There are still normal CEOS and companies out there. Here Are All The Companies Rolling Back DEI - Forbes…

Wikipedia Prepares for 'Increase in Threats' to US Editors From Musk and His Allies

The Wikimedia Foundation says it will likely roll out features previously used to protect editors in authoritarian countries more widely.

By Jason Koebler…

Librsvg 2.59.90 is out! This is the first beta before the GNOME 48 release.

There is now basic support for the dominant-baseline property for text elements, and tons of build fixes for various platforms.…

Once or twice a year, I read something that makes me want to get into EmacSpeak. It would fix a lot of the accessibility concerns I have with Linux, it's text-based, I'm comfortable coding so the commands make sense, and customization is good. I then remember just how steep and huge the learning curve is, and I think about how much work it would be to replicate GUI things I like, such as keys to jump to definitions, jump to problems, and more. Even so, I'm again inspired to investigate.

Oi, amigues!

Today I'll be spending all day available to chat and guide folks interested in getting started or helping with translations for @scientific_python project websites.

This is a great opportunity to contribute to projects such as NumPy, SciPy, pandas, NetworkX, Xarray and Zarr - and meet other folks working on them.

Drop by if you are interested! On the Scientific Python discord:

Can't wait to release the Loops app source code this week, we could use help improving it, especially android/react-native developers!

We have a vibrant community growing, and with more help with the app, I can focus on preparing the backend for release so people can host their own loops server! is a testing ground, but soon you will see other Loops servers, and hopefully more 3rd party clients.

Rust/Go/Node folks who are itching to rewrite the backend, me too, lets chat ✨

"disabling cert checks: we have not learned much"

I put my ramblings into a blog post…

daniel:// stenberg:// reshared this.

Running a `zpool scrub` on my mirrored NVMe SSDs. The image on the left is without heatsinks and the right is with heatsinks. Both graphs show a 50 minute time window.

Before installing heatsinks it took 15-20 minutes to scrub, and since, it's only 6 minutes. Perhaps the drives were thermal throttling?

Either way, €20 well-spent I'd say.


This entry was edited (1 month ago)

I would just like to say that these signs in the DFW airport bathrooms are peak social engineering, and I do hope Dan Patrick enjoys all the phone calls from people upset about the government photographing their hairy bits.

#egv #texas #fightback #transrightsarehumanrights #socialengineering #trollingtheGOP

The latest Thunderbird Monthly Development Digest is out! You can read about:

* our experience at FOSDEM
* First Time User Experience in Account Hub
* next steps for the Global Message Database
* improvements to In-App Notifications
* and more!

#Thunderbird #Development #OpenSource…

🚨🚨🚨 Apple to backdoor encryption? Round 2 - and this time the UK is trying to get your data.

Let's fight back against any attempt to #backdoor #encryption! 💪 🔒

More info ➡️…

Poll result: Who loves Elon in government?

On the question of who wants "Musk to have less influence over government spending & operations," nearly half of respondants said yes.

However, "nearly three-quarters of Republicans surveyed said Musk & DOGE should have 'a lot' or 'some' influence."…

#DOGE #Musk #Trump #USPol #PollResult #CapturedState .

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Habe ich intusiastische Reverse Engenierende unter meinen Folgenden, mit denen ich mir mal eine Alte Braille Zeile anschauen könnte, deren Treiber bisher nicht bei #BRLTTY eingepflegt ist? Dieser bestimmte Gerätetyp liegt zu hauf bei #Blinden herum und kann unter "modernen" Betriebssystemen nicht mehr verwendet werden. Vielleicht ist hier ja eine fähige Person, die sich mal den alten Windows oder Dos Treiber anschauen könnte und rausfindet, welche Sprache der mit dem Gerät spricht. Auf dieser Basis könnte dann BRLTTY um dieses Protokoll erweitert werden. Ich besitze leider das dafür nötige KnowHow nicht.

The renaming of the "Gulf of Mexico" to the "Gulf of America" has nothing to do with projecting dominance or even conveying meaning. It is more like Stalinist propaganda. That was not about convincing anyone either, but about dividing people into groups. Those who repeat it – they are "your people." Those who protest against it – they are the ones you need to deal with. Those who say nothing – they don’t matter; they will stay silent on other things as well.…

#trump #usa #gulfofmexico #gulfofamerica

Today's Web Design Update:…

Subscribe info:…

Featuring @accessaces, @SteveFaulkner, @netzartist, @aardrian, @mgifford, @a11ytalks, @j9t, @yatil, @frontenddogma, @TPGi, @mgifford, @darin, @jaredwhite, @rauschma, @tylersticka, @cloudfour, @cferdinandi, and more.

