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I was thinking about the fact that (afaik) none of the fitness trackers have workouts like „wheelbarrow pushing“ or „shoveling gravel into the concrete mixer“ and what this tells us about class 🤔

Which Instax should I get?

  • Instax Wide (60%, 3 votes)
  • Instax Square (40%, 2 votes)
5 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

in reply to Hubert Figuière

Not sure what you're looking for in the format.

I'd say square is more unique and "gimmicky", and instant film is also a niche "gimmick" these days, so it's a good fit for general use. And it'd force you to be more creative.

On the other hand, wide would work better for group shots and landscapes. But you're probably going to use another camera for landscapes. But square group shots would *necessitate* having more context around group shots.

So I'm suggesting square, I think? 🤔

If there is a clear example of patent blocking innovation, it's the instant film realm. Polaroid cornered it and when Kodak tried, they got sued and lost in 1986. Fujifilm then thought an agreement, limiting their market.

The whole thing stagnated until Polaroid died and Fujifilm was free and clear out of Japan.

And a lot of the know how got lost, see the Impossible Project.

in reply to Hubert Figuière

also cibachrom, seemingly the actual formula got lost because they were so concerned for their IP, some of it didn’t even get written down, and died with the last of the process engineers. Incredible shame, I made a print for my gran in ‘96, it hang for over 22 years bare (no glass) in direct sunlight, now my mother has it, and nearly 30 years old it’s like new, it’s actually lasted better than the original slide. My mum has a number of other normal prints from the same time, and they are now basically monochrome. Kodak spent huge effort to come up with a viable competing product back in the day, and failed — the chances of something of the same quality being created now are minimal, given there are no R&D budgets. Patents are a terrible thing.

Balloons are weird when you think about it. Like, happy birthday; here’s a plastic sack of my breath.

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@Tutanota I tried multiple times, on multiple days, to sign up for the e-mail. It keeps on giving the same faulty error message that I am blocked due to abuse.
Looking forward for help. As I am sick of this error & trying.
in reply to Mahmood Al-Bunni

Hi there! Please contact our support team at and they will gladly assist you.

Did you know that advanced phishing attacks have significantly increased since the release of ChatGPT?

Here's how you can prevent email phishing attacks:…

#phishing #emailphishing #preventphishing #phishingtips

in reply to Tuta

“use your favorite search engine - which hopefully is not Google”


Какие-то нехорошие люди позвонили мне в 7:24 утра, и теперь я весь день капец сонная :ablobcatgrumpy:
in reply to Zvonimir Stanecic

@asael я просто не беру трубку с незнакомых номеров если не жду звонка.
А ещё это никак не поможет, потому что они меня уже разбудили
in reply to Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

Я тоже не беру трубку, но соцэксперимента ради сделал такое на виртуальной мегафоновской симке, когда мне звонили в семь утра по моему времени.

Für Linke galt es ja stets gesetzt, dass Menschen auf der Flucht ihre Gründe dafür haben werden und Unterstützung als sicher. Aber auch Linke fangen an Geflüchtete zu unterteilen in gute und schlechte, je nachdem wie vereinbar die Umstände der Flucht mit den jeweiligen ideologischen Präferenzen kompatibel scheinen.

Vielleicht könnten wir an den Punkt der bedingungslosen Anerkennung zurückkommen. #LeaveNoOneBehind

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Die Kritik an #Correctiv ignoriert, was wir über Rechtsextremismus wissen…

In the ongoing saga of trying to return a bottle I picked up at a shop in the station at Sloterdijk. Having failed at a supermarket in Leiden I tried the machine at Utrecht centraal. But apparently I'm too fucking stupid to return a bottle...

This is the machine. I can't work out how to use it. I have up after 5 mins. There seems to be no interactive mechanism. And you need a fucking app to use it ?!?! Which utter ableist fucking moron came up with this idea?

in reply to Quixoticgeek

Why can't I just hand my empty to the human I bought the full one from ?
What sort of tourist is gonna bother to download an app to get their €0.15 back ?!?!?

