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The main issue isn’t the botched update; the underlying problem is that software like CrowdStrike is even needed to “secure” Windows (or any other operating system).
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Today's #Crowdstrike disaster is a strong reminder that a broken computer is a safe computer
in reply to Gabriele Svelto

Here's another interesting bit on the topic of 3rd party software messing up your computer. Did you know that we have an entire component in #Firefox's issue tracker that covers external software crashing it? We've got a truckload of stuff in there: anti-viruses, shell extensions, bank plugins and naturally EDR/XDR software.

To deal with this junk we have complex and extensive machinery to block injected DLLs or work around their issues.…

in reply to Gabriele Svelto

my favorite is still the Cisco VPN driver that messed up floating point state while in kernel mode and didn't reset it, causing some graphics code to enter infinite recursion.

Edit to add: here's the bug about it:…

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

An engineer who worked for me once corrupted about 6,000 servers and took down all storage NAS/SAN across four data centers. That's the worst commit I've personally seen. #Hugops to the person at #Crowdstike who will be blamed for this. In ~28 years I've never seen an incident that was caused by a single person it's always a much larger issue than one person's mistake.

Is this a good time to mention British nuclear submarines run Windows?

Gen Z breakups tainted by login abuse for spying and stalking, research shows…

The thing I hope is alarming people about today's #CrowdStrike outage is that if the company can take out that much of America's tech infrastructure by accident with a single buggy update, our adversaries can do the same on purpose with a supply-chain attack against CrowdStrike, and that one probably wouldn't be as quick to recover from. #infosec

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Vision Ireland launches a new Bookshare Ireland Alexa Skill…

To be fair to Crowdstrike, they've probably stopped a lot of cyber attacks happening today

Ah yes, let's ship a kernel driver that parses update files that are pushed globally simultaneously to millions of users without progressive staging, and lets write it in a memory unsafe language so it crashes if an update is malformed, and let's have no automated boot recovery mechanism to disable things after a few failed boots. What could possibly go wrong?


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I see the infosec industry has finally achieved security once and for all by shutting down every workstation connected to the internet

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Sensitive content

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in reply to Iván Rivera :veritrek:

Para el cliente medio se compra aparte, por ejemplo en mi trabajo tenemos el Falcon Sensor este de mierda de CrowdStrike y los ordenadores que actualizaron no arrancan. Pero también hubo problemas con la nube de Microsoft, Azure, porque usaban este componente. Así que un poco de cada.


#Diversity #Ableismus #Inklusion

Jens #Spahn hatte als #Gesundheitsminister versucht, invasiv beatmete (Schüler, (Ehe-)Partner, Freunde, Kollegen, Großeltern und mehr) in Unterkünften zu sammeln, wo sie ihrer sozialen Kontakte beraubt würden und objektiv ihre Lebenserwartung stark verringert würde. #Solidarität rettete Leben und Existenzen.

Today at 10:15 MDT (16:15 UTC), Philip Chimento, Andy Holmes, and Evan Welsh and others will present the latest JavaScript technologies available in the GNOME stack for the crowd at GUADEC 2024…

#guadec #guadec2024 #gnome #igalia #gjs #javascript

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Dear #Linux elitists
, just stop. It's not pretty.

PS. Not all Windows users are suffering the outage, do educate yourselves. You know who you are...

in reply to Andre Louis

50 percent of Linux laptop users wouldn't notice if there machine didn't boot, because it would have the same level of usability regardless. The other half doesn't know about the unfolding incident to comment on it, because their wi-fi broke. Again.

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Überlegungen zum #FahrradFreitag

Jetzt könnte man sagen, es kollidieren Interessen im August - die #CMKoeln vs. @SheDrivesMobility

Ob die #FahrradbubbleKöln eine Begegnung der beiden Veranstaltungen hinbekommt? Vielleicht radelt die #cmcologne ja gegen 18.15h über die Universitätsstraße, dumdidum. Und #katjadiehl, @kidicalmasskoeln und @radkomm holen gerade nochmals etwas frische Luft am #AlbertusMagnus -Denkmal, dumdidum.

@fahrradkoeln, wie steht's?
Katja, wäre das möglich?

