to that particular library.
in reply to Jayson Smith

@jaybird110127 LOL no me neither. The RNIB here and the CNIB have done some exchanges but not recently, as far as I know.

in reply to treefit

as workaround, if the log folder works you get into the sandbox folder, so you could navigate the directories and find the stickers folder from there
in reply to 🌸🇪🇺 Dreamy Mia 🏳️‍⚧️🌸

now there is an GitHub issue for this:…

thanks for reporting ❤️

Que cantidad de convenios me toca revisar últimamente. Me hace pensar en la huida del derecho administrativo, y más en concreto, la huida de la normativa de contratación pública, pero bueno, no hay que ser malpensados.

This morning's #BlindAmusement. The Fédération Equestre Internationale are the equestrian's governing body at the #olympics.
my screen reader pronounces FEI, Fae and indeed FE the same.
So now I'm picturing horses taken care of by fairies or a lot of iron bars. Go figure.

Otro pasito para desenmascarar a este elemento!

Procedimiento penal abierto contra Nacho Cano por tener a trabajadores irregulares en su musical…

in reply to Óscar Gorri

La única pena que tengo es que no se proceda así con más explotadors.

LOL, my little finger on my left hand is getting saw from using braille screen input so much, even lying down. Strictly speaking, I shouldn't need my little finger at all when lying down, but for some reason, my finger positioning gets all screwed up when I don't have it there to guide. Going to have to figure that out. Help! I'm getting rsi from bsi!

Sensitive content…

"What is that on your toast?"
"And how much did you buy?"
-"Isn't that the Avocado's constant?"
"I don't get it."
-"Guaca ... mole"
"Get out"

“This may qualify as the worst miscalculation since life crawled out of the seas on this sad planet.”

“Well, nobody's perfect.”

— The Doctor and Ace, in “Silver Nemesis”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

A szolgáltatóhoz való hűség akkor ér valamit, mikor fel akarod mondani a szolgáltatást. Akkor hirtelen elő tud kerülni egy jobb ajánlat
in reply to Calibana

Isn't this the case all the time? I cancelled one of my contracts with a mobile provider and they suddenly didn't want me to go. Stupid A1, we got a better offer though. But they also make you pay to cancel it sometimes, if it hasn't experied, in fact I think it's a clause in the contract. How well services trap us...

Ok, I'm horribly self-conscious about pushing my creative things but as I've been asked where they are now, anyone wanting to hear my daily song offering can head over to @PinkSapphireCollective This is purely for the daily songs and any interaction, you'll never see us promoting other stuff there.
in reply to Lulu Hartgen

I think it's great that you've got an account for this stuff. It's not my thing, but the joy you get out of it is clear and that I do think is great.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo Well I don't want to force anyone whose thing it isn't to have to skip that stuff, so it's only fair. And anyone who does like hearing my songs, they're all in one place.

“It seems we must always meet again.”

“They do say opposites attract.”

— The Master and the Doctor, in “Survival”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation