On my recent #Lufthansa flight, I noticed their free messaging plan on the onboard Wi-Fi allows #XMPP traffic (likely via port 5223), but HTTP uploads were blocked. So, I added a new feature to #Conversations_im that lets users retry failed uploads via Jingle P2P file transfer, which will fall back to IBB if needed. Can’t wait to test it on the return flight! ✈️


This entry was edited (1 month ago)

GNOME Has No Czech Translators

For at least the last 15 years, the translations of GNOME into Czech have been in excellent condition. With each release, I would only report that everything was translated, and for the last few years, this was also true the vast majority of the documentation. However, last year things started to falter. Contributors who had been carrying this for many years left, and there is no one to take over after them. Therefore, we have decided to admit it publicly: GNOME currently has no Czech translators, and unless someone new takes over, the translations will gradually decline.

Personally, I started working on GNOME translations in 2008 when I began translating my favorite groupware client – Evolution. At that time, the leadership of the translation team was taken over by Petr Kovář, who was later joined by Marek Černocký who maintained the translations for many years and did an enormous amount of work. Thanks to him, GNOME was almost 100% translated into Czech, including the documentation. However, both have completely withdrawn from the translations. For a while, they were replaced by Vojtěch Perník and Daniel Rusek, but the former has also left, and Dan has now come to the conclusion that he can no longer carry on the translations alone.

I suggested to Dan that instead of trying to appeal to those who the GNOME translations have relied on for nearly two decades—who have already contributed a lot and are probably facing some form of burnout or have simply moved on to something else after so many years—it would be better to reach out to the broader community to see if there is someone from a new generation who would be willing and energetic enough to take over the translations. Just as we did nearly two decades ago.

It may turn out that an essential part of this process will be that the GNOME translations into Czech will decline for some time.Because the same people have been doing the job for so many years, the community has gotten used to taking excellent translations for granted. But it is not. Someone has to do the work. As more and more English terms appear in the GNOME interface, perhaps dissatisfaction will motivate someone to do something about it. After all, that was the motivation for the previous generation to get involved.

If someone like that comes forward, Dan and I are willing to help them with training and gradually hand over the project. We may both continue to contribute in a limited capacity, but the project needs someone new, ideally not just one person, but several, because carrying it alone is a path to burnout. Interested parties can contact us in the mailing list of the Czech translation team at diskuze-l10n-cz@lists.openalt.org.

#gnome #l10n #translations

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NVDA Alpha 35286 finally adds leading silence detection and removal logic. The changelog says:
"The silence at the beginning of speech will now be trimmed when using OneCore voices, SAPI5 voices, and some third-party voice add-ons to improve their responsiveness."
Though not mentioned in the changelog, it also affects eSpeak NG.
NVDA 2025.1 is shaping up to be a huge release.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh @asael Thanks everyone for all the great feedback on this (note that GitHub is the best place for feedback, but we won't ignore feedback here if we see it (noting that in some cases - such as this - NV Access may not be the author of a PR - so do keep reporting things on GitHub - in any case, this one is being worked on, so do keep on the lookout for improvements in future builds. Thanks again!

APOD from 2025-02-11

The Spider and the Fly

In the constellation Auriga, emission nebulas IC 417 (Spider) and NGC 1931 (Fly), both about 10,000 light-years away, house young star clusters. The deep image from Berkshire UK reveals these cosmic clouds with the Fly spanning 10 light-years.

HD image at apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap250211.ht… #astronomy #nebula #universe

Stop using #Google, cubs. Transition looks harder than it really is because we are creatures of habit, but there are better pastures beyond.

I myself have a @Tutanota subscription and use it for #email, calendar, and contacts (all three things you get on the email app). Very happy with how it works and how the contacts integrate with iPhone.

Check out these European alternatives ✨


#tech #EuropeanAlternatives mamot.fr/@Khrys/11398203069218…

Yesterday a reporter asked me what I would say to someone who opposes public arts funding because a field that is maintained through subsidies clearly lacks a business model.

I said a business model is not something I consider valuable. It's not a metric I care about. I don't think markets are a measure of what's good.

I guess I feel similarly about gen AI and Tailwind? It's hard to discuss their utility, when we seem to disagree about what the goals are.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

1/3 „Čo k tomu ešte dodať. Vyvarujme sa harlekýnov, ktorí čakajú na príležitosť, aby mohli vypustiť džina skazy z fľaše. Vyvarujme sa ľudí, ktorí sa nás snažia spracovať, namotať, hrotiť a tlakovať naše emócie pre svoje chamtivé ciele.“

#LyrikH: Názov Skladby (feat. #DanoHeriban)

1. web.archive.org/web/2021051720…
2. lyrikh1.bandcamp.com/track/n-z…
3. youtu.be/28pSrCyQt9w

Wondering: are #storytelling contests for children a thing in other countries too?

In Hungary they are a staple in elementary school. Unfortunately, kids are made to learn folktales word for word and then recite them. Emphasis is on clear speech and mimicked regional "folksy" dialects. Also, tales are often chosen by teachers or parents rather than the kid. Not to mention the "contest" aspect. Now there's a cultural discussion developing around this.

Anything similar in other countries?

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Musk will OpenAI kaufen - und erntet Spott

Techmilliardär Musk will zusammen mit Investoren OpenAI kaufen - für fast 100 Milliarden Dollar. OpenAI-Chef Altman, ein Musk-Erzfeind, reagiert mit Spott. Auch der Verwaltungsrat sage Nein. Von. R. Spiegelhauer.

➡️ tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/unter…

#OpenAI #ElonMusk #AI #KI #KünstlicheIntelligenz

Amy Wilson Turning Sight Loss into a Vision for Safety & Positivity boldblindbeauty.com/amy-wilson…

Uncharacteristically furious at Windows 11 increasingly aggressive upgrade messaging, which just recently switched from a thing in my taskbar to a fairly persistent nag to an aggressively difficult-to-dismiss popup that opens the settings menu for me to pick an upgrade time if I try to just close it.

Sorry Microsoft. In the last few months I've been through a layoff and a death in the family. The machine backing up my laptop died and needs to be replaced, and we're planning a cross-country move. Oh and now fascism and Nazis are mainstream again, and there are so many more things I haven't even bothered to list because, really, who among you can't relate to this.

In short, no, I don't want to fucking upgrade right now. Give me a moment to put out one of these fires but stop making your schedule and priorities my schedule and priorities, thanks.

🛠️ Důležité oznámení: Překladač je dočasně nedostupný

🌞 Dobré ráno všem,

Náš překladač #Deepl je momentálně nedostupný, protože jsme dosáhli vybraného limitu. Abychom situaci vyřešili, přešli jsme na placený plán. Nyní však musíme nasadit nové API klíče, což chvíli potrvá.

⏳ Očekáváme, že služba bude opět plně funkční během dnešního dne. Děkujeme za vaši trpělivost a pochopení! 😊

Google Calendar removed events like Pride, Black History Month, Indigenous People Month, Jewish Heritage, Holocaust Remembrance Day, Hispanic Heritage

How is this better?

Who was it hurting?

Google exec are cowards.


I wrote about volunteering with local disaster response: lifeofaudrey.com/2025/02/10/po…


Learning from the disasters we already experience lifeofaudrey.com/2025/01/09/di…

Staying safe during civil unrest lifeofaudrey.com/2025/01/18/ci…

Why you need a radio lifeofaudrey.com/2025/02/07/yo…

Changing my grocery habits lifeofaudrey.com/2025/02/09/gr…

If you haven't dipped your toes into Next Gen Access, here's a taste of what Season 1 had to offer! We talk about innovations in NVDA, VoiceOver, JAWS, ZoomText, Fusion, and More! We have an assortment of amazing Panelist including Steven Scott, Shaun Preece, Shelly Brisbin, Robin Christopherson , Carrie Morales , Sam Seavey , and many more talented people! Listen to this highlights of our first season. pinecast.com/listen/c89a824d-5… #a11y

Five Former Treasury Secretaries: Our Democracy Is Under Siege. “[We’re writing] this piece because we are alarmed about the risks of arbitrary & capricious political control of federal payments, which would be unlawful & corrosive to our democracy.” nytimes.com/2025/02/10/opinion…

A reminder that "executive orders" are exactly that - orders from the president for the executive branch. They are not laws, and they do not directly bind anyone not in the executive branch of the US government. They might affect how laws are enforced and other things the executive branch does that affect private individuals, but they are not "orders" that private individuals (or organizations) are required to obey.