#GUADEC2024 starts today! Take a look at the full schedule and plan your day:…

Make sure to register and check your email for the livestream and chat links:…

We’ll see you for the Welcome in Track 1 at 16:00 UTC!

Using C/C++ is like being a doctor and not washing your hands.

There, I said it.

in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

But Miki, people die when doctors don't wash their hands, software bugs are far less serious.

> Reportedly there is at least one hospital that had their entire health system go down during a heart attack surgery. This is due to the affected components being written in C++, the only programming language where these vulnerabilities regularly happen.…

"No way to prevent this" say users of only language where this regularly happens…

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Ós usuarios do NVDA en galego, se é que os hai, ou se é que os hai por aquí: estaba pensando en cambiar selección por escolla sendo que este último termo é máis enxebre. Que pensades?
in reply to Juan CBS

Sona un pouco estrano, pero é máis curto así que non me opoño.

So the question I have about this whole Crowdstrike thing, is how! Tell me please, how! This kind of bug was not detected in either an alpha or beta stage of software updates. Seriously! Please explain to me how this kind of thing can happen in software that is so important, and doesn’t get tested properly to ensure things are like this don’t happen? I just simply don’t understand. Has the world given up on testing their software first and just throw it out into the world to see what happens on peoples computers? LOL.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki Yeah, even a lot of the big tech people who are coming on the radio are basically pointing out how stupid many companies have been to all be under one single massive company. I.e Croudstrike. This is one really good example of what happens when we are all reliant on a single company for something like security, and then they mess something up like this. If it had been a smaller company that did this it would not have affected the whole planet, or at least in the sense that it would have, but only a fairly small component of it. In this case, it’s actually affected major systems around the world. So badly that it could actually take several days to get everything back up and running and correctly Setup again. Can’t just flip a switch and turn it all back on, some things have to be booted up in particular sequences to make things work properly. And even then it will take a long time to sort out issues. Huge example of where we kind of do need to diversify the software that companies use. Apparently in Australia many big companies have been asked to diversify, their security software and such things even before this happened. Because of the systemic security risk and systemic general risk there is in taking down entire mechanisms.
in reply to Serena 🏳️‍🌈

TBH this only happened because governments forced companies to do "security by ticking checkboxes"

#Libervia se joint aux autres signataires de la lettre ouverte pour soutenir #NLnet/le programme #NGI qui se voient couper le financement pour 2025.

C'est grâce à ce programme que je peux travailler actuellement à plein temps sur le projet, et que nous avons pu implémenter:
- la passerelle #ActivityPub <=> #XMPP
- le chiffrement de bout en bout à l'état de l'art
- Les appels audio/video 1:1, contrôle à distance et conferences (travail en cours)…

(kinda continuing the previous post)
Many years ago, when I came to the hospital about to give birth, I was initially rejected because I was silent and smiling. I was told: ‘See that woman across the hall? She’s screaming - she’s in labor. You’re calm, you’re not.’ I had to insist to be checked, and turned out I was much further in labor, and my kid was born a couple of hours after that. I just was used to pain, and was taught to not make other people uncomfortable with my struggles.
Don’t get me wrong: screaming is good! Being able to ask for help is good and healthy! Being able to express your emotions, your feelings, your pain in a clear way understood by others is what it has to be.
But don’t assume that if someone is silent - they’re fine, if someone is smiling - they’re not in pain, if someone is going willingly - it’s easy for them. Yes, it may be unhealthy tactics, yes they maybe need to learn to ask for help and so on. But. Right now, right there someone who looks so positive may be suffering inside. Don’t dismiss. Don’t reject just because they don’t seem to be the struggling one.

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If it it weren't for the newiths here, I would never have noticed the outage currently plaguing many of you. Since no longer relying on Windows, this just slipped by me. Hope things get resolved soon. It certainly sounds like a huge problem.
in reply to Marco Zehe

THis honestly doesn't really pass you by if you're a Mac user; outage is mostly hitting companies anyway so you'd still smash into it if you try to fly, are dying in a hospital, want to get banking stuff done or, apparently, want to order from Burger king using the touch displays, among other things :)
in reply to Marco Zehe

Ditto, so thankful I am a Mac user this morning! However, it would matter if I was taking a flight this morning, or if I had to hop on a Teams call for work. So, generally unaffected, but still a possibility.

