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Just chose my sessions for this year's #SolsticeSchool, a fedi phenomenon where people give short-ish 15-minute or so lectures plus q&a on interesting, academia-adjacent topics. They're oriented towards non-specialists, and they're a great way to get an entrypoint on the topics. If it sounds interesting, check it out on…

This year's programme for @SummerSchool is announced!…

Solstice School is a casual-academic event where people give short talks about things that they are really passionate about.

The talks are distributed across all sorts of time zones and academic fields, from computer science to climate science to astronomy to history. Come learn, from the history of queerness in Korea, to the dangers of space junk, to what's up with all those mites.

Join one talk or join them all!

ICYMI➡️ The latest release of #WirePlumber 0.5 has come with a host of new features. Julain Bouzas breaks down a notable one - the Smart Filter Policy:… @PipewireP @pipewire #OpenSource

ZOO v Lipsku mě velice uchvátilo. Moje očekávání bylo asi zbytečně nízké, ale i tak pokud jedete okolo tak doporučuji tam celý den strávit. ⤵️ #leipzig #zoo #
in reply to Jan Dytrych🇨🇿🇺🇦

Jo vypadá to tam super a Lipsko není tak daleko. My se chystáme i do Berlina do Tropical Islands. Nebyli jste tam s @hana ?
in reply to Archos

@archos @hana byl jsem tam asi 3x je to tam pěkný, doporučuji. Do Berlína se také chystáme.

Už i ARD řeší Bureše…

Idem začať mačky kŕmiť tu na okolí, už dávno som mal a možno sa budú aj kamošiť. Pár ich tu je...
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Super, díky za to, ale jestli je to v Tvých možnostech, zkus jim příště koupit něco lepšího :). Ono to často ani nevyjde o moc dráž. U těch značek Felix, Whiskas a Friskies se fakt nedá moc mluvit o kvalitě. Kočky to sice sežerou, ale moc dobré to pro ně není. Ve složení 4% masa.
in reply to DonBahno

@DonBahno ja viem, ja si musím hlavne zvyknúť chodiť kŕmiť, ale áno máš pravdu a díky za tabulku
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

už sme za plotom a tam myslím že psi asi neprídu a je to na úrovni parkoviska čiže na dosah..

edit: kapsičky sú preč a myslím že granule dnes zjedol pes

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to DonBahno

som zvedavý ráno na zmeny :kekw: ak nič nezožerú ma naštvú
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

To sežerou, o to bych se nebál. Akorát tam může taky dorazit na hostinu třeba ježek nebo nějaký zbloudilý pes.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to DonBahno

@DonBahno no to je pravda... oproti je rozpadnutá budova a budem sa snažiť to umiestniť niekde tam, tam majú asi aj zhromaždenie..

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

This setup reminded me about the stock exchange that just has a lot of long cable to slow things down:…
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

JK Rowling has completely lost her mind.


in reply to Deniz Opal

I have a trans daughter, she grew up living the whole Harry Potter thing, it was a bitter pill to swallow when JKR started down the path of hate speech. Fuck JK Rowling, and all who associate with her.

@Tusky I got a bug on the new version 26 beta 1 (pushed to me on google play even though I'm not a beta tester, though I see someone already reported that), where when switching feeds the app crashed.
in reply to lily 💖

We launched Tusky 26 Beta but we made a mistake and published it for everyone. So you received it.
Sorry for the inconveniences!!

The Temptation of Saint Anthony,
Max Ernst (1945)

#art #maxernst #merzart #surrealism #saintanthony #painting

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

The House of Broken Plates,
Katsushika Hokusai (1831-1832)

#art #merzart #painting

Wer nach einer hörenswerten Podcast-Folge für den Sonntag sucht, empfehle ich diesen Beitrag mit @arnesemsrott, in dem über sein Buch »Machtübernahme. Was passiert, wenn Rechtsextremisten regieren. Eine Anleitung zum Widerstand« gesprochen wird. Eine besondere Einladung, sich das anzuhören, geht an alle Beamt*innen raus:…
in reply to Dejan Mihajlović

@SunDial79 Habe das Buch in en letzten Tagen gelesen. Gerade die wahrscheinlich und plausibel klingenden Einstiege haben mich tatsächlich beängstigt. Lesenswertes Buch

“Second or third-party data led segmenting and targeting of advertising does not outperform a random sample when it comes to accuracy of reaching the actual target. [..] First party data does do better than the random sample. [..] But, and here’s the real kicker: Contextual ads massively outperform even first party data. And they are much, much cheaper.”…
in reply to Alderik

This doesn't align with intuition nor with prior research, which makes me extremely suspicious.

