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Gentle reminder: Be mindful of your energy. Avoid people, places, and situations that put you in a bad mood. You deserve to be happy. You are blessed, you are amazing, you are wonderful, you are special, you are unique, you are talented, you are gifted, and you are loved.✨✨✨✨

With Trump waffling on whether he’ll show up, I’m confident that Debate Day, September 10, is going to be a big one for the Mastodon for Harris fundraiser. Either way we’ll be showing our support for #Harris and reminding Trump that her supporters are more numerous and enthusiastic than his. But no need to wait that long to make this point. You can donate right now at….

:kekw: :kekw: :kekw:


This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Bash/shell are the worst (mainstream) programming language(s) in use, for simple scripts too, and I can't believe that we're pretending that it's all fine, just because they're readily available and that's just the status quo. The whole family should be burned to the ground.

Čím viac klimatizácií si kúpite, tým viac bude teplo. :kekw:
in reply to c4t.dr34m

@radovan zvratné to je ale my nerobíme dosť pre to aby sme to zvrátili, my iba začíname (resp. sa tak iba tvárime že začíname) čiže aj keby sme dnes prestali lietať, jazdiť a jesť mäso to nezvrátime. Podotknem len to že je vojna a tam sa toho míňa/spaluje tiež dosť.

Bei Staiy gelernt, dass das neue "Kanaken" für Jugendliche aktuell "Talahons" ist, aber es sagen halt Weißbrote über migrantische Jugendliche, also wenn euer Kind damit anfängt ... viellei drauf hinweisen, dass es online grad vor allem Rechtsextreme nutzen, auch wenns ausm Deutschrap in den Sprachgebrauch geschwappt ist.

Alles, wirklich ALLES an dieser "Debatte" zu Solingen ist furchtbar, und schlicht unerträglich und inakzeptabel. Völlig entgleist😟
Ich lese auch deshalb wenig dazu*. Was ich nirgendwo lese ist etwas zu den Opfern dieser schrecklichen Tat, die scheinen vollkommen verdrängt von diesem rassistisch durchtränkten Fokus auf Migration.
Man könnte z.b. auch mal fragen, wie man die Ursachen islamistischer Radikalisierung bekämpfen kann.

*Kann sein, dass ich daher was übersehe🤷

in reply to Kris\Slyka

Thank you for that detailed video description, I had no idea the platters on record cutters were thicker and made of concrete. Also wow you can really clearly hear the audio being cut.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Pitermach

@pitermach well, they're not all made of concrete, but mine is. It's just the easiest and cheapest way to make something big and heavy in a custom shape. The old Neumann lathes had huge cast iron platters but that's kinda hard to DIY…

We've just become aware of a resource written for those who are #Blind and seeking employment. The person who told us about it says: "you can either read it directly on the webpage, or there is an accessible word document and I believe and accessible PDF. The author is blind, so he certainly did his best to make sure the book was accessible as possible to anyone who wanted to use it." Find it here:…

tyhle stručný poznámky jsou nebezpečný. málem jsem si objednal novej server!

naštěstí jsem si vzpomněl, že jen potřebuju tablety z lékárny

The #OpenStreetMap-api slightly changed yesterday-afternoon, causing many uploads made with #MapComplete to fail yesterday afternoon and night. However, there is error reporting and logging and @pietervdvn did manually run the failed changes.

If you had changes which didn't upload yesterday, check again and they might have appeared.

in reply to NeatNit

Ah, found it:… it's the /changeset/{id}.json endpoint. This is probably also the reason OSMCha is down - I'll open an issue with them.

Mám natiahnutý ľavý trapéz a dosť do bolí, to je z tej tácky ty vole... nevadí.

Restarting Thunderbird Live coding sessions from next week! 🚀

Monday tip:
Both Firefox and Microsoft Edge allow you to press Control + Shift +S to save part of a web-page or the full site. as a screenshot, .png file. This is quite interesting to me. I'm not sure if the selection part is accessible via keyboard to choose part of the page, but this was a random shortcut I bumped into, one which from my testing does not appear to exist on Google Chrome, unless the shortcut key is different.

