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Join BITS and presenter Maria Kristic, as we take a look at Braille Screen Input in iOS 18.

When: Tuesday October 22, at 8:00 PM Eastern (5:00 PM Pacific).

Where: BITS Community Zoom Room.

With the release of iOS 18, there are many changes and updates to Braille Screen Input. Among the updates are enhanced accuracy and predictive text, new gestures, advanced keyboard layouts, and enhanced language support.
Join BITS member Maria Kristic as she helps us navigate through all the changes.

#Naev #Accessibility #Blind #Game #Development - Hi. These guys would like to make their game accessible for us. Do me a personal favour, jump on the topic and bring in your individual expertise. Wether you are a coder, audio designer or just an ordinary blind player who knows about the mechanics needed for an accessible game, jump in and help us. I whent to their #Discord server and just asked, if there is a chance, making the game accessible at all. and now, see, they put up the Github proposal. Would like to see this really happen. Thanks for your support.…

Wearables could ‘revolutionize’ Parkinson’s disease treatment, study claims…

Digitalizace stavebního řízení je velká téma, které se hodně přetřásalo médiích v posledních týdnech. @keddie na konferenci OpenAlt přiblíží jak digitalizace probíhala. Ve druhé přednášce pak shrne kam se posunul egovernment za poslední tři roky.

Přijďte se na něj podívat v sobotu 2. listopadu na OpenAlt.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Michal Špondr

Budeme se snazit co pujde, ale muze se pokazit asi milion veci (selhat kamera, zvuk, obsluha neco podela, bude vypadek pripojeni, ...)

Osobne jsem se zarekl, ze online streamy ani zaznamy nebudu resit, protoze by mi z toho praskla hlava ;-D

- Dobry den, potrebuji se objednat k lekari, je to celkem akutni, moje potize se dost rapidne zhorsuji a potrebuji nutne zmenit medikaci.
- Samozrejme, hned vas objednam ..... Mame termin na 4/2/2025 na 11.15
- Tak dik, udelejte mi rezervaci a at se za mnou stavi na Cheltenhamskou rozptylovou loucku...
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Archos

@archos Tady je to od COVIDu se zdravotnictvim uplne v perdeli. Ne teda, ze pred tim by nebylo, ale ted je to o dost horsi. Holt budu zase hledat zkratky, ktere jsou beznym smrtelnikum neviditelne

The Whimsical World of Novelty Radios…

They are here again. I don't have to explain why we call them #chaosMakers right?

I work on #curl full-time

(probably even a little more than full-time but let's ignore that for now)


Hádám se svou lokálmí AI (model mixtral), kolik potřebuje vyhradit zdrojů (CPU a paměti) na mém notebooku. Nemůžu ji přesvědčit o tom, že běží lokálně, pořád věří tomu, že je kdesi v cloudu. Si připadám jako militantní ateista přesvědčující věřícího, že Bůh není. Už z těch jejích utkvělých představ dostávám amok.

PipeWire 1.0.9 is out! Some more bugs were fixed. More details below. Note that the 1.0 series is the previous stable version that is still in use on older distros.…

Für habe ich große Sympatie.

Sie wird allerdings mehr und mehr auf die Probe gestellt.

* Die Desktop- und Android-Clients, die nach dem Update wieder mal alles neu synchronisieren möchten
* Das Deck welches dringend #UI und Funktionalitätsverbesserungen verträgt
* Die Nautilus-Desktop-Erweiterung, die für Blinde und Sehgeschädigte nahezu unbenutzbar ist und für Sehende nicht viel besser

... um nur ein paar Beispiele zu nennen.

Wären Arbeiten an den Basisfunktionalitäten nicht wichtiger als immer neue Hubs mit irgendwelchem AI-Zeugs?

#Nextcloud #a11y #Accessibility #basics

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to FediVerseExplorer

Mit der Version 3.30.2 aus dem scheint das Problem behoben.
Allerdings ist für mich ganz und gar nicht klar, was er nun fast zwei Stunden zu rödeln hatte. Es scheint nicht so zu sein, dass die fälschlicherweise heruntergeladenen Datein wieder gelöscht worden sind. Jedenfalls sehe ich noch ne Menge und muss mich jetzt durch tausende Dateien quälen..

