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Fun thing about the loudest critics of the #OpenSourceAIDefinition: during the fully transparent and open process leading to its result they were nowhere to be seen. Only *after* it was published they suddenly had something to say. Clickbait, much? :(
in reply to Jan Wildeboer 😷

it's an old wisdom that you never get the real feedback until you do a release...

Twitch are updating their rules & decided that LGBTQ+ is a "Sensitive social issue" & needs to be hidden behind a content warning.

Obviously this is bad for LGBTQ+ streamers & a slippery slope, so please if you're a twitch user, vote on this feedback petition:…

There's a lot more I could have written about this but... look we've all seen this a million times before, we know how it works, how bad actors abuse it to mass report and bully and where it all goes.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Hey folks, thanks to @bagder and @kees , I managed to compute the "Source code age" from the GLPI project, which I'm working on, and it's really fun because we can see a lot of nice information on it!

To sum it up: the code is very dynamic, and compared to Curl (which you can see here:… ) , we can definitely see that it doesn't endorse backwards compatibility: there are a lot of refactorings of big parts of the codebase! 🎉

(I'm running this on Symfony too, stay tuned)

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Alex Rock

yeah, I think you just have to decide what it is you want shown in the graph and make sure you pick the tags that represent that view
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Yep, in that case, tags must be totally reordered by number instead of by date. That's a whole different way of analyzing 😅

For instance, version 2.x had tags published the same day for several versions of both 2.7.x and 2.8.x branches.

I will have to rewrite this more than just tweaking it, I guess.

Welcome Jonas 'Sortie' Termansen as #curl commit author 1313:…

@bagder I think you already have this one but I just got this Vita and I had to look 👀

Táta půjde na operaci s kolenem a na dobu, co bude marodit, mi půjčil pracovní nebeskou Felicii, abych jí udržovala v provozu 💙 Jízda tichá, nic nebouchá, světla svítí, stěrače stírají, bez posilovače řízení, vepředu i vzadu švihadla, přidaný denní svícení a dálkový centrální zamykání... prostě stará dobrá klasika bez zbytečný elektroniky 😀👌🏻

Thirty six years almost to the day after the release of the Morris Worm, OKTA announces they've just patched a bug where you can just log in with no password if your username is too long.

Could we please, before the Morris Worm turns forty years old, make a habit of, god help us all maybe even a standard practice of, sanitizing our inputs.…

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Anyone know of a good way to clean and maintain a braille display? I want to ensure my pins don't start not to work as I'm already seeing some of that happening on my display and I want to avoid even more of that if at all possible. Any thoughts would be most welcome. #Blind
in reply to LeonianUniverse😁

Also I heard that individual pins can be cleaned of dirt by using cans of compressed air, but I've never tried it myself.

Encryption backdoors must never be allowed. To prove that Tuta Mail and Tuta Calendar are free from any backdoor, the entire client code is published as open source. Let's fight against mass surveillance! ✊…

#privacy #encryption #surveillance #backdoors

in reply to Tuta

A very good way to have instant access to all program knowledge, workings, creations, and language. The easy access blueprints to robbing your entirety and wiping you clean.

Then proceed with, "This is our version, new, updated from the ground up, a re-creation of a familiar past creation."

Modern day successes made easy off your backs.

in reply to Tuta

Some clothes dyes are colorless in the infrared so that using a near infrared camera one can see through clothes dyed with them. This was infamous back in the 80s when some cameras had poor IR cut filters and people noticed this.

Therapist: Mercator sphere isn't real, it can't hurt you
Mercator sphere:

~25M lines of code in the Linux kernel drivers/ directory. O_O

~15M LoC for everything else.

in reply to MikeDunnAuthor

to be fair they'd make better decision and still remain as unaccountable as before.

"I'm sorry Dave, I had to let you go. It's my fault".

Fake videos from Russian propagandists aim to raise tensions ahead of Election Day - NPR…

El capitalismo te dice:

Mira todas las series y pelis que hemos hecho para ti: en cuanto llegue el futuro solo sobreviviremos en bunkers defendidos con armas, sera el todo contra todos cuando falte lo básico.

Lo que esta sucediendo realmente en Valencia ahora mismo:

Miles, literalmente miles de personas están ayudando, incluso caminando decenas de kilómetros, llevando agua y comida, despejando las calles, cuidando animales de compañía, acogiendo en su casa.... en su mayor parte de manera autorganizada.

Así es como respondemos realmente la inmensa mayoría de personas cuando nos quedamos sin agua, luz, teléfono, internet, casa ni comida durante días y días.

