Items tagged with: Libervia


Items tagged with: Libervia

The web frontend redesign is underway! Chat functionality is almost ready, and completing it is a critical step towards a Libervia release. I’ll likely be making a video soon to show off the progress.

#Libervia #XMPP

Well Libervia on which I'm working does all of that (and even experimental remote desktop control).

I'm working on web frontend redesign, then stabilisation, and I should work on a release hopefully in a not too distant feature.

Movim also does A/V calls and screen sharing.

#Libervia #Movim #XMPP #work

🎉 Happy to announce that my talk "A Universal and Stable API to Everything: XMPP" at FOSDEM has been accepted! 🎉

I'll explore a new way of seeing XMPP and how it can achieve things quickly and simply when used as a coding interface. I’ll also discuss the work of the XMPP Standards Foundation and why having many XEPs isn’t a bad thing.

📍 See you at FOSDEM 1 & 2 February 2025 at Real-Time Lounge.

Talk time slot and details at…

#XMPP #Libervia #FOSDEM #Brussels

Some updates on my #Libervia work:

- Kicked off #email #gateway project (…) using IMAP/STMP. Basic gateway should be coming soon.
- Preparing next major release: web frontend design & internal improvements in progress. The release will be *huge*.
- Started new desktop frontend; more details to follow.
- Aiming to resume blogging and weekly videos this week, if time allows.
- Targeting a Libervia-based service by the end of the year.

#XMPP #nlnet #FOSS #decentralization

#Libervia se joint aux autres signataires de la lettre ouverte pour soutenir #NLnet/le programme #NGI qui se voient couper le financement pour 2025.

C'est grâce à ce programme que je peux travailler actuellement à plein temps sur le projet, et que nous avons pu implémenter:
- la passerelle #ActivityPub <=> #XMPP
- le chiffrement de bout en bout à l'état de l'art
- Les appels audio/video 1:1, contrôle à distance et conferences (travail en cours)…

Running commands of your servers or bots from Libervia CLI.

In this video, I show how to use the Libervia CLI to run ad-hoc commands, a powerful feature of XMPP that allows you to execute custom commands on your server or client. I'll demonstrate how to list available commands, run a command to get the server uptime, and send an announcement to all users. This tutorial is a great way to learn more about the Libervia CLI and how to use it to automate tasks and interact with your XMPP ecosystem.

Introducing Libervia: A Universal Communication Ecosystem

This is the first video of a series of short videos about Libervia, where I'll be showcasing the project's features, design ideas, and tutorials.
In this video, I'll give a quick introduction to Libervia and demonstrate the web frontend using the Docker demo.
Stay tuned for future videos, where we'll dive deeper into specific features, design choices, and tutorials.

Happy to announce that I've got an extension on my current #NLnet A/V grant for #Libervia to work on S.F.U. (Selective Forwarding Unit), it's a service needed for large A/V conference rooms, à la #Jitsi.

However, the delay is really short (hard deadline in August), so lot of work planned in coming weeks.

It will be based on #Galène and parts will be available for whole #XMPP ecosystem.

Thanks again to #NLnet and @EUCommission #NGIAssure for their support.

The video of my talk on #Libervia at #OW2Con 23 is now available at…

Huge thanks to the organizers! If you have questions or just want to chat about it, don't hesitate to reach out.

#XMPP #Conference #FreeSoftware #FOSS #OpenSource #Decentralized #Privacy #Paris #OW2

🗨️ Ce vendredi à 17h30, j'aurai le plaisir de présenter #Libervia à Pas Sage en Seine (#PSES). Libervia va au-delà d'un simple client #XMPP : c'est un écosystème de communication universel, riche en fonctionnalités, respectueux de la vie privée et basé sur un système décentralisé. Parfaitement adapté aux groupes privés, aux messageries internes ou comme réseau social libre. #logiciellibre #opensource #vieprivée #décentralisation #PSES #Paris