Why do al these billion dollar streaming service fail to implement "mark as watched"? It would be way either to implement all this video game like interaction that require proper timing for the user to get right.

Ich will keine olympischen Spiele in Deutschland. Ich will Breitensport und Bolzplätze mit Rasen für Kinder in Stadtnähe. Und bezahlbare Schwimmbäder für Kinder aus allen Haushalten.

Dnešní mokrý #cyklovýlet
Dál už asi nejedu, jsem úplně durch, ale když #birellovka miluješ, není co řešit 😄
in reply to Archos :distros_arch: :matrix:

To potěší. Já jsem včera vzdal jízdu k našim a dobře jsem udělal, bo jinak bych šlapal taky asi 20 km v mokrém. 😇
in reply to Skaut

Já doufám, že mi uschnou boty do neděle, taky chci vyrazit k našim 😄😄

If any of the #intel GPU folks here being impacted by the lay offs, feel free to drop me a message, we are currently searching for a GPU driver engineer (afaik, at least there is still the job posting online).

The current state of AI is like if back when pocket calculators were invented everyone started attaching calculators to everything.

Basketball? We stuck a calculator to it.

Bought a blender? Calculator.

Your new hat has a calculator.

Buy a bag of potatoes, it comes with a calculator.

I do not think this is hyperbole



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Hey everyone,

I'm trying to take another stab at implementing #Passbook (#pkpass) support in #Catima.

It's going okay but I'm having trouble hunting down test cases, especially test cases with localized strings.

Do you have any .pkpass file you're willing to share with me? If so, please send them to me and tell me if you're okay with me including them in Catima unit tests. Feel free to censor things before sending (but please tell me what you censored).


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The Marrakesh Treaty has led to countries opening up their copyright laws and allowing the reproduction of accessible books. However, there are still many limitations. For example, 18.7% of the participating countries have a commercial availability check, and 38% have a secondary law that might require a check.Hopefully, the European Accessibility Act fully taking effect in June, 2025 will lead to a proliferation of accessible books provided by publishers. #accessibility…
in reply to accessauston

And then they'll go eBraille and nothing on the earth will be able to read them...

Exciting news on open-source neural voices!
Our first experiment is complete with fantastic results! Check out the audio sample attached to this post.
For this month, @pneumasolutions provided GPU resources for training. I really appreciate their contribution.
This is just the beginning. To keep training going, I'm still accepting donations. Any amount helps.
I'm happy to receive your donations via PayPal:
Please mention mush42/tts in the notes.
#SpeechSynthesis #AI #ML

Matt Campbell reshared this.

in reply to Musharraf :verified:

may i have a link to your optispeech hfc female checkpoint? I'd like to test this, i am really intreagued
in reply to the pup of space

Glad to hear this!
For now, I'm not making checkpoints available due to them being unstable.
While initial results are promising, I discovered an issue with FFT parameters. Fixed it, and currently waiting for the server to become available to fine-tune with corrected data.
Upon getting consistent output quality, I'll publish an online demo, and make the pretrained checkpoints available via HuggingFace.

If Codeberg is trying to "compete" against GitHub and GitLab, why does it refuse to take a look at AI assistants? Apart from infringing on authors' rights and questionable output quality, we think that the current hype wave led by major companies will leave a climate disaster in its wake:…

Other _sustainable_ (and cheaper!) ways for increasing efficiency in software development exist: In-project communication, powerful automation pipelines and reducing boilerplate.

in reply to

Very weak argument imo.

How are the servers for codeberg powered?

in reply to s_levi_s

@s_levi_s Codeberg is running a single server (~130W) on renewable energy. We know that we can reach more efficiency, mostly because we don't benefit from scaling effects yet.