The pain about clouds
Everyone knows it, nobody has a sulotion.
- Dropbox: Is being hated for some reason by people because it's, apparently, to expensive, but I don't get the issue. It's really accessible, easy, works, and needs no real care. You can run and use it out of the box, one could say. But just 2 gb for free? Come on dude.
- Google Drive: We don't need to start about this. Super slow, synces ages and buggy, annoying because you have to share every file you want to generate a file of manually and the sharing is bugged as hell. 15 gb as start off are fine yes, but still.
- Self hosted sulotions:
Nextcloud? Nah. Honestly the idea of it is cool and I like that it has a such big community, but it still has it's inaccessible parts and is not really running out of the box.
- Some weird ftp shit with simple URL: Yes, is pretty cool although this also needs a bit more setup than it looks as first, and would possibely need experience because you never know how secure it would be at the end.
And other stuff like seadrive? No idea. This is even more complicated unless you find a way to host it, say in snap, as example.
So at the end I'm just saying, it's annoying if you don't want to pay. I really would like dropbox at most but I can't pay $10 per month for two thousand gigabytes right now.
If anyone has something really cool, please please recommend it. I am searching for something with a simple and cool UI, which can be hosted on Linux and be installed either easely or even with a service snap or a script, or is maybe also commertial.
in reply to garo

Maybe HFS could be a solution if you just need file and folder sharing? I haven't had time to test it thoroughly yet, but a first look at the web interface wasn't too bad.
in reply to Steffen

@radiorobbe This looks really cool. I need to mess around with my proxy stuff a little before i actually will be able to use it but when it runs it probably will be amazing. Thanks for that. I'll share my experience soon.

Question for the dads out there: if we - with preparation, of course, steeling ourselves and approaching the task with resolve - if we throw away that container of random old nuts, bolts and screws. Do we ever recover from that, emotionally, or do we just live with its loss?
in reply to mhoye

I think it's like knowing when to take microwave popcorn out of the oven. If more than N time passes between useful picks from the container, you can throw it out.

(I seem to have exhausted all the useful bolt/nut pairs from such container, and all that remains is things that don't fit anywhere. I should really throw it out.)

Eh, I wanted to do some work today as I rested after #pragma24. But I still feel floppy and tired.

I love test-driven development. It's fun to convert a list of requirements into a set of tests, develop APIs that conform to those tests, and then try to write the simplest code possible to conform to your requirements.
in reply to Chris 🌱

100% agree! 💯

IMO, it is one of the single most important coding practices that can be adopted by software engineers.

One advantage that is often not talked about (and applies to unit tests in general) is, what I like to call "Press Play And Debug":
Imagine you have a very complicated workflow/process you have to go through manually until you reach your desired state of debugging.

With unit tests you can just Press Play And Debug.¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Die #Musik von #Silentlive hörte ich vor einigen Jahren in einem kleinen #Café in #Wałbrzych - ich versuchte der Kellnerin verständlich zu machen, dass ich die CD gern einfach sofort kaufen würde. Nach einigem hin und her verkaufte sie mir ihr eigenes Exemplar. Eine schöne Erinnerung.
#Music #FromTheEast #Poland #FediMusic

T-Mobile has gotten worse, but I'm still not switching…

In my 20 years of podcasting, I’ve tried many services for recording podcast interviews. I’ve found nothing better than Cleanfeed, because it’s reliable and flexible. While there are services that record locally and then upload, all of them glitch out at one time or another, because there is a lot of complexity in getting that right. It’s heartbreaking to lose a good interview because your double-ender service had a bad hair day. It happens far too much.
Cleanfeed is also good for broadcasting and other live events. During the lockdowns, many broadcasters were using Cleanfeed to send entire shows, including high quality stereo music streams, back to radio stations.
I did an explanation and demonstration of Cleanfeed in The Blind Podmaker podcast which is still relatively current.
I say all this because Cleanfeed has just come out with a very nice update for iPhones using USB-C. You can now use a USB-C audio device including audio interfaces, come into Cleanfeed through safari for iOS, and Cleanfeed will recognise the audio device. This is going to be a big deal for people who want to participate in high quality podcasts or live broadcasts while on the go. If a radio station has a broadcaster in the field for some reason, coming in through Cleanfeed and a USB-C audio device is going to sound way better than a FaceTime call.
Best of all, Cleanfeed’s developers care deeply about #accessibility. They’ve responded positively to many of my suggestions and those of others in the blind podcasting community.
You can find Cleanfeed at

Apparently mask are optional at the Covid vaccination centre.
in reply to Hubert Figuière

Oh and they rightfully say that vaccine don’t protect against transmission. But yet nobody is required to wear a mask.