Ok so are we finally going to decide that installing kernel-level rootkits for “security” was a bad idea yet or is your CISO going to be wined and dined at the next RSA into renewing their contract again

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Tieto krevety u nás v LaPale sú v Bratislave vyhlásené.

Someone has finally been done in modern times for *checks notes* "Handling a Salmon under Suspicious Circumstances"…

CrowdStrike: Stop breaches. Drive^H Stop business.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

so uhh... is booting in safe mode on #windows #accessible with a #screenReader yet? :) #crowdstrike
Fortunately not bit by this but it did make me curious
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo huh. Yeah I guess the recovery environment generated by the media creation tool would work in a pinch
in reply to Florian

I'd never consider attending an unbootable windows without one these days. :)

BBC is doing extraordinary coverage of the #outtage

The ticker is followed by special live reporting worldwide…

#Crowdstrike #Azure

in reply to Sebastian Lasse

Extraordinary in the sense of unusual, maybe.
The sheer horror with which the reporter mentioned having to use a pen is just sad, not extraordinary.

Good morning all, not feeling so good today. I did buy the meta ray bans yesterday will set them up later.

why do they call them groundstops? surely they should be called flystops.
or groundholds, even. you want all the big flying machines to stay on the ground? Ok. What do we call this? Groundstop.

Crowdstrike published a faulty update. Causes Windows to bluescreen. Driver is C-00000291*.sys. Will cause worldwide outages. Thread follows, I suspect. 🧵
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Seirdy reshared this.

in reply to Kevin Beaumont

The initial Post Incident Review is out from CrowdStrike. It’s good and really honest.

There’s some wordsmithing (eg channel updates aren’t code - their parameters control code).

The key take away - channel updates are currently deployed globally, instantly. They plan to change this at a later date to operate in waves. This is smart (and what Microsoft do for similar EPP updates).…

in reply to Kevin Beaumont

By ‘this is smart’ I mean ‘this is smart… now’. Obviously they shouldn’t have been globally, simultaneously deploying kernel driver parameter changes across all customers: it was waiting to go wrong.

They still are btw, as it will take a while to engineer the correct way of doing it.

in reply to Kevin Beaumont

Now, maybe a stupid question / idea, shouldn't be any touch to a kernel driver be signed by MS?
in reply to Ľuboš Moščovič :donor: :rebelverified:

@herrman_sk Technically, it's not the driver, and AFAICT it's technically not a plugin module either, it's more like a file that a plugin module reads, and that read is a bit too trusting. @GossiTheDog
in reply to Ben Aveling

OK, so plugin module, the stupid question of mine still persist.
The mechanics how it happened is as you've described and what I am wondering is, whether ANY change to such component, which is hooked too deep in the system, should not be run only if signed (and reviewed before) by Microsoft.
in reply to Kevin Beaumont

On insurance and CrowdStrike, Parametrix claim amongst just the Fortune 500 companies, they are facing $5.4bn in losses, of which around 10% will be covered by insurance.…
in reply to Kevin Beaumont

If you want to know something crazy:

- This year TCS migrated their EDR to CrowdStrike
- Then they announced a strategic partnership with CrowdStrike
- Then they lost all their systems
- They’re just finishing recovery today, 6 days in
- Then they got a $10 Uber Eats voucher
- …which got cancelled due to Uber flagging CrowdStrike’s account as fraudulent

in reply to Kevin Beaumont

Questions for your EDR providers (do not assume they are experts in availability):

- What are your different update processes?
- How do you test them?
- Do you dogfood test them?
- Do you roll them out in waves? What are the details, eg what percentages and when?
- Do you monitor failures and roll back?

in reply to Kevin Beaumont

CrowdStrike staff members are selling CrowdStrike monopoly sets they were given on eBay.
in reply to Kevin Beaumont

CrowdStrike filed at 8-K with the SEC on July 22nd for a cybersecurity incident.…
in reply to Kevin Beaumont

Microsoft are talking about changes to Windows after the CrowdStrike incident. Good.…

in reply to Kevin Beaumont

There’s a really good discussion on @riskybusiness’s YouTube show about the CrowdStrike incident.

