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PSA: iOS 18 is going to disable your old ‘Today’ view widgets…

Immer öfter muss ich von #m4a zu #mp3 convertieren.

Da hab ich meiner Kollektion von #Nautilus#Scripts für #Ubuntu doch mal wieder eines hinzugefügt:…
Ein Rechtsklick genügt 🎉
Die Scripte kann man sicher professioneller machen 🤔

Does anyone know how to make #navsounds for #Nvda lag less. I find the navigation and typing sounds comforting, but I don't want my computer to just keep lagging me out all the time, after running the addon for a while. Please boost if you don't know the answer.

Comcast Lost Over 419,000 TV Customers & Lost 120,000 Internet Customers in Q2 2024 as Cord Cutting is Speeding Up…

Practical SVG is Now Free to Read Online

Back in 2016 I wrote a book called Practical SVG. Recently, the publisher, A Book Apart, closed shop. Now you can Read Practical SVG on the web, here on this site, for free. I always like how Mat's book was online so now mine can join that cool club. I'll echo what I say on the site: Thanks to Jeff Eaton for……

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The first new Lyme disease vaccine in over two decades passed a key milestone last week — putting it on a timeline to potentially hit the market in 2026 if trial results are favorable.

So thanks to we managed to get the front camera in the Pixel 3a working with a libcamera/pipewire stack 🥳 Thanks to @flamingradian for the work on the whole port!

EDIT: The driver does not properly release the camera when closing the app, so it only works once per boot. It would be lovely if anybody with the skills would like to contribute to improve it!…

#postmarketOS #LinuxMobile #Pixel3a #Snapshot #GNOME #GUADEC

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Když už jsem si koupil ten notebook s AMD Ryzen 9 a AMDGPU kvůli umělé inteligenci, tak jsem si tedy nainstaloval lokální instanci #ollama s korpusem #llama3. Nevycházím z údivu.

Zkoušel jsem ho rozmluvit v češtině. Není moc ochoten a má kecy, že v tom není trénovaný, a že když odpustím, že v tom nebude dokonalý, tak česky něco řekne. Ale pak stejně odpovídá na české otázky anglicky.

Nicméně po restartu a položení první otázky v češtině odpovídá stručně česky s trochu nepřesnou volbou slov.

Ale co mě dostalo: zkusil jsem se ho zeptat na něco bez varování japonsky a on jen hodil smajlíka a pak napsal anglickou odpověď. Tak jsem mu tam hodil starořecký text, jestli pozná jazyk. Poznal jazyk, vyhodil překlad do ájiny a určil správně dílo a místo, odkud jsem citoval.

Pak mě začal provokovat, že bychom si mohli dát závody v recitaci starořecké poezie. Hodil jsem mu tam pár veršů z Homéra. Poznal Homéra a určil místo, odkud jsem citoval (chybně, ale budiž), a napsal překlad. Pro neznalce upozorňuju, že Homér psal zvláštním a podivným dialektem.

Je to lokální instalace, takže tohle všechno zvládá s databátí o velikosi 4,7 GB. Dokonalá komprese všelidského vědění!!!

Wir sind heute Abend mit unserer kritischen Position zum Thema #Behindertenwerkstätten bei ZDF frontal.
ZDF, 23.07.2024, 21:00 - 21:45 Uhr…

Mehr zum Thema:

If I put up a custom icecast stream, is there a way to play that stream on Alexa devices without writing an entire skill for it? The lack of proper cast functionality is really unfortunate.
in reply to Simon Jaeger

Not sure if it's still possible and I'm not home to check, but there was once a skill called MyPod which let you do this.

You had to login to the web UI with your Amazon account and could then add Streams, mp3 files, podcasts or Google Drive folders via their URLs, up to 10 sources for the free version.

Did you know?
Forks aren't just a misskey feature, that's also a name of a common kitchen utensil

Case you didn't notice... In #iOS18 it is now possible to type six dots when using #braille onscreen keyboard all at the same time. For example, if you want to type the grade2 abbreviation for the word "for". Happy to see it finally working, but I now have to change all my old habits! :) #accessibility
in reply to victor tsaran

Oh for sure, it's more just baffling that it took that long, the hardware limitation that caused that has not been a thing in almost a decade I think.