I had a talk called "Unbreakable Linux for Entire Family" today. It had nothing to do with Oracle #Linux, it was about concepts and approaches around #Fedora #Silverblue to make a truly free ChromeOS-like system for friends and family.
I was happy to have a full room of people. It's good to see #OpenAlt bouncing back in terms of attendance.

The recording of the talk (in Czech) is already available online:…

Why is it that I just found an abnormal amount of duct tape rolls and when I'm looking for duct tape, it's nowhere to be seen? I blame the duct tape minions. They are hateful little creatures.
in reply to Martin from Toronto

we have it with batteries. I noticed we were getting low on AA's so bought a fresh pack last week, only for Halloween to come and the kid to use half the damn things within a few days of their arrival. We've not even opened the drawer for 2 months before that!
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo I refuse to by non-rechargeable batteries now. Spend a good chunk of change on lots of AA and AAA, a good charger or even two of them, don't buy batteries again or at least until you lose those ones.
in reply to Andre Louis

@FreakyFwoof I don't think I've actually used any this year until this weekend. My last battery top-up order was in 2019.
in reply to Andre Louis

@FreakyFwoof it's the bigger cna d cells in the outdoor lights that never last when they're rechargeable.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo Lol, sounds about right. We also have a problem with scissors. Buy scissors, because the old ones disappear. than the old ones resurface and the new ones disappear. So annoying.
in reply to Martin from Toronto

ha we have a scissor block in the kitchen next to the knife block, which itself has a scissor slot. that's 4 scissors right there in theory. In practice ...

Bezos deliveries it's either:

- We drop shipped your delivery and didn't tell you.


- We ring multiple times and then bang on your door in case as the dogs freaks out.

How about you just ring once?

My desire to be well-informed is currently at odds with my desire to remain sane.

@app in your redesign, are you planning name folding in text to speech output?

I miss my Braille display sometimes.
"The Horse and His Boy: Shasta and his talking horse Bree flee from a life of slavery and head for the freedom of Narnia, facing many perils along the way."
I spent a good 10 seconds wondering, 'briefly' what?
in reply to Sean Randall

Hahaha! We listened to the dramatisation of this only last weekend, and it still took me three listens of your post to get it.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to James Scholes

@jscholes they dont do drama like this anymore. Although I think the eagle eared can spot the odd crinkling of a page in those recordings, certainly some of the later ones.

Oh fargh... I just realized how daunting this new venture into #Macbook territory is. I have to learn an entirely new operating system as well as an entirely new DAW. I tend to do better at this sort of thing if I have access to an ordered way of doing things, like some sort of course... lessons, etc. There's somebody I'd love to learn from despite the fact I'm stupidly intimidated by them, but I don't think I can afford the nearly $65 an hour price tag. I've just jumped off a cliff and am plummeting toward unknown waters... Help? #Blind #Musician #MacOS #Logic #Komplete #A11y #Voiceover
in reply to Kira-chan

Would it be too late to refund the MacBook and Logic and start over with a nice Windows laptop? Or did you not have a choice in which platform and DAW to use?
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt Could I do that, yes. But I also wanted to switch to Mac for music production anyway. I just had a moment of what the crap did I just do for a second... LOL

in reply to Mrs McCrimmon

Also this made me miss Kieran Hodgson's bad #DoctorWho impressions - which were actually completely on point.…

Falls der (Fach-)Arzttermin nur über #Doctolib vereinbart werden kann, geht anschließend wie folgt vor: Fordert zunächst eine Datenauskunft gemäß Art. 15 DSGVO an und veranlasst danach die Löschung eurer Daten gemäß Art. 17 DSGVO. Jedes Mal. Wirklich jedes Mal. Geht ganz einfach über Datenanfragen! 👇

in reply to Mike Kuketz 🛡

Dabei sollte man villeicht auch ausdrücklich auf Absatz 2 hinweisen: wurden die Daten bereits an andere Weitergegeben, hat der Betreiber "angemessene Maßnahmen" zu treffen, auch dort auf eine entsprechende Löschung hinzuwirken (so versehe ich den Absatz zumindest).

Kann man da eigentlich auch eine verbindliche Bestätigung verlangen?

My mother-in law who refused to wear a face mask during the pandemic because it ‘made her look dumb’ is now wearing a garbage bag in support of Donald Trump.

Adding this to the Wikipedia entry for “I can’t even”