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Items tagged with: git

#libcurl has proudly served as the HTTP(S) engine in #git for nineteen years now.

The #curl #git repository is cloned on average once every 6 seconds.
#git #curl

Git Mastery Configuration (Dotfiles) & Advanced Subtrees Techniques.
#git #github #dotfiles #linux #configuration #guide

Content warning: 🔥 удаление статей о обходе блокировок 🔥

It's been part of my default #git configuration since 2009. Given the amount of merges and rebases I do at $DAYJOB, I couldn't live without it.

It's one of those things that really ought to be enabled by default.


One trick to make your life much better as a maintainer and help contributors

Have a Makefile directive to run everything that runs on CI

`make x` is all it should take to verify the changes pass automated tests

Linter, formatter, sorter, unit tests, etc

If tooling is needed then add a `make setup` directive that takes care of installing it

#offlinefirst #ci #development #git #GitHub #GitLab #Codeberg #dx #FreeSoftware #FLOSS #developerExperience #developer

This should be the default in #git

[branch] sort = -committerdate

Adding it to your git config will make the command `git branch` sort by last used branches instead of alphabetical. No more trying to remember what I called that last branch!

#programming #tips

1. Read this:

“Just as GitHub was founded on Git, today we are re-founded on Copilot.”

2. Go here:

#git #gitHub #codeberg #enshittification #BigTech #cooperative #dev

TIL about `git cherry-pick -x` and `git cherry`.




Moving from #Github to #Codeberg (as my main #Git account) is completely flawless :heart_cybre: I wish it'd be possible that many other projects I follow could've moved there...

"Git is a distributed code review system. But much of the value of git repos ends up locked into forges, like GitHub."

I liked this little quote from a post about #Git notes, a tool to help decentralize Git:

Git Notes: git's coolest, most unloved­ feature:

"Git notes are powerful tools. And they could solve so many problems—if only they were better known and easier to use."

"Git is a distributed code review system. But much of the value of git repos ends up locked into forges, like GitHub.

Git notes are a path toward an alternative."

#git #gitnotes

#pass #git #dotfiles #linux #geek #youtube #guide #arch #security #browser PASS ZX2C4 the standard *nix password manager, simple guide for normal users.

As I work through implementing Domain ( in Kitten (, I’m evolving what an “application” will mean on the Small Web:

#SmallWeb #domain #kitten #topologicalDecentralisation #web #dev #git #clone #modify #remix

#git #dotfiles #linux #geek #youtube #guide #arch A bare Git repository for your Dotfiles - Version Control and Backup for Your Configuration; New Youtube Series - GeekRoom Channel.

If anyone has time to help the lovely @codeberg folks with improving accessibility, please take a look at this issue:

#codeberg #foss #inclusivity #accessibility #usability #git #gitea #hosting #community #notForProfit

So I’ve finally found the motivation to start moving my/Small Technology Foundation’s repositories to @codeberg and, my goodness, is it just a breath of fresh air…

And it’s even the little things like having the site automatically adhere to your dark/light mode settings. Unlike fucking G****b.

#git #hosting #ethical #codeberg

@Humane Tech Now @Loïc Dachary I think nobody will move off of # as long as there is no # support in any of the # alternatives!

As soon as there is, I think people will start moving away. Not many, but some. Federation is a must-have, because otherwise creating accounts just for reporting a bug is just too much of a task for the average user and sometimes even for more "advanced" users. I certainly would be much happier if I could just use my own instance and create a bugreport/issue/etc on some project hosted somewhere else!

Of course, # does already provide everything we would need. Also, Email is THE workflow with # IMO. But I acknowledge that its just not enough for most users and they want some kind of # and bling-bling website like github. I do not blame them.