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Items tagged with: Nvda

And TFW Friendica leaves in the hashtag from that debugging effort even though it isn't actually in the post. Jeez, glad I wasn't writing about #MyDeepestDarkestSecret.

In related news, is a neat notetaking app, but its desktop app glitches #NVDA. I'll file an issue on that soon.

The "Report link destination" command in NVDA 2023.1 is very popular. Press NVDA+k to report exactly where a link goes. This is an important #security feature for users. Do you use it? Read more in our In-Process blog:… #a11y #ScreenReader #NVDA

This week's In-Process is out! Featuring NVDA 2023.1, a feature on the new link destination reporting feature, an update on Windows 7 and 8 support, thanks to our wonderful community & handy ways to recover unsaved Word documents from Microsoft. Now at:… #NVDA #NVAccess #NVDAsr #ScreenReader

Tossing a #STEM #accessibility grumble out into the wild:

So apparently, even as #MathML support is improving at the browser level, in order to get #NVDA to _read_ math, you need to install #MathPlayer -- which is fine in and of itself, but it really bothers me that the MathPlayer webpage ( says both "Accessibility for web environments using MathPlayer is limited to obsolete browsers such as Internet Explorer 8" and (in bold) "We are not actively developing MathPlayer."

It seems really odd for such a necessary tool to have such prominent warnings (but then, of course, there's an #XKCD for everything: And nearly every instructional page I found while looking for information on MathPlayer references using it in Internet Explorer, which is now officially dead (and is actually being remotely disabled on people's machines, which seems rather draconian).

On the bright side, once MathPlayer is installed, NVDA seems to be able to read (properly MathML coded) math just fine, even in Chrome, which the MathJax documentation says doesn't work; probably due to recent MathML support improvements in Chrome.

Accessibility in general I'm really enjoying learning more about. STEM accessibility is giving me headaches.

We're back in Australia and to celebrate, we've got a new 2023.1 Release Candidate!… As well as all the previously mentioned 2023.1 goodness, this RC includes a fix for NVDA stopping reading in Kindle when turning the page. #NVDA #Kindle #release #update #screenreader

Inspired by the creative use of some nifty JAWS scripting and the power of iOS shortcuts as demonstrated by @IllegallyBlind, I have decided to try my hand at creating something similar for NVDA and I think I've succeeded. Note that I'm fairly new at this and by no means a coder so this is the simplest of simple, in fact, I'm still quite amazed that it works, actually.
What we need:
1. The NVDA Speech Logger addon available at:…
2. The following iOS shortcut:…
How to use:
1. Install both: the addon in your NVDA and the shortcut in your shortcuts respectively.
2. In NVDA's settings head over to the Speech Logger category and set the output path to your Dropbox root (that's what the shortcut assumes you're using, feel free to modify as needed);
3. Start logging the local speech with the assigned gesture (by default NVDA+alt+l);
4. Assuming the shortcut is configured properly (Dropbox authorized and all that jazz), launch it and a viewer will pop up with the fresh version of the log file at the time.
One nuissance I've found with this is that the viewer overlay will not surround the VO gestures so you need to focus it first through exploration before you can start reading the log. Also the gestures for the first and last item on the screen will move you to whatever else should be on your screen right now so you have to explore again to close the viewer. I assume that's a VO bug.
Also bear in mind that, while logging, anything your PC says will ultimately land in a regular text file and nothing apart from your Dropbox account is protecting it. Use with caution.
Feel free to suggest feedback.
#Accessibility #Tip #VoiceOver #NVDA #iPhone #iOS #Windows #Blind

Decided not to set up the #SteamDeck for development because that's not what I got it for, and without a PC it's been hard to move ahead with ideas for making it more #blind accessible with #NVDA. But I got it back a few hours ago and have started making some progress.

First up, a small NVDA script exposing a configurable gesture to exit a content recognition result. Without this, you can OCR fine from the touchscreen but can't close the resulting buffer to open another one later, meaning you needed a keyboard to OCR games. Now OCR-accessible games with controller support are fully playable with only the deck.

Next up, accessibility fixes to make this user-mode gamepad driver and configuration UI more accessible. I used it to play ShadowRine in its default configuration last night, but next I'd like to get it working with Hearthstone.

Getting there, and I'll do a guide on all this at some point.

I need some help with #nvda & #wikipedia.
I'm assisting a blind student in learning how to navigate the web using a laptop.
NVDA reads out the title first, then properties about the document, then the summary box on the side.
I can't find any way to skip that whole box and move straight to the main content. There is no main content landmark, nor is there a heading, not is it in the Contents section.
Take… as an example. How can I navigate to the first sentence of the main article?
Thanks for any help.
#blind #accessibility

Special Saturday release of In-Process!

This week, we've got an update on our Casting Call, info on NVDA 2022.3.2 and 2022.4 Beta 3, the string freeze, a great testimonial from a user, and some info you never realised you needed on punctuation, alternative symbol names and how to change them. And why aren't we using the interrobang more?!…
#Beta #NVDA #NVDAsr #punctuation #interrobang