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Freu mich, mich mit Euch zu KI in der Gemeinde auszutauschen! #gottdigital

📢 GOTTDIGITAL Online-Konferenz 2025 für die christliche Community, mit 24 Sessions rund um das Thema „Tools & Transformation“, präsentiert von 29 Speakern!

⏰ Wann: Samstag, 15. Februar 2025, 10.00 - 19.00 Uhr

👥 Ganztags kannst du dich in unserem GOTTDIGITAL Café mit Gleichgesinnten treffen und die digitalen Messe-Ständen unserer Konferenz-Partner besuchen.

🗓️ Session-Plan und Anmeldung:…

🌟 OSCLOUD: Od malého projektu k velké Open-source komunitě! 🌟

Začali jsme jako malý projekt na podporu Open-source aplikací, dnes máme:
✅ Dva Mastodon servery
✅ PixelFed s 1000+ uživateli
✅ PeerTube VHSKY pro videa
...a další!
💻 A teď s radostí představujeme nový web 👉
Za jeho podobou stojí @cynik_obecny – díky za skvělou práci! 🙌
Připojte se a objevte svět Open-source – svoboda, soukromí a bezpečnost u nás vždy na prvním místě!

#OpenSource #Mastodon #PixelFed

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The TikTok ban, the Musk Twitter takeover, the Facebook moderation policy changes, the Republicans’ rapidly intensifying crackdowns on speech... let these be the proof you needed to move anything you care about online to a space you control.

Digital sovereignty is more important than ever.


in reply to Graham Sutherland / Polynomial

TL;DR yes Lycos still exists, they use Bing as a backend now, they seem to do a decent job of stripping out Bing's LLM summaries and replacing them with actual page text, and all they do is search, no upsell value-add KPI-farming nonsense. which in 2025 has somehow become practically unobtainium.
This entry was edited (4 days ago)

Ach, was waren das für Zeiten als wir uns vernetzten 😃
* Mailboxnetze via DFÜ
* usenet
* Web 1.0
* AOL und Compuserve
* StudiVZ
* Facebook
* MySpace
* Twitter
* Instagram

#Geschichte... ist lange her...


I wrote a LinkedIn thing but I’m putting it here as well so you don’t have to go there:

The TikTok ban is, more than anything, a protectionist move veiled in national security language. It addressses a privacy concern by banning one service that is not a US-based concern, while not addressing the privacy and security issues that every other social platform (including this one right here) have failed to address on their own adequately. And considering that China managed to hack law enforcement hooks into nearly every telecom service in the US, it’s a bit like closing the door to a barn that has already burned to the ground.

We are in a period of extended remix disinformation, unrestrained personal data harvesting, and algorithmic mass surveillance and manipulation that extends beyond social platforms into internet retail, education, search and as-a-service platforms. Every click, purchase, interaction, and view is being monetized in some way by default. Our ability as individuals to counter this is extremely limited; even when we opt out of data collection, we don’t really opt out of data collection-we just opt out of reaping its “benefits” within the platforms themselves.

Using Privacy Badger from Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is one way to at least staunch some of the privacy bleed. But as we’ve seen, Google, Meta and others keep finding ways to gather data to ‘monetize’ in some way through their browsers and apps.

That data can be used for ill by a variety of players—including cybercriminals who use targeted malicious advertising on websites and search engines to deliver malware. It has been used in the past to target disinformation campaigns and manipulate political discourse.

True free speech is speech without manipulation, and being able to choose which conversations you want to be part of. Shutting down TikTok because of its China ties—an act that the incoming administration will likely seek to reverse in exchange for favors—is not the answer. It’s not even addressing the right question

„Ви македонци употреблявате много турцизама, а ми срби йок.“ Не мога 😄 -> По повод на речник на турцизмите в българския език за турци (2016) на М. Тюркер Аджароглу. Стаменов, Звънчарова, Институт за български език, БАН.