The difference is more like this:
- we do not encourage users to use more resources, because it would cost us more. Most competitors do the opposite (e.g. recommending the use of heavy CI pipelines), simply because it makes more revenue
- we do not spend any computing power on tracking and unnecessary data collection

Zajtra idem na jedenástu, čiže mám relatívne čas ráno odcvičiť. Dnes bol chrbát s bicepsom, zajtra hrudník s ramenami a tricepsom. Uvidíme.

It's one of those days where I'm missing Window-eyes 2.1 and 3.1, and feeling kind of sad over it. Also the Windows 3.1 Program Manager. Sigh. I will wallow in this feeling for a bit. Also not having Brailab and the classic Hungarian DOS games I grew up with while my American counterparts enjoy their retro DOS games with Mame, kind of makes me more nostalgic, I guess.
Some hope!…
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Tamas G

Ah.. Window eyes. I liked it. Compared to jaws, it was better when it comes to mouse navigation.

Für die Fotoaktion #ZeigMirDeinenBlick in #Plauen habe ich heute früh ein kleines Tool in #Python mit #Flask geschrieben, um den Upload in eine #Nextcloud zu ermöglichen, wobei eine Kategorie gewählt und ein Name eingegeben werden kann.…
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Stéphanie, why did you choose Ottawa and not Montréal when you moved from Vancouver?

Because I have an Anglo husband and I won't tolerate hateful politics against him.

Can't be welcomed with bonjour-hi, can't get healthcare in English. No no no.

"Elle rappelle que l’expression « Bonjour-Hi » est proscrite dans les succursales de la SAQ et que les employés sont tenus d’accueillir les clients en français."…

in reply to Stéphanie Pageau

if that can make you feel better, franco also won't be able to get healthcare. Because the Franco-fascist in charge is also doing all he can to sell it to the private sector after destroying it.

Now I will say "Bonjour-Hi" everywhere. And default to English.

I caved in and got the Meta Smart glasses, because I think I could use it well for Sweden. Does anyone know if the AI in it would help me translate Swedish text around me to English, for example?
in reply to Tamas G

the AI will likely not work for oyu at all in europe. it will realize at some point you're in europe and say it's not supported there. can still make pictures and videos and video calls and such but the AI won't do much
in reply to Florian

@zersiax darn really? I wonder how it uses geolocating for that, that really sucks!
in reply to Florian

@zersiax You have to install it with a US VPN. That's how I've gotten around it.
in reply to Andre Louis

is it about where you activate it or where you use it? Could I get a VPN on my iPhone and trick it through that whilst there? Looks like I'm getting it by Thursday, I leave next Sunday, so I should have time to play and activate it in US still.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Tamas G

@zersiax Exactly what I did. I have Wireguard on one of my Linode boxes, that's all that was needed. Very little fuss.
in reply to Andre Louis

@FreakyFwoof Then again you're in the UK and I'm in the EU which may also change things somewhat, who even knows to what degree that's the same thing post-brexit for this kind of thing these days
in reply to Florian

What are those glasses even for? Is it worth probably the crazy price?

in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Ze by akcia na obnovu dobrej povesti ochranky?

Na Vychode nic nie je, ergo by malo byt lacne zohnat tam zufaleho komparzistu.

zn: hlavne nic nevysetrovat, staci fabulacia, ze ma predplatne casopisu Playgirl



in reply to Peter Hanecak

taky možnosť.. "lacný komparzista na východe" :kekw: no ale hlavne nič navyšetrovať, to je celkom masaker, sú príklady z praxe o/nad ani nepíšem a ani sa nezamýšlam. Rozklad.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Chrome začal upozorňovať na koniec rozšírení nepodporujúcich nové API, aj populárny uBlock Origin…
in reply to rss_dsl_sk