Shopify gives Ana Poilievre marketing space in its offices to promote women starting home businesses with Shopify and then Pierre boosts Shopify on X after Shopify slags off on Trudeau and posts supports for Trump's tariffs. #cdnpoli
And this is Canada's largest/2nd largest company?

Kanye West sells swastika shirts on Ottawa-based Shopify after Super Bowl ad…

GNOME nemá české překladatele

Posledních minimálně 15 let byly překlady GNOME do češtiny ve výborném stavu. U každého vydání jsem jen hlásil, že je vše přeložené, poslední roky to platilo i pro drtivou většinu dokumentace. Poslední rok se to ale začalo zadrhávat. Přispěvatelé, kteří to dlouhé roky táhli, odešli a není nikdo, kdo by to po nich převzal. Proto jsme se rozhodli jít s pravdou ven: GNOME momentálně nemá české překladatele a pokud se toho neujme někdo nový, překlady začnou postupně upadat.

#Gnome #l10n #Linux #openSource…
(reakce na tento příspěvek se může zobrazit jako komentář pod článkem)

No idea why you would want to do it, but do you want to annoy an Orca user using Firefox? Make him visit… and watch him cry. In Firefox, there's a pretty high chance that the visit will actually exhaust the a11y bus bytes quota, so all clients (including the screen reader) will be kicked out. In Chrome, it did not happen, but any sophisticated navigation (by heading, etc.) did not work either. This outcome is not certain, but very likely.

Federico Mena Quintero reshared this.

in reply to Lukáš Tyrychtr

I mean... Seriously, fsck gitlab. I always have, and probably always will, hate this awful platform regarding it's less than stellar accessibility. No matter which OS you use, the minute you need a screen reader, you're in trouble.

It's gotten to a point that if a project use gitlab in any shape or form, I don't bother reporting issues and contributing. I don't have the spoons to deal with this anymore.

Would you prefer that YOU ARE HIDDEN on the Fediverse?

That nobody (new) ever follows you?

That nobody (new) ever sees your posts?


They don't represent me. And I don't think they should (even implicitly) speak for me


Please boost for reach.

#Discoverable #Fediverse #Mastodon #NoIndex

  • No (71%, 296 votes)
  • Yes (12%, 52 votes)
  • Don't Care (8%, 34 votes)
  • Huh (7%, 32 votes)
414 voters. Poll end: 2 weeks ago

in reply to @reiver ⊼ (Charles)

I think this is a bit of a biased way of putting it. Specifically, I suspect very few people have a hard requirement that nobody new follows them or reads their posts (though I'm sure some exist, and this is a legitimate use case). That's different from people wanting following and their posts to be uncontrollable.

Example: I make use of follower only posts, have authorised fetch on (thanks, gotosocial!) and follow requests on. That doesn't mean I never post publically, or that I won't accept any follow reqs; it does mean I want to have some degree of control over the reach of my posts and who follows me.

And this is part of informational self-determination (habeas data, as some call it). It's essentially the grounding principle of the whole notion of protection of personal data. Privacy does not imply secrecy, it implies that one has control over the spread of one's own information. This is good, and not unreasonable as it is being portrayed.

200 executive orders. someone onhere described it as a Denial Of Service Attack on the rule of law.

that’s because American Fascists have been peddling their dreams of a “unitary executive”,…

which is nothing but gringo speak for Vladimir Putin’s DICTATORSHIP OF LAW:

“Imagine a prison,”[…] “You cannot live in prison with the laws of a free life—you have to live with the laws of the prison. We in Russia all live in one big prison.”


This entry was edited (1 month ago)

🆕 blog! “A small contribution to curl”

The venerable curl is one of the most fundamental pieces of code in the modern world. A seemingly simply utility - it enables other programs to interact with URls - it runs on millions of cars, is inside nearly every TV, used by billions of people, and is even in use on Mars.

And, as of last week, features a small contribution by…

👀 Read more:…

#curl #documentation #OpenSource