Ciudad infinita
La serie ‘Ciudad infinita’ es una invitación a reflexionar sobre la Ciudad de México. A lo largo de seis episodios temáticos, nos propone una manera distinta...YouTube
Double Tap (
InnoSearch Experiences & Embossing With Index Braille
I flat-out collapsed before the 30-second mark, just completely took my knees out…
via Jo Walton on Bsky
Hlavní nadraží Praha - znělka 02 (Dlouhá verze)
Nové video:í nádraží Praha - znělka 02 (Dlouhá verze)Když se člověk zaposlouchá, slyší muziku na každém rohu. Na nádraží h...YouTube
That red skirt I just mended with the little embroidered daisy? Welp, got it stuck on something and ripped the waist opening of it, didn't I. 😆 I don't have thread or a patching fabric that exactly matches so I went the scrap piece of fabric of a good weight and highly visible mending route. I'm thinking it's going to be either a colourful fern or a peacock feather, but bed calls me.
A short reminder that, starting tomorrow (2024-11-06), there will be a row of maintenance windows at our main service provider. Hopefully you won't notice any of them – and regarding our F-Droid repo, our mirrors will have you covered. Just the web server might (shortly) be unavailable.
If you want to keep an eye yourself, be welcome to visit our monitor at
#serviceToot #maintenance #IzzyOnDroid
Welcome to the official IzzyOnDroid Status Page. This page contains an overview of the status of various IzzyOnDroid services and the official mirrors.
Apple Continues Working to Get Blood Oxygen Sensing Back in U.S. Apple Watches as Next Masimo Trial...
Apple and Masimo are back in a California court this week for a bench trial that will see Masimo arguing that Apple illegally poached its employees...Juli Clover (
The US Navy equipped dolphins with cameras to study their unique underwater hunting abilities. The footage captured showed remarkable dolphin teamwork and precision in capturing fish, demonstrating the animals' incredible diving skills and adaptability in varied environments. This innovative research sheds light on how dolphins utilize their sonar and echolocation for hunting.
The US Navy Put Cameras on Dolphins And The Results Were Wild : ScienceAlert
A buzz of clicks and gleeful victory squeals compose the soundtrack in the first footage ever recorded from the perspective of dolphins freely hunting off the coast of North America.Tessa Koumoundouros (ScienceAlert)
and it will be the first podcast you come across, or you can use this link to go directly to the podcast.…
JamminJerry's House of Fun!
If you miss the days of The Dirty House of fun (without the music) then you have come to the right place! you could hear a little bit of anything! Bits from old shows, rants, discussions, demonstrations, cute Stuff from my boys, Random topics, and ev…
hmmmmmm there is something i have to do today but i can't quite remember what it is…
#joyscrolling #CatsOfMastodon #DogsOfMastodon
BTW since it's past 3pm, i should not waste this opportunity to post a GIF of three baby pandas
Mozilla Foundation lays off 30% staff, drops advocacy division…
Mozilla Foundation lays off 30% staff, drops advocacy division | TechCrunch
This is the second layoff at Mozilla this year, the first affecting dozens of staff on the side of the organization that builds the popular Firefox browser.Zack Whittaker (TechCrunch)
#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 12 updated and 3 added apps:
* Aurora Store: the inofficial PlayStore client has been added on special request. At IoD it's one of the #reproducibleBuilds 🛡️
* Aegis: the 2FA app has been added at special request, too
* OpenBible: download & read the bible in different languages 🛡️
RB: 320 apps (26.5%)
Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo
IzzyOnDroid F-Droid Repository
This is a repository of apps to be used with your F-Droid client. Applications in this repository are official binaries built by the original application developers, taken from their resp. repositories (mostly Github, GitLab, Codeberg).IzzyOnDroid App Repo
Zusätzliche APK-Checks im IzzyOnDroid Repo
Nachdem der Library-Scanner nun seit mehreren Jahren im IzzyOnDroid Repo im Einsatz ist war es an der Zeit, einige zusätzliche APK-Prüfungen zu etablieren.IzzyOnDroid
yup, layoffs at the Mozilla Foundation 😢.
some of the folks directly affected are already listed here:
Good, talented people. Get them on your team now!
I'm on a social media fast, which is why you haven't heard much from me, but I did want to share one cool thing. Our stuff has been 8-bit RGB for a while, but it's increasingly clear that's not going to cut it in an HDR world. Inspired by bevy_color and some conversations, I've started a color crate:
If you're into color, I'd love your feedback. If you use color in Rust, let me know whether this crate would be useful, or what might be changed.
GitHub - linebender/color: Color in Rust.
Color in Rust. Contribute to linebender/color development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
#bleepingcomputer #cysec #infosec…
Da ich nicht genau weiß, wann ich zur Aufbereitung des weiteren Backlogs komme, habe ich meinen lieben Leseratten schnell noch die 17 bereits fertig gestellten #eBooks bei hochgeladen. Kommt bald wieder Nachschub zu den jetzt 12.917 Büchern dazu, weiß halt nur noch nicht genau wann…
Bis dahin also: Häppi Schmökering!
Izzy's freie Bibliothek
Katalog mit freien eBooks (Public Domain, Creative Commons): kostenlos und ohne Anmeldung stöbern und herunterladen!