Just purchased the new lee Child book out today. I know what I'll be reading just as soon as I'm done with what I'm currently focused on.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

In my youth I did creative things such as this "embedded Linux contest" (from 2012)

Try it out! It's not easy.…

GRRR. I keep hitting f2 to edit Slack messages and failing.
in reply to Sean Randall

I've been suggesting this for years. F2 does work to edit cells in their new Lists feature (which unfortunately has quite a few outstanding accessibility problems), so maybe there's now a stronger case for it on messages as well.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to James Scholes

@jscholes you can hit e in the list to edit, though, i didn't realise that. I thought e worked in the context menu.
R's always worked for reactions, so no idea why my brain didn't connect those dots.

Hi there,
I'd like to share an invitation for blind people from all over Europe here. My eastGerman Hometown Chemnitz is going to be one of the European cultural Capitals next year. The citty is also a center of blind life in east Germany, so 3 of our blind organizations decided to organize a long weekend from 29th of Ma'y to 1st of June for blind Europeans to explore our citty together. You can find more infos here:…

Boosts are very welcome!!! Thanks in advance.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

In the debate about whether AI / LLMs can reason or not it's good to remember this quote from 1984 from Dijkstra , a dutch computer scientist,
""The question of whether Machines Can Think... is about as relevant as the question of whether Submarines Can Swim."
#AI #LLM #reasoning
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reshared this

Jako strategii vabeni umelcu investujeme do partnerskych projektu. Cil je mit kvalitni obsah, ktery upozorni na soucasny neuteseny stav hudebni produkce.

V prvnim pokusu nas Xavi produkoval film s Danny Sethem.

Jako gimmick si muzete Artists vs Algorithm "koupit-za-telefonni-cislo" a vyzkouset si Unreleased tu:

Za mnohem vice osobnich udaju na IG Dannyho:

Dalsi Unreleased Originals jiz brzy (relativne k vecnosti).

#art #music #film

I have a question for people who work in accessibility and design:

Can anyone recommend evidence-based sources on how well Comic Sans does or doesn't work for people with dyslexia?

- I don't need anecdotes, opinions, or big feelings about fonts.
- I'm just looking for evidence-based studies.

I've seen strong, contradictory opinions & a lot of received wisdom about this. That's why I'm looking for actual evidence either way. Thank you!

#Accessibility #AccessibleDesign #Design #A11y #ComicSans

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Shaula Evans

Related question: I'm familiar with Atkinson Hyperlegible. the Braille Institute Free Font (link at the bottom.

If accessibility-oriented fonts make a difference for you as a reader (for dyslexia, low vision, visual processing, or any other reason), I would love to know what accessible fonts you personally like best and why.

*This is question for people who rely on accessible fonts only. No replies from others, please. Thank you!

#Accessibility #A11y #Fonts

Welcome to the RB family, Tool Telegram 🥳…

Tool Telegram lets you send Message for Groups, topic groups, channels, and normal chats.

Thanks for Aquiles to help making it RB!

#reproducibleBuilds #IzzyOnDroid

in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

🇩🇪 "In jedem vierten Ei!" 🎶

Jupp, es ist soweit: 305 apps (25%) bei #IzzyOnDroid sind jetzt #reproducibleBuilds 🥳

Ich fürchte das heißt aber auch: keine "Eier-Toots" bis auf weiteres – das "dritte Ei" liegt in zu weiter Ferne, das wird dieses Jahr nichts mehr 🤣

Politics & DWP

Sensitive content

Whenever I drop a small screw on the floor, 1% of the time it falls directly on the floor, easy to reach in plain sight. 99% of the time, it teleports to an alternate dimension and is never seen again.
in reply to Col

Even better is when working on a laptop and, just as you finally get the screw unthreaded enough to remove, it slips out of its seat and topples to the innards of the laptop. The only evidence of its existence being its rattling about as you shake the whole device in vain hope of shaking it free (and, if you do manage to shake it loose, then it pops out and scuttles off to through a dimensional tear, never to be seen again on this plane of existence).

wow interesting, I did the hearing test, and (yes) I do have the older Lightning pro 2's. Told me I have no hearing loss in both ears and it couldn't recommend any tuning for me at this time, I guess that's good, and what's nice is your results get saved to the health app so this can be useful over time comparing results, too. Very neat, reminded me of those middle school hearing tests for sure with the tones 3 times in repeat.
in reply to Tamas G

I'm about to try it. Pretty sure it's going to say something like "yeah, you're screwed, we can't help you much."
in reply to Patrick Perdue

