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This is the first time in a long, long while that an iOS update was released and there were no accessibility blog posts about it to read from AppleVis. Really feeling the loss of the closure of such a valuable community.
in reply to David Goldfield

Same. I always read those posts before updating. It feels wrong to update without checking AppleVis first. It's just such a huge loss for the community. I totally support the decision and appreciate all the work that has been put into it over the years but I'm still sad about it.
in reply to David Goldfield

I’m so sad that the website is shutting down, I loved reading their monthly round up newsletters of different apps to try out. And I loved reading there ios articles every time a new update came out. That’s how I knew if and when I should update. Now I’m just, lost and floating in the wind somewhere… Lol

At 11:00 (KST) (02:00 UTC) 'Meet the Technical Committee' in the Buda Venue, 'Sequoia PGP, sq, gpg-from-sq, v6 OpenPGP, and Debian' in the Somin Venue, and the 'Ruby team BoF' in the Pado Venue. A non-streamed talk, 'Steps towards a modern CMS for our web pages' will be held in the Hyorim Venue. #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

Penelope passed away peacefully in my arms tonight. We made sure her last few hours were wonderful. I'll describe more later but it involved going to the park, meeting a toad and dark chocolate mousse.

This is the worst day of my life, she was everything to me. I was her Daddy and she was my bouncy, feisty little girl. She knew she was a rough and tumble princess and she acted accordingly. She was always in charge.

I loved her with all of my heart. Every day she was the first person I saw and the last person I saw at night.

I know I'm going to be posting a lot over the coming days but words will never be able to describe the love I had for her and she for me.

This M.2 card adds classic beep-boop boot-up sound to your PC…

Dig out your vintage FireWire audio interface and rub some #Linux on it. Testing FFADO with Pipewire.…

Gmail Labels Using the Keyboard…

Gmail Labels Using the Keyboard…

almost every FediMeta, especially this one, angry

Sensitive content

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Seirdy reshared this.

in reply to Seirdy

re: FediMeta, angry

for selfish reasons (unwillingness to spend spoons on if even if they are plentiful), i will not give a detailed re-hash of what’s going down this time. IYKYK.

maybe in private after sufficient time has passed.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Seirdy

re: FediMeta, angry

Every time someone from a marginalized background makes a bad take, actually refuting the take is always secondary to finding a way to ostracize them from their community with ad-hominems. Which shouldn’t be necessary when there are actual points people can make to address the bad take.

Within 12 hours, “she’s not really trans a” became “she’s not really trans and neurodivergent” became “she’s not really trans and neurodivergent and poor” as a reason to say that a trans woman who said something transmisogynist wasn’t part of the queer community. People can’t seem to comprehend that people of every background are 100% capable of having bad takes and not conforming to what you think acceptable behavior for a marginalized background is. Highlighting or refuting a bad take doesn’t give as much clout as finding a way to say “that person isn’t one of us, so we can discount what they said!”

Public callouts aren’t enough for some; the impulse to ostracize and move goalposts to say “it’s okay, she’s not really one of us; that’s why she said that!” and dig through someone’s profile to find the first bit of privilege you can point to to explain a bad take is mind-boggling.

You can consider someone problematic and of your marginalized background at the same time, and address their take instead of lawyering your way around someone’s identity to cancel them for not properly conforming to the norms you’ve decided are correct for a given combination of marginalized backgrounds.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

At 10:00 AM (KST) (01:00 UTC) in the Bada Venue: 'The new APT solver', in the Somin Venue, 'Debian: Resistance is Futile' in the Somin Venue, and 'Debian Teams exchange' in the Pado Venue. Be sure to stay around in Somin at 10:30AM (KST) (01:30 UTC) for the 'Expression of thanks and brief introduction the status of loong64 port' talk. #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

Welcome back to our 3rd day of the 24th Debian Developers Conference held in Busan, Korea. Please check the the conference schedule:… for events and talks you would like to view. We will update before each talk and make announcements from this channel. Happy Debian to you! #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

Monday Tech Tip: Irie-AT’s Refreshable Braille Displays…

Announcing Aira’s Meta Ray-Ban Giveaway!

If you're not seeing the macOS Sequoia 15.1 beta, you'll need to go into your beta updates menu and choose macOS Sequoia 15.1 beta. not sure why it's different but there you go.

If you live in the riding don't forget to vote for…
in reply to Dave Mac Farlane

He is a Plante cheerleader and that's enough for me to not if I was in the riding.

It's ok if you haven't finished your novel yet.
It's ok if you haven't made the bed.
It's ok if you haven't broken free of your chrysalis, unfurled your great black wings, and spread moss & gloom across the wildlands.
There's still time.

What are people's thoughts about having multiple #mastodon accounts?
in reply to Khronos

I have multiple for different servers, totally fine to have this kind of thing going. I use an app like Mona or Tweesecake to manage all of them, but its nice to have so I can talk about my gaming interests without letting people know on that server that I also really enjoy scumbag activities.
in reply to Khronos

I can barely keep up with the one I have most days. Lol.