"Microsoft Edge dialog Microsoft Edge is not responding
If you close the program, you might lose information." That's fine. It's a Monday. I understand the full risks of losing information, especially on such a day.

TIL conditional formatting in #LibreOffice calc goes wrong when your compare values are on another sheet and you save as xls file: the sheet reference gets dropped

Maybe it's a xls limitation, and mybe I should check the resulting xls before mailing it 🙄

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

That is the point about Durov
and @telegram

And I can't imagine knive's manufacturer s level of liability 🔪

in reply to Gaël Duval - /e/OS & Murena

Encore une fois, rien dans les docs ne va dans ce sens. "a priori" c'est loin d'être satisfaisant pour une propriété aussi importante.
in reply to Fabrice Desré

A lire dans blog.cryptographyengineering.c… : e2ee "is only available for one-on-one conversations, and never for group chats with more than two people in them. " , fermez le ban.

I haven't even finished my coffee yet but I've already come across a bunch of bad takes on the telegram thing today.

I've already boosted this, but I'm begging everyone to read this post by @evacide before forming a strong opinion on this:…

in reply to LibreOffice

Was she AI generated? Some definite weird quirks on the speech there such as "share idees" and "Free softwahrr". Didn't seem like it was just an accent.

#GenAI #AI #GenerativeAI

NIST has been working on a "Digital Identity Guidelines" document for a while, with the second draft being prepared for its final review:…

It looks like they want to include facial recognition as one of the options, but they insist that any solutions will need to take privacy into account.

I'm glad they're considering that, but I don't see any mention of relatively simple methods for fooling these systems, as discussed in this article (among others):…

in reply to ansuz / ऐरन

see also "We Broke Into A Bunch Of Android Phones With A 3D-Printed Head" which can be read in full if you disable javascript:…

in reply to ansuz / ऐरन

they're accepting public comments until October 7th, 2024.

I'm not American, nor do I have any particular industry experience with facial recognition other than a broad knowledge that biometric authentication is very often a terrible idea.

Perhaps someone on fedi who has a bigger stake in this wants to draft some open letter or something? I will happily add my signature to anything that raises these concerns in a well-considered manner.

I'll probably write something short if nothing substantial is organized before that deadline, but it would probably be more effective coming from a broader coalition.

#NIST #infosec

Allowing police officers to submit LLM-written reports reveals a remarkable misunderstanding of what LLMs do, a profound indifference to the notion of integrity in the communications of law enforcement with the justice system, or both.

Given how readily subject to suggestion human witnesses—including police officers—are known to be, this is a disaster.

Yes, police reports aren't always the most accurate, but introducing an additional layer of non-accountability is bad.…

The Librem 11 is the tablet that respects your rights. Powerful hardware meets ethical software. Work, create, and connect without sacrificing your digital autonomy. #Librem11 #PureOS #PrivacyFirst

Just a wild guess, but “will my messages remain private when they arrest the CEO of the company behind the messenger” is probably a good guiding question when deciding on your next chat app.

Most mirrors of libgen are now down. Anna's Archive is fighting to keep the lights on.

Hovorí sa že najlepšie čo môžeš po tréningu urobiť je sa najesť a pospať si... ja som si pospal a zobudil sa k*revsky rozbitý, všetko ma bolelo. :kekw:
in reply to Schmaker

@schmaker @theron29 ja som zdravý ale potrebujem vymeniť jeden z dvoch palivových článkov.
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

@schmaker Zní to funny, ale ten dvojsmysl mi jinak uniká (a to mám obecně hodně dirty mind 😇)

I really enjoyed @yatil new article on WCAG levels. When the WCAG Guidelines were being created members tried to correlate the different levels (A, AA, AAA) based on how difficult they'd be to implement. It would be helpful if the standards within each level designation were checked again. The standards could be regrouped based on their current level of difficulty. Please check out the full article for more information. #accessibility…

I guess collusion isn't illegal in canada. Some product I get regularly jumped from $23 to $30, regardless of the retail oligarchs I buy it from. That's a 30% gouge. in a month.

