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in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I realize that section is not crystal clear and I will expand it: we use cURL for the project sometimes, and times we call it curl. We use curl and libcurl for the command line tool and library.

If you or someone you love (or even vaguely tolerate) is using #accessiBe, perhaps send them this information about the class action lawsuit against accessiBe for lying about its #overlay:…

#accessibility #a11y

reshared this

Náš projekt Pomáháme.Digital vyhrál první cenu Evropské komise za digitální inkluzi. Mám z toho velkou radost – mimo jiné mě těší, že nevyhrála nějaká vyhajpovaná AI břečka, ale technicky konzervativní projekt, jehož hodnota je především v dobrém výzkumu a dobrém nápadu – tedy že pokud chceme zlepšit situaci digitálně vyloučených lidí, můžeme do nich digitální kompetence vpašovat osmózou z pracovníků a pracovnic v sociálních službách :)…

Privacy-first smartphone. No tracking. No data mining. Runs PureOS. Physical kill switches. True digital freedom in your pocket. #Librem5 #PureOS

Mes #Mixxx sont désormais disponible en vidéo ici :…

Et en audio ici :

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

📣 Do-It-Blind DIB online Besprechung am Montag, 22. Juli, um 19:00 Uhr. Du bist eingeladen!… Wöchentlich am Montag um 19:00 besprechen wir neue Formen der digitalen und inklusiven Zusammenarbeit. Mach mit! 🛠️ #make #blind #inklusion

Day 4 of #GUADEC2024 is here and it’s time for BoFs and Workshops! We’ll be starting up in 30 mins, make sure to check the website for BoF meeting links and your emails for access codes:…

Testing something, feel free to ignore (but I also want this to show up on your timeline, sorry!)

in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt Yeah, it's 100% no-frills... I just wanted to check something out. Currently watching all the various fedarated instances crawling the URL - there are many!

Remember how my UK trip was cut short by COVID last month?

Well. I have four travel days left on my Interrail ticket, and I'm gonna use them! :D

First goal for today: Leave Germany! 👋

in reply to blinry

That was certainly refreshing! :)

Oh, I learned that Budapest grew together from two smaller cities, Buda and Pest! It used to be called "Pest-Buda" at some point!

As expected after their customer survey, @protonprivacy released a "AI mail writing bullshit assistant".

On Reddit, two kinds of reactions:

1. The negatives: asking about the privacy, the ecological impact, the money/time spent on this instead of other features.

2. The positives: thanking the developers for not enabling the feature by default.

Despite this, I’m sure people at Proton are convinced that this one the most important/urgent thing the Email world needed.…

in reply to ploum

Hi, check out this guy's website in case you want to change service. Lots of suggestions of privacy-protecting services, and he is quite rigorous in his selections:

Tweesecake seems to have stopped retrieving Mastodon posts. It hasn't worked all morning, even after a restart of Tweesecake and the entire computer. What fun. @app

in reply to Chris 🌱 :verified_purple:

I prefer linear merges: that is, everything is rebased on top, but the merge itself still creates a merge commit. To me, that's the right way to represent that a set of changes came from elsewhere. Unfortunately, that's not really a thing in most contribution workflow tools, so fast-forward merge would be preferred to me otherwise.
in reply to Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ) :fedora:

@Conan_Kudo Personally I don't feel like it matters that the changes came from a merge request - I prefer to only have commits that are relevant to a set of changes, and merge commits are just extra noise to me. So I generally use fast-forward merge.

#Techbros are again leading the charge by reinventing what was already there…

Edit: apparently the OP is a famous {{Dubious}}{{Citation needed}} radio producer, so it's even worse…

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Breaking: Trump refuses to accept the results of the presidential withdrawal, will continue to campaign against Biden.

After AI, the next big thing in #tech will be quantum computers that break currently used email #encryption. Fortunately, Tuta Mail is already quantum-safe. 🔒 💪

At Tuta we're not wasting our time on #AI, for a number of ethical reasons 🧵👇

I’m researching energy impact, profiling and performance of native iOS and Android apps.

Any recommendations for useful resources or tools?

#iOSdev #AndroidDev

Is there a good way to use vim with a screen reader, and is it even worth trying?

We have NVim now and it uses a decent scripting language (Lua), so I guess it would be possible to do "emacspeak but for vim" now without too much pain, but that's not what I mean.

in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@x0 @zersiax Or you could always send everything in both representations with the appropriate codes, so that old terminals would ignore the new representation and new terminals would be told to ignore the old one.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@x0 @zersiax What I've thought about doing is keeping the actual rendering of TUIs unchanged, while also sending serialized accessibility tree updates (e.g. AccessKit tree updates) in a way that will be ignored by old terminals.

#Nextcloud: Wer ein paar Plugins installiert, bekommt ein Hauptverzeichnis voller Ordner, die jeweils zu einem Plugin gehören.

Für neue User ist das verwirrend.

Ich fänd gut, wenn diese Ordner alle in einem versteckten Ordner gesammelt würden.

Wer will, kann dann in diesen Ordnern Dinge tun. Aber wer sich dafür nicht interessiert, sieht sie auch erst einmal nicht.