About the 3 minute mark @alex made me realise I was far too kind to CrowdStrike. He rightly rips them apart.

in reply to Kevin Beaumont

Delta are looking to sue CrowdStrike and Microsoft. HT @hrbrmstr…

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Kevin Beaumont

Re the Delta case - the lawyer they’ve hired successfully sued Microsoft previously on behalf of the US government, and the decision was upheld on appeal too. The ruling almost lead to the breaking up of Microsoft.

The following US government backed out of the case.

Bill Gates said at the time the lawyer was “out to destroy Microsoft”.

So there’s a chance here the CrowdStrike incident may end up having implications across vendor industry around warranties etc, we’ll see.

in reply to Kevin Beaumont

Replacing an XDR platform at scale takes some time, so if you’re wondering what the translation of Elon’s tweet about Crowdstrike is:

Elon: can we replace Crowdstrike?
Somebody: yes, we’ll begin looking into it but..
Elon: job done

Of course.. given how the Twitter takeover happened maybe he just got them to uninstall it and #yolosec

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in reply to Kevin Beaumont

Delta’s CEO has confirmed they plan to take legal action against CrowdStrike after incurring a $500m loss

6 minute video interview:…

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in reply to Kevin Beaumont

CrowdStrike made a net loss of $845m between 2018 until this year, and has taken on $743m of debt during this period.
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in reply to Kevin Beaumont

Spirit Airlines in the US anticipates a $7.2 million hit to its third-quarter operating income due to operational disruptions caused by the CrowdStrike incident, which forced the carrier to cancel 470 flights.
in reply to Kevin Beaumont

Here's the Delta boss on his thoughts about the CrowdStrike incident.

They had 40k Windows Server boxes alone, all with BitLocker full disk encryption enabled, all of which wouldn't boot and weren't fixable without manually unlocking BitLocker. That had gone all in with CrowdStrike + Microsoft's most premium offerings.

He has a really good point about how tech companies have become obsessed with growth as their only metric of success, and customer satisfaction is not on the radar.

in reply to Kevin Beaumont

There's a really mad moment in that interview where they ask them what assistance CrowdStrike have offered, and he essentially says nothing, not even a lunch voucher.

What a time to be alive.

in reply to Kevin Beaumont

CrowdStrike complained to Cloudflare about a CrowdStrike parody site… and Cloudflare took it down. Without a court order.

Cloudflare recently announced they have become a strategic partner with CrowdStrike:…

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Do I know any #NVDASR people who have used Betterbird? Been trying it out portable here, seems more responsive with a bloated profile that Thunderbird has been choking on. However, I was hoping I'd be able to persuade the Thunderbird+G5 add-on to work with it. I've set Betterbird as a trigger for the profile the G5 add-on makes, no dice. Have I missed something obvious, any other suggestions of things to try?

David Goldfield reshared this.

in reply to Scott

Is the betterbird executable called thunderbird? addons use the name of the app to know what to load.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo Aha, renaming the exe did it, thanks! Lost all my profile stuff somehow but hopefully I can just point it to the right places again. Now let's see how much stuff from the add-on works.
in reply to Scott

@DavidGoldfield I tried to use Betterbird, but when I press Enter upon an item in an RSS feed, the entire web page is loaded, even though I've configured it to display the item's content only.

Reports suggest that Sky News has also been affected, leaving many to beg Microsoft to not fix the outage.

NBN users in Australia have yet to notice the outage, thinking it is just the NBN running at normal speed.…

❌Un fallo de Microsoft provoca una caída internacional de servicios de transportes, bancos y emergencias

💻Una interrupción del servicio vinculada a la firma de ciberseguridad Crowdstrike y Windows ha paralizado la actividad de decenas de miles de empresas públicas y privadas poniendo de relieve la dependencia del oligopolio tecnológico…

in reply to El Salto Diario

La entrega de las administraciones públicas a Microsoft: 793 millones en contratos para licencias y servicios…