I always struggle to use YouTube with large playlists. I wish we had a YouTube client that feels more like a native user interface instead of a webpage that just reacts slowly or doesn't do what I want. My answer? I started developing a Total Commander plugin for YouTube. In Rust. First steps taken, the plugin loads properly in TC, no features yet, but that is going to change.
in reply to Toni Barth

don't let me feature creep on your project. It was just an idea I've had. With sufficient abstraction it should be possible but don't worry too much if it adds unnecessary work. I just think it would be super cool.
in reply to Talon

@talon Who knows where it'll go in the end. I'll just start my YouTube journey, don't think it'll be too hard as soon as i've got API authorization done. If it works, well, who knows what will happen next.

Just read an interesting post: Software engineers are not (and should not be) technicians…

The ending summarizes the key point well:

> Or to put it another way: I actually view it as a red flag if an engineer or team gets into a predictable “flow” because it means that there is a promising opportunity for automation they’re ignoring.

Today’s challenge: how to describe what `clip-rule` is meant to do in a manner comprehensible to people new to the concept, in the space of no more than a short sentence or two. I may well fail, but I at least will go down typing and deleting and retyping and deleting and retyping and
in reply to Eric A. Meyer

"one does what you expect. The other one only makes sense to nerds, but looks kind of neat."

US politics

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i don’t even need to hear from the EFF to have a good argument why adshit shouldn’t run on my computers

the argument is: it’s my computer

no seriously. are they paying me for the use of my computer to run their adshit? no? then it doesn’t need to run on my computer.

that shit is for me, not doubleclick or whatever the bloody thing is called now. if it ain’t making me happy or bringing me money, it’s out

Who'd like to have a guide on installing Windows 98, 2000, Millennium Edition or XP in a virtual machine without sight?

Khronos reshared this.

in reply to The Cube!

I’d be interested. I’m thinking of doing some experimenting with UTM and Windows 9X so having some information where to start wouldn’t hurt :)
in reply to Pitermach

@pitermach I no longer use MacOS, so I'm not sure about UTM. VMWare is what I'm most familiar with.

in reply to Hubert Figuière

I'm torn between not knowing what they are talking about and click bait.

Because it's not open source if the actual part that deal with the camera is not open source. And all there is in the archive is the OS, including 3.18 kernel.

in reply to Hubert Figuière

The Q3 has an OSS tarball but I don't see a kernel in there. It has the glibc and some other stuff. And FreeRTOS.

Purism can produce made-in-USA, tailored GFE devices to gov specs. From wearable COP screens to field & office solutions. #GovTech #MadeInUSA #Purism…


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in reply to Matt Campbell


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🚨Jami is your free communication software, end-to-end encrypted and private. Ensuring non-commercial use of your data.😍

Here is the link to dowload it:

#Jami #opensource #P2P #App #PrivacyMatters

Do we have any Mastodon apps (for any platform; I truly have them all) which shows me the users who are following me that I haven't followed back? I'm part of a pretty big community that migrated over here together, and occasionally I still discover people who made it here, followed me, and somehow I missed the notification. I want to just square that away once and for all. #fedi
in reply to Mira 🤞🇧🇬🇭🇺

@tardis I did not mean to boost that, oops. I just meant the blind community. Everyone came here when Twitter accessibility died, and I'm still finding people.
in reply to Simon Jaeger

Oh. I see. You can unboost xd. From web. Or enafore. Or phone. Also meh. I don't follow too many blind humans. Tardis has no interest to follow humans who can't see its great blue light. :P

Seltene Perspektive in der deutschen Medienlandschaft:…

"We explore the cost and security of reCAPTCHAv2 and conclude that it has an immense cost and no security. Overall, we believe that this study’s results prompt a natural conclusion: reCAPTCHAv2 and similar reCAPTCHA technology should be deprecated."