Bitte unterstützt meinem Feature Request dazu:…

in reply to Steffen Voß

Nicht nur verwirrend für neue User. Es kann auch zu richtigem Chaos kommen, wenn neue user diese Ordner mit eigenen Dateien füllen oder sie löschen, weil ihnen die Notwendigkeit der Existenz nicht bekannt

Llama3-405b base model is leaked on 4chan as Miqu-2. Miqu-1 was leaked Mistral 70b model which was confirmed by Mistral CEO. The download size is 764GB, and it was briefly on Huggingface but taken down. The torrent is still working apparently. #LLM #AI #ML…
#AI #ML #llm

Well, the verdict is in: Not even RIM (remote Incident Manager) from Pneuma Solutions can get control of the keyhook Mist World uses. It's a very powerful keyhook, and the only way to thwart it would be if Pneuma Solutions also installed a virtual keyboard driver on Windows, through which they sent commands. Never gonna happen though. Still keeping the sub especially with my trip to Stockholm in 2 weeks Just hope to play it there.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Tamas G

I'm sorry, why does a game need to install such a disproportionately powerful keyboard hook?
in reply to James Scholes

I think to have control over things keybounce behaviors and disallow scripting (although, scripters will still just install a virtual keyboard driver to simulate a physical one and inject commands in that way, so that part hasn't gone well for them.) Also, it allows for movement whilst keeping NVDA speech uninterrupted, which means you can move through land areas like gates, surface changes and have NVDA announce it, something that holding a key down would interrupt.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Caught up with @danyeaw's talk at GUADEC. It's great to see all that has been accomplished in just two short years, in order to put back Python on the map of the GNOME ecosystem.

Having more communities come together to make good, useful applications is a lot better than building everything from scratch in separate silos.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Wow, windows 10 made it so damn hard to add new users to the system. Used to be able to do that from Computer Management I'm pretty sure. Now I'm not sure how best to do that with the old interface, not the new stupid website-looking thing that wants an email address and a bunch of useless crap. I just need to make another administrative user that I can run things under as a service... Really windows?
in reply to Andre Louis

Heh, I just do it in a command prompt. Launch as admin, net user <user> <password> /add; net localgroup Administrators <username> /add

One at the Time.

Michaël Borremans.


“A painting is not just an image: it is an object with a multi-layered character.”

Innuendo, definitely NSFW, or as they say: lewt! The joke is in the alt text.

Sensitive content

What is your favorite fantasy trope? One of my favorites that doesn't directly involve magic is MC passes out from injury or exhaustion, usually in the middle of battle but not necessarily, wakes up in a bed surrounded by people who explain what happened and nurse MC back to health. These could be strangers or friends/family.
in reply to 👩‍🦯The Blind Fraggle

Maybe this is a silly one, but I like the apparently clueless character (parent, teacher, rando cleaner) who turns out to know everything that's going on but lets the major characters believe that they're getting away with everything.

Alright, it's the start of a new week and there's too much of the same kind of post on my time line at the moment, so let's break the cycle. 99% of one thing can be too much of the same thing.

Tell me something in recent days (non-politics-related) that made you happy. Something that caused you to genuinely smile, or just feel glad at the world. I'll start.

Yesterday whilst on the train home from Wales, I sent a message to my son to ask him if he wouldn't mind picking me up from our local station, only if he wasn't out with friends and he did.
He's 14, certainly didn't have to come collect dad, I'd have managed, but he did.
Something so simple, and his willingness to help me just made my trip end with a smile.
As soon as he saw me he said 'Do you want me to carry anything?'
I love him. That's all I have to say.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Talon reshared this.

in reply to Andre Louis

it's a beautiful day here in illinois, and i got a nice shower this morning, and got fresh clean clothes on. I got outside for a bit, and got to hear some pretty birds. It's a great day.
in reply to Andre Louis

Here's an absolutely amazing thread, not because I started it, but because of the wonderful people that participated in it. If you're feeling a bit blue and want a smile, read some of the responses here. It's worth it I promise. So much positive thinking here.
I guarantee had this been on what I will *always* call twitter, it wouldn't have had even half the engagement it did.

80s UNIX was just a psyop to encourage people to adopt autotools and fuck up the rest of history

Just watched @danyeaw’s talk at #guadec2024 on the state of PyGObject. We’ve been able to make a lot of progress over the past year. Let’s see what next year brings.…

Audio Ducking Enhancements in iOS 18…
in reply to David Goldfield

This makes me more excited about iOS 18 than any other feature I've read about.

Today's #SongInMyHead
🎵 Somewhere Over the Rainbow
⭐ Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwo'ole…

Biden usando una estrategia de Perro: carta a la ciudadanía, vía Twitter, en formato jpg y sin ALT. Para que luego digan que nuestro presidente no tiene relevancia a nivel internacional.

#Biden #CartaALaCiudadanía #MásSabeBidenPorViejoQuePorBiden

I spent much of the past week in the village of Burin in the West Bank. Burin is surrounded by three settlements, two military bases, and checkpoints on all main roads.

3 weeks before I arrived, the army had declared one of Burin's farm a closed military zone.
