As neither of the current Accessibility team representatives are able to log-in to, team meetings are suspended until further notice. Bug scrubs will continue to run as normal.
Totally fine!… #A11y
Blog Tool, Publishing Platform, and CMS -
Open source software which you can use to easily create a beautiful website, blog, or
Jung, links, propalästinensisch – und am wenigsten antisemitisch
Eine neue Studie der Uni Mannheim zeigt: Der Antisemitismus-Vorwurf gegen linke Studierende geht »an den Tatsachen vorbei«. Zwischen propalästinensischen Einstellungen und Antisemitimus bestehe kaum ein Zusammenhang.
#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 15 updated and 1 added apps:
* BinEd - Binary/Hex Editor 🛡️
Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo
IzzyOnDroid F-Droid Repository
This is a repository of apps to be used with your F-Droid client. Applications in this repository are official binaries built by the original application developers, taken from their resp. repositories (mostly Github, GitLab, Codeberg).IzzyOnDroid App Repo
CumCum-Milliarden: Schredderpläne stoppen!
CumCum ist der größte Steuerraub der deutschen
Excel, Word, PowerPoint und Co. sind mittelmäßig. Weil sie aber allgegenwärtig sind, muss die reale Welt an ihre Mittelmäßigkeit angepasst werden. Wie aber können wir dieser Abhängigkeit vom Mittelmaß entkommen?…
Degitalisierung: Peak mittelmäßig
Excel, Word, PowerPoint und Co. sind mittelmäßig. Weil sie aber allgegenwärtig sind, muss die reale Welt an ihre Mittelmäßigkeit angepasst werden. Doch der Abhängigkeit vom Mittelmaß können wir
Israel's ongoing massacre of Jabalia refugee camp is one of the most violent attacks on Palestinian people in a year of violent attacks, in 78 years of violent attacks.
People need to stop scrolling past these crimes of humanity. No more excuses. Or saying "it's complicated".
Everyday, Palestinian people are being slaughtered by Israel, and too many people don't care because they're racist shits who don't see Arabs/brown people as human.
(Yes, you, the person that will report me for this post, you are a racist shit)
@palestine #Gaza #Genocide #FreePalestine #AntiArabRacism…
Israeli forces push deeper into Jabalia amid new expulsion orders in northern Gaza
Israeli forces continued to push deeper into the Jabalia area on Saturday amid heavy air and ground bombing, as troops pressed on with a week-long offensive in northern Gaza.MEE staff (Middle East Eye)…
ŽIVĚ: Starship (IFT-5)
Přímý přenos pokusu o start rakety SuperHeavy B12 s lodí Starship 30. V rámci tohoto testovacího letu loď poletí na transatmosférickou dráhu. Nepůjde tedy o ...YouTube
Hey, they did it! People have known for a long time that in 4 dimensions you can pack equal-sized balls so that each touches 24 others. In 2008 someone showed that's the best you can do. But in April this year, three mathematicians showed there's essentially just 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑦 you can accomplish this!
This way is easy to describe. Take the points whose coordinates are all integers, together with those whose coordinates are all integers plus 1/2. Use each of these points as the center of a ball of radius 1/2. Then each ball touches 24 others. This pattern is called the 𝗗𝟰 𝗹𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗲.
The new result shows that if you pack equal-sized balls in 4 dimensions so that each touches 24 others, you're 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑑 to create a version of the D4 lattice - possibly rotated, translated and/or rescaled.
This sort of thing is hard to show: it took a lot of fancy math and two weeks of calculation on a standard desktop computer. I believe only other dimensions where we know a result like this are 1, 2, 8 and 24. In dimension 3 it's just false: you can pack equal-sized balls so that each touches 12 others, and this is the best you can do, but there are uncountably many different ways to do it!
Optimality and uniqueness of the $D_4$ root system
We prove that the $D_4$ root system (the set of vertices of the regular $24$-cell) is the unique optimal kissing configuration in $\mathbb R^4$, and is an optimal spherical
Justin Ling: This Toronto team knows how to talk down extremists. Their secret tactic might surprise you
Canadian agencies like Yorktown Family Services in Toronto have developed proven tactics for de-radicalizing youth. We need to build on those breakthroughs, write Justin Ling, not let them waste away.Justin Ling (Toronto Star)
I'm a little puzzled at the salience that is being given to the Apple conclusions on #LLM #reasoning when we have lots of prior art. For example: LLMs cannot correctly infer a is b, if their corpora only contain b is a. #Paper:
The Reversal Curse: LLMs trained on "A is B" fail to learn "B is A"
We expose a surprising failure of generalization in auto-regressive large language models (LLMs). If a model is trained on a sentence of the form "A is B", it will not automatically generalize to the reverse direction "B is A"
I tend to think so too. I suppose it shouldn't really surprise me, but I expected a bit more critical engagement.
There's lots of evidence on the limits of LLM reasoning, as well as pretty basic self-reference and so on (how many letters l does this statement include?). And yes, reasoning is being used rather technically in the sense of deductive inference.
Remember this? Where ministers belonging to the biggest party in government were hellbent on deporting a sick child before his application could be approved but their coalition partners effectively vetoed it meaning the kid and his family got asylum?…
Well, it’s looking like this pissed that party’s MPs off to such an extent that the government has collapsed, meaning we’re about to have an election about the same time as the Americans.
Yazan and family receive asylum in Iceland - RÚ
Yazan Tamimi and his parents received asylum in Iceland yesterday. Last month they were scheduled to be forcibly removed to Spain, but the Minister of Justice stopped the deportation after an intervention by the Minister of Social Affairs.RÚV
ok.danke.tschüss - Zu laut in der Disko (Live Session)
NEU - UNSERE 1. SINGLE - Vincent van Gogh: Hier streamen:üss: Homepage | http://okdanketschuess.deInstagram | ...YouTube
The last time I made a video about #Ableton, it was to do with Note, their iOS music-making app.
This video is an Ableton-first, in which I bring you their newest piece of hardware, #AbletonMove.
It ships with a web-based screen-reader and I've been enjoying it for many months.
It uses sounds from Note, but in a hardware form.
32 poly-aftertouch pads, four tracks of midi (or samples,) 8 knobs, USB-C for power and controlling Ableton Live and a USB-A port for connecting class-compliant midi devices, should you wish to trigger it from a keyboard.
Please be advised that screen-reader support is currently an experimental feature and is not fully fleshed out.
Not all aspects of the experience are as desired and there are a few kinks, but it is very much better than nothing whatsoever, and I am extremely thankful to the team that made this possible.
Ableton themselves are not talking about this screen-reader function in any of their literature, but I think it's important enough that it deserves recognition, and to bring an accessible groove-box to blind people in this way.
#InspiredBySound - Let's Move! (Ableton Move Accessibility Overview)
#Accessibility #ScreenReader
Kia, Hyundai, Tesla... Vorsicht, was man im Auto sagt (oder "macht")!
Australien: Auto-Hersteller geben biometrische Daten der Kunden an Dritte weiter…
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It converts the following text:
Every time I see someone light up, um, because of something I’ve made, it’s like, wow, a little piece of my inner child gets healed, you know? And, um, when...snip
To the attached speech.
Tamas G reshared this.
You can easily plug this into an open-source LLM and get something akin to NotebookLM.
Totally free and open-source, with very high quality.
Other than the text completion part, you are almost correct.
You give it some text, and an audio sample, and it tries to replicate the given voices characteristics.
Research is active in the areas of speaker verification and audio deep fake detection to combat misuse.
But again, can't you say the same thing about ElevenLabs? And other voice conversion tech?
Máme na prodej dvě grafické karty AMD SAPPHIRE RX 5700 XT OC 8GB a Sapphire RX 5700 Pulse XT OC 8GB.
Dále máme ještě dva modely grafických karet od nVidia k prodeji na skladě. Na prodej je MSI GTX 1660 Super Ventus a MSI GTX 1660 Super GAMING X vše 6GB.
Záruka na odzkoušení 7 dní!
Cena dohodou = pište na a nebo zde zprávu.
#kryptoguru #gpu #mining
I just remembered this amateur music recording project that I was part of early in the pandemic, a cover of "We Are the Champions" by Queen:… We all recorded our parts at home, then someone mixed it together. My voice is the first one. Note: There are about 10 seconds of silence at the beginning.