Searching has failed me--anybody know what was the earliest book to be printed in Europe by an author from the Islamic world? The earliest I have so far is the Libellus Isagogicus, an astrological work by Alcabitius in 1473.

Someone I know who is chronically ill recently contracted #covid because a healthy person she trusted didn't tell her about being at an indoor event.

They both got COVID. The healthy person bounced back. My chronically ill friend? Now sicker than she ever was and no way to know if her downturn is long term or permanent.

That's what it's like now. If you're already chronically ill the world is a dangerous place and healthy people generally DGAF.

After reading Google’s announcement that they no longer plan to deprecate third-party cookies, we the @tag wanted to make our position clear.

Third-party cookies have got to go.

We have updated our TAG finding “Third-party cookies must be removed” to spell out our concerns.……

Oh Mastodonians, #audioEditing question. I’m about to edit a podcast. I have trouble with volume levels. I don’t hear differences well, and have had to redo a lot of work in the past because others heard discrepancies. I have about 6 tracks, which will be mixed and crossfaded. I’m open to long-term learning, but for this project, the tools I know are Goldwave using Jaws, and reaper using NVDA. Are their steps I can take at the beginning, or implement at the end, to achieve a consistent volume?

it's been a while since I taught Advanced Compilers and this time I thought I'd start out having the class read a few big-picture papers about the field.

some ideas I had include:
- Reflections on Trusting Trust
- Impact of economics on compiler optimization
- Death of Optimizing Compilers…

what else should be on this list?

in reply to John Regehr

ok so @yosh suggested "A Catalog of Optimizing Transformations" which of course I should have thought of…

then there are a few fun things to read about Proebsting's Law such as…


What did people call ghosting before we had the term ghosting?

For example if people were having a romantic relationship mainly through written communication (letters/postcards) and then one suddenly cut off contact.

… just “cut off contact”?

in reply to sheepchase

TIL that the current use of the term “ghosting” dates back less than two decades. I thought people always used this word.

🚀 Cinny v4 Update! 🚀

We’re excited to roll out Cinny v4 with amazing new features and fixes:

Lobby feature for easier space management
Organize spaces into folders and customize room order
Multi-room message search with filters
Redesigned Explore Community section and new Notification Center
Key-based account registration and password reset support

Check out the update at

#matrix #cinnyapp #reactjs

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

We've just finalised and released the schedule for the next Inclusive Design 24 #id24 / 12 September 2024… #a11y #accessibility #inclusiveDesign #event

#WhatsApp for #Windows lets Python, PHP scripts execute with no warning

Granted, Python needs to be installed on the system prior.

Meta says they will not bother to fix this, despite maintaining a built-in list of potentially dangerous file types (ex: .exe)

#security #cybersecurity #messengers…

in reply to Casey Reeves

@xogium apparently this has been reported before. :ablobcatgoogly:

You would think they’d just add these to the list they already use, it’s low hanging fruit. But seems like it’s not worth the effort because it’ll “only” affect a handful of users.

in reply to Avoid the Hack! :donor:

@xogium oddly the same story goes for accessibility-related things, so this is an area in which security and accessibility can intersect in a strange way, too. Until there's mass-exploitation of this (and it's a bit limited of course with requiring Python to be in path to begin with), they may never get to it, it'll stay in Backlog for months, get punted to another team, go to their backlog, maybe a spike gets created over it, yada yada yada

Reminder to any fellow #interactiveFiction authors planning to enter #IFComp this year: you must submit an intent to enter no later than 1st August. Game files then due 28th August. Everything is running a month earlier this year. Don't leave it too late if you want to enter. Good luck! #TextAdventure #GameDev #IndieGames #TextGames #IFComp2024

I got my partner - who is non-technical - a Windows laptop for Christmas in 2023. A fancy one with Windows 11, TPM blah blah. Clean install.

It has Defender, Smart App Control enabled etc so I wasn’t concerned about the security.

Anyhoo, just looked at 7 months later and Defender is disabled, a ‘free’ AV called RAV is registered which appears to be a fake Chinese AV, Smart App Control is disabled, her traffic is routed to a Chinese VPN, her browser is Opera GX (a Chinese owned one).

in reply to Kevin Beaumont

She installed exactly one application, a movie player. It hijacked her entire system. This is why Recall is such a fucking bad idea btw, the idea Windows security is fixed is a joke - home users have no chance against this stuff.

One of the downstream effects of the AI boom that I hadn't really thought about is that sites are starting to introduce anti-crawling tech as standard, because they don't want all their bandwidth going to training chatgpt7.

This is going to make life harder for people who run benevolent scrapers. How many sites are going to be blocking the wayback machine now, just because it looks too much like an AI scraperbot?

