Before you tell a disabled person that they need to “just make the healthcare worker mask”… please understand the imbalance of power that exists in hospital settings.

We can’t “just make them” do anything. If they refuse -our options are to take the risk or go without care.

There’s little recourse when a HCW refuses to mask - there’s almost NO recourse that exists in the moment.

You can file a complaint after the fact - but if the care you require is urgent or an emergency - that won’t help you

Imagine you’re taken to the emergency room with an urgent (or life threatening) issue. The doctor comes in and refuses to wear a mask.

Do you walk out? Throw a fit? These are not good options

Even if you manage to keep your composure and strongly advocate for them to reconsider - the longer you argue the more potential virus you’re being exposed to.

The more you “annoy” the staff - the greater the odds of retaliation or reduction in care.

This isn’t like telling a friend or a colleague to mask. The dynamic is completely different.

HCWs have the ability to help you or harm you. You want them on your side.

A note in your chart indicating you’re anxious, difficult, non compliant etc can follow you around and impact all your care going forward. Getting charts corrected and notes removed is a time consuming and difficult process

As a result many patients don’t push the issue. They delay medical care as long as possible and then just cross their fingers they will get a compassionate HCW when they do finally go.

These delays can also cause harm - and shouldn’t be necessary.

Hospitals have never been terribly safe places. They’re where the strongest and most resistant bugs thrive. They’re also where the sickest and most vulnerable people are.

At least before Covid it felt like hospitals were TRYING to prevent infection.

These days it’s as though any amount of infection control is seen as weak. People are actually bragging about how many times they’ve had Covid or about the risks they’re taking with their health. Staff aren’t masking even around babies, cancer & transplant patients

We have to change course. Our healthcare systems could barely handle the amount of chronic illness they were facing before Covid - they certainly can’t handle the constant influx of disabled patients and staff that Covid is causing.

This is why we need mandatory masks in healthcare settings. The responsibility to keep themselves and others safe should NOT fall on the vulnerable patient.

Many are unable to advocate for themselves - and others are unable to mask.

Mandatory masking protects everyone

Lastly - the solution to this problem should not be “don’t go to the hospital”. It’s not right to make ANY patient feel like they’re wrong for seeking care. Like they’ve somehow “failed” if they end up with Covid.

Until you’re facing a life threatening emergency or serious health challenges - you can’t possibly know what you would do.

Is it scary to go to the hospital right now? Of course. Is it also necessary? Absolutely.

Patients should never be blamed for needing care or for being unable to get HCWs to mask. The system is failing us - we aren’t failing each other.

If you need the hospital - you have all my love & support. It’s impossibly hard - and I will keep fighting to make it better.

As long as hospitals refuse to do what’s right to prevent COVID (hello clean air & mandatory masking)… the onus is unfairly on the PATIENT to avoid COVID.

My guide offers tips to reduce your risk of hospital acquired COVID (and other HAIs)…

#CovidIsAirborne #CovidCautious #CovidIsNotOver #CleanAir #WearaMask #Disability #LongCovid #Ableism #Denial #CleanAir #Pandemic #PublicHealth #InfectionControl #Eugenics #SafeHealthcare #N95 #Respirators #MasksWork #MaskUp #Spoonie #Discrimination #Dysautonomia #mecfs #pots #mcas #communitycare #wearamask #chronicillness #keepmasksinhealthcare #MaskBans #NoMaskBans

in reply to Broadwaybabyto

I’m sad that a guide on how to avoid COVID in hospital is even needed. But it IS needed.

What we need MORE is mandatory masking in hospitals. They would prevent the overwhelming majority of covid infections.

HCWs - you don’t need to wait for a mandate. You can CHOOSE to do the right thing and put a mask on! Protect yourselves and your patients - you will save a life.…

Our friend in Poland said that the AI hosts actually sounded quite dull... Don't know, haven't heard myself just yet... Radio station in Poland fired its journalists and replaced them with AI 'presenters' | Euronews…

A fundraising drive for the US Election Protection Hotline.

Not a US resident or US citizen? Hate all the major parties? No problem! You can donate!

Then watch 8 minutes of nerd jokes about open source software and how programming skews your brain, and none about politics.

Fellow Canadians, would you like to sign up to be a FluWatcher and help the government track covid and flu cases?

They send out one short survey each week that asks if you’ve had symptoms like a fever or cough. It takes me less than 30 seconds to fill out:…

#Canada #Ontario #Quebec #Saskatchewan #BritishColumbia #PrinceEdwardIsland #Yukon #Nunavut #Alberta #Manitoba #NewBrunswick #NovaScotia #NewfoundlandAndLabrador #NorthwestTerritories #Covid #Influenza

Reaper made Easy Q&A coming up this Saturday 26 Oct.
As the end of October sneaks up like a cobra,
this Saturday brings Q&A, Jen might even stay sober.
Either way, Jenny K, Shay and muggins here will be there,
Helping peeps with the Reaps, til I'm too hungry to care.