Подкаст, в котором мы записывались на прошлой неделе и с которым потом было так много странных историй, всё же выложен в архив вместе с кратким резюме.
Мы с @Destranis были очень рады рассказать незрячим венграм о новом синтезаторе речи, с которыми в Венгрии прям беда и грусть.

Если кому интересно, подкаст можно послушать по вот этой ссылке:…

Грустно, что @asael не мог участвовать в беседе, так как не знает венгерского, но мы упоминули его (правда с очень русским произношением его имени).

#RHVoice #RHVoice_hu #magyar #magyarul #podcast

Our final day of #GUADEC2024 BoFs and Workshops will start up soon. Make sure to check the website for BoF meeting links and your emails for access codes:…

Parabéns ao ganhador do Pants of the Thanks Awards deste ano, Felipe Borges @felipeborges ! Obrigado por todo o seu trabalho duro e muitas contribuições para o #GNOME! 👣…

Co je to zase na Hospodářkách za hrozný blábol?…

MacOS kernelové ovladače třetích stran zakázal, v Linuxu běží Falcon jako eBPF. Za to, že Microsoft nebyl schopný poskytnout vhodná API, není přece problém antimonopolní regulace.

A ta perlička o úderu blesku - Kurtz to posral v McAfee a teď to podělal v CrowdStrike. To, že se podobná chyba stala na dvou místech zároveň je záležitost firemní kultury, viz např. zde:…

in reply to Ondřej Surý

Že to hlásá Microsoft, který využívá situace, chápu. Ale, že ten blábol přebírají Hospodářky. 🤦‍♂️
To je jak tvrdit že za špatné jídlo v restauraci může hygienická stanice, která kuchaře obtěžovala s čištěním kuchyně.
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About my last boost (on the story of Southwest Airlines still running Windows 3.1), the boosted article mentions "the current zeitgeist about technology and its role in society, underlining that what is claimed to be technological progress is nothing but trouble, and that it’s better to stick with the old." It's true, and we technologists should find it embarrassing. This is a call to all of us to work on things that non-techies can be genuinely enthusiastic about. I'm doing what I can.
in reply to Matt Campbell

OK, maybe that's going too far. A lot of work is boring or invisible, but still necessary and worth doing. But at least we can avoid working on things that are net harmful.
in reply to Matt Campbell

See I'd run windows 3.1 except for the fact that it'd be kinda illegal to run a screen reader if there even is one for it since I require one to use any computer. Isn't JAWS for Windows $1000+ and no subscriptions on versions that old?

No, Southwest Airlines is not still using Windows 3.1

A story that's been persistently making the rounds since the CrowdStrike event is that while several airline companies were affected in one way or another, Southwest Airlines escaped the mayhem because they were still using windows 3.1. It's a great story that fits the current zeitgeist about technology and its role in society, un…


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How many machines at Apple Park were affected by #Crowdstrike do you think? Haha
in reply to Andre Louis

@TomGrant91 0.42%, if we assume 8.5 million is an accurate estimate of what went down, which is the figure the media are going with, and use the 2019 estimate of 2,000,000,000 computers in the world.
it was a tiny outage for all practical purposes but with a big boom impact.

Worryingly just one security company to blame, too. hard to imagine how all the testing and qA missed the possibility. Any sort of big rollout should be staggered. Even if they'd had an hour or two's grace from a big push the results would have been incomparably less damaging.

in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @TomGrant91 That's it exactly. I've been reading a lot of things, watching a lot of videos and so many, many people are asking why the update wasn't staged.

To je snůška kecu jak od nějakého dezolata, ano zla EU může za to že Microsoft neumí udělat APi tak aby to nepodělalo ten jejich shit který nazývá prý operačním systémem ..m…

in reply to Martin Kubicek

Abych parafrázoval článek: když se ekonom vrtá v technických tématech a rozvrtá je v úplný blábol.

There are some nice performance and memory improvements in BIND 9.20.0 that just hit the shelves:

in reply to Ondřej Surý

Oh, the new option resolver-use-dns64 is cool! 👍🏻…
That means you can run your DNS64 resolver as a part of your IPv6-only infrastructure without provisioning it with dual stack connectivity or CLAT.