@BorrisInABox what I find ironic is, part of me had that same thought (and indeed yours may say different,) especially as they're clever with inserting pauses between the sequences so someone can't just tap their way through it and get a false test. I think that's what astonished me, so a silence doesn't entirely mean it's your ears not picking something up, sometimes it can since they do a lowering - raising of volume effect for some tone series to test your DB range.
in reply to Tamas G

I wondered if it was entirely random to prevent cheating.
in reply to Winter blue tardis🇧🇬🇭🇺

@tardis @BorrisInABox so what I did was, charge your AirPods, grabbing the IOS 18.1 RC build in the process. (For me this was like 7.9 gigs so took a bit.) If you didn't have 18.1 before you may need to wait after update, but if you had a public beta of 18.1 the firmware should install to the AirPods Pro during charging and should show 7B19 once you reconnect it in Bluetooth > swipe downw to "more info" on your AirPod.
in reply to Tamas G

Ah, I see. Is 18.1 too buggy? I only have one phone, but I could probably do it on the iPad instead.
in reply to Winter blue tardis🇧🇬🇭🇺

@tardis @BorrisInABox I mean, the build of 18.1 that's out now will be the same one dropping for everyone else next week, so really whether you grab it now or later then won't make a difference in terms of your experience.
in reply to Tamas G

Apparently, I have to wait. It yelled at me to clean my AirPods Pro. I don’t have any distilled water here (the water in this place contains lots of calcium and junk).
in reply to Patrick Perdue

You can use some kinda alcohol but I forgot what kind it was, Apple has recommendations on their support website.
in reply to Patrick Perdue

Uh, Hand sanistasers with more alcohol will work too. Or these uh, I don't know how you call them in English, wipes that have hand sanitasing properties and literally smell like alcohol, just let it vaporise out for a bit, because you need it damp. It worked for me. LOL.
in reply to Patrick Perdue

Noooo! No way. wow! I must teach you how to be a European from like, the central or eastern parts. We always have supplies, we always buy more than we need. Like, we might not need it now, but it's good to have it. LOL
in reply to Winter blue tardis🇧🇬🇭🇺

Yep, new mission, visit you and like, bring a lot of things, so you don't have to ever go to that noisy place called a shop. I really dislike shopping, bleh.
in reply to Patrick Perdue

Good good. I wish people shopped more online here, so we could ask sores kindly for accessibility, but meh, we still go to shops and markets.
in reply to Patrick Perdue

I give-up on english, also I totally like your name. Hahaha. I should find one for me. It'll be super fun.
in reply to Tamas G

@pixelate Do you do a one finger double tap with VoiceOver, or a magic tap? If the former, do you have to find a button before you tap?

Dnes v poledne jsem vydal tohle… a o tři hodiny později mi dorazila do datové schránky výzva, abych začal platit rozhlasové poplatky. Náhoda?

Shodou okolností jsem si zrovna dnes koupil rádio. To je ale náhoda.


in reply to František Fuka (Fuxoft)

teď jsme na tom byli se ženou. Očekávali jsme pitomou komedii na téma dezinformace, ale tohle bylo po všech stránkách blbý...
Chvílema jsem si říkal že vidím snahu o nějaký apel proti dezinformacím nebo předsudkům, ale pak je to zabalený do spousty předsudkú a dezinformací ztratí to zbytky smyslu...😳

Because it came back up in a fun conversation in the Corecursive Slack today, it seems like a great time to re-up this post I wrote about PL ideas, including type systems, including the super fancy ones we don’t see much of the real world yet:…

Hot off the press in the International Journal of Learner Corpus Research: "The more proficient the learners, the less sophisticated their L2 vocabulary? The curious effect of the reference corpus on mean-frequency measures of lexical sophistication" co-authored with @RaffaellaBottini! 🤗

#CorpusLinguistics #LearnerLanguage #linguistics #OpenAccess…

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Internationaler Tag der Feststelltaste – INTERNATIONAL CAPS LOCK DAY…

It always amuses me how the things that keep us alive can also end our lives.
We need water to stay hydrated, but we can drink way too much, or drown.
We need oxygen to breathe, but too much is fatal.
We need blood to keep our body going, but too much blood can become a problem.
It's quite interesting.

reshared this

Egypt has had malaria for millennia. King Tutankhamen died of malaria.

After a century-long public health effort, Egypt has just been declared malaria-free.… HT @anildash

Time to upgrade #GoToSoicial to 0.17.1, small bugfix release. I'm going to live dangerously and not back up the db (I have a very recent backup from a couple hours ago).
in reply to modulux

Well, that was scary. The analyze query took a bit more than 3 minutes, so I thought I'd broken the instance. Fortunately (or not, depending if you can put up with me) I'm back!