Usual start time, 8PM UK, 3PM Eastern, or the equivalent time wherever you lay your hat.
TeamTalk details, a calendar invite and a way to send us something to play are all over at The part where we listen to things people have shared and give them objective feedback has been getting popular, so if you've got something you want our take on, don't snooze on getting that uploaded, we can only play a couple things each month and most of the time, it's gonna be first come first serve.
As always, any amount of experience is welcome, and we do our best to make sure newcomers get their questions answered.

See ya there,

scott and Jen

This is why I have been trying to warn about #BlueSky.

BlueSky has just been partially bought by a cryptocurrency company "Blockchain Capital" and appointed a blockchain / cryptocurrency expert to their board:…

The board member is a bitcoin researcher involved with NFT analytics.

BlueSky describe the tie-up with Blockchain Capital as a "natural partnership" and says the blockchain company has "a uniquely deep understanding of our decentralized foundation".

(via @jwz)

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

reshared this

🕛Z #NowPlaying at the top of the hour, 2 hours of relaxing #NewAge, #ambient, and #meditationmusic on Northern Lights: The New Age Show, #live with Kelly Sapergia. More information is at Tune in either by visiting and clicking on the Listen Live link, or go directly to… #TGVRadio #audio #radio 📺🗣️📻🎶🎙️🌌🌈🫣🫰🩵🪬🫶

Vyzera to tak, ze populacia SR ma vcelku problem¹ vyhodnotit, co im skodi viacej:

- mafiani vo vlade
- zvysenie DPH o 3%
- alkohol
- tabak
- marihuana
- nejaki bratislavcania debatujuci pri kave
- zopar qeeer manzelskych parov
- …

via @aktuality_bot…

¹ alebo su skratka az taki prajni, ze obetuju seba a rodinu kludne aj mafianom

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 16 updated and 1 added apps:

* Paranoid's Pal - Privacy Lock: lets you quickly lock your device and safeguard your data

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

#IzzyOnDroid adopted the Contributor Covenant (see So while in the past we suggested you to add our badge or shield to your Readmes when your app became available at the #IzzyOnDroid repo, now it's time for us to adopt a shield. The first of our repositories already have it in their Readmes, the others will follow soon, so you can easily find it:…

#codeOfConduct #contributorCovenant

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

UnitedHealth says Change Healthcare data breach affects over 100 million people in America…

Ustup, Jamesi Bonde, přicházejí Clever a Smart 😎😎

Pracovat na těchhle španělských kultovkách je radost.

První díl je venku, druhý v tisku, třetí rozpracovaný, čtvrtý podepsaný.

Těšte se na hybridní hantecíček, zpotvořenou němčinu, slovní hříčky vázané na obraz (dík, komikse ❤️) a originální citoslovce od mého manžela, protože já nikdy nevím, co to dělá za zvuk, když někdo třeba maluje barvou zeď. @stepan ví, že "šmrdli šmrdli". 🤷‍♀️

A long two days of coding, but I've finally got a good method of sending #Grafana and #Cloudflare alerts to #XMPP set up:…

A number of similar projects exist, but none that could set up multiple pipelines/gateways. Hopefully this is useful to someone; blog-post covering the setup here, including deployment on the Google Cloud Run free tier, is coming soon!

in reply to The Intercept

In two years, AIPAC has become one of the largest outside spenders in congressional elections. We’ve chronicled its power through coverage of individual races, but never before has AIPAC’s massive outflow of money been analyzed in sum.
in reply to The Intercept

Ahead of 2024 and amid growing public outrage over Israel’s war on Gaza, AIPAC made a bold pronouncement: Through its United Democracy Project arm and AIPAC PAC, it would spend $100 million on elections, about one-sixth of what outside groups spent on the 2020 presidential election.

We fight for our rights to vote. Ballot Marking Devices (BMDs) help blind people vote privately and independently. However, our surveys show that one-third of all poll workers do not know how to operate BMDs and that some blind and low-vision voters are not familiar with BMD accessibility features. So, to solve this problem, we have produced videos that demonstrate how to use BMDs. You can watch the videos at

I wish there were more indie GNOME apps (including for example Shortwave, Pika backup, Authenticator, and Monophony) available in the main #Fedora RPM repositories, because waiting 30 minutes for flatpak to download 1 gigabyte of runtimes' delta updates (out of multiple GBs) on a slow Internet connection in rural or under-developed areas (or on mobile data connections), for a 10 megabytes app, is absolutely not fun.

TIL you can link directly to text content in a web page without using an ID attribute


This entry was edited (4 months ago)