And another recommendation while I'm here, this one for basically every platform, I kept hearing @joplinapp brought up in discussionss of best note taking apps, and I finally sat down to try it out after they advertised accessibility improvements in the latest update and yeah I'm loving it so far. Everything has hotkeys, the controls read very well including the quick search/command palette, you have a markdown preview right next to the note you're working on, it has a spell checker, you can attach files to your notes, and everything syncs encrypted to any device using pretty much whatever you want, it supports everything from syncing through a local directory on your filesystem which is only on the desktop version, to dropbox/onedrive/webdav or their own cloud solution. It's an app with a simple and very accessible interface with a lot of features

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in reply to Pitermach

That's right! Finally a good working notes app for Windows and iOS at the same time. From myself, I'll add that the browser plug-in that allows you to save the content of articles for later also works great, from my tests it does very well with pulling up entire articles, and if that wasn't enough for someone, they can always save the entire page as markdown or HTML.

My favourite (but not exclusive) youtubers that don't often (if ever) take a sponsor and ruin a perfectly good video with a 90-minute segment about this or that VPN provider, healthy food box (only available in the US) or crypto shite:

Techmoan, Technology Connections, VWestlife, Fascinating Horror, Adrian's Digital basement, LGR, The 8-bit Guy, Dose Of Buckley, Game Sack, Cathode Ray Dude, Tech Tangents, Ringway Manchester.

I'm sure there's more but there's some people who are worth your time imo.

This entry was edited (3 days ago)

It amuses me how many people are freaking out because tiktok is no more! Like yeah I browsed it occasionally when I had nothing to do, but its loss means nothing lol: Go read a book! You travel further doing that.

Ever since iStatMenus 7 came out and completely broke VoiceOver accessibility I was looking for a replacement Mac resource monitor which could quickly show me IE what app is currently eating up the CPU or ram without bringing up the activity monitor, and I think I found one that's not only better because it shows you more info, but also free and open-source. It's simply called Stats, and in the most recent version the developer has given the different menu icons clear VoiceOver labels. The only thing it doesn't currently have is the option to quickly open the different modules with hotkeys, and the menu icons only read their name and not displayed values so you need to open a module to read it, but both of these are in the works.

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in reply to Mew✨🥰

@masonasons NP. I saw it recommended on reddit, saw it was really close to being perfect so reached out to the dev to fix up the labeling. Glad I did.

A young Aphex Twin in his studio.

20 year old Mat: Yessss. That's so cool, he's a chaotic Techno genius

51 year old Mat: I hope that equipment has all been PAT tested recently. I bet his parents electricity bill is shocking

Video games don’t make people violent.

Lag does.

Am I the only one who isn't effected by this tictoc ban? rofl
in reply to J🎶

Me neither, only visit it like once a month or something. And mainly because of my sister and her friend. Haha.

Sea Cucumbers Poop and Breathe Through a Cloaca. Wouldn't that make farting a bit tricky?
They can also eject their internal organs to scare off predators:…

Report: ‘Little to no’ iPhone SE inventory remains in Apple Stores…

Happy Sunday everyone! ☀️ i got so much done yesterday that today is my day of chilling 🥳 I hope everyone has an awesome day! 🙌

Chrome, as of 132, finally has keyboard support for scrolling containers:…

This assumes it doesn’t get rolled back again, as it has every other time it was deployed since 2018.

Silence from Safari.

#accessibility #a11y

mám pivo trávu podklady môžem písať o morálke :kekw:
This entry was edited (3 days ago)
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

OK, najprv som chcel dat ako namet cosi typu "moralka vs. NR SR" a "fungovala by NR SR lepsie, ak by alkohol vymenili za travu?". Ale aj ten pravek & co. je dobry.

Much of what is commonly said about #email and #openpgp is wrong. It can very well be fast and secure and that's a claim backed by working code and deployments and audits (#chatmail servers and the #deltachat family of apps). There is no both-sides-have-opinions game to be played here. Internet-scale messaging alternatives are arguably either centralized or brittle. There is however much room for further improvements including deep changes in how we commonly understand email today. Stay tuned :)
in reply to holga

@hpk @wiktor @rpgp @vanitasvitae You mean because you have to parse MIME anyway? Yes I still believe there are benefits to JMAP. The sync process is just a lot cleaner and you have submission via the same protocol.
The MIME that is inside a modern PGP encrypted email is also a lot saner than what you would find in some emails.