If that's not greedflation....

Mi propuesta para el logo del fediverso:
Una mano cerrada en puño con el dedo corazón extendido hacia arriba y la frase:
Móntate aquí.

Esto... que yo me iba a comer, hasta luego.

When meta glasses work to read something, they work very very well. But, when they fail, they fail spectacularly. For some reason, I could not get them to read me something that was right in front of me, the same exact thing I'd done before with other documents I had sitting before me. And other appps did much better.

It's a reminder that this device hasn't been enhanced for blind people's specific needs. It's a device/platform that happens to have features that help.

#accessibility #a11y

This year is the 30th anniversary of W3C. On Wednesday 25 September, at W3C@30, we will explore the impact of W3C standards on the world, imagine the possibilities for the next 30 years and celebrate our community with talks and a gala at our annual #w3cTPAC conference in Anaheim, CA.

Thank you to our sponsors @igalia and Organizations and individuals can sponsor the event (your sponsorship may be tax deductible if you pay US taxes)

See more:…


"La Ville de Beauharnois lui a envoyé deux avis de nuisances en juillet. Elle y indique avoir constaté lors d’inspections que « différents arbustes ne sont pas entretenus et poussent de manière désordonnée » sur son terrain."

"De son côté, M. Brossoit fait part de son incompréhension face à ces inspections, alors que de l’herbe à poux foisonne jusque sur la bordure du trottoir sur le terrain d’une résidence voisine."

#Québec #RébellionFruitière…

Unknown parent

Unknown parent

Hubert Figuière
je suis envieux de ses fruits. Nous on avais 5 pommes et toutes mauvaises....

Looking for a #gnome #linux suggestion. I'm running #debian on my laptop with Gnome. I'm looking for how to configure a Gnome hot key to do something I'm used to doing.

On a Mac or on Windows, Alt-Tab cycles through open applications. This works the same on Gnome. On both Windows and Mac there's another key combination (Ctrl-Tab on Windows, I think; Cmd-~ on Mac) that will let you cycle through windows of the currently focused application. If I have 2 or 3 terminal windows open, I can press Cmd-~ to bring different ones in focus. These keystrokes don't seem to be working in Gnome. I can't find a key sequence to switch between VSCodium windows, or terminal windows, or Firefox windows.

What's the trick?

in reply to Paco Hope #resist

the shortcuts are Super + Tab for switching between apps, and Super + the key above Tab, depending on your keyboard layout.

For more information:…

in reply to Emmanuele Bassi

@ebassi Everyone quickly pointed that out. So I must have messed something up by changing a setting somewhere. I'll go check my settings.…

"Trudeau says Canada will slap big tariffs on Chinese EVs "

In other news Governing for the lobbies. The Govt already killed the Canadian made Zenn car a decade and a half ago.

And nothing in sight to force the lobbies to produce smaller and cheaper EV.

(putting aside that EV are not the golden hammer of climate action)…

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Hubert Figuière

This is more complex than governing for the lobbies. This is not only to entertain the local economy (feeding the local workers rather than these at the other end of the planet), but also to prevent dependence, dumping, takeovers.

But I hope that there will be incentives for local <25k$ cars; while a good portion of people could use active or collective transportation most of the time, we do need cars, sometimes, and we'd better use energy-efficient ones that don't suffocate our closed, non-infinite atmosphere.

in reply to Jérôme Carretero

@cJ the lobby the one that sell F150 (dangerous) and doesn't have much smaller vehicle that would satisfy 90% of the trips made by these F150...

Listening to the S1/S2 Doctor Who soundtrack due to secret reasons and I’m mad at RTD all over again for Doomsday.
in reply to Tammy Garrison

Are you mad at him because Eccleston felt that he had to leave the series?