Gajim 1.9.3 has been released 🎉

This release fixes an issue with the MS Store installer and brings some improvements. Thank you for all your contributions!

#xmpp #gajim #chat…

Nicoco reshared this.

in reply to Gajim

And @archlinux is still stuck on 1.8.4 😭

Can't wait to use all the new awesome features

Every time I use Be My AI, I get surprised by taking a new picture when all I wanted to do is to raise the volume of speech. I really think this should be a setting!
in reply to victor tsaran

@jscholes this was so infuriating to me that I've stopped using be my eyes entirely, and now exclusively use the shortcuts.
in reply to Talon

@jscholes and by infuriating I mean it happened every. single. time. For initial photo? Sure I guess. But once it's talking? Who thought this was a good idea? Haven't opened the app in months now. Don't miss it. Also imagine being able to save an image you've taken. Cool right?
in reply to Talon

@jscholes @talon I wondered whether that was intentional or just a side effect of invoking the camera, since the volume button triggers the camera elsewhere. But yeah, I agree, it's super annoying, even for the first photo sometimes when your volume is too low or something. Note that you can copy any image you've taken using the actions rotor if you start a conversation. If I recall correctly, you don't necessarily have to actually ask a question, but because it brings up the conversation history, you can copy the initial image from there.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jscholes @talon On the off chance that no one has provided feedback to them on this point, which I highly doubt, I just sent them feedback about this.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh @jscholes Nah I'm certain it used to not do this. And that's actually good to know, I thought that would copy the conversation link like the other share button does. I did leave feedback about this as well but it probably can't hurt to have more voices ask for an option to turn it off especially after the first photo. Although I got so used to the shortcut now that I will probably continue using that out of habit at this point the few times I do.
in reply to Talon

@jcsteh @jscholes This is where I probably find out it never actually copied any links and it was always an image. Heh
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh @jscholes @talon I'm going to say it's intentional because in seeing AI at least, the volume buttons act as normal.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh @jscholes @talon Caveat. So you've copied an image. What are you going to do now to get it into your photos? iMessage it to yourself?
in reply to x0

@jscholes @x0 @talon Fair. I'm one of these weird people who rarely ever uses Photos. I tend to copy images for other purposes, but not save them. But I'd say I'm almost certainly the exception, not the rule.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh @jscholes @talon If you are using the AI to compose a shot to then share, wouldn't it make sense to have it in your camera roll? I don't think you can paste images into, say, a facebook edit field.
in reply to x0

@talon @x0 @jscholes I rarely share images on social media. I have via messaging - iMessage, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Slack - but all those support pasting images. As I said, this is totally a weird me thing and I can't argue that it makes much sense. The way photos are organised on iOS just doesn't fit my brain somehow. I just want a file system with folders and file names, but that's not how things work by default without creating albums, etc.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh @talon @x0 @jscholes My biggest concern with this feature is that the original image is replaced with the new one after the volume key press. To be honest, it’s even annoying in the Camera app, but I do sometimes use the volume key for convenience. Anyway, a setting would do for now. I will send them my feedback.
in reply to Talon

@talon @jscholes Is there a shortcut I can use for screenshot descriptions with be my AI? That would be super handy, do a thing, takes screenshot which doesn't end up saved in my photos library and spits out a conversation from it.

meta, "banned words"

Sensitive content

in reply to Seirdy

Snac2 does! You put regular expressions in filter_reject.txt and any incoming post which matches a filter regex is silently dropped.

snac2 is great


Dear accessibility people. I have a project that has been laying on my shelf for a while and is almost ready for release. I've been putting it off for a more than a year now because of one issue I have. I needed both inteeractivity and server-side rendering, so I went with Next.js. It generally works, but whenever a page is reloaded, the title is "artificially" announced with a live region, and it doesn't feel like a page reload to a screen reader.

Can I do anything about this, or does it have to stay this way?

in reply to James Scholes

@jscholes So essentially what I was making was Applevis, except not just limited to Apple, basically an acessible product directory / db. Everything from apps and games, to microwaves, to music stuff and so on. The problem with that is that different categories need different form fields, so I convert my custom form schemas into a JSON schema, and then I get free, good-looking, accessible, auto-validating forms on the client and also proper validation on the server. I can just make a new category by adding a bunch of fields in schema.toml and it all just does it, frontend, backend and all. Doing this in HTML would be a lot harder.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@jscholes isn't that basically what custom content types in a CMS like Drupal would do? :)
in reply to Florian

@zersiax @jscholes TBH I'm not that familiar with CMSes. If all you have is a hammer, every solution looks like a nail and all that.
in reply to Florian

@zersiax Many server-side frameworks also offer this, or something similar. I understand that Nextjs gives client-side validation as a side effect, but I think the need for that is usually overstated. If people submit the form to the server, and get a new page back with the validation errors described, noone cares as long as they're marked up accessibly and written well. @miki