But yes I was a little upset when I learned that I do have to parse MIME after all.

News for Copilot haters / AI haters in general: The Copilot "offer" UI that was added to Github last month can now be disabled. If you go to Settings->Copilot there is now a new "Visibility" setting available to non-Copilot users, in my testing setting it to "disable" removes the Copilot box in the top toolbar and the (fake— clicking it just takes you to a signup page) Copilot "search box" on the front page.

to to všetko iba podtrhuje, toto sa mi ešte nestalo

no ja by som sa začínal cítiť divne :kekw: a hovorí to Heretik, to by som sa už asi aj zakopal..…

This entry was edited (3 days ago)

Und noch eine weitere Frage zum Thema Aufgabenlisten: Kennt jemand eine Debian GNU/Linux Anwendung, mit der man Aufgaben bzw. Aufgabenlisten mittels calDAV synchronisieren bzw. verwalten kann? Die Aufgabenverwaltung in Thunderbird finde ich nicht sonderlich gelungen.
in reply to Mike Kuketz 🛡

Evolution sollte das können. Und bzgl. der Farben: erinnere mich dumpf, dass das in der Nextcloud (via Web-Interface) ging. Nutze Tasks allerdings selbst nicht, mag mich also irren…
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

včera som od susedov alebo spolubývajúceho počul Cyndi a dnes ju mám celý deň v hlave 😄 ...neuveriteľné
This entry was edited (3 days ago)

Welcome to the RB family, MBCompass 🥳…

MBCompass is a simple, reliable compass app with a sleek design and accurate navigation.

Thanks to Mubarak Basha, its developer, for making this possible! :awesome:

This brings us to a new milestone: also welcome the "3rd egg" 🐣

RB status: 410 apps (33.3%)

Meaning: each 3rd app, 1 out of 3, at IzzyOnDroid is now covered by RB 🥳

#reproducibleBuilds #IzzyOnDroid

in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

for example it looks like I can install NewPipe from many repos with the same signature. Unless these are copies of the same APK it means there is some cross-signing right?
in reply to Leo

@leo It's not cross-signing; those entries with identical signatures are signed by the same key (here, the one of the NewPipe team & signed by them, so same APK).

For NewPipe, I'd recommend installing it from their repo, for faster updates (YT breaks its own stuff frequently, in effect breaking the app; their own repo is where the adjusted APK will show up first; F-Droid's repo usually takes 2..5 days longer; IzzyOnDroid just a few hours, so that would be fine as well, depending on your needs).



- P. premiér, ten #kataster, stále nejde, mohli by ste…


- Majdan! Šimečka!!! Dlažobné kocky už sú opäť pripravené!!!!!! …

#vtip #SarcasmButOnlyHalf

in reply to Peter Hanecak

vieš koľko ich je tam a tam na Hviezdku z toho ako je to tam a tam a tam rozj****? Hodně a tých čo ešte nie sú ešte viac. To ma tak napadlo len.
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

@SuspiciousDuck Rozdrbanych ciest a teda materialu na hadzanie mame pod "vladcami" typu fico vzdy dost.

To je tak, kricat "majdan" ked 30 rokov robi len pre seba a kamosov (a ostatnym len "osraty a ostany kostial"¹) a teda ten majdan vlastne sam vyraba.

¹ Vec - Krv na rukách

"Presne tak to oni robia
predtým jak ti hodia koštial ho oserú a oštia."

Morálka je podľa stoicizmu možná iba na základe skutočného poznania, čiže poznania božských a ľudských vecí.

