"Boeing reports $6 billion quarterly loss ahead of vote by union workers who have crippled production"

Gotta love the implicit bias.

Let's fix it:

"Boeing reports $6 billion quarterly loss after crippling their production by not reaching a bargain with union workers"


The company doctors call "EvilCore" fits the description in every way.

Health insurance companies pay it to help them stiff policy holders. It's a scam on the American people.

Great reporting by @propublica


Hi. Uber is looking for people to be a part of a pilot study from October 28 through December 6. If you ride with a service animal and you wanna participate, you take rides and report in on how your rides are impacted by disclosing that you have a service animal. They will give gift cards and compensation at the end amounting to $270 to compensate people for the price of the rights they took. Here's a survey that you can fill out as a first step to qualifying for participation. SurveyMonkey Powered Online Survey uber.surveymonkey.com/r/7MQ9H7…

A big shout out to everyone at #A11yCamp yesterday. Sean spent a very informative day there leaning and networking on all the latest in #A11y / #Accessibility!

Photos are Sean with Riley Busch from the department of education, and a view of the Clarendon Auditorium filling up before the event started

As noted on the banner in the first photo, A11y Camp is Australia's premier conference on digital accessibility and inclusion.

in reply to Mathijs

I love KDE connect but for some reason it doesn't work for me a lot of times.
I made sure I'm using it correctly: same network, updated to stable, turn off content blockers. Yet most of the time, my Win10 laptop & mostly vanilla Android phone can't see each other.

EDIT: I figured I have the MS Store version inatalled. Fixed the issue hopefully forever

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

There Is Just One Way To Do Open Source Security: Together: thenewstack.io/there-is-just-o… via @TheNewStack & @sjvn

When we work together, said HackerOne CEO Mårten Mickos, we can secure #opensource software. #security

Having troubling sleeping? Check out these two YouTubes:

If You Always Wake Up Between 3 - 5AM

How to Fall Back Asleep in the Middle of the Night (Fast)

#sleep #sleeping #tips

Chick-fil-A Announces “Chick-fil-A Play” a New Family Friendly Streaming Services With Animated Shows, Podcasts, & More cordcuttersnews.com/chick-fil-…

uspol massachusetts politics psychedelics fear

Sensitive content

Okay, time to properly launch this: SUPER SWING DISTRICTS! superswingdistricts.org

This is a slate of Democratic candidates calculated for maximum impact for your donation dollars.

National campaigns receive a ton of money, but can't always deploy it locally in the places that the Electoral College, gerrymandering, and … shenanigans mean it needs to be spent. But figuring out which local campaigns *can* use it is a lot of work. This site is the output of that work.

#USPol #SuperSwingDistricts

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

#AndroidAppRain at #IzzyOnDroid (apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid) today brings you 14 updated apps and has 10 old, no longer working apps removed. Thanks to Aholic Gino for digging them up! We'd welcome any hands helping us cross-checking his other findings at gitlab.com/IzzyOnDroid/repo/-/… – so please take a look, pick an app or two to test, and tell us your results! "Second door to the left, one per person" if all join in, and it's done in an eye-blink :awesome:

Ideal Thunderbird Setup for Screenreaders

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reshared this

in reply to Kira-chan

Ideal Thunderbird Setup for Screenreaders

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Found this random bakery that refers to itself as open source

> I like the "Open Source" software model and want to eventually do a full job of sharing my sources and methods to encourage that same kind of collaboration and gradual improvements with other bakers that many software developers enjoy. I've already benefited greatly from the same from connecting with other bakers, farmers, etc. One of the things at the heart of my bakery is my flour mill and my current primary mills are the the KoMo XL (one is an XL Plus). These folks are the only US importer of these mills and have been very nice to work with.


Going to take a break for a few hours from talking about #SuperSwingDistricts but I did want to talk just a *little* bit about the stakes.

In 2016… almost 8 years ago… I wrote this: blog.glyph.im/2016/11/what-are…

If you're convinced, this is not an article for you to read, but it is an article for you to share, if you know someone who is not convinced that this is *serious*.

I was early, but I wasn't wrong.

In 2016, nobody had "mass deportations now" signs. In 2016, there were guard rails.


in reply to Glyph

And that's the word she would use, in French. "Déportations". As in "mémorial des déportations", which is what a lot of holocaust museums are called in France.

For me, the phrase "mass deportation" has a visceral resonance more like "fucking kill your whole family" than "fiscal policy".

Which makes me feel absolutely insane when horse-race pundits say it. "Will fucking killing your whole family reduce housing prices? Fucking killing your whole family is very popular among men 18-34."


in reply to Glyph

So, yeah. Make a plan to vote for Democrats. Donate to Democrats. Get out the vote for Democrats. A vote for Democrats might not be perfect, but it is a vote *against* fucking killing somebody's whole family.

Of course the Maga party is not *exactly* the Nazi party, I do not think Jews will be first on the list; we will not have a play-by-play Holocaust re-run. But they *are* playing the hits by starting with "the communists", which some of you may recall begins a famous poem.


"*V rozhovore pre Nova Sport ste naznačili, že podmienky na Slovensku neboli ideálne. Viete vysvetliť, v čom bol konkrétne problém?*

Podľa mňa najlepším príkladom je koniec jedinej certifikovanej atletickej haly na Slovensku, haly Elán v Bratislave. Jednoducho ju zatvorili a atléti sa polovicu roka nemajú kde pripravovať. Ako je možné, že takúto zásadnú vec nikto včas neriešil?"



“The last time the United States launched a mass deportation effort … U.S. citizens of Hispanic descent were rounded up and sent to Mexico—a place that many had never been before. The mass deportations that Trump is proposing would be devastating for our #economy and dangerous for American Latinos.” texasobserver.org/how-mass-dep…

#Trump #news #politics #Fascism #extremism #Republicans #Texas #USpol #immigration #border #election2024

One very strange side-effect of the US's _all the elections all at once_ approach to democracy is that donating to specific underresourced local campaigns can improve turnout in consequential state and federal races.

Here's a way to donate to 18 important and underfunded State-level races that could help deliver important Federal results: superswingdistricts.org/

mastodon.social/@glyph/1133473… #USPol

This entry was edited (4 months ago)