It might be true for some pieces of content, but it's hard to define contextual for e.g. a Taylor Swift song or "Game of Thrones", and a lot of content we consume on the internet is exactly of this nature.

in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki It’s indeed difficult to define. But in essence, you don’t have to match the context of every piece of content ads are shown next to but rather the context of the location. See:………

Unreal Engine screenraeder documentation

Sensitive content

WestphalDenn reshared this.

in reply to Talon

Unreal Engine documentation
in reply to Drew Mochak

Unreal Engine documentation

Sensitive content… new #tusky beta, please test and report all the bugs (ideally on Github or to @Tusky, not to me)

Jaws Discount. Like in past years, Freedom Scientific is offering a 20% discount for upgrading your SMA or Annual license during the time of the ACB and NFB conventions; July 3rd thru 12th. You can call and do it by phone, or do it online. You will just need one of these codes, ACB24 or NFB24. If doing it online, just know that the place you put in the code is on down the page past all of the charges. Here is the link to do it online...…. #Jaws #Discount #ACB #NFB #Convention #Blind

Pretty neat! If you're on (or another server running the latest in-development version of Mastodon), you can go to the Explore page eg. and view posts that discuss trending news articles (see the "X posts" below the headline link).


#mastodon #SocialMedia #news #design #UXUI

A new “continuous sidewalk” in #Kitchener. The design differs from regular sidewalks in that it doesn’t dip down to road level at intersections. It continues at an uninterrupted height. This slows cars turning onto the street + reinforces pedestrian priority through the intersections. Same at the driveways, so you don’t get the up-down “roller coaster effect” when you’re #walking, #cycling or using a wheelchair.

#safestreets #urbanism #accessibility

Very romantic! :)…

Speaking of that new UI for Warehouse 2.0, here is a sneak peek! Very far from being done of course, but I thought it would be fun to share the current progress.

music!!!! i made it!!

i have created audio……
or right here


in reply to SuspiciousDuck

1) Jsem rád že máte také rád ježky ve městě,
2) trochu vám závidím váš mobil, skvěle fotí,
3) jak je vidět můj mobil fotí na dálku hůře než váš, ale pozice mého ježka je zajímavější a v neposlední řadě také zábavnější, to musíte uznat. Měl takový hlad že vlezl do nádoby s jídlem a možná se zakousl i do ní.😊
4) Můj ježek je z Vršovic.
5) Člověku který má rád ježky nelze přát nic jiného než dobro - a proto přeji vše dobré. 🙂


in reply to Michal Sp

jaj mne nie je čo závidieť naozaj, ježkovia sú fajn jj :) ďakujem.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

A bit of mild swearing in French, A tame sneez recorded in stereo followed by a triggering of my noise sensitive tribble:

Storm Dragon pushed changes to the testing branch of the audiogame-manager project Added game "Simple Fighter".

@Tutanota I tried signing up for a medium account and I got this error. Just sent a request to medium telling the to allow use of a Tuta account (as well as a @protonprivacy account since that didn't work either). Ridiculous that they are blocking you as a provider.
in reply to Studio Cohort

Hi there! Thank you for letting us know. We will also be in contact with Medium to get Tuta accepted.

Don't wait for change, be the change 😉

Why not join our team of privacy enthusiasts! 🔐

We're #hiring 👉

#Tuta #hiring #jobs #apply #Germany

You can apparently run an entire OS in Google Drive, but you definitely shouldn't…

Gentlemen, we have to do something about this. This is demoralizing.
in reply to mhoye

I was looking for shorts the other day and it was black and dark blue. Did not buy anything 😭

Der neue britische Premierminister Starmer hat einer Zeitung zufolge am ersten Tag seiner Amtszeit den umstrittenen Plan der konservativen Vorgängerregierung gestoppt, illegal eingewanderte Menschen nach Ruanda abzuschieben.

iNaturalist is looking for a Head of Engineering… must be US-based, and the "technical expertise" section reads like "please know everything", but if you care about conservation and open science, this is a chance to make the world a slightly better place.