Čudujem sa, že to prichádza až teraz... Ale nikdy nie je neskoro, takže ešte raz - Chrome nie je browser, je to šmírovacia platforma Googlu, podobne ako Android.
Použite, zatiaľ stále príčetný, browser #firefox a nezabudnite na obľúbené rozšírenia vrátane #privacybadger od #eff

Paris Olympics have:
•Russian athletes competing despite Russia invading Ukraine
•Israeli athletes competing despite Israel committing genocide of Palestinians
•A Dutch athlete competing despite being a literal child rapist

But the most hate by far is reserved for an Algerian Muslim woman because she committed the crime of being good at boxing 😐

Saw a shirt that said "ADHD&D: roll for concentration"

Chcem stihnúť kúpiť tenisky do práce lebo staré sú skoro dead s ešte sa najesť a pak... mám z toho stress.
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Neuveriteľné je aj ako dobre tu varia. Myslím že staré skečersi to ešte vydržia.

"Most large software engineering organizations incentivize anti-automation ... predictable work is work that could have been automated but was not automated."…

Tip for #android users:

If you search for simple utility apps on #google's play store it will almost always give you a bunch of options that contain ads or ask for unnecessary permissions.

F-Droid is an alternative app store for android devices which exclusively lists apps published under the AGPL (a #copyleft / free-software / open-source license). It's possible to install F-Droid on a normal Android OS via its APK, but that can be intimidating.

Most of the apps on F-Droid are *also* available on the play store. So, even if you aren't ready to fully switch out of Google's ecosystem, you can still use F-Droid's search as a better way to find options that are (in my experience) free of ads and surveillance.

Each app features a page which links to their source code, which usually has a README file, which usually points to their page on the play store.

the last 2 #wordpress blogs I've set up work fine with the #activitypub #plugin. Users post, the posts go out and I can follow the accounts on the fedi.
The one I actually care about doesn't post anything. Am I supposed to be using blocks or not? Does it matter? And how do I stop the activitypub plugin encoding an apostrophe in one of my usernames, does anyone know?
Bloody wordpress. I should've Hugo'd the lot.
in reply to abeorch

@abeorch it's just called activitypub. And yeah, it's just sometimes reliable, sometimes not. So ... not very consistent.

Sensitive content

in reply to visually perfect

Я тоже считаю, что церемония была шикарная. Что реально подкачало, так это комментарии в разных странах. Начать с того, что никто не понял, почему команды представляли именно в таком порядке (германия на букву «А», например). Им должны были рассказать про французские названия стран, ну или сами должны были провести ресёрч.

Google, has surely won “the gold medal for worst Olympic ad”, says Caroline Mimbs Nyce in The Atlantic. Their US ad is about a little girl who loves American runner Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone. She tells her dad she wants to write her idol a letter – he fires up Google’s AI chatbot and gets the algorithm to do it for her. What a bleak message. “It takes the feel-good cliché of a child getting to interact with their idol and squishes a multimillion-dollar large language model between them.”

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So, got to sit down to some #KitsuneTails. I do almost all my gaming on a #SteamDeck riding a stationary bike, and it's a terrific game for that. It's a breezy platformer that holds enough attention to make the time pass quickly, and I absolutely have been sucked into the story directly of kitsune girl crushes. Absolutely excited to see more of it.
in reply to Kit Rhett Aultman

@eniko I'm hearing so many good things. I can't wait to be able to start working on a mod to add screen reader support and audio queues. Unfortunately I don't have the budget for full audio description that some games have, but maybe something.
in reply to aaron

@fireborn at least the exe is just .NET so it's trivial to decompile it back to original C# source

Basic Webxdc support is almost there. If you're on Ubuntu Touch 20.04 (Focal), Mobian or Droidian, check out a pre-release:…

Feedback welcome :awesome:

More details in the wiki:…

This pre-release cannot be installed on UT 16.04 (Xenial), but in the final release, Xenial will be supported.

#DeltaTouch #Webxdc #DeltaChat #UbuntuTouch