Striking New York Times tech workers ask people not to play Wordle or other NYT games
New York Times tech workers are on strike and asking people not to play its games, like Wordle or Connections.Nicole Carpenter (Polygon)
reshared this
Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love…
Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love
Music video by Frankie Goes To Hollywood performing The Power Of Love. © 1984 Universal Music Operations Limited
Zmizeli beze stopy. Tragédii hokejových reprezentantů stále halí záhada
Přesně před sto lety, 5. listopadu 1924, se narodil český hokejový útočník Karel Stibor. Mistr světa z roku 1947 a stříbrný medailista z olympiády o rok později byl jednou z obětí leteckého neštěstí, při kterém zemřelo i pět jeho parťáků. Připomeňte si jednu z největších tragédií v historii českého sportu.…
Zmizeli beze stopy. Tragédii hokejových reprezentantů stále halí záhada
Přesně před sto lety, 5. listopadu 1924, se narodil český útočník Karel Stibor. Byl jednou z obětí leteckého neštěstí, zemřelo i pět jeho parťáků.ČTK (Aktuálně.cz)
Check Your Local Network Speed in Linux, Windows, and macOS | Linux Today
Discover a step-by-step guide to install the OpenSpeedTest Server on Linux, Windows, and macOS to test your local network speed.LinuxToday
Superfile: A Modern Terminal File Manager for Linux and macOS | Linux Today
Discover a new CLI file manager named Superfile, learn how to install it, use it with different key bindings, and install plugins and themes.LinuxToday
Great guide by @vantablack that explains how to run your own 🏴☠️ radio using azuracast and mixxx on the Oracle free cloud tier:…
With the neat idea to use #ffmpeg through "yt-dlp --extract-audio" to "borrow" some cool audio fillers from one of thousands of video services supported.
Thanks to Vanta #azuracast and #mixxx
🎶 // @vantablack // @azuracast // @mixxx // 🎶
: "pirate" in the title refers to cheekily theming your station after the "yarr matey" swashbuckling type of piracy, NOT illegally broadcasting music. i swear (UPDATED: 1/16/2024) --- FOREWORD be gay, do crimes, and remember to...vantablack
No content note for this one — everyone should read it.…
Stopping Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Agenda Will Be Harder This Time - The Appeal
Trump’s plans are more extreme, and the tools advocates used to limit harm during his first term may not be effective.Tana Ganeva (The Appeal)
Good article on Chinese electric vehicles: China can't cut the subsidies it isn't giving.…
this is cool
Why we’re helping more wikis move away from Fandom
Hi! You may have seen that Weird Gloop is now hosting the official League of Legends Wiki. We’ve spent the last couple months working with the Riot folks and the League wiki editors to move it off of Fandom, and turn it into something the players wil…Jonathan Lee
How to Identify and Add Labels to Unlabeled Elements in TalkBack and Jieshuo Screen Readers - Accessible
As a blind user, you might find an app that seems interesting. However, after installing and opening it, you discover that you can’t figure out what eachKareen Kiwan (Accessible Android)
I wrote down some thoughts on community moderation:
"Enablers of abuse in online communities" –…
Enablers of abuse in online communities |
How established community members can cause huge damage by defending bad
Chatroom - The Global Voice
The Global Voice's Chat Room Welcome to The Global Voice's text-based chat room, where you can communicate with DJs and other listeners live! Rules We ask that you please keep the following rules in mind: Keep the discussion family friendly.The Global Voice
Buy your prints here:…
Although not listed on the site, I printed this for sale in A2 for Milkjug cafe and it looks amazing
If you want that get in touch.
Baristicuffs combines the two great arts of pugilistic boxing and the art of making an amazing coffee.Jaunty Art
The October Thunderbird Monthly Development Digest is out! In it, we have updates on:
* Exchange support 🦀
* QR cross-device support 📱
* Account hub 👥
* Upstream changes and database issues 🛠️
* and more! ✨
#Thunderbird #Development #OpenSource…
Thunderbird Monthly Development Digest: October 2024 - The Thunderbird Blog
Exchange support and account hub development continues, cross-device import lands in stable, and the fight against corruption endures.Toby Pilling (The Thunderbird Blog)
Aleca reshared this.

(To be honest, would be y very first benefit after k9 migration ...)
We'd like to hear your feedback!
Brave people asked us to include Brave as a Google Chrome alternative. In the original post, Brave was not included because it is based on Chromium.
What are your thoughts: Should we, or should we not include Brave in this image of Google alternatives? Why?
Wild ass day in the Tor node operator world. Got an email from my VPS, forwarding a complaint from WatchDog CyberSecurity saying that my box was scanning SSH ports!
> Oh no, oh no, I knew I should have set up fail2ban, oh god why was I so lackadaisical!
So I remote in to the machine: no unusual network activity, no unusual processes, users, logins, command history, no sign that anything is doing anything I didn't tell it to do.
So what's up? Turns out there's been a widespread campaign where some actor is spoofing IPs to make it look like systems running Tor are scanning port 22:…
Operators from all over are saying they're getting nastygrams from their VPS providers because WatchDog is fingering their source IPs (which are being spoofed and NOT part of a global portscanning botnet).
@delroth did an amazing writeup of the whole thing here:…
#tor #infosec #cybersecurity #threatintel #privacy
[tor-relays] Tor relays source IPs spoofed to mass-scan port 22?
It would be hard to explain to Verizon I run Tor relays since they technically don't allow servers. I hope I'm not forced onto AT&T Internet Air as my particular co-op rental unit won't let met get Spectrum even when other units can, not that I wante…Tor Project Forum
Christ all these phishing emails in the past couple of days are crazy.
Thanks @Tutanota for making it easy to mark them, although I wish I could just select them and mark them all at once :(
Sean Randall
in reply to Martin from Toronto • • •