My blog took an extra nap the last twelve hours. I hope you all took advantage of that and did something extra fun. Now the pause is over and we're back to our regular programming.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Buenos días desde la Administración Pública.

Ya tenemos redactada la orden de delegación y su documentación aneja. Ahora a informes varios y a vivir.

Esta mañana iba en bicicleta, por el centro del carril derecho en una vía de dos carriles, uno por sentido. En un semáforo, el coche que tenía detrás ha decidido usar un estrecho margen a mi izquierda para intentar ponerse en paralelo, cosa que no ha conseguido porque, como digo, yo estaba en medio del carril. Y, además, había vehículos que estaban detenidos y miraban en dirección contraria.

Circular en el centro del carril es clave para la seguridad porque eres más visible, te adelantan menos y se ralentiza el tráfico de la calle, mejorando la seguridad de terceros.

Pero el señor™ quería pasar. Y quería pasar tanto que primero me ha rozado, luego ha tocado la bici con el morro, y finalmente ha empezado a empujar. Tras un intercambio de palabras sin sentido que no llegó a la categoría de 'diálogo', el señor™ no me ha dejado otra opción: he metido una pedalada, poniéndome delante, he metido mi bici DEBAJO de su coche, y luego he llamado a la Policía Local.

El señor™ no podía echar para atrás porque había más vehículos detrás, que han empezado a acumularse. Varias peatonas que contemplaban la escena se han quedado a comer palomitas y, una vez ha venido la policía, han servido de testigos ante los eventos. No ha ayudado nada que el señor™ condujese sin seguro, el coche no tuviese la ITV pasada y tuviese varias multas sin abonar. Pleno. Tampoco ha ayudado que se haya enfrentado a la policía a voces y que luego se haya puesto a darle patadas a una papelera.

✅ Ha sumado una multa más, se le ha retirado el vehículo y no se ha ido esposado de purito milagro.

✅ Al menos durante unos días, quizá semanas, tendremos un energúmeno menos en nuestras calles.

Y esta es la política a partir de ahora, sin medias tintas, sin grises, sin mirar hacia otro lado. Hay gente a la que hay que sacar de la calzada porque es un peligro. PUNTO

My Mona free trial expires in a couple days and TBH I'm not sure I'm sold. Not on Mona itself - the app is fantastic - but on Mastodon itself. It feels like no matter how I use it there's a drawback. More tight-knit instances silence too many others and essentially censor my feeds. The more general instances censor less, but there's less engagement and wildly less accurate people recommendations. Am I just using it wrong?
in reply to James Scholes

@jscholes James put all this so much more eloquently than I ever could. Mona Pro is good, as it lets you write longer posts, (threads), and repost stuff, but those are the only 2 "pro" functions I use. Mastodon is somewhat like old Twitter, without the advantages of keeping up with news and other important alerts. The conversations are easy on here, but it's not easy to branch out and follow everything you might be interested in. (1/2)
in reply to Rachel Ramos

This is a feature of Mona which is useless, as longer posts are controlled by your instance. Nobody should be paying to have more than 500 characters, with the knowledge that one, there are free alternatives, and two, character limits for posts are controlled by instance, not client. Three, that's an overpaid app for which I could buy a month worth of food, still. Now, on the fedi topic. There's RSS for news, as far as I know, as well as news apps. No one really should tell us where to go or stay, nor should we follow trends. If we think here, or Facebook, or Twitter isn't our place, then we could live with our own limitations, imposed solely by us alone. I still have Facebook, use Whatsapp, and recently deleted Instagram. There are times where nowhere is our place, and we have to learn to let go of some things, to not follow others because of a community, but to look out for what is good for us, where we feel okay. Unfortunately, there is no perfection, so I do not think that people should be criticised for even using X or FB, even if I,myself, do not agree. Hate is petty sometimes, then it boarders on shear extremism of who can hate more, who can spam more, etc. And that goes for everything in the world. Conclusion, if you think Mastodon and fedi in general are not your place, do what is good for you. The choice is yours. And if they are your place, and you need to adjust, welcome to what the fediverse is. There are alternatives to Facebook, Goodreads, Instagram, twitch, and a few others I don't know of. Unfortunately, I wrote a novel, and this is from an instance where 5000 is the limit.