Yes, this kind of virtual collaboration has been done many times before, and often better. But I was part of this one.
jo, váhal jsem, jaké české punkové album a jaké od znouzecnosti, a bude to tohle, protože bylo první od nich, které jsem měl na CD a ne na kazetě a fakt mi ovlivnilo 🙂
takže překryv mít budeme, světový punk bude asi zastoupen něčím od Ramones (i když je neposlouchám už 30 let)
ale z jiného soudku: proč se mi to syncuje tady u Pirátů a ne na 🤔
To bylo první album ZNC co jsem koupil. Taková klasika. Ramones si pustím už jen občas v autě.
A neblokuješ na #20albums20days ??
ne, určitě neblokuju, taky tuhle hru hrajeme (i když já sám ne tak úplně podle pravidel - dávám komentáře a odkazy na youtube, místo fotek obalů)
Králičí díra v tomhle sahá někam hluboko, protože když jsem si explicitně vyžádal tenhle status, hodilo mi to Error 500... že by nekompatibilita mezi backendy verzí 4.2.x a 4.3.x? Pokus o restart sidekiq a webu skončil tím, že to už nenaběhlo, takže jsem rebootl komplet VPS... a ejhle, status se adresovat dá a dokonce jsem ho boostnul.
aby jí polibkem proměnil
kouzlem stává se z něho žabák
sotva k ní ústa přiblížil
Vaultwarden: Bezpečný správce hesel pro každého
#Aplikace #vaultwarden #opensource
There is a global need for us to stand up for our #RightToRide. Here is a message I just sent to Uber, which explains what we just went through tonight.
I am blind and use a white cane. My wife is also blind and is accompanied by a guide dog.
This evening, we enjoyed dinner with friends, and upon leaving the restaurant, used the Uber app to request a ride home.
The driver pulled up almost immediately, but I still sent a text to him to let him know that my wife and I are blind and that she was traveling with a guide dog. I asked the driver if he could assist us to his vehicle.
One of my friends has some useable vision, and was able to direct us to the vehicle. The driver told my friend that he wasn’t going to take us and that we had to call Uber pet. All of us explained calmly and clearly that guide dogs were not pets, that it was illegal for him to refuse to carry us.
The driver did not believe us. He kept insisting we must use Uber Pet, or Uber Assist. At this point, I explained the process as I understood it. That if he drove away in breach of the law, we would notify Uber. Uber would begin an investigation which would result in the driver being barred from the platform pending that investigation, and possible further training.
At this point, I was videoing the exchange on my phone for evidence, which I may yet still provide to the media. The driver continued to insist that he wasn’t required to transport us. I indicated that since he was breaking the law, we also had the option to call the police.
As I am tired of having my civil rights violated by Uber drivers in this way, I calmly advised the driver that I was going to sit in the vehicle while my friends called the police. I explained that while in it, I would also seek to raise assistance from someone at Uber.
At this point, he said, “OK, I’ll take you”. I didn’t feel particularly safe, but I advised my wife that we were no longer being refused a ride and that she should get into the back of the vehicle with her guide dog.
During the ride home, the driver was courteous and I think curious, but he continued to insist that he wasn’t required to take us, that he was only doing so out of sympathy for us because we are blind. I took the opportunity to educate, to explain how well trained guide dogs are. He asked what functions guide dogs performed and we explained them to him. But he kept insisting that Uber had told him that disabled people with dogs should use Uber Assist or Uber Pet. For the record, we used Uber X because a driver was nearby and it was raining heavily.
To add insult to injury, because of the altercation which took several minutes, we have been charged extra for the ordeal we endured.
Clearly, something is seriously deficient in terms of the way Uber trains and onboards its drivers. Blind people should not be made to feel like they are liars, and have to take action to prevent the vehicle from leaving the scene so the police can get involved, just to get home from a night out.
Drivers must know the law, and Uber must take responsibility for ensuring drivers are aware of the law and comply with it.
This was a deeply distressing, upsetting conclusion to what was a pleasant night. We should be able to enjoy a night out without it ending like this.
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