A comment in an article about prototyping in Rust [1] led me to this ~11 year old article by a programmer who decided to use Java for all non-throwaway programming:…

I think java isn't as dominant now as it was when that article was written, but the article's arguments for prioritizing programming in the large resonate with me. But I want my default language to be Rust, because of its added guardrails for safety and correctness.


in reply to Matt Campbell

And by the early 2010s, when I was in my early 30s, the future was supposedly going to be all about native mobile and/or client-heavy web apps, where small size and closeness to the platform are important. For a while I did iOS (and Mac) apps in Lua, using a two-way Lua/ObjC bridge called Wax. But at some point I decided I needed to make the jump to static languages. I wasn't going to become limited as a generalist developer because I was too wedded to Python or dynamic languages in general.
in reply to Matt Campbell

My first major project developed under this new mindset was a client-side web app I did in the first half of 2013. I wrote it in JavaScript, but I used the Google Closure Compiler in advanced mode, with type annotations (in doc comments, ugh), all the optimizations that compiler could do, and the Closure Library. Aside from that library, I ported one third-party dependency to Closure-flavored JS and wrote the rest myself. The final bundle size was ~250K uncompressed. I considered this a triumph.
in reply to Matt Campbell

Of course, I was short-sighted, over-optimizing for one dimension (runtime efficiency). Even while I continued to maintain that application over the next few years, I rarely updated the Closure compiler or library. And, in the decade plus since, the JS community at large has gone in a different direction.
in reply to Matt Campbell

One of my projects in the latter half of 2013 was an Android app written directly in Java, and by late 2014, I was looking at various ways to write cross-platform code in one language and compile it to native code on iOS and JVM/Dalvik bytecode on Android. The top two contenders for me were J2ObjC, another Google internal tool that they had open-sourced, and an obscure proprietary compiler called RemObjects Elements. Remember, I wanted to optimize for small size and closeness to the platform.
in reply to Matt Campbell

In 2015, the biggest project that I shipped that year was a desktop app (some of my blind followers can probably guess which one). I wanted it to have as native a UI as possible, only using web views for document content. As I was trying to choose the best tool for the job and not just the most comfortable one, I was going to use the SWT GUI toolkit for Java, which had good accessibility on both Windows and macOS. I was determined to have a no-compromise UX while sharing code across platforms.
in reply to Matt Campbell

So I figured I'd write the whole app in Java, using a lightweight third-party JVM implementation called Avian, that could even compile JVM bytecode ahead of time to a stand-alone executable. I was finally going to have it all, even in a desktop app: native-feeling UI, small size, and instant startup time, across platforms. Yes, I'd have to write in painfully verbose Java, but it would be so worth it. That was the plan, anyway.
in reply to Matt Campbell

But I couldn't make myself push through it. The first sign of trouble was when I found myself having to either adapt an existing JNI binding for the libcurl HTTP client, or write my own (I don't remember which), so I could have an HTTP client while keeping executable size down. And I knew I was going to have to write bindings for more native stuff. I had already done plenty of that for Lua in 2007-08, and I didn't want to do more JNI glue code. I missed good old Python and ctypes.
in reply to Matt Campbell

I also had some existing Python code, which ran on the server in a previous implementation of the product I was rewriting, but now I wanted to run it on the user's desktop so that functionality could be available offline. And I was just all around more comfortable with Python and its ecosystem than I was with the JVM ecosystem.
in reply to Matt Campbell

So I basically restarted the project, in Python. It felt good to be using Twisted, requests, and other familiar Python libraries again, not to mention my own existing Python code. But I was determined to still use SWT for the UI. So this app was a mongrel; I embedded the Avian JVM via a Python package called pyjnius, and used that just to bring in SWT. Yes, it was a mess. But I managed to deliver the native-feeling UI across Windows and Mac, with minimal platform-specific code.
in reply to Matt Campbell

But that project felt to me like a shameful retreat from the full set of goals I had set for it, goals that, in retrospect, I realize didn't really matter to anyone else, not just users, but the others at my company. Still, I felt that my plan B using Python was a capitulation to the requirement to unblock my productivity and get the thing out quickly. I don't think I stopped to reconsider the priorities that had led me to try doing the whole thing in Java.
in reply to Matt Campbell

BTW, that desktop app went into beta in June 2015, a month or so after I had started over in Python. The Windows package size for the latest version of that app is ~44 MB uncompressed, or ~12 MB compressed with 7-Zip. That's not as bad as an Electron app today, but it was still shameful to me at the time.
in reply to Matt Campbell

Like I said, I hadn't really reconsidered my priorities or pondered what lessons to take from the failure of my original approach to that project. For my big 2016 project, a consumer app spanning desktop, mobile, TV set-top boxes (initially the newly accessible Apple TV), and, we assumed, eventually a client-side web version for Chromebooks, I was going to double down on runtime efficiency (especially small size), closeness to the platforms, and no-compromise native UI.
in reply to Matt Campbell

So I decided to write the cross-platform non-UI code in Java. That would be native to Android, for the Apple platforms I'd use J2ObjC, for Windows I'd use IKVM.NET (a JVM implementation on top of .NET), for the eventual web port (which never happened), I was planning to use Google Web Toolkit or maybe Google's new j2cl if it was ready in time. For the UI, I would use the native language and toolkit of each platform, or maybe SWT again on Windows and Mac.
in reply to Matt Campbell

What I actually did for the UI was reuse a bunch of code from the previous platform-specific versions of this app that I was trying to unify. The previous Android version was pure Java (that was the late 2013 project from earlier in the thread). The rest was compromises on my pure vision: Lua and wax for the iOS, Mac, and Apple TV versions (see earlier), and for Windows, a mongrel of .NET and Windows Forms (I had started on that in 2014) plus some of the Lua code from 2007-08.
in reply to Matt Campbell

I did actually get to reuse some non-UI code across platforms, including the audio player and some code for managing downloaded content and synchronizing the user's playback position with the server. But another compromise, the big one, was this: the Ui was a hybrid between native and server-rendered web views. There was just no other way I was going to ship the damn thing. And a few features remained exclusive to the Windows version (the original).
in reply to Matt Campbell

And still, after the compromises of this 2016 project and the one before, I hadn't learned my lesson: the inevitability of tradeoffs and the importance of picking the right ones. I think I saw the compromises of both projects as simply a failure to be perfectly productive.
in reply to Matt Campbell

I mean, I'd take 44 mb over 200, 300 mb that electron apps these days are.

I love open source, and I want young people to know there’s a career path outside of #FAANG. Open source can be financially sustainable—it just gets super hard if one of your key goals is making your investors even richer. #Conversations_im is about the same age as #Matrix. I never took VC funding, and I’m doing fine.


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in reply to Daniel Gultsch

I could use some guidance in getting income from my projects. Users very seldom donate.
in reply to Daniel Gultsch

I need to believe this is an avenue I can take eventually, because I'm not sure I have the mental strength for too much more working to make other people money left in me
This entry was edited (2 days ago)

WordPress Credit Card Skimmers Evade Detection by Injecting Themselves into Database Tables

Cybersecurity researchers are warning of a new stealthy credit card skimmer campaign that targets #WordPress e-commerce checkout pages by inserting malicious JavaScript code into a database table associated with the content management system (CMS).…

Если на батарее написано 7.4 вольта, а на вольтметр она выдает 5.8, значит ли это что она умерла.....

(Я пытаюсь найти спеки, но гуглятся они очень плохо)

in reply to Мя

в последнее время, всё гуглится плохо. Кури другой поисковик. Сам знаю, как оно ужасно работает.
in reply to Zvonimir Stanecic

@asael у меня SearxNG, он подтягивает результаты из нескольких

Но если честно, говно выдают вообще все по ощущениям

in reply to Мя

Как Иваси пел.... При производстве этого контента, используется свежее говно....
in reply to Мя

я об этом:…

"Hey, what's your password?"

Nice try. My password is:


Enjoy your Sunday! 🤩

🔐 #Encryption #Privacy #Security 🔐

in reply to Tuta

something like `Wq\7x3ka0TEcuVJm<:u-AL\DK&RpYc2$`

ja som vedel že niečo potrebujem včera urobiť, no občiansku.. keby nenapíše neviem kedy si spomeniem

"I am still and anchored to the earth, calm. Motionless. But as soon as the right wind comes, I will soar and be everywhere, light, happy and free."

#photography #photo #picture #pic #flowers #plants #sunset